At this time, Hiruzen Sarutobi felt guilty, but these guilts were more like jokes.

  If Hiruzen Sarutobi had cared more about Naruto, Naruto would definitely be his most obedient chess piece, but unfortunately Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't visit Naruto very often.

  "I hope Uchiha Liufeng doesn't hold ill will towards Konoha Village at this time."

  Sarutobi Rizao returned to his desk and continued to work. There is no regret medicine in the world. If he can regret it, Sarutobi Rizao will definitely make Uchiha Liufeng the Hokage of Konoha Village, or choose another path in Uchiha Liufeng got rid of him when he was still weak.


  "Orochimaru's efficiency is good, let's go, let's go to the Land of Wind."

  Liu Feng took the news from Orochimaru that Orochimaru had successfully made an agreement with Luo Sha that they would discuss a cooperation plan at a location in the Land of Winds.

  This time, neither side will bring too many people, and they agreed to bring only a few guards.

  "Lord Mizuying, are you sure that Orochimaru won't cheat us?" Ye Cang had no good feelings for Orochimaru in his heart.

  "Yecang, you are overthinking it, Orochimaru doesn't have the guts to pit us."

  Liu Feng smiled, he didn't think Orochimaru would be ignorant of current affairs, not to mention that even if Orochimaru really wanted to cheat him, would he have the ability to cheat Liu Feng?

  As long as Orochimaru didn't want to die, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

  Two days later, in the desert of the Land of Wind, Liu Feng saw Orochimaru.

  "This is the country of wind and sand, and I really don't want to come." Liu Feng looked at the wind and sand in the sky and felt that the country of wind should have the worst environment among the five major countries.

  There are not many oases in the desert.

  "If it wasn't to kill Luo Sha, I wouldn't want to come back to this place." Ye Cang's face was a little bad.

  When she came to the Land of Wind, she thought of Luo Sha's intentional killing of herself.

  "Liu Feng-kun, I have made an agreement with Luo Sha that tomorrow we will be able to meet the fourth generation of Kazekage Luo Sha. I wonder what Liu Feng-kun thinks of this Chunin exam in Konoha Village?"

  Orochimaru began to test Liu Feng............

  "The Chunin exam, this time Wunin Village will also participate." Liu Feng smiled at Orochimaru and said.

  "But don't worry, this time, Wu Ninja Village is just to go to the theater. For what happens in this Chunin exam, Wu Nin Village will definitely not participate."

  Liu Feng said to Orochimaru, whose face changed slightly.

  "It turns out that Liu Fengjun knew my plan, and I thought my plan was a secret." Orochimaru became more and more jealous of Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng smiled mysteriously, then used Mu Dun to create a wooden house and walked directly into it, Orochimaru was stunned by the Mu Dun used by Liu Feng.

  "Jun Liu Feng actually knows how to use the wooden dungeon?"

  Orochimaru looked at Liu Feng frantically. At the beginning, he had done a lot of experiments, fusing the first-generation cells, trying to create an experimental body that could use the wooden escape.

  When he defected at the beginning, it was also because of this taboo experiment that the children who were eventually used by Orochimaru for the experiment were almost all dead.

  "Is it strange that I can escape?"

  Liu Feng said flatly to Orochimaru.

  "Could it be that Liu Feng-kun's body also fused the first generation of cells?" Of course, Orochimaru felt strange, Mudun blood follows the limit, and can suppress Uchiha Madara's Mudun, the first Hokage used Mudun to suppress an era.

  "If I want to obtain the wooden escape, I don't need to fuse the primary cells at all."

  "Is there any other way to get the Wood Dun?"

  Orochimaru continued to ask, he was asking too much now, but after seeing Mu Dun, Orochimaru really couldn't control his inner frenzy.

  He wanted to get Sharinyan, but Orochimaru also wanted to get Mudun. When Orochimaru was studying Mudun, his enthusiasm for Mudun was stronger than Sharonan.

  Later, it was learned from Liu Feng that Sharinyan could evolve into Samsara, and after being defeated by Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope Sharinyan, Orochimaru became more fanatical about Sharinyan.

  Although Orochimaru wants to get Sharinyan even more now, but if there is a chance to get Mudun, Orochimaru would of course want to get the most powerful Mudun Xueji boundary in the ninja world.

  However, Liu Feng did not answer Orochimaru's questioning, and then Orochimaru did not continue to ask questions.


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Chapter 211

  While waiting for Luo Sha to come, Liu Feng also communicated with Orochimaru, and Orochimaru told Liu Feng about his plan to collapse Konoha Village.

  It is already known that this is not a secret to Liu Feng, and Orochimaru doesn't mind telling Liu Feng, anyway, Orochimaru doesn't think Liu Feng will tell Sarutobi Hizan.

  At noon the next day, Luosha, the fourth generation of Kazekage, appeared and came here with two guards.

  Probably because this is the Land of Wind, so the two guards that Luo Sha brought are not very strong, they are just ordinary Jōnin.

  "Ye Cang, I'll leave it to you."

  Liu Feng said to Ye Cang.

  Because it was Ye Cang who took revenge, Liu Feng would not interfere, unless Ye Cang couldn't defeat Luo Sha, but Liu Feng felt that the possibility was not high.

  "Lord Shuiying, I will kill Luo Sha and settle the grievances between me and him."

  Ye Cang stared at Luo Sha angrily, and at this time Luo Sha also saw Liu Feng, Ye Cang and Orochimaru.

  Orochimaru stared at Luo Sha with cold eyes, with a gloomy smile on his face, this time Luo Sha will surely die.

  Don't look at Ye Cang's shot against Luo Sha, if Ye Cang can't handle it, Orochimaru doesn't think Liu Feng will sit back and ignore it, not to mention according to his understanding of Liu 28 Maple, if Ye Cang can't solve Luo Sha, Liu Feng will not either. Will let Ye Cang take action.

  "Fourth Generation Shuiying, why are you here?"

  Luo Sha had a bad premonition in his heart, especially after seeing Ye Cang's murderous gaze, Luo Sha felt a chill in his heart.

  At this time, Luo Sha didn't understand, that he was trapped by the snake Orochimaru, and he deliberately trapped himself from Sand Ninja Village.


  Luo Sha stared at Orochimaru with cold eyes.

  "Hey~! A dying person."

  Orochimaru let out a neigh like that of a snake, and then jokingly watched Luo Sha struggling, seeing the fourth-generation Fengying die in front of him, even if it wasn't for him, Orochimaru still had a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

  "Jun Liu Feng, after killing Luo Sha, can you give me his body?"

  Orochimaru asked Liu Feng.

  Luo Sha has the Xueji Boundary Magnetic Escape, and his corpse is still very valuable. Orochimaru wants to study Luo Sha's corpse.

  "If Ye Cang left Luo Sha with a whole body, it would be fine to give it to you."

  Liu Feng had no interest in Luo Sha's body at all, and as for the magnetic escape, Liu Feng would also use it.

  "Then thank you Liufeng-jun."

  It was enough of a surprise for Orochimaru to get this promise. After all, if Liu Feng didn't give it to him, Orochimaru couldn't ask for it either.

  Greedy eyes stared at Luo Sha, as if Luo Sha had already fallen into his hands.

  At this moment, Luo Sha's grievance is indescribable. Orochimaru's eyes looking at the dead, he has not died yet, Orochimaru has begun to covet his own body, which is too much for Nima.

  "Luo Sha, are you ready to die?" Ye Cang asked Luo Sha.

  Looking at Luo Sha in front of her, Ye Cang couldn't keep calm at all, she hated Luo Sha too much.

  "Ye Cang."

  Luo Sha's face sank slightly. In fact, Ye Cang didn't die, but it was a thorn in Luo Sha's heart. Over the years, he had been worried that Ye Cang would take revenge on him.

  Especially when Ye Cang joined Wu Nin Village, it was easy to use the power of Wu Nin Village to get revenge on him. Fortunately, revenge has not come over the years. Luo Sha thought that Ye Cang had let go of his hatred for him, but now it does not seem to be the case.

  "Shuiying, do you want to go to war with Sand Ninja Village?"

  Luo Sha asked Liu Feng with a stern expression.

  "Oh, is your Sand Ninja Village qualified to tell me to go to war?" Liu Feng looked at Luo Sha with some amusing. Now the weakest Ninja Village is Sand Ninja Village.

  Of the five major Ninja villages, Sha Nin Village has been in the worst condition over the years. The strength of other villages has improved somewhat through the development of villages, but Sha Nin has gone backwards.

  The daimyo of the Land of Wind did not allocate funds to Sand Ninja Village, and even sent tasks to villages in other countries. As a result, Sand Ninja Village did not even have the money to develop ninjas, and had to reduce the number of ninjas, nominally to train a small number of elite ninjas , pay attention to quality.

  In fact, Sand Ninja Village has no money. This time, Orochimaru agreed to attack Konoha Village because Sand Ninja Village is about to be unable to support it.

  The finances couldn't support it, so I tried to get some benefits from Konoha Village, and even if the plan was successful, Konoha Village could be eaten directly.

  "Yecang, let's do it, Orochimaru, you can get rid of those two johns who are in the way."

  Liu Feng commanded aloud.

  Of course, Ye Cang couldn't wait to take action. As for Orochimaru, he chose to follow Liu Feng's orders, and it would not be ashamed to follow Liu Feng's orders at this time.

  Although using Undead Reincarnation many times, resulting in some decline in strength, it is still very easy for Orochimaru to get two Shangnin.

  "Burning Escape · Over-steaming to kill!"

  An orange-red sphere appeared in Ye Cang's hand, scorching the blood and following the limit. The move she used was a ninjutsu that could evaporate all the water in the enemy's body, which was very cruel.

  Luo Sha was quite familiar with Ye Cang's methods. He knew that if he was hit by Burning Dun, he would die in an instant, so he immediately used alluvial gold to resist.

  The red fiery sphere hit the gold duster defense, directly melting the defense formed by the gold duster.

  Luo Sha's magnetic escape is different from that of the three generations of Fengying, one is to control the sand iron, and the other is to control the sand gold.

  Luo Sha's gold dust looks golden, but it's really not as powerful as sand and iron.

  Both the sand and the alluvial gold involved were melted by Ye Cang's red chakra sphere, and more orange-red fiery spheres appeared around Ye Cang, smashing towards Luo Sha.

  "Get out of here and go to the rescue."

  While dodging resistance, Luo Sha shouted to his two subordinates.

  "Fourth Generation Fengying, all your subordinates are dead, and then I will find rescuers for you." Orochimaru's cold voice entered Luo Sha's ears.

  Luo Sha's face sank, and he looked towards his two subordinates, just in time to see the two Sand Ninja Murakami Ninjas who were bitten to death by countless snakes.

  Although I didn't count on them, but being killed so neatly still made Luo Sha's heart sink to the bottom.

  "You still dare to be distracted?"

  Ye Cang directly seized the opportunity of Luo Sha's distraction, and the Kuwu thorn in his hand was on Luo Sha's shoulder.

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