"You are joking."

  The corner of Kushina's mouth twitched, and she instantly thought of running away.

  "You don't want to be a deserter, do you?" Liu Feng asked, seeming to see Kushina's thoughts.

  "Of course not, I'll deal with it."

  Boldly took it. At this time, Kushina regretted it in her heart. Why did she tell Liu Feng that she wanted to experience the fun of Shuiying? Seeing this pile of documents, Kushina felt that being a Shuiying would be fun at all. No.

  "Do you need my help?" Terumi Mei volunteered to ask Kushina.

  Terumi Mei felt that if she wanted a firmer position, she needed to please Kushina again.

  "No, I can handle this trivial matter myself, don't bother you." Kushina waved her hand towards Terumi Mei.

  "It's a vacation for me."

  Ye Cang stood a little and whispered to himself, in fact, most of those things were originally handled by her, but today you can take a vacation.

  In fact, what Ye Cang thought was that it would be great to have a day off every day.

  "Lord Shuiying, can I discuss something with you?"

  Ye Cang came to Liu Feng and whispered to Liu Feng.

  "What's the matter? Say whatever you want."

  When Liu Feng faced Ye Cang, his expression was quite soft. This is the hero who helped him handle most of the things.

  "I think if I can do some other work, I want to change a job."


  The original soft expression disappeared, and Liu Feng rejected Ye Cang expressionlessly.

  "This man is really ruthless." Ye Cang complained inwardly, and she knew that it was impossible to change jobs so easily.

  Alas, her job now is equivalent to being Shuiying's second secretary.

  In fact, it's not that Liu Feng didn't want to let Ye Cang go, but let him go. It takes a lot of time to train the next person who can handle affairs.

  During these hours, Liu Feng might be busy, so Liu Feng refused Ye Cang.

  "Then I'll ask Shui Ying to give me some pointers?" Ye Cang thought for a while and changed the terms.

  Ye Cang still really wants to improve her strength. Although her current strength is still improving very quickly, Ye Cang feels that it is not enough. Ye Cang has not forgotten to betray her Luo Sha.

  Although Ye Cang was able to take revenge by relying on Wunin Village, but Ye Cang's character did not want to rely on the strength of others at all, and Ye Cang wanted to use his own strength to take revenge.

  Now she feels that her strength is much worse than that of Luo Sha.

  "It's okay to point you." The smile on Liu Feng's face reconciled again.

  In the evening, Liu Feng brought the listless Kushina back home.

  "Kushina, do you want to experience the fun of water shadows in the future? I am very welcome, and even willing to give you the position of water shadows."

  Liu Feng felt that if Kushina wanted to, it would be good to give the position of Mizuying to Kushina.

  No, at the beginning, I should have fooled Kushina and let Kushina be the water shadow. Now it is estimated that there may be no drama.

  "I didn't experience any fun." Kushina said speechlessly.

  As for letting her be a water shadow, she won't be a water shadow unless something goes wrong with her head.

  "Sister Jiuxinai, in fact, you don't know how to be a water shadow. If you learn from Liu Feng, you will definitely understand that being a water shadow is actually very easy."

  Terumi Mei said to Kushina.

  At the same time, Terumi Mei also looked at Liu Feng with her resentful eyes. What is the secret of Liu Feng being a water shadow?Hands-off shopkeeper, yes, Liu Feng is not being a water shadow, but a hand-handling shopkeeper.

  At first, it was fine when I was Mizukage, and I still do things myself, but now I have handed over all the affairs to Terumi Mei and Ye Cang. There are few things to deal with in a day, and it can be solved in a few minutes.

  "Don't cheat on me, I won't continue to experience being a water shadow anyway."

  Kushina's head shook like a splash drum, and she didn't want to continue the experience after killing her.

  "That's a pity."

  Although he guessed that it was absolutely impossible for Kushina to act as Suiko, but seeing Kushina's unhesitating refusal, Liu Feng felt a little pity in his heart.

  It seems that the burden of the position of water shadow has to continue to be carried, and it seems that suitable people need to be trained to help him take over.


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Chapter 195

  Time passed, and more than three years passed in the blink of an eye.

  In the Hokage office of Konoha Village, Hiruzen Sarutobi called Uchiha Itachi to discuss something about the Uchiha family.

  Since the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the Uchiha clan of Konoha Village has been constantly excluded, and the senior officials of Konoha are highly vigilant against the Uchiha clan.

  Until now, it has reached the point where it is about to explode, and some people in the Uchiha clan have begun to discuss a coup d'etat.


  After sending Uchiha Itachi away, Sarutobi Hizan couldn't help sighing.

  It would be nice if the Uchiha family were like Uchiha Itachi, but unfortunately they are not so peaceful and honest.

  Well, Hiruzen Sarutobi lamented that the Uchiha clan was dishonest, but he never thought that the Uchiha clan was forced by him and the senior officials of Konoha.

  If you can treat the Uchiha clan a little better, the Uchiha clan will not be so extreme now.

  There are already many Uchiha clansmen who regret that they didn't choose to leave with Liu Feng at the beginning, and if they leave with Liu Feng, why should Konoha Village be angry again.

  "Hopefully Uchiha-Itachi can stop it."

  This time, Hiruzen Sarutobi called Uchiha Itachi over to discuss how to deal with the Uchiha family.

  If the Uchiha family really wants to rebel, then they have to take action and solve the Uchiha family by means of thunder.

  "If you really want to deal with the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village, you also need to consider Uchiha Liufeng."

  Sarutobi Hiizan looked towards the direction of the land of water.

  In fact, the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village is not too big of a threat. What Sarutobi Hizen is worried about is that if the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village is wiped out, what is the reaction of Uchiha Liufeng?

  "Zhishui is dead. I don't know if the death of Zhishui has something to do with Tuanzang."

  However, even if Uchiha Shisui's death was related to Danzo, Sarutobi Hiizan would not choose to pursue Danzo's fault.

  In fact, the death of Uchiha Shisui may not be a bad thing for him.

  Although Zhishui's heart is toward Konoha, it is difficult to guarantee that he will fall in favor of the Uchiha family in the choice of the family and the village.

  Zhishui's strength is very strong, and he made a name in the three battles.

  Even though Uchiha Shisui expresses his heart towards Konoha, it still makes Sarutobi Hidden very jealous, including Uchiha Itachi.

  Sarutobi Hiizhan also understands how talented Uchiha Itachi is, with both strength and wisdom, how can such a person let him not be afraid.

  He is also worried that Uchiha Itachi will become another Uchiha Liufeng.

  What Sarutobi didn't know at this time was that Danzo had already found Uchiha Itachi, and in exchange for Uchiha Sasuke's life, let Uchiha Itachi destroy the whole family.

  Danzo thought very well. If it was the Uchiha clan of Konoha Village that Uchiha Itachi destroyed, then even if Uchiha Liufeng was looking for trouble, it could be pushed to Uchiha Itachi.

  Danzo also asked Uchiha Itachi to agree. Uchiha Itachi was partly for the safety of his younger brother, and partly for the village.

  Obito also contacted Uchiha Itachi under the name of Uchiha Madara, and invited Uchiha Itachi to join the Akatsuki organization. He really fell in love with Uchiha Itachi.

  In the original work, Obito valued Uchiha Itachi's strength, but now Obito values ​​Uchiha Itachi more.

  The reason is very simple, because of the changes brought by Liu Feng, Xiao organization has lost a few generals, so Obito is very urgent.

  Obito made a deal with Uchiha Itachi to help Uchiha Itachi slaughter the entire clan.

  "Obito, aren't you afraid of provoking Uchiha Liufeng by doing this?" Bai Jue said to Obito.

  Hearing this, Obito's eyes showed a hint of fear. He promised very quickly before, but now that he thinks about it, it seems that it is indeed very dangerous.

  "Uchiha Liufeng should not care about the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village."

  Although Obito said so, he still intends to meet Uchiha Liufeng to find out what Uchiha Liufeng thinks.

  If Uchiha Liufeng doesn't want the Uchiha family of Konoha Village to perish, he can only choose to give up, and Uchiha Itachi must also give up.

  In Wuren Village, Obito first asked Bai Jue to send a message of worship, and then came to see Liu Feng.

  "What did you come to see me for?"

  Liu Feng asked Obito indifferently.

  "Lord Mizukage knows the situation of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village?"

  Hearing Obito talking about this, Liu Feng knew what it was. It seems that the Uchiha branch of Konoha Village still can't escape.

  However, Liu Feng really didn't know the news. The news of the country of water is really not so well-informed, and Liu Feng is not particularly concerned about the affairs of other villages.

  "The relationship between the Uchiha branch and Konoha village has reached the point of dire straits, and it is estimated that Konoha village will do something to the Uchiha branch."

  "And there is also news that Uchiha Itachi, the son of the head of the Uchiha branch, now promises to help Konoha Village destroy his own clan."

  Obito said everything, including Uchiha Itachi, who sold it.

  "Is that so, then you help me deliver a message and say that I welcome the members of the Uchiha family to come to seek refuge."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Liu Feng thought about it and said to Obito.

  This is to give them a chance to live. If they don't grasp it, Liu Feng will not care about them.

  At first they chose to follow Uchiha Fuyue, but now Liu Feng can give them a way to survive, it is Liu Feng's kindness, so don't expect Liu Feng to help them.

  "Okay, I will definitely bring this to you."

  Although Obito was dissatisfied with Liu Feng as a microphone, but standing in front of Liu Feng, even if he was dissatisfied, he did not dare to express his dissatisfaction.

  "Okay, then you can go."

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