"Well, maybe she has accepted us in her heart."

  Mikoto smiled slightly, being a little selfish. She hoped that Hinata would stay in Wunin Village. If she was allowed to go back, Mikoto was really reluctant in her heart.

  It's not only Mikoto who is reluctant, but others are also reluctant, otherwise, Terumi Mei will not block the news about Hinata in the village of Kirin.

  "Hey, where's Tsunade?"

  Seeing that there was no Tsunade in the yard, Liu Feng had doubts on his face.

  "I left with Xiao Nan and Jiu Xin Na before."

  "Oh, I went with Jiu Xinnai and Xiao Nan, it's better for her to follow."

  Liu Feng nodded slightly. Although Kushina accompanied Xiao Nan to Xiao Organization, there would be no danger, but with Tsunade, it would be safer.


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Chapter 186

  Two days later, Xiao Nan and the others who went to Xiao Organization came back. At this time, Xiao Nan looked lost.

  "That Nagato really doesn't know what to do, I want to beat him up." Kushina slapped the table irritably and said.

  Looking at the table that had been broken by Kushina, Liu Feng glanced at Tsunade, and Tsunade directly used Mudun to create a new table.

  This is the convenience of Mudun. If the furniture is broken, it can be replaced at any time.

  "Nagato doesn't trust you?" Liu Feng asked Xiao Nan.

  Xiao Nan nodded, and then said in a low voice, "He suspects that I was bewitched."

  This time, Xiao Nan went to Nagato to say that his Samsara Eye was probably a conspiracy. Although Xiao Nan did not ask Liu Feng who this Samsara Eye was, Xiao Nan could be sure that it was definitely a conspiracy.

  But Nagato didn't believe what Konan said. Instead, Nagato felt that Konan was bewitched by Uchiha Ryufeng, so he dared to believe Uchiha Ryufeng's words.

  In the end, no matter what he said, Nagato just didn't believe it.

  In fact, Nagato didn't believe in Xiaonan, but he didn't believe in Liu Feng, and even Nagato felt that Xiaonan was being controlled by Liu Feng and wanted to get his Samsara Eye.

  This time, Nagato still wanted Xiaonan to stay in Xiao's organization, but Xiaonan still chose to leave, and Nagato was not in a dilemma for Xiaonan.

  After listening to what Xiao Nan told him, Liu Feng chuckled softly, which was similar to what he expected.

  Nagato would never believe it. Even if he thought it was true, he had to force himself to tell himself that it was false.

  He is more willing to believe that his eyes of reincarnation are a gift from God, not a conspiracy. Even if it is a conspiracy, he will use these eyes to fulfill Yahiko's dream.

  Afterwards, Mikoto and the others comforted Xiao Nan who was in a bad mood, while Liu Feng was called away by Terumi Mei.

  Terumi Mei told Liu Feng that Orochimaru came to Wunin Village and wanted to see him, and asked Liu Feng if he wanted to see Orochimaru.

  Liu Feng thought about it and decided to meet Orochimaru. The most important thing is that Liu Fengxiang knew what the purpose of Orochimaru was to see him.

  "Long Fengjun, long time no see."

  After seeing Liu Feng, Orochimaru flashed greed in his eyes, but he immediately put away his greedy eyes.

  Uchiha Liufeng is not something he can make up his mind, which Orochimaru is very self-aware of.

  "Orochimaru, you came to Wunin Village, aren't you worried that I will leave you here?" Liu Feng looked at Orochimaru with a chuckle.

  "I don't have any grudges with Liu Fengjun, so naturally I don't need to be afraid."

  Orochimaru said it was very calm, but in fact he was not so calm in his heart, and he risked a certain degree of danger when he came to Wunin Village.

  "Tell me about your purpose."

  Liu Feng really didn't have the idea of ​​killing Orochimaru. He really had no grudges with Orochimaru, and Liu Feng was not a person who killed indiscriminately, unless that person made him very uncomfortable.

  And Orochimaru didn't make Liu Feng very uncomfortable.

  "Jun Liufeng, I joined an organization."

  Orochimaru pointed to the clothes on his body, the red cloud robe with a black background, the clothes of Xiao Zhan, the black robe with a few auspicious clouds embroidered on it, and it has to be said that it looks quite impressive.

  "For the most part, I don't care what organization you join."

  Of course Liu Feng knew that Orochimaru would join the Akatsuki organization, and it wouldn't be long before Orochimaru would defect after Uchiha Itachi joined the Akatsuki organization.

  "I know Liu Feng-Jun won't care about this, but what I'm going to say next, Liu Feng-Jun, you will definitely be very interested." Orochimaru smiled mysteriously.

  "The leader of the Xiao organization, has the eye of reincarnation."

  At this time, Orochimaru seemed to be telling Liu Feng a great secret, which made Liu Feng suddenly feel amused.

  I thought that Orochimaru came to Wunin Village to find him at this time. It turned out to be for the eye of reincarnation. Now Liu Feng has guessed the purpose of Orochimaru. It is nothing more than wanting him to snatch the eye of reincarnation.

  There was not much change in expression on Liu Feng's face, but Orochimaru was very surprised. He originally thought that Liu Feng would be very shocked after hearing the news.

  But now Liu Feng didn't have much expression on his face, as if he didn't care at all.

  "Jun Liufeng, do you think I'm lying to you?"

  Orochimaru thinks that Liu Feng should not believe it. After all, no matter who he tells, the Samsara Eye appears in the ninja world, and he will question it first.

  The three major pupil techniques in the ninja world are Samsara Eye, Sharinyan and Baiyan. In fact, the general public in the Ninja world are not unfamiliar with Sharinyan and Baiyan. They have never seen or heard a lot of them, and know that they exist.

  But the Samsara Eye, even if it exists, cannot be determined. It is only known through some classics that there is a kind of pupil technique that surpasses the writing wheel eye and the white eye. The Samsara Eye is the first of the three pupil techniques.

  "No, I don't think you are lying to me, I know about Samsara Eye." Liu Feng shook his head and said.

  "you know?"

  Orochimaru's eyes were a little weird. Since Uchiha Liufeng knew it, why didn't he attack Nagato?Could it be that Uchiha Liufeng is not coveted by Samsara Eye?

  "Orochimaru, do you know, in fact, a long time ago, you had a chance to be very close to the eye of reincarnation......"

  Liu Feng felt a little pity for Orochimaru. When Jiraiya accepted Yahiko, Nagato and Konan, Orochimaru was also there. At that time, Orochimaru proposed to kill them, but was stopped by Jiraiya.

  At that time, Nagato was still very weak, and only when it was extremely dangerous could the power of the Samsara Eye erupt.

  At that time, Orochimaru would definitely be able to solve Nagato, and that was the closest time Orochimaru was to the Eye of Samsara. If he lost that chance, Orochimaru would have no chance in the future.

  Of course, even if Orochimaru got the Samsara Eye that time, it might not be better. Would Madara Uchiha allow the Samsara Eye to fall into the hands of Orochimaru?

  Probably not. If Orochimaru grabbed the Samsara Eye during the fight, perhaps the grave head grass would be taller by one person now, and perhaps Orochimaru should be glad that he didn't seize that opportunity.

  Orochimaru couldn't understand Liu Feng's words, but Orochimaru understood that Liu Feng knew a lot.

  "How about we join forces to snatch the Samsara Eyes, then I only need a pair, and the rest will belong to you." Orochimaru still stated his purpose for coming here.

  It was just to plan the eyes of reincarnation, and at this time, Orochimaru thought that there were more than one pair of eyes of reincarnation, because Orochimaru had seen six pairs of eyes of reincarnation.

  Payne Six Paths, everyone is an eye of reincarnation, but in fact, if you solve them all, you can't get a pair of eyes of reincarnation.

  The real eye of reincarnation is on the body of the outsider Nagato. Penn Liudao is just a puppet, but Orochimaru doesn't know it now.

  "I'm not interested in the eye of reincarnation, and I have it myself." A deep smile suddenly appeared on Liu Feng's face.

  "You also have reincarnation eyes?" Orochimaru was indeed stunned by Liu Feng's news, and stared at Liu Feng seriously. Orochimaru didn't think Liu Feng was lying to him.

  Because Uchiha Liufeng has no need to deceive him.

  The strength is not equal, it is easy for Uchiha Liufeng to kill him, do you need to deceive him?It was not needed at all, so Orochimaru believed that Liu Feng had the eye of reincarnation.

  There are so many eyes of reincarnation that have become legends, and even Orochimaru was a little unacceptable for a while.


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Chapter 187

  Looking at Orochimaru, who had a complicated expression and seemed to be stunned, Liu Feng smiled and didn't mind telling Orochimaru some secret information.

  "Orochimaru, I can tell you, in fact, the eye of the wheel can evolve into the eye of reincarnation."

  Liu Feng's words will definitely make Orochimaru, who was eager to write round eyes, even more want to get them.

  However, even if he wanted to get Sharinyan again, Orochimaru would never dare to fight the idea of ​​the Uchiha family in Mistin Village, and his eyes could only focus on the Uchiha branch in Konoha Village.

  Orochimaru's face showed excitement, and he looked at Liu Feng carefully. He felt that Liu Feng did not deceive him, it should be true, and the writing wheel eye can really evolve into the reincarnation eye.

  "Why did Lord Liufeng tell me this?"

  Orochimaru, who was trying to calm down, asked Liu Feng.

  "There is no reason, I just want to tell you, do I need any reason to tell you this news?" Liu Feng asked lightly.

  Orochimaru felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to see through Liu Feng. The purpose of this visit may not have been achieved, but the information he obtained was in exchange for a thousand dollars.

  "Thank you Liu Fengjun, this is some ninjutsu I studied."

  Orochimaru took out a scroll. At this time, Orochimaru was not so perverted, and would not put things in his mouth, but took it out directly from his mouth, otherwise Liu Feng really didn't want this scroll.

  I took the scroll given by Orochimaru and looked at it a little. Many of them were special ninjutsu mastered by Orochimaru, which could summon snakes. Liu Feng was not very interested.

  Liu Feng is not interested in playing snakes, and the power of these ninjutsu is very ordinary, in Liu Feng's view, they are all ordinary ninjutsu.

  "Jun Liufeng, don't bother, I'll leave first."

  Orochimaru doesn't plan to stay in Wu Nin Village anymore.

  "Wait a minute." Liu Feng suddenly made a sound, making Orochimaru stop. In fact, Orochimaru was very vigilant at this time.

  Just now Liu Feng told him that writing round eyes can evolve into reincarnation eyes. This is obviously a very important piece of information. Now that he knows, will Uchiha Liu Feng kill people?

  "Don't worry, I'm going to shoot you, you're already dead." Liu Feng also saw Orochimaru's defense.

  "I'll give you a corpse. I hope you can research something. When something is researched, send me some research results. It shouldn't be a problem, right?"

  Liu Feng asked Orochimaru.

  Orochimaru is one of the few scientific research experts in the ninja world. In fact, he is quite useful.

  "What corpse?" Orochimaru relaxed, and was also very interested in the corpse Liu Feng said.

  The corpse that Uchiha Liufeng took out should not be a simple corpse, or the corpse of whom it is unknown.

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