Liu Feng waved at Obito and sent him away.

  Obito left, and he was here at Liufeng. In fact, he got good news. It is not hopeless to subdue Uchiha Itachi to do things for the Xiao organization.


  "Mizukage-sama, don't you send someone to visit Konoha Village?" Terumi Mei asked Liu Feng.

  Now Terumi Mei calls Liu Feng Shuiying outside, and directly calls Liu Feng's name at home.

  "I should send someone to take a look, let Uchiha Ye go."

  After thinking about it, Liu Feng decided to send Uchiha Ye to take a look. If anyone is willing to come to Kirin Village, Uchiha Ye can also bring them back.

  If you don't know the current affairs, Liu Feng doesn't want to pay too much attention to it.

  In fact, Liu Feng doesn't like the power of Uchiha's separation now.

  At the beginning, most of the power of the Uchiha family was taken away by Liu Feng, and the rest were only a small number of Uchiha people.

  The Uchiha branch who stayed in Konoha Village was also pitted by Konoha Village several times. The third ninja war caused heavy losses to the Uchiha branch.

  And when they went out to perform tasks, they killed a few more people, so that the Uchiha branch in Konoha Village has no power at all.

  Of course, if this power breaks out in Konoha Village, it can still have a certain impact on Konoha Village, especially Uchiha Fugaku.

  The deeply hidden Uchiha Fuyue has also opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, but unfortunately there is no action at all in the original work, I don't know whether Uchiha Fuyue will do it this time.

  As for Uchiha's branch and his family to come to join him, Liu Feng didn't have such an idea, because he felt that it was impossible, and coming to join him meant that some of them would have to let go of their original power. How many could they do?


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Chapter 196

  Soon, a news spread throughout Konoha Village, and the fourth generation of water shadow Uchiha Liufeng welcomed the family members of the Uchiha branch to seek refuge.

  After hearing the news, other major families and ordinary civilians were all shocked.

  In fact, the news like this, Sarutobi Hidzen should have ordered it to be blocked, but this time, Sarutobi Hizen did not block it, and let the news spread.

  "This signal is actually a good signal."

  Sarutobi Hizan understood that if he didn't go to the Uchiha clan of Uchiha Liufeng, then even if he died, Uchiha Liufeng wouldn't care.

  At the same time, Uchiha Ye also came to Konoha Village, and Sarutobi Hizen personally met Uchiha Ye.

  After all, he is Uchiha Liufeng's confidant, so he can't ignore it, not to mention Uchiha Ye's strength is not weak, and he has no confidence in suppressing Uchiha Ye.

  "Three generations of Hokage, if there are clansmen willing to follow me away, I hope you will not stop me."

  Uchihano said to Sarutobi Hizan, his tone was not too polite.


  The expression on Sarutobi Hizan's face was not good-looking.

  In fact, if many Uchiha clansmen really leave, will other clans and ninjas in Konoha Village have their minds floating?

  This is not impossible. It seems that the management will be strengthened in the future, but this time it must not be refused.

  If he refuses, it will not give Uchiha Liufeng face. At that time, Konoha Village and Kirin Village may go to war.

  In the current Konoha Village, where is the opponent of Wu Nin Village, and the war with Wu Nin Village, the final result must be the destruction of the village.

  Uchiha Obito also came into contact with Uchiha Itachi, and explained the situation to Uchiha Itachi.

  I told him that if there are people in his clan who are willing to follow Uchiha Liufeng and leave, don't shoot at them.

  "How much do you know about Uchiha Liufeng?" Uchiha Itachi asked the masked man Obito.

  The reason why I ask this question is mainly because Uchiha Itachi feels that the masked person in front of him is very jealous of Uchiha Liufeng.

  Uchiha Itachi doesn't know much about Uchiha Liufeng. Basically, no one in the clan will talk about Uchiha Liufeng, and even the younger people don't know this person.

  Even he, the son of the patriarch, doesn't know much about Uchiha Liufeng.

  Because there is so little information available, there is naturally little understanding.

  "Uchiha Liufeng is indeed a good junior. Although I am not afraid of him, there is no need to conflict with him."

  Obito did not forget that he was playing Madara Uchiha's identity at this time, so his tone of voice was naturally not small when he spoke, and he was no longer submissive in front of Liu Feng.

  "I feel like you're afraid of him."

  Uchiha Itachi looked at one of the exposed eyes of the masked man, and wanted to see fluctuations from it.

  "Tread? Although the younger generation has good strength, it's not worth my fear, but if I target him, it's easy to reveal my identity, which will affect my plans."

  Obito didn't have any flaws. At this time, Obito was no longer the green Obito he used to be. He had experienced a lot, and he would not reveal any flaws in front of Uchiha Itachi.

  But even so, Uchiha Itachi still has doubts about Obito's identity.

  In fact, anyone who hears Obito claiming to be Madara Uchiha has doubts about his identity.

  After that, Obito fled away, Uchiha Itachi was very smart, and Obito didn't want to spend too long with him, so as not to reveal more flaws.

  If his identity is revealed, perhaps the plan may be carried out normally, but it will also be affected.

  At this time, the Uchiha branch of Konoha Village was also quite shocked, and some high-level officials began to discuss.

  "Are you guys thinking of going to the Mist Ninja Village?"

  One of the elders asked the others.

  "Going to Kirin Village is definitely better than our current situation, but if we join Kirin Village, will we still have our current status?" A senior Uchiwa asked his own question.

  In an instant, the others fell into silence. Indeed, if they went to Mist Ninja Village, would they still be able to maintain their current status?

  Entering the Uchiha Sect's family in Mistin Village, it is estimated that you can only be a low-level person, at most a middle-level person, which is not as comfortable as it is now.

  I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, this is what many people think.

  Everyone looked at Uchiha Fuyake, what did the patriarch think?

  "I don't agree to join the Mist Ninja Village."

  Uchiha Fuyue of course disagreed. At the beginning, he had a lot of conflicts with Uchiha Liufeng. If he entered the Mist Ninja Village now, would Uchiha Liufeng let him go?

  He was worried that Uchiha Liufeng would find a reason to kill him.

  Even if Uchiha Liufeng does not do anything in the end, if he leaves him, it is estimated that he will lose everything, and maybe it is better to live in Konoha Village.

  Therefore, Uchiha Fuyue is firmly opposed. With the objection of Uchiha Fuyue, the patriarch, everyone else has almost decided.

  I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. It's good to join Wu Nin Village, but it's not worth it to lose everything I have now...  

  Some people don't care about power, but some people don't want to let go of power.

  "We don't join Wu Ninja Village, and we can't let the following clansmen go to Uchiha Liufeng." Uchiha Fuyue said again.

  Now the clansmen of the Uchiha family are used to fight against Konoha Village. Once there are too many lost clansmen, it is the bargaining chip.

  "You are secretly propagating, and going to Mist Ninja Village will not be beneficial." Uchiha Fuyue asked the elders to publicize.

  In fact, Uchiha Fuyue also knows that staying in Konoha Village may not be a good thing, but even if he dies, he will die in Konoha Village, instead of going to Kirin Village to beg for a living, this is his Uchiha Fugaku's choice.

  It is his selfishness to pull these clansmen, but this is also the only bargaining chip that can negotiate with Konoha Village.

  If there are only a few Uchiha people left, how can we negotiate with Konoha Village?

  Uchiha Fuyue sent elders to secretly promote it, and the effect was very good, and some people who originally wanted to join the Mist Ninja Village also gave up the idea.

  But then Uchiha Ye came to the Uchiha clan and took away some Uchiha clan people, all of whom were determined to leave.

  It is impossible for Uchiha Fuyue to brainwash everyone. Some people feel that there is really no hope in staying in Konoha Village. It is better to go to Wu Ninja Village.

  Of course, they are all people of low status, and they have no right to speak in the clan, they belong to the bottom.

  Even if these people leave, Uchiha Fugaku does not feel that they will pose a threat to the Uchiha family.

  "You will be grateful for your choice, because there is only one dead end to stay here." Uchiha Ye said to them when he took these people away.

  Uchiha Ye already knew the situation, Konoha Village had decided to take action, and even there were traitors within Uchiha. Uchiha Ye was very disgusted with such traitors who wanted to help Konoha Village to destroy his own family.

  Disgust is disgust, but he doesn't care. Those who are unwilling to go to Kirin Village, in Uchihano's view, do not know what is good or bad, and those who do not know good or bad don't need to be concerned.

  After that, Uchiha Ye left with these Uchiha clansmen who were willing to go with him. There were only a dozen of them. Uchiha Ye was worried that after returning, he would be punished for bringing too few people back.


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Chapter 197

  "Patriarch, I only brought back fifteen people, please punish the patriarch."

  After Uchihano came back, he looked at Liu Feng with a guilty face.

  "Why punish you? It's their own choice. I thought no one would follow you. It's not bad to have these fifteen people now."

  Of course Liu Feng would not punish Uchiha. It was good to be able to bring back [-] people. Even if one was not brought back, Liu Feng would not blame Uchiha.

  This is their own choice, and Liu Feng also told Uchiha Ye that there is no need to force it. If it is forced, Uchiha Ye can bring the entire Uchiha branch over.

  But this is not necessary. If they were forced to come here, then there would be no point. Even bringing them back, Liu Feng had to worry about what they would do.

  What Liu Feng needs is a family member who is sincerely willing to come to Mistin Village, not someone who is reluctant to be forced to come here.

  "I'll take these Uchiha people back first, you can leave first."

  Liu Feng took these clansmen into the Uchiha clan in Kirin Village.

  "This...this is much better than our clan in Konoha Village."

  "It's the right time to come to Mist Ninja Village, we finally don't have to be angry in Konoha Village."

  "Is this the Liufeng Patriarch? It feels so young."

  Some Uchiha clansmen talked about 28 in the back, but Liu Feng ignored their discussions. After entering the clan, Liu Feng handed over to his father-in-law Uchiha Yun to arrange them.

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