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Chapter 219

  In the blink of an eye, I have been in Konoha Village for nearly a month, and the last Chunin exam is about to begin.

  As Shuiying, Liu Feng was naturally invited to come here. In addition, there are four generations of Fengying. Well, the current four generations of Fengying are disguised by Orochimaru.

  The first game was Uchiha Sasuke vs Gaara, but Uchiha Sasuke was still late and was placed in the last game.

  "Shuiying seems to be very concerned about Uzumaki~ Naruto?"

  Orochimaru, disguised as the fourth generation of Kazekage, looked at Liu Feng, he was a little puzzled, and he did not know what Liu Feng was paying attention to Uzumaki Naruto.

  Sarutobi Hizan also looked towards Liu Feng. In fact, he also wanted to know, and at the same time felt uneasy.

  "Nothing, I just think he can bring me a good show."

  I don't believe Sarutobi Hijen's words from Liu Feng, but Orochimaru believes in Liu Feng's words, mainly because Orochimaru really can't think of what a nine-tailed man Zhuli can do to Uchiha Liu Feng.

  "So, Shuiying is very optimistic about Naruto Uzumaki?"

  Orochimaru asked Liu Feng.

  "I'm really optimistic. If there are no accidents, Naruto Uzumaki will definitely win."

  Liu Feng stared at Uzumaki Naruto, and he could see the state of Uzumaki Naruto, mainly the state of the nine tails in his body.

  If he burst out with all his strength, the ability of Nine Tails to help Uzumaki Naruto is definitely not weaker than that of the shadow class, and even surpasses the ordinary shadow class. All the contestants combined may not be able to beat him.

  As for whether the Nine-Tails will help Naruto Uzumaki, this will definitely be the case. Liu Feng has focused on Naruto Uzumaki. He has already reached some agreements with the Nine-Tails, and the Nine-Tails will help him.

  "Why does the third Hokage keep looking at me?"

  Luo Sha, who was disguised by Orochimaru, looked towards Sarutobi Hizan.

  "It's nothing."

  Sarutobi Hizan shook his head, he always felt that Orochimaru seemed a little familiar, could it be an illusion?

  Liu Feng smiled lightly. In his opinion, Orochimaru's disguise was a bit clumsy, and the iconic movements were shown.

  The battle has begun, and Naruto Uzumaki's opponent is still Neji Hyuga. Compared to the original work, it was so difficult to win, but now Naruto Uzumaki wins very easily.

  It's just that the attack was too ruthless. If it wasn't for the referee to stop it, I'm afraid Hyuga Neji would have died in the hands of Naruto Uzumaki.

  "Three Hokage, the people in your village are very powerful." Liu Feng smiled and said to Sarutobi Hizan.

  However, Sarutobi Hiizhan's expression at this time is not good-looking. He is too cruel to the ninja in the same village, and it is completely dead.

  After the battle continued, Kirin Village managed to get to the last name, and it was defeated. Seeing that the lower Ninja of Kirin Village was eliminated, Sarutobi Hiizan glanced at Liu Feng.

  Contrary to Sarutobi Hizan's expectations, Liu Feng was not unhappy at all.

  That's fine, in fact, Sarutobi Hizan is really worried that Liu Feng will lose his temper because of his village's genin, and then get angry. If that's the case, things will be troublesome.

  Orochimaru didn't say anything. At this time, he didn't want to offend Liu Feng. What if he offended Liu Feng and caused Liu Feng to destroy his plan.

  On the other hand, Jiuxinai, who was standing behind Liu Feng, couldn't help but grit his teeth. With so many audiences, they felt that their Wunin Village was a bit embarrassing.

  The next battle, in fact, looked at Liu Feng drowsy, just like watching the bronze operation in the king rank, and it had no meaning at all.

  "The last game, Sasuke Uchiha VS Gaara!"

  Shiranui Genma opened his mouth to announce, and then looked anxiously towards Uchiha Sasuke, until now Uchiha Sasuke has not appeared.

  Originally, the first battle was the battle between Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara, and being adjusted to the finale was already taking good care of Uchiha Sasuke.

  But I haven't come yet, if I don't come again, I'm afraid I can only announce that Sasuke Uchiha abstains.

  Orochimaru frowned slightly. In fact, he was looking forward to this battle and the performance of Uchiha Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke was the container that Orochimaru chose next.

  Sarutobi Hiizhan's expression is not very good-looking. If Uchiha Sasuke abstains because of being late, his face will not be good.

  "It seems that Konoha Village is rude, and I'm sorry for the four generations of Kazekage."

  "It's alright, I can continue to wait." Orochimaru said hoarsely to Hizan Sarutobi.

  Just when Genma Shiranui was about to announce that Sasuke Uchiha abstained because he was late, Sasuke Uchiha finally came.

  "Ha, it's so boring, the third Hokage, the fourth Kazekage, I'm sorry."

  Liu Feng was no longer interested in staying here, stood up and left with Kushina.

  Looking at Liu Feng who was leaving, Sarutobi Hizan's expression was stunned for a moment. In fact, Sarutobi Hizan originally thought that Liu Feng was also very concerned about Uchiha Sasuke.

  Unexpectedly, Liu Feng didn't even look at Uchiha Sasuke's battle now.

  "Isn't it in the eyes of Liu Fengjun?" Orochimaru glanced at Liu Feng's back, and was so happy.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  If Uchiha Liufeng attaches great importance to Sasuke, then Orochimaru would not dare to think about Uchiha Sasuke.

  In fact, Uchiha Sasuke is just a substitute. Orochimaru wants Uchiha Itachi to become his reincarnation vessel, but he can't beat Uchiha Itachi.

  Of course, if you can delusional, in fact, Orochimaru wants Uchiha Liufeng to become his reincarnation vessel, but unfortunately this is simply delusional.

  Uchiha Liufeng is impossible, and the members of the Uchiha family in Wunin Village dare not move. Uchiha Itachi can't beat him, so he can only choose Uchiha Sasuke.

  "If Liu Fengjun leaves, it will be easier for me to implement the plan. If he has been here, I really don't know whether I should do it or not."

  Orochimaru said something silently, looking at Sarutobi Hiizan with a strange look.

...... 0

  But this time, Orochimaru's eyes were just seen by Sarutobi Hizan, and his brows were wrinkled into Sichuan characters. From the eyes of "Four Generations of Kazekage", Sarutobi Hizan saw endless maliciousness.

  His heart sank slightly, does Luo Sha have other thoughts?Looks like you need to be more careful in the future.

  Orochimaru also noticed that Sarutobi Hijen began to doubt him, but Orochimaru was not afraid, and now he is not afraid of being exposed.

  The battle between Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara, at the beginning, Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help Gaara at all, and the attack was almost blocked by sand.

  In the end, Sasuke Uchiha used the Chidori taught to him by Kakashi, and successfully injured Gaara and made Gaara see blood.

  It is worth mentioning that the reason why Sasuke Uchiha was late was because of the delay in practicing with Kakashi.

  "Isn't that Chidori?"

  Kushina looked at the familiar ninjutsu, because she also knew the ninjutsu of Chidori, but she seldom used it.

  "Liu Feng, I feel that there is something wrong with the atmosphere."

  Kushina tugged Liu Feng's sleeve, and then pointed in the direction of Sand Ninja.

  "You can actually sense something is wrong?" Liu Feng looked at Kushina with a surprised expression.

  "What do you mean? Are you underestimating me?"

  Kushina stared at Liu Feng angrily, and at the same time squeezed his fists slightly, as if he was about to fight Liu Feng.

  "Cough, I don't mean that, Konoha Village is about to be in chaos, you go and protect Hina Tian and the fog that you brought."

  Liu Feng hurriedly changed the subject with Kushina.


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Chapter 220

  Kushina heard Liu Feng say that Konoha Village was going to be in chaos, and knew that something big was going to happen.

  It was too late to ask Liu Feng more and went directly to Hinata. At the same time, the Kirin Murakami who brought the Chunin exams were also here.

  "Xiao Nan, Liu Feng said that Muye Village is about to be in chaos, remember to protect Hina."

  After Kushina came over, she said to Xiao Nan.

  "Konoha Village is going to be in chaos?"

  Xiaonan just showed a questioning expression, and the one-tailed Shouhe ran wild. At the same time, the pharmacist used the illusion of Nirvana, which put the audience into a state of sleep.

  Some ninjas with poor resistance to illusions also fell into a sleep state.

  The Sand Ninjas started directly, and the sudden battle made Hiruzen Sarutobi stunned.

  "Four Generations of Fengying, what's going on?"

  Sarutobi Hizan glanced at Kunai who was on his neck, then asked the 'Fourth Kazekage' who was holding him hostage behind him.

  "Ms. Sarutobi, I'm really disappointed, you don't even recognize me."

  A familiar voice came into the ears of Sarutobi Hizan, and then Sarutobi Hizan felt the cold aura coming from behind him.

  "Orochimaru, it's you."

  Sarutobi Hizan's heart sank, and when he discovered that Orochimaru appeared inside Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hizan suspected that Orochimaru might do something.

  As a result, Orochimaru really shot, and also pulled Sand Shinobi to shoot together.

  "Lord Hokage."

  Kakashi and the others were very excited to see the third Hokage being held hostage. Those Anbu ninjas wanted to do it, but they were worried that Orochimaru would hurt the third Hokage.

  "You don't need to worry about me, just deal with Sand Shinobi and Sound Shinobi." Sarutobi Hiizhan was not worried about his own safety, even if he was held hostage by Orochimaru, Sarutobi Hizan still had a way to escape.

  "Teacher Sarutobi, we don't want to be interfered by others in the battle between us."

  The Four Violet Flame Formation used by the four people of Yin Ren directly blocked Sarutobi Hiro into it. Although the Four Purple Flame Formation was not as good as the Four Chiyang Formation, it was not something that ordinary people could break.

  "Orochimaru, what are you doing?"

  Jiraiya arrived here quickly, and when he noticed that the interior of Konoha Village was destroyed by a group of large snakes that suddenly appeared, Jiraiya knew that something must have happened.

  He knew very well that these snakes were definitely created by Orochimaru.

  "Jiraiya, you haven't left Konoha Village yet."

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