They are willing to come to Wu Nin Village, and Liu Feng will not treat them badly. Of course, it is impossible to treat them more favorably than other clansmen. It can be regarded as equal treatment.

  But even if they were treated equally, they lived much better in Wu Nin Village than in Konoha Village.

  Although they are also the largest clan in Konoha Village on the bright side, everyone else vaguely rejects them, and it is not easy to live in Konoha Village.

  "Patriarch, do you really care about those clansmen?"

  After Uchiha Yun arranged everything, he asked Liu Feng.

  "That's their own choice. I gave them a chance, but they don't want to live. I even said it when I split up, and there is no contact in the future."

  It is impossible for Liu Feng to rush to save others.

  "Forget it, since you have chosen the path, then naturally you have to go on."

  Uchiha Yun doesn't plan to take care of it anymore. Now he can't even take care of the Uchiha family in Wunin Village. How can he worry about the separation of Uchiha in Konoha Village?

  Liu Feng sent Uchiha Ye to take away a few people, but it did not change the plan of Konoha Village's Uchiha branch. Even if they lost Shishui and their morale was low, they were still planning a rebellion.

  In fact, Uchiha Fuyue did not agree with the rebellion this time, and he also wanted to negotiate at the negotiating table.

  However, most of the clansmen supported the rebellion. In addition, Uchiha Fuyue met with the senior officials of Konoha several times and did not get the slightest concession, so Uchiha Fuyue agreed.

  Maybe he has a chance to be Hokage too.

  Thinking of Uchiha Liufeng becoming Mizukage's majesty, and holding the strongest Mist Ninja Village in the ninja world, why can't he become Hokage?

  Even if it is to compare with Uchiha Liufeng, he has to try this Naruto seat.

  Root organization, Danzo meets Uchiha Itachi again.

  For Danzo, Uchiha Itachi is very disgusted, and Shishui, who is also his teacher and friend, was severely injured by Danzo ambush, and even one eye was taken away by Danzo.

  If it weren't for Danzo, Zhishui would not have committed suicide in the end.

  Shisui, who lost one eye, wanted to use suicide to stop the ambitions of the Uchiha clan and let them give up the plan of rebellion.

  Because Shisui is the backbone of the Uchiha clan, his death did drop the morale of the Uchiha clan, but the Uchiha clan still did not put down their plans.

  "You know the reason why I called you here. Tonight, the Uchiha clan must be destroyed."

  Danzo said to Uchiha Itachi indifferently.

  Thinking that his Shimura clan was exterminated because of Uchiha Liufeng, Danzo felt hatred in his heart, and he would definitely not dare to provoke the Uchiha clan of Wunin Village.

  But the Uchiha branch in Konoha Village, killing them can also relieve Danzo.

  "I know, I hope you will abide by the agreement between us, otherwise, I will not let you go."

  Uchiha Itachi turned and left, and when he reached the door, he turned on his kaleidoscope and glanced at Danzo.

  Danzo's face was gloomy, and Uchiha Itachi was finally threatening him.


  With a cold snort, Danzo also dispelled the idea of ​​​​killing the grass and rooting, and killing it together with Uchiha Sasuke.

  Sarutobi Hizen has also warned Danzo not to take action against Uchiha Sasuke, because Uchiha Itachi said that if Sasuke had an accident, he would reveal the secret information of Konoha Village.

  What's more, Uchiha Itachi is also a threat in itself. They also need Uchiha Itachi to go undercover in a certain organization and get some information about that organization.

  This organization is of course the Akatsuki organization, and Uchiha Itachi told Konoha executives about the organization's invitation to him, and he was considered an undercover agent.

  After leaving the root organization, Uchiha Itachi contacted the masked man and asked him to help destroy the Uchiha family.

  Obito agreed without hesitation, he has no feelings for the Uchiha family.

  When he was in Konoha Village, Obito was not taken seriously by the clan because he was the tail of a crane, and even because of the issue of face, he humiliated Obito a lot, saying that he was not worthy of being a Uchiha clansman at all, and that he was humiliating to Uchiha.

  Obito still remembers these things clearly.

  Besides, who else does Obito care about now besides Lin?At most, add Kakashi, but now the relationship between Obito and Kakashi is almost faded.

  No matter what the reason was at the time, he saw Kakashi kill Rin with his own eyes, and he didn't kill Kakashi now, it was because of his former affection.

  Uchiha Itachi, who returned to the clan, was expressionless and did not say a word when he met the clan.

  And those clansmen are also very hostile to Uchiha Itachi. They think that Uchiha Itachi has betrayed. Well, indeed, Uchiha Itachi has indeed betrayed.

  In addition, the death of Uchiha Shisui was also suspected by them on Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Itachi did not excuse this.

  The senior members of the Uchiha family are still discussing plans.

  Their plan is to directly capture Hiruzen Sarutobi, and then force Hizan Sarutobi to abdicate, so that Uchiha Fugaku becomes Hokage.

  This plan must be fast, so that Konoha Village cannot react, otherwise, they have no chance of winning against the entire Konoha Village.

  The plan was negotiated, but they had no chance to implement it. At dusk, the killing had already begun.

  Holding a long knife in his hand, Uchiha Itachi reaps life expressionlessly, and the Uchiha clansmen he meets all die under Uchiha Itachi's knife.

  "Uchiha Itachi, what are you doing?" The Uchiha Ninja who came over stared at Uchiha Itachi angrily.

  "One clan, do you only have narrow clan interests in your eyes?"

  Ninja knife mercilessly pierced through the body of a clan, the clan's eyes widened, and he fell down with a face of unwillingness, completely dead and alive.

  Looking at the people who died in front of him, Uchiha Itachi was numb.

  "Crazy, he's crazy, kill him."

  The angry Uchiha clansman, the anger in his eyes will burn Uchiha Itachi to ashes.


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Chapter 198

  "This Uchiha Itachi is ruthless, and he is not at all incapable of dealing with his fellow clan."

  Jue followed behind Obito at this time, looking at Uchiha Itachi who was slaughtered in the distance and said with emotion.

  "Isn't that exactly what we need?"

  Obito is very satisfied with Uchiha Itachi's ruthlessness, so he is suitable for joining the Akatsuki organization, but for Uchiha Itachi, he still needs to be somewhat guarded.

  Although he seemed to be very cruel to his clan, Obito knew that Uchiha Itachi was very concerned about Konoha Village.

  As for what Uchiha Itachi said about exterminating the family just to test his own energy, he was definitely deceiving him, and Obito didn't believe it.

  After earning the Akatsuki organization, let Nagato keep an eye on it for a while. After entering the Akatsuki organization, it will be impossible to escape in the future. Obito has the confidence to let him do things for the Akatsuki organization wholeheartedly.

  "Let's start too, we promised not to let go."

  Obito said to Jue behind him.

  Of course, it's definitely not to participate in the battle, but to dispatch Bai Jue's clone to dig out the writing wheel, and Obito also wants to collect some writing wheels.

  Ordinary writing wheel eyes with soil will not be needed, but with soil needs at least a writing wheel with three gouyu.

  After Obito joined the slaughter, the situation was one-sided. There were actually quite a few clansmen in the Uchiha branch, but in front of the death god who harvested life, they couldn't stop it at all.

  Obito relies on his own divine power, and killing these ordinary ninjas is just like playing.

  The powerhouse at the peak of the shadow level, don't even think about Obito, unless he can crack Obito's divine power.

  But there are a few who can break the blur of divine power, who can attack continuously for five minutes, who can continuously attack for five minutes.

  Note that the most important thing is not to stop, you must continue to attack for five minutes.

  The second is to have the same time and space ninjutsu to restrain Obito.

  There are very few people who can have these conditions, so when Obito kills, no one can stop it.

  Uchiha Itachi is also observing Obito, and it is really strong enough, no matter whether the other party is Uchiha Madara, but the other party's strength is indeed strong.

  Shangin couldn't hold a move in the opponent's hands, and the other party seemed to be playing around.

  "Patriarch, Uchiha Itachi has betrayed 々..."

  An elder found Uchiha Fuyue and said to Uchiha Fuyue.

  "I see."

  Uchiha Fuyue's face was a little calm, as if he had expected it a long time ago. Zhizi Mo Ruofu and Uchiha Fuyue also knew about Uchiha Itachi's recent actions.

  "You still chose to stand on the side of Konoha Village."

  Before, Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Itachi talked, but the result of the chat was not ideal, and the father and son had a big fight.

  Even during this time, the two of them have more than quarreled.

  "Itachi, everything about you comes from the Uchiha clan."

  Fuyue stood up, with a gloomy light in his eyes. Unlike the Uchiha Fuyue who was waiting to die in the original book, the current Uchiha Fuyue has ambitions.

  Maybe he wants to compare with Uchiha Liufeng, anyway, Uchiha Fuyue does not intend to wait quietly for death.

  "The top management of Konoha should know about our plan, so we changed our strategy and left Konoha Village."

  Fuyue said to the elder in front of him.

  Uchiha Fuyue wanted to learn once Liufeng, but Uchiha Liufeng took the Uchiha clan to leave Konoha, and he even flattened Konoha Village.

  Maybe he didn't push the strength of Konoha Village, but he felt that he could still do it with his clansmen leaving Konoha Village.

  "Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye."

  After seeing the patriarch's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, the elder's expression was stunned, because Uchiha Fuyue was hiding too deeply, and no one knew that Uchiha Fuyue opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

  Then the elder's eyes showed a frenzy, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, the patriarch has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, then this war may not necessarily be lost.

  "Patriarch, do you have to leave Konoha Village?"

  This elder is still a little unwilling. He is so good in Konoha Village. Where should he leave Konoha Village?

  Could it be that I had already refused to go to Wu Nin Village before, and if I go to Wu Nin Village now, I am afraid that people will not want people like myself.

  It is not a good choice to go to other Ninja villages. Uchiha Liufeng took people to Wu Ninja Village at first, but they directly became the water shadow of Wu Ninja Village.

  But if it was them, they would definitely not have this ability.

  "You must leave Konoha Village."

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