Orochimaru was a little surprised when he saw Jiraiya, but even if Jiraiya was in Konoha Village, don't try to stop him.

  "This Orochimaru is very courageous, but now he is disguised as the fourth-generation Fengying Luosha, where is the real Luosha?"

  Kushina looked at the sudden outbreak of this farce, and asked Liu Feng in confusion.

  "Where do you think Luo Sha has gone? Of course he is dead. Do you think he is still alive?"

  "Isn't he killed by Ye Cang?"

  Kushina was not too surprised to know that Luo Sha was dead. Thinking that Liu Feng took Ye Cang away from Wu Ninja Village for a while before, he guessed that Luo Sha was killed by Ye Cang.

  "That's right, I took Ye Cang to kill Luo Sha, and then Orochimaru has been pretending to be Luo Sha." Liu Feng nodded towards Kushina.

  "Then this time, wouldn't it have your participation?"

  "No, if I participate in the Konoha collapse plan, I don't need trouble at all, just use the Super Shinra Tianzheng to push it down."

  Liu Feng spreads his hands towards Kushina, and Kushina thinks that too, does it take so much trouble to target Konoha Village?Kushina herself is sure to destroy Konoha Village.

  "Should we leave first?"

  At this time, Xiao Nan asked.

  "It's exciting now, why do you want to leave?" Jiu Xin Nai shook his head to Xiao Nan, seeing how intense the fight was now, Jiu Xin Na was reluctant to leave.

  "You can stay here, and there is no risk here."

  Liu Feng smiled slightly, and basically no one came to attack them, even if there was a guy with short eyes, he was killed by Kunwu who suddenly flew over before he came.

  "Orochimaru is going to fight against Sarutobi Hiizan, can he beat Sarutobi Hizan?"

  Kushina looked at the four purple flame formations, and Orochimaru had already started a fight with Hiruzen Sarutobi, but Kushina suspected that Orochimaru could not beat Hiruzen Sarutobi.

  Even if Sarutobi Hiizan is old now, if he really starts to get his hands on it, Orochimaru would be hard-pressed to beat Sarutobi Hiizan.

  "If Orochimaru isn't sure, he won't shoot, so just watch it."

  Liu Feng naturally knew that Orochimaru had mastered the art of reincarnation from dirty soil, and Liu Feng had already learned the art of reincarnation from dirty soil, even more perfect than Orochimaru.

  Now Orochimaru's mastery of the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth is not very good, and the strength of the first Hokage and the second Hokage who use the reincarnation of the dirty earth is very touching.

  If Liu Feng used the art of reincarnation from the dirty earth, not only would he be able to exert his full strength before birth, but he would also be able to exert more than [-]% of his strength.

  Coupled with the characteristics of the infinite chakra of reincarnation and the ability to not be killed, the combat power is actually more than before death. . . .

  "The Nine-Tailed Human Pillar has rebelled."

  Xiao Nan said to Liu Feng and Jiuxinai.

  Because of Xiao Nan's words, Liu Feng and Kushina's eyes shifted to Naruto Uzumaki, and as expected, Naruto Uzumaki was taking action against the ninjas in Konoha Village.

  "I expected it." Liu Feng was not surprised, because he had guessed that Uzumaki Naruto might become a rebel.

  Sure enough, now there is this opportunity, Naruto Uzumaki did not let it go, and seized this opportunity to shoot at Konoha Ninja.

  "Naruto, what are you doing?"

  After seeing Naruto take action against his own people, Hatake Kakashi stood in front of Naruto angrily.

  "This is my revenge, I'm going to destroy this village."

  Naruto's expression was a little grim, recalling the scene of being bullied when he was a child, being thrown stones, being insulted, and being beaten every day, Naruto's hatred became stronger and stronger.

  Looking at Naruto, Kakashi was a little speechless. He knew the grievances Naruto suffered when he was a child, but at this time he had to stop Naruto.


  Jiraiya glanced at Naruto, and when he saw Naruto's hatred eyes, he felt a little pain in his heart.

  "Perhaps I should have stayed in Konoha Village to take care of Naruto."

  Jiraiya also regretted a little, but now the situation is beyond regret.

  Even if Naruto was stopped at this time, he also killed the ninjas of Konoha Village and the villagers of Konoha Village, and must be punished.

  "Spiral pills."

  Today's Naruto is different from the original. It doesn't need to be so difficult to use the spiral pill. You can use the spiral pill with one hand. It is probably really strong after blackening.

  Nine-tailed chakra forms a tailed beast coat on Naruto's appearance, which can block any attack. As long as it is not a strong ninjutsu, it cannot cause damage to Naruto.

  At this time, Naruto with the six tails behind him was already capable of fighting against the shadow-level powerhouse, and he had the upper hand in the face of Kakashi.

  "Kakashi, leave Naruto to me." Jiraiya suddenly stopped Kakashi and said.

  "Lord Jiraiya, I hope you can show mercy to Naruto."

  Kakashi looked at Jiraiya who stopped Naruto in front of him, and relaxed. Naruto who used the power of the Nine Tails was really not something he could solve.


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Chapter 221

  "Orochimaru, you actually play with the soul of the dead."

  Sarutobi Hiizhan looked at Orochimaru in pain.

  At this moment, Orochimaru has used the technique of reincarnation of the dirty earth, and reincarnated the first Hokage and the second Hokage to the dirty soil, and originally wanted to reincarnate the fourth generation of Kazekage to the dirty soil.

  However, when the Fourth Kazekage appeared, it was interrupted by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

  "Ms. Sarutobi, this is a present for you."

  Orochimaru didn't care about Sarutobi Hipsan's distress, and didn't let Sarutobi Hipsan, the first Hokage and the second Hokage reminisce too much, and directly controlled them to attack Sarutobi Hipsan.

  Although after being controlled, the power that can be exerted will be greatly limited, but if the first Hokage and the second Hokage are not controlled, they will definitely not take action against Sarutobi Hidden.

  At this moment, Sarutobi Hizan was facing the siege of the three powerhouses, the wooden dungeon in the Senju Hashirama, and the water in the Senju Tobirama.

  "I didn't expect Orochimaru to actually learn the reincarnation of the dirty earth. I didn't even learn it."

  Looking at this scene, Kushina couldn't help but glance at Orochimaru.

  Kushina had also learned the art of reincarnation from the dirty earth before, but it was a pity that Kushina never learned the art of reincarnation from the dirty earth at all.

  "Orochimaru's ability should not be underestimated."

  Liu Feng still recognized the ability of the scientific research expert, Orochimaru.

  "The Nine-Tailed Man Zhuri should be able to defeat Jiraiya, right?"

  Kushina's gaze turned, and she looked at Jiraiya who was fighting with the Nine-Tails Zhuli Uzumaki Naruto. At this moment, Naruto had exploded with seven tails, and his strength had been greatly improved.

  "Teacher Jiraiya." Xiao Nan looked at Jiraiya with a slightly complicated expression, but he didn't mean to help Jiraiya.

  "Brother Liu Feng, can you let me visit my sister? I'm a little worried."

  Hinata pulled Liu Feng's hand, then raised her head and said timidly.

  "Go over if you want, and let your sister Xiaonan accompany you." Liu Feng gestured to Xiaonan.

  If she simply let Hinata go, Liu Feng is really worried, although Hinata is not weak after being taught by Liu Feng and absorbing the remaining pupil power of the huge Tenseigan.

  But Hinata's lack of combat experience makes it safer for Xiaonan to follow.

  "Haidian, let me follow you over there to have a look." Xiaonan took Hinata's hand.

  With Xiao Nan following Hinata, there is absolutely no need to worry about safety issues. Liu Feng also taught Xiao Nan. Now in Konoha Village, apart from Liu Feng and Jiuxina, no one really dares to say that they can defeat Xiao Nan today.

  "Thank you, Sister Xiaonan."

  Hinata nodded, then immediately took Xiaonan's hand and rushed towards the Hinata family.

  In the past month, Hinata has been in contact with her sister a lot. She likes her sister Hana very much. The most worrying thing is that something will happen to Hana.

  "I'll go too."

  Jiuxinnai thought about it and chose to follow Xiaonan and the others.

  "Aren't you staying here to continue watching the show?" Liu Feng looked at Jiuxinai in surprise.

  "There's nothing to see at all, the first Hokage and the second Hokage who were reincarnated from the dirty soil are so weak." Kushina glanced at the first Hokage and the second Hokage who were dealing with Sarutobi Hizen with some disgust.

  "That's the issue of the reincarnation of Orochimaru's dirty soil. The first Hokage in its heyday was definitely a half-footed existence at the Sixth Path." Liu Feng said.

  "Hmph, I now have the power of the sixth level."

  Kushina snorted softly, then raised her head proudly.

  "That's the power I gave you."

  Liu Feng said angrily to Kushina, just like the Six Paths Immortals can give Naruto Uzumaki and Uchiha Zuo power to make them leap to the Six Paths level, Liu Feng's strength and means are more than the Six Paths Immortal Otsutsuki Yui, of course he also Can do what the Six Paths Immortals do.

  Give Kushina the power of the Six Paths of Yang so that Kushina can use the Six Paths Immortal Mode.

  "You gave it to me, then this is my strength."

  After Kushina pouted, she stopped discussing with Liu Feng, and directly caught up with Xiao Nan and Hinata who were about to go far.

  "You guys also go with Kushina."

  Liu Feng said to Mist Ninja Murakami who was behind him, they stayed here, and Liu Feng also needed to consider the issue of protecting them.

  "Yes, Shuiying-sama."

  Behind those who participated in the Chunin exam, Murakami Murakami, immediately followed Kushina.

  Liu Feng pulled a chair and sat down. He could feel that there were actually a lot of eyes on him, and those high-level ninjas in Konoha Village actually paid attention to Liu Feng.

  The same is true of the ninjas in Sand Ninja Village, who are afraid that Liu Feng will take action against them.

  "I'm afraid Sarutobi Hidden will be unable to hold back."

  Liu Feng glanced at the injured Sarutobi Hizan, and he was almost unable to hold on under the siege, but this was also the peak of Sarutobi Hiizhan's life.

  Fighting alone against the first Hokage and the second Hokage, plus an Orochimaru, can persist for such a long time, not the pinnacle of life.

  "Master Shuiying."

  Kakashi suddenly came to Liu Feng's side, hesitated for a while and then spoke up.

  "You don't go to defend the enemy, what are you coming to me for?"

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