"Lord Mizukage, can Orochimaru really let the fourth Kazekage Luosha leave the Sand Ninja Village?" Ye Cang doubted Orochimaru's ability.

  "I believe in Orochimaru, I think Orochimaru can do it, you don't believe in Orochimaru, you should always trust my judgment, right?" Liu Feng said to Ye Cang with a light smile.

  Ye Cang nodded, not believing in Orochimaru, but Ye Cang believed in Liu Feng very much.


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Chapter 209

  Hatake Kakashi led the seventh class back to Konoha Village, and glanced at Naruto from time to time, looking at Naruto with his head down and his body bursting with negative chakra, Hatake Kakashi's eyes were filled with guilt .

  "Sorry, teacher."

  At this moment, Hatake Kakashi felt a little sorry for the teacher. If he paid attention to Naruto and took care of Naruto in the past, he would not be like this.

  "I hope Naruto will not step into the evil way."

  The more I think about it, the more worried it becomes. I have to tell the three generations of Hokage about Uchiha Liufeng's contact with Naruto when I go back.

  "Kakashi-sensei, is the fourth generation of Mizukage also a member of the Uchiha clan?" Sakura asked Kakashi - question.

  Sakura's question to Kakashi stopped Sasuke with a cold face. Thinking of Uchiha Rufeng who hadn't looked at him before, Sasuke couldn't help clenching his fists.

  "The Uchiha family is divided into the main family and the branch family. The Uchiha family in Wunin Village is the main family, and I don't know the rest."

  Kakashi just briefly talked to Sakura. As for other things, Kakashi actually knows a little bit, such as Uchiha Liufeng and the people who defected from Konoha Village.

  Kakashi won't tell Sasuke and the others about these things, because these are things that are forbidden to discuss, and speaking out will also make Konoha Village look bad.

  "Is the Uchiha family of Mist Ninja Village the clan?"

  Sasuke was suddenly upset when he heard the news. Obviously, the clan must be more noble than the family. Just like the Hyuga clan, the split is entirely for the sake of the clan.

  Could it be that their family only serves the Uchiha clan?Sasuke couldn't accept it.

  Kakashi glanced at Sasuke unexpectedly. He didn't expect that Sasuke, the son of the branch head, didn't know this.

  But think about it, in Konoha Village, the Uchiha Fuyue at that time did not call himself the Uchiha family. It is said that Liu Feng announced that they were separated, but it is estimated that Uchiha Fuyue has never recognized it.

  "Is he strong? Is there someone strong?"

  Sasuke asked Kakashi.

  Kakashi understood who Sasuke was talking about, the one Sasuke hated the most, Uchiha Itachi.

  "Stronger than Uchiha Itachi, the fourth generation of water shadows is recognized as the strongest in the ninja world today."

  In addition to Liu Feng, who dares to be the strongest in the ninja world today?And it is said that Uchiha Liufeng is the strongest, and there is no one who is not convinced.

  "In that case, why didn't he kill Uchiha Itachi." Sasuke punched the tree next to him violently, showing hatred for Liu Feng in his eyes.

  If Liu Feng knew, Uchiha Sasuke would hate himself so inexplicably, and he would definitely teach Uchiha Sasuke a lesson.

  Bang~! ! !

  The resentful Sasuke Uchiha was suddenly punched, which happened to hit him in the face, and his body flew out. With the punch, his mouth was full of blood, his teeth were loose, and soon half of his face was swollen.

  "Naruto what are you doing?"

  Seeing the person she likes being beaten, Sakura angrily questioned Naruto who did it.

  The cold eyes glanced at the past instantly, and the eyes with a little killing intent made Xiao Ying fall into the ice cellar.

  Today's Naruto is not the licking dog of Sakura in the original book, so he doesn't care about Sakura at all.


  Kakashi put his hand on Naruto's shoulder and grabbed the ankle of Sasuke Uchiha who was kicking over.

  "You are the companions of a team, you can't fight each other." Kakashi said with a cold face and a serious face.

  "Damn monster, I'm going to kill you."

  Sasuke doesn't care about Kakashi's words, he only knows that he was beaten by this monster fox, Uchiha Sasuke's character is not the kind of person who will suffer.

  Facing Sasuke's angry roar, Naruto didn't speak, but the breath of Nine Tails Chakra had leaked out.

  Now Naruto has a different personality from the original Naruto, but his strength is much stronger than in the original, and he can rely on Nine-Tails Chakra to enter a rampant state at critical moments.

  If you play against the current Sasuke, the parents who can definitely beat Sasuke will not know.

  "Shut up Sasuke."

  Kakashi knocked Sasuke unconscious with a knife, but he couldn't let Sasuke stimulate Naruto.

  If the Nine-Tailed Tonjuli goes berserk, not even the third Hokage can do it here.

  "That's it, Naruto." Kakashi said to Naruto.

  He knew that the reason why Naruto shot at Sasuke was because Sasuke showed hatred for Uchiha Liufeng, but he did not expect that Uchiha Liufeng, who had only met once, would leave such a deep imprint on Naruto's heart.

  Naruto looked at Sasuke who fainted, and temporarily loosened his clenched fists, and then walked silently in front of him. Sakura didn't dare to approach Naruto looking at him.

  Naruto's eyes were too cold just now, and Sakura had a feeling that he really wanted to kill Sasuke. If Kakashi-sensei wasn't here, he would definitely kill Sasuke.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????


  Kakashi sighed, carrying the fainted Sasuke, and quickly returned to Konoha Village with the lonely Naruto and Sakura who was worried.

  After returning to Konoha Village, Kakashi asked Naruto to go home first, and also sent Sasuke back. By the way, he told Sakura to look at Sasuke and told Sasuke not to trouble Naruto.

  And Kakashi went to the Hokage office and reported the matter to the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hizan.

  "Uchiha Liufeng met Naruto and told Naruto the truth." Sarutobi Hizan's expression was solemn, and he subconsciously thought of the word 'conspiracy'.

  "Kakashi, what do you think about this?"

  After pondering for a long time, Sarutobi Hizan asked Kakashi, which also means Kakashi's examination.

..... 0...

  Now that the village of Konoha is green and yellow, Kakashi is the only one in the younger generation who is not bad. As for his disciple Jiraiya, he has no intention of coming back.

  If Jiraiya can recover his heart and come back to Konoha Village, Hizen Sarutobi wants to hand over the burden of Hokage to Jiraiya.

  Now that Sarutobi Hizan has the intention of resigning, this Hokage is a little out of his power.

  Kakashi is a person he is more optimistic about. If Kakashi's strength can become stronger, Sarutobi Hizan is willing to hand over the position of Hokage to Kakashi.

  "Sorry, Lord Hokage, I can't guess the thoughts of Mizukage [-]."

  "Okay, you leave first, and pay more attention to Naruto these days." Sarutobi Hizan didn't say much, and asked Kakashi to leave first.

  Sarutobi Hizan asked Kakashi to pay attention to Naruto, in fact, it means to monitor Naruto, and there is nothing to happen to the nine-tailed person Zhuri.

  "Third generations of Hokage, don't worry."

  Kakashi nodded solemnly, and it was time to have a good chat with Naruto. After all, he was the teacher's child. He felt guilty for not taking care of him over the years, and he couldn't let Naruto have any more problems.

  After Kakashi left, Hiruzen Sarutobi immediately looked for Mito Kadome and Koharu to come. As for Danzo, after thinking about it for a while, Hiruzen Sarutobi did not ask Danzo to come over.

  If Danzo knew about this, he would definitely put forward some extreme opinions, and he would definitely propose that he should control the Nine-Tails Human Pillar Force. He had never let go of this thought.


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Chapter 210

  "Sarutobi, you haven't discussed things with us for a long time, what's the matter this time?"

  After Mitomon Yan came, he asked Sarutobi Hizan.

  "A major event, a major event related to the Nine-Tailed People's Zhuri." Sarutobi Hiizhan said solemnly, and at the same time told all the Anbu ninjas near the office to retreat.

  Seeing Sarutobi Hizan so solemnly, Mito Kadome and Koharu also became serious.

  "Uchiha Liufeng has been in contact with the nine-tailed man Zhuli, and I suspect that he has an idea for the nine-tailed man Zhuli."

  Sarutobi Hizan suspects that Liu Feng is the nine-tailed man Zhuri who wants to snatch Konoha Village.

  "Having been in contact with the Nine-Tails Man Zhuli."

  The expressions of Mito Gate Yan and Shun Koharu are moving, that person is Uchiha Rufeng, is it really for the nine-tailed person Zhuli?

  "Sarutobi, in fact, Uchiha Ryufeng is not necessarily for the nine-tailed person Zhuli. Have you ever thought that in fact, the nine-tailed person Zhuli can't help Uchiha Rufeng at all."

  Turning to bed, Koharu said to Hizan Sarutobi.

  According to the strength of Uchiha Liufeng, do you need the strength of the nine tails?No, Uchiha Liufeng doesn't need the power of the Nine Tails at all.

  There are not only one or two people who can defeat Kyuubi in Kirinin Village, but Koharu thinks that Uchiha Rufeng has no idea about Kyuubi.

  "That's not necessarily true. Even if there are not a few people who have more power than the Nine-Tails in Wu Nin Village, this does not conflict with his desire to capture the Nine-Tails. People are always greedy, and it is possible that he will be greedy for the Nine-Tails."

  Mito Menyan and Shuan Koharu have different opinions, but Kazuya Koharu didn't refute Mito Menyan, because what Mito Menyan said really made sense.

  "How's the Nine-Tailed People's Pillar Power?" Mito Gate Yan asked Sarutobi Hizan.

  Sarutobi Hizan frowned, and then told them that Naruto Uzumaki was emotionally unstable and that Naruto Uzumaki already knew his identity.

  Over the years, Naruto has been treated badly, and since he knows his identity, it is very likely that Naruto Uzumaki will be angry.

  The Nine-Tails runaway could happen if you don't pay attention.

  "You can resolve this matter Sarutobi, or discuss it with Danzo."

  Mito Menyan didn't want to get involved in it. Anyway, he couldn't get rid of the nine-tailed human column force. As for how to deal with it, it was finally Sarutobi Hijen's decision.

  So Sarutobi Hizan asked them to come over to discuss, but it was actually completely unnecessary, and the final result would still be decided by Sarutobi Hizan.

  Turning to bed, Koharu left with Mito Menyan, which made Sarutobi Hiizan unhappy. These two people occupied the positions of elder advisors, but they did nothing at all.

  "Naruto, if you really hate Konoha Village, then I can't keep you."

  Sarutobi Hizan stood in front of the window and looked in the direction of Naruto Uzumaki. If Naruto Uzumaki was really full of resentment towards Konoha Village, he could only get rid of him and replace him with another person, but he was just a little sorry for Minato.

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