The tailed beast has a very strong perception of danger. When Naruto Uzumaki saw Liu Feng, Nine Tails felt the danger of Liu Feng through Naruto Uzumaki.

  "You know it too."

  Uzumaki Naruto's expression was cold, but when he mentioned "it", hatred could not be contained in his eyes.

  If it weren't for the monster in his body, he wouldn't have been beaten and scolded since he was a child. He was called a demon fox. He was beaten until he was excluded from childhood, and he didn't have a single friend at all.

  "Do you know Iruka?"

  Liu Feng suddenly asked Naruto Uzumaki, who was full of hatred and completely different from the original book.

  "do not know."

  Naruto Uzumaki shook his head calmly.

  "Don't you know?"

  Liu Feng probably knows why Naruto Uzumaki has become like this. Iruka Uno, the first teacher of Naruto Uzumaki in the original book, is also one of the people who has the greatest influence on Naruto Uzumaki, and he gave Naruto Uzumaki his initial care. people.

  Perhaps Naruto's character at the beginning was no different from the original, but without the light of Iruka, his character completely changed under the backlog of negative emotions.

  "Naruto, do you want to know your father?"

  Looking up, a smile suddenly appeared on Liu Feng's face.

  Not far away, Kakashi's face changed wildly, letting Naruto know his identity, what would be the consequences?

  "You know my father, do I have a father too?"

  Uzumaki Naruto's indifferent face disappeared, and his face finally showed excitement and hatred.

  When he was a child, he longed for his family and hoped for their care, but that seemed to be his extravagant hope. Later, he also thought that he was the incarnation of the demon fox and had no father at all.

  "Master Shuiying."

  Kakashi shouted eagerly, but Liu Feng's look made Kakashi half kneel on the ground with a shocked expression.

  "I don't like being interrupted by others," Liu Feng said calmly to Kakashi.

  Kakashi also knows that he can't stop it. He doesn't know what purpose Mizukage has. I hope it's not bad for Konoha Village.

  "Naruto, your father is the Fourth Hokage Naruto Feng Minato. He died to seal the Nine-Tails. At that time, you just born became the container of the Nine-Tails. Your father was the hero who saved Konoha Village."

  Liu Feng wanted to know what he would do if he told Naruto, whose negative emotions had exploded.

  "You...all what you said is true?"

  Uzumaki Naruto's body trembled a little, and there was a violent chakra aura on his body, which was the chakra leaked by the Nine Tails.

  The leak of Nine-Tails Chakra made Kakashi tremble with fear, for fear that Nine-Tails in Naruto would take the opportunity to run wild.

  However, Kakashi's worries were unnecessary. With Liu Feng here, the Nine-Tails wouldn't be able to go berserk even if he wanted to, and he didn't dare to come forward.

  "Why, since my father is the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, why should I be treated like that, since you said that I am the son of the hero of Konoha Village, why do they call me a demon fox, why?"

  An astonishing hatred erupted from Naruto Uzumaki. This hatred shocked the Nine-Tails, but the Nine-Tails probably understood that he would have such a big hatred at such a young age.

  He has been bullied since childhood, eating expired bread and drinking expired milk, so there are still people who are unwilling to sell it to him.

  People will throw stones when walking on the road, and a cold look is relatively a good attitude. This is the childhood of Naruto Uzumaki.

  "If you want to ask why, I can't give you the answer. If you want to find the answer, you can rely on yourself."

  Liu Feng suddenly took out a ninjutsu scroll and threw it to Naruto Uzumaki, Spiral Maru and Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu.

  Today's Naruto Uzumaki definitely didn't get the multi-shadow avatar technique. In the original book, he got the multi-shadow avatar technique should be regarded as compensation for him by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

  But Hiruzen Sarutobi compensated him, and that would be in a state where Naruto Uzumaki was obedient. Is Naruto Uzumaki obedient now?

  "These two ninjutsu will be handed over to you, but I am very optimistic about you."

  Liu Feng patted Naruto Uzumaki on the shoulder. As for whether Naruto Uzumaki can learn without anyone pointing it out, it is up to him.


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Chapter 208

  Holding a ninjutsu scroll in his hand, the hatred in Naruto Uzumaki temporarily subsided.

  "Although I don't know why you helped me and what purpose you have for helping me, you are the only one who helped me, thank you... thank you."

  Naruto Uzumaki didn't know whether Liu Feng was a good person or a bad person, but he told him about his father and gave him ninjutsu, the only one who helped him.

  For that alone, he will definitely repay in the future.

  "I don't need your thanks, it's just a random move for me."

  Liu Feng gave Kakashi one last look, and then left with Ye Cang.

  "Lord Mizukage, we just left? Didn't we teach that Hatake Kakashi a lesson?" Ye Cang asked Liu Feng in confusion.

  "Yecang, do you think I came out in person to teach Hatake Kakashi a lesson."

  Liu Feng just wanted to meet the protagonist. As for helping to take revenge?After thinking too much, Liu Feng did not come to avenge Zaibuzhan.

  Injury is inferior to others. If he wants revenge, let him do it himself. Liu Feng personally came to avenge an elite Junin. That is a joke.

  But this time, Liu Feng did gain something. I didn't expect to see Naruto Uzumaki who looked like this. The character of the protagonist Naruto has changed. It seems that the next plot will change even more.

  If Liu Feng didn't have the strength, he definitely didn't want the plot to change too much, but Liu Feng's strength is not afraid of everything. Even if the plot changes dramatically, Liu Feng doesn't care, but Liu Feng is happy to see something different.

  That's why Liu Feng specifically told Naruto Uzumaki about his father before, and handed over the technique of multiple shadow clones and Spiral Maru to Naruto Uzumaki.

  The purpose of Liu Feng is to see how much impact Naruto Uzumaki can have.

  "Mizukage-sama, do you want to pull the nine-tailed man Zhuli to our Ninja Village?" Ye Cang suddenly asked Liu Feng.

  "Yecang, do you think I would care about the power of a nine-tailed?"

  Nine tails are a natural disaster to others, but in front of the real powerhouse, nine tails are just playthings.

  "Let's go, let's find Orochimaru 々..."

  Liu Feng said to Ye Cang.

  "Why are you looking for Orochimaru?" Ye Cang was puzzled.

  "You will know after you find Orochimaru, it has something to do with you."

  "It has something to do with me, could it be about my revenge?" Ye Cang instantly cheered up. If there was anything Ye Cang couldn't let go of over the years, it was his hatred of Luo Sha.

  Ye Cang guessed right, Liu Feng went to Orochimaru to help Ye Cang deal with Luo Sha.

  Although it is possible to directly take Ye Cang into Sand Ninja Village to kill Luo Sha, but doing so is too bullying, Liu Feng thinks that she should save some face for Sand Ninja Village.

  Orochimaru should start planning to kill Luosha of the Fourth Kazekage. As long as Orochimaru prepares the Konoha collapse plan, he will definitely find a way to deal with Luosha.

  In the original book, Luo Sha was assassinated by Orochimaru with the pharmacist pocket and Kaguya Junma Lu. Like the three generations of Kazekage, it can be called the most aggrieved shadow to die.

  But this time, Orochimaru must have no help from Junmalu, because Junmalu no longer exists.

  Perhaps it was the influence of Liu Feng. When Liu Feng came to Wunin Village, he made the Kaguya clan a part of history, which led to the disappearance of Junmalu, a good thug.

  Liu Feng had many subordinates, and it was nothing to lose the chance to conquer Kaguya-kun Maru, but Orochimaru had no Kaguya-kun Maru, so his combat power would definitely drop a lot.

  The current Orochimaru, if he wants to assassinate the fourth generation of Kazekage Luosha, may not be able to succeed. At this time, Liu Feng does not mind taking Ye Cang to help Orochimaru.

  It is very easy for Liu Feng to find Orochimaru. Although Orochimaru is deeply hidden, it is not a secret to the information of Wu Ninja Village.

  In the past, the intelligence ability of Wu Ninja Village was relatively general, but now after Liu Feng's attention, the intelligence ability in the Ninja world is now second only to Bai Jue at most.

  "What is the purpose of Liu Fengjun's coming here?"

  Orochimaru asked Liu Feng.

  There must be something to come to Tianzhiguo to find him, otherwise, is it to catch up?The friendship between him and Liu Feng is not deep.

  "Orochimaru, do you want to assassinate Luo Sha?"

  Liu Feng asked straight to the point.

  "How did Liu Feng-jun know?" Orochimaru's expression changed slightly. He just had this idea in his heart, and Liu Feng knew it.

  "It doesn't matter how I know, the important thing is that you understand that we can help you."

  "Help me?" Orochimaru had some doubts in his heart, is he planning to attack Sand Ninja Village?

  "There is a grudge between Ye Cang and Luo Sha. Now she plans to take revenge. You can find a way to get Luo Sha out and let Ye Cang kill Luo Sha."

  Liu Feng believes that Orochimaru will definitely agree, and they have already helped you kill Luo Sha. Can Orochimaru still agree, not to mention that it is only good for Orochimaru to agree.

  "Okay, then thank you Liufeng-jun for your help."

  Orochimaru smiled at Liu Feng, but Orochimaru's smile looked a bit ugly to be honest.

  "When you bring Luo Sha out of the sand ninja village, pass the news to me. I will stay in the country of Tian these days."

  Liu Feng is about to leave Orochimaru. The environment in Orochimaru is really bad. He is similar to snakes and likes to stay in dark places, but Liu Feng doesn't like it here.

  "¨"Liu Fengjun, take the liberty to ask, why did you let me deceive Luo Sha from the Sand Ninja Village, if you want to deal with Luo Sha, you don't need that much trouble at all. "

  Orochimaru believes that even if Liu Feng kills Sand Ninja Village, he will be able to destroy Luo Sha, and even destroy it together with Sand Ninja Village.

  "I don't want to be so high-profile, and it's good to keep some questions in mind. There's no need to ask more, just know that I can help you."

  "I see, Liu Fengjun, this cooperation is a pleasure."

  Orochimaru looked at the backs of Liu Feng and Ye Cang leaving, and fell into contemplation in his heart. His Konoha collapse plan, should he pull Liu Feng to help?

  "I'm afraid he may not help me. Forget it, as long as there is no accident, I will definitely succeed in this Konoha collapse plan."

  At this time, Orochimaru's eyes looked in the direction of Konoha Village, and his eyes were a little deep.

  "Teacher Sarutobi, you are old, death in battle is the best destination for you, and it is also the best for you."

 (Lee's) Then Orochimaru issued an order to Yinin Village to let Yinin Village get in touch with Luosha, the fourth generation of Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village as soon as possible.

  Orochimaru has also learned about the situation of Sand Ninja Village, and I believe that he can definitely persuade Luosha, the fourth generation of Kazekage, but Orochimaru is only using Sand Ninja Village.

  If you want to use the Sand Ninja Village, then Luo Sha's life is an obstacle. She was still worried about how to solve Luo Sha, but now she doesn't need to worry about it.

  After Liu Feng left from the Yinin Village of Orochimaru, he stayed in the territory of Tian Zhiguo.

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