After that, Liu Feng threw the corpse of the head of the Otsutsuki branch family to Orochimaru. As for the identity of the corpse, Liu Feng did not tell Orochimaru.

  Orochimaru didn't want to say anything when he saw Liu Feng, and of course he didn't ask any more.

  "If there is a research result, I will send it to Liu Fengjun." Orochimaru can also be regarded as a guarantee for Liu Feng.

  Then Orochimaru left, and Liu Feng did not stop him.

  "I hope you can research something."

  The head of the Otsutsuki branch, with the pure Otsutsuki family bloodline, should also be worth studying.

  Of course, Liu Feng doesn't care if he can't research anything. It's a good thing to be able to research something, and it doesn't matter if he can't research anything.

  "Lord Mizukage, why did you let Orochimaru go?" Terumi Mei asked Liu Feng.

  "If I don't let him go, what am I going to do with him, and invite him to dinner?" Liu Feng leaned back on the chair lazily, and then picked up some documents that Ye Cang had just finished.

  I looked through it roughly, mainly to understand some of the internal conditions of Wu Nin Village.

  Speaking of which, his water shadow is really incompetent now, and he doesn't even know much about the internal situation of Mist Ninja Village.

  "Yecang, I heard that Terumi Mei is bullying you recently, is it true?" Liu Feng suddenly asked Ye Cang next to him.

  "Lord Shuiying, you will know by looking at the mountains of documents in front of me."

  Ye Cang glanced at Terumi Mei, ignoring Terumi Mei's wink, she had long wanted to report Terumi Mei to Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng handed everything over to Terumi Mei, and then the woman Terumi Mei, and finally handed everything to her, and she was the one who handled everything in the end.

  "Ahem, Mizukage-sama, I have something to do. I promised Hinata to go shopping with her, so I'll go first." Terumi Mei immediately walked away.

  "Lord Shuiying, you have heard it now. It's too much to say that there is something wrong when you go shopping. Such a lazy person should be locked in a small dark room and starved for a hundred days." Ye Cang said with gnashing teeth.

  "I think you are referring to Sang and scolding Huai." Liu Feng looked at Ye Cang faintly.

  Because Liu Feng belongs to the one who is not as good as Terumi Mei, so now Ye Cang's words make Liu Feng feel as if he is scolding him.

  "No, I definitely don't. How can I have the guts, I'm just the people at the bottom who have been exploited and oppressed."

  Ye Cang lowered his head and said listlessly.

  "After finishing these tasks, I'll give you a vacation, come on, do it well, I'm very optimistic about you." Liu Feng patted Ye Cang on the shoulder.

  "Do you really want to give me a vacation?"

  Ye Cang was very concerned about his vacation. He didn't know whether what Liu Feng said was true or false, and hoped that he didn't lie to her.

  "Of course it's true. I've always kept my word. After I've dealt with this work, I'll give you three days off."

  After speaking, Liu Feng left, leaving Ye Cang alone in the entire Shuijing office.

  "Oh, you are really new to me." Ye Cang couldn't help saying.

  After all, she used to be the hero of Sand Ninja Village, and her status was very high in Sand Ninja Village, but Liu Feng and Terumi Mei dared to reuse her.

  I have to say, Ye Cang was very moved in his heart, and now he has given up on Wu Nin Village.

  In fact, what Ye Cang didn't know was that Liu Feng didn't care whether Ye Cang was playing tricks. Even if he really played tricks, Liu Feng was confident that he had the strength to suppress everything.

  On the other side, after Orochimaru left the Mist Ninja Village, he returned to the Akatsuki Organization Base in the Land of Rain.

  "Who is this corpse that Uchiha Liufeng gave me?"

  Orochimaru deliberately looked at the other party's eye sockets, and lost both eyes. Obviously, the eyes were gouged out, indicating that the other party's eyes may not be ordinary.

  So is it from the Uchiha clan?This idea was just born, and then it was thrown aside by Orochimaru. It should be impossible.

  "Forget it, let's study the comparison carefully, I should be able to find out his identity." Orochimaru was very interested in the identity of the corpse.

  It seems that he has to put aside some research and concentrate on studying this corpse, which can make Uchiha Liufeng interested. What secrets does this corpse hide?

  Just when Orochimaru was about to concentrate on his research, Bai Jue suddenly appeared in Orochimaru's research room, and Orochimaru's expression instantly cooled down.

  For his own laboratory, Orochimaru attaches great importance to it and does not want to be intruded by inexplicable people, so this avatar of Bai Jue was naturally solved by Orochimaru.


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Chapter 188

  "Bai Jue's avatar is here, is Payne looking for me?"

  After Orochimaru killed Bai Jue's clone, only then did he think about Bai Jue's purpose.

  Soon, another Bai Jue clone appeared, but this time the Bai Jue clone did not enter the interior of the laboratory, but knocked on the door.

  "What's the matter?" Orochimaru came out of the laboratory.

  Considering that it was possible that Payne was looking for him, Orochimaru came out for Payne's face. After all, the other party had Samsara's eyes, and he relied on strength to defeat Orochimaru.

  However, Orochimaru will join the Xiao organization, in addition to being defeated by Payne, it is also for the reincarnation eye, in order to plan the reincarnation eye.

  Coveting the power of Samsara Eye, he even took the risk to find Uchiha Liufeng, trying to cooperate with Uchiha Liufeng, but unfortunately Uchiha Liufeng was not interested.

  Fortunately, I also got a piece of information, and the writing wheel can evolve into the reincarnation eye, but the question is, how did the reincarnation eye of Xiao organization leader Payne come from?

  Just when Orochimaru was thinking about this, Bai Jue said, "Payne asked you to come over."

  After speaking, Bai Jue immediately sneaked into the ground and disappeared, so as not to be slaughtered by Orochimaru again.

  Inside Xiao's organization, cannibalism is actually not allowed. Well, this is fine as long as it is not discovered. If it is discovered, it may be troublesome.

  As for Bai Jue, his status is too low, and everyone knows that many of the Bai Jue that appear are clones, so the grumpy one directly kills Bai Jue's clone.

  "Sure enough, Payne is looking for me."

  A faint light flashed in Orochimaru's eyes, and he must go there. He had to give Payne face, or Payne would come to trouble him for his majesty.

  Now Orochimaru doesn't want to leave the Xiao organization, let alone joining in, it is not so easy to quit the Xiao organization.

  Coming to a dark cave, the outsider golem is here, and Orochimaru glanced at the outsider golem.

  Every time I see an outsider golem, I have a sense of danger, and Orochimaru has a danger perception similar to that of a snake.

  "Payne, I'm doing research, what are you doing to me?" Orochimaru's dangerous eyes stared at Tiandao Payne's eyes.

  Orochimaru has never concealed his coveting of Samsara Eye. From before joining Xiao Organization to after joining Xiao Organization, Orochimaru has never hidden his thoughts on Samsara Eye.

  Payne doesn't really care about Orochimaru's coveting. Orochimaru has no ability to snatch the Eye of Samsara, not to mention that he still wants to snatch the Eye of Samsara if he can't find his body?

  "Did you go to Mist Ninja Village before?"

  Payne's eyes stared at Orochimaru. It was for this reason that Payne brought Orochimaru here. Orochimaru actually went to Wuren Village.

  "When you joined the Akatsuki organization, the leader said that you would not restrict freedom, right? Can't I go to Mist Ninja Village?"

  Orochimaru looked at Payne thoughtfully, and felt that when Payne mentioned the village of Kirin, there was a slight fluctuation in his tone.

  "Tell me, the purpose of your trip to Wunin Village?" Payne stared at Orochimaru with suspicion.

  After Konan came to him before, Nagato's hostility towards Kirin Village became even heavier, to be precise, his hostility towards Uchiha Liufeng.

  "I just went to Wunin Village to find some experimental materials." Orochimaru said lightly.

  As long as it's not a fool, Orochimaru will not say the purpose of going to Wunin Village. Do you want to tell Payne that I am going to Uchiha Liufeng and plan to cooperate with Uchiha Liufeng to snatch your Samsara Eye.

  If this is said, it is absolutely impossible for Payne to keep him.

  Tiandao Payne looked at Orochimaru blankly, and through the puppet of Tiandao Payne, Nagato was also watching Orochimaru secretly.

  At this time, there was no trace of lying on Orochimaru's face, but Tiandao Payne believed that Orochimaru's trip to Wunin Village was definitely not looking for experimental materials.

  "I hope you don't betray the Xiao organization, otherwise I'll let you know the price of betrayal."

  Payne said indifferently.

  "I also hope that the leader of Payne will not monitor me, otherwise I don't know what I will do?" Orochimaru showed murderous aura.

  At this time, Orochimaru can be sure that Payne asked Bai Jue to monitor him, otherwise it would be impossible to know what happened to him going to Wujin Village.

  Bai Jue's strength is not strong, but he doesn't know how many clones he has, and his concealment ability is ranked first, so Orochimaru can't find him.

  Afterwards, Orochimaru turned around and left, but Payne did not stop him.

  At the same time, Nagato, who is the main body, is meeting the masked man 'Uchiha Madara'.

  "What do you think Orochimaru went to Wunin Village for? According to Bai Jue's report, Orochimaru entered Wunin Village openly."

  Nagato looked at the masked man and said calmly.

  "No matter what Orochimaru does, there is nothing to be afraid of." Obito said in a pretentious tone.

  He is now pretending to be Uchiha Madara. Of course, he needs to use Uchiha Madara's tone. He is [-]% similar in what he has learned, but it is still too much inferior in terms of momentum.

  Anyone who knows Madara Uchiha can see that the masked man is definitely not Madara Uchiha.

  "I want to deal with Uchiha Liufeng." Nagato said to the masked man.

  Obito frowned. The person he was most afraid of was Uchiha Liufeng, but Nagato wanted to deal with Uchiha Liufeng.

  I was persuaded by him before, and let go of my thoughts for the time being, but a few days ago, I suddenly had the idea of ​​dealing with Uchiha Liufeng.

  "¨" I said before, my current identity should not be revealed, and I can't help Uchiha Liufeng. "Obito gave Nagato a deep look and said.

  "I don't need your help."

  This time Nagato didn't say let the masked man help. When he made an excuse from the masked man, Nagato knew that Obito would not help, so Nagato planned to rely on his own strength.

  "I suggest you don't do it, of course, I won't interfere with your choice." Obito used Kamui to leave.

  After leaving, Obito found Jue and frowned. Nagato is now focused on dealing with Uchiha Liufeng, which is obviously not a good thing.

  Because he has seen Uchiha Liufeng, Obito is very clear that Uchiha Liufeng is not easy to mess with. In the past, Obito despised him, but now Obito pays more attention to him than anyone else.

  If you think about it, you can also understand that if Yu (Qian's) Zhiha Liufeng has no strength, Uchiha Madara will solve him sooner than later.

  Now that he is alive and well, he can already explain his ability.

  "My words probably won't make Nagato give up. It seems that after he fails, we need to find a way to save him." Obito is now thinking about Nagato's failure.

  Therefore, Obito will come to Jue now, and discuss with Bai Jue and Hei Jue how to save Nagato.

  Bai Jue and Hei Jue knew that when Nagato was going to deal with Liu Feng, Bai Jue laughed at Nagato's over-comprehension, and Hei Jue had an endless haze hidden in his heart.

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