"I wonder if Shuiying is interested in the ninja left behind by the Six Path Immortals?"

  The fourth generation of Raikage is a little painful. The ninja tools left by the Six Path Immortals were once held by the two brothers, the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, but he finally found it.

  "not interested."

  Of course Liu Feng knew about the so-called six ninja tools, but it was of little use to Liu Feng, or even useless at all.

  Shidai Raikage's expression stiffened.

  "Are you really not interested?" Fourth Raikage asked Liu Feng somewhat unwillingly.

  This is a ninja tool left by the legendary Six Path Immortals. Each ninja tool has a special ability, and even a shadow-level powerhouse will be killed accidentally.

  "Do you think that with my strength, I need those rubbish things?"

  Liu Feng asked the fourth Raikage indifferently.

  "I thought you were going to come up with something good to impress me, but I was so disappointed."

  "Okay, I know you're busy, Raikage, so I'm not far away." Liu Feng motioned for the fourth Raikage to leave.

  Four generations of Raikage stood here and did not leave, and wanted to persuade Liu Feng to take action.

  "Mizukage-sama has asked you to leave. You are still standing here, don't you understand what Mizukage-sama said?" Terumi Mei asked the fourth Raikage with a cold face.

  Looking at Terumi Mei, who was staring at him coldly, the fourth generation of Raikage was annoyed. He was communicating with the water shadow Uchiha Liufeng. What qualifications do you have to interject?

  However, after feeling the threat from Terumi Mei, the fourth Raikage held back temporarily.

  "I hope that when the Akatsuki organization comes over, Shuiying will not regret it."

  Fourth Raikage reminded Liu Feng.

  "Regret? No one can make me regret." In Liu Feng's extremely plain words, he carried an unparalleled confidence.

  Even if the Immortal Six Paths came over, he was not qualified to regret it.

  In the end, the fourth Raikage left helplessly. After the fourth Raikage left, Terumi Mei asked Liu Feng, "¨"You really don't care about the ninja tools left by the Six Paths Immortals? "

  The ninja tools left by the Six Path Immortals are good things, so why not agree? Anyway, if you take the things, you can do nothing. At that time, the fourth generation Raikage can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

  "Those ninja tools are actually quite ordinary."

  Liu Feng didn't need that kind of ninja equipment at all.

  "Then I'll ask Kushina if she's interested." Terumi Mei left the Mizukage office and went to find Kushina.

  "Kushina must be interested. It seems that the way back for the fourth Raikage will not be peaceful."

  Liu Feng felt that Kushina would definitely be very interested, and would definitely rob the Fourth Raikage when he got the news.

  With the strength of the four generations of Raikage, he couldn't beat Kushina at all, and handing over the ninja tools to save his life was the only way to survive.

  On the other hand, after Terumi Mei informed Kushina, it turned out that Kushina was very interested in the ninja tools left by the Six Path Immortals.

  "Liufeng doesn't want it. He doesn't think he can give it to me. No, I'm going to rob (Li Haohao) of the ninja tool."

  Kushina asked Terumi Mei about the whereabouts of the fourth Raikage, and then left immediately.

  "If it wasn't for me, I would have to go to the theater with Kushina."

  Terumi Mei looked at Kushina's back and said involuntarily.

  Jiu Xinnai didn't pass by herself, she still pulled Xiao Nan together. In fact, Xiao Nan had no interest in following Jiu Xinnai, but she was forced by Jiu Xinnai.

  The Fourth Raikage hadn't left the Mist Ninja Village for too long. With Kushina's speed and the information about the Fourth Raikage and his party, it was too easy to catch up with them.

  "I heard that you have the Six Path Immortal's ninja tool. I'm very interested in this ninja tool. Show it to me." Kushina said rudely to the fourth Raikage.

  Fourth Raikage's face sank.

  "Did Uchiha Liufeng send you here?" The fourth Raikage was very angry.


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Chapter 238

  The fourth generation of Raikage furiously used the Lei Dun chakra mode, wearing an armor formed by thunder and lightning, showing murderous aura.

  "Uchiha Liufeng is really despicable."

  "Bah, it's the ninja tool I want left by the Six Path Immortals, what does it have to do with Liu Feng?" Jiuxinai said angrily.

  Kushina didn't believe the Fourth Raikage's words, he thought it was Uchiha Liufeng who wanted the ninja tools of the Six Paths Immortals.

  Said that he was not interested in the Six Paths Ninja Tool, but as a result, he shot from behind, and the fourth Raikage scolded Liu Feng in his heart.

  "Hmph, Liu Feng doesn't really care about the six ninja tools, but I want the six ninja tools in your hand. I'll give you two choices, either keep the ninja tools, or keep them together with your life."

  With a cold snort, Kushina gave the notification coldly.

  "Hell stabs, four books in one hand."

  The strongest ninjutsu mastered by the third Raikage, the fourth Raikage, who is the son of the third Raikage, of course also learned it.

  The fourth Raikage who shot at Kushina has already expressed his attitude and will never hand over the six ninja tools.

  "Xiao Nan, those Yun Ren will be handed over to you." Jiu Xin Nai said to Xiao Nan, and then used the strange force fist to bombard the fourth Raikage.

  Kacha~! ! !

  The sound of breaking sounded, and the four fingers of the fourth Raikage were directly interrupted by Kushina's strange force fist, and the whole person was blasted out with a punch.

  As for the other Yun Ninjas, they were pierced through the heart by the paper spear formed by Xiao Nan using the paper dungeon, and they lost their breath in a blink of an eye, including two elite Jōnin.

  Xiao Nan's strength is not weak, at least more powerful than in the original book, the fourth generation of Raikage and Xiao Nan can't beat her.

  "It's so casual, I didn't expect you to be worse and worse than before."

  Kushina looked at the fourth Raikage who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, with some disappointment in his eyes.

  Kushina once also fought the fourth Raikage, that was when he was in Konoha Village.

  However, over the years, Kushina's strength has also improved rapidly, and now the fourth generation of Raikage's injuries have not healed, so Kushina can't get up after being punched by Kushina.

  If there is no injury drag, the fourth Raikage can at least fight against Kushina.

  "I'll ask you one last time, do you choose to hand over the ninja tool or die?"

  Kushina asked indifferently to the fourth Raikage, if the fourth Raikage really refused to hand it over, then kill him. Anyway, the current plan of Mist Ninja Village is to destroy the other major Ninja villages.

  Resolving the Fourth Raikage now is like removing a threat in advance.

  "This is a ninja tool."

  The fourth Raikage reluctantly handed over the five ninja tools, which was more important than the ninja tools or his own life. He had to rescue Kirabi, so he couldn't die here.

  "If you take it out early, you'll have it. For the sake of my right to rob you of your ninja, I'll spare your life."

  Kushina got the ninja tool, and didn't take any more shots at Raikage of the fourth generation, and directly pulled Xiaonan away.

  The fourth Raikage, who recovered his life, glanced sadly at the bodies of the guards he brought with him. This time, he came to Mistin Village to lose his wife and lose his soldiers.

  The elite guards who followed him were dead, and the ninja tools were gone. The key is that Uchiha Liufeng's goal of dealing with Xiao organization has not yet been achieved.

  With the injury, the fourth generation Raikage left quickly, cautiously along the way, for fear that Kushina would suddenly regret it and kill him again.

  "I will avenge this revenge sooner or later."

  When he left, the Fourth Raikage swore in his heart that he would definitely take revenge in the future.

  However, the fourth generation of Raikage may never be able to wait for this opportunity. The strength of Yunnin Village is not weak compared to other Ninja villages, but the gap is too large compared to Wu Ninja Village.

  Kushina came back with five pieces of six ninja tools in high spirits.

  The five ninja tools are the golden rope, the seven-star sword, the red gourd, the banana fan and the amber bottle.

  Do you think it is very familiar? Yes, it is the magic weapon of Taishang Laojun stolen by Jinjiao Yinjiao in the pirated version of Journey to the West. It is also somewhat similar in terms of abilities, but it is more than [-] miles away from the original.

  The amber bottle doesn't look like a bottle at all, but a large vat, and the ability is that as long as it responds to the holder, it will be sealed inside.

  The banana fan, ignoring the nature of its own chakra, can release weapons that change the five major properties of fire, water, mine and climate at one time, and consumes a huge amount of chakra.

  The golden rope, the person who touches the golden rope will spit out the words of their commonly used words.

  Seven-star sword, can cut off and curse the opponent's word spirit.

  Red Gourd, holding the severed Yan Ling, can record the Yan Ling and seal it. If the party speaks a key word or does not speak for a long time, or if the pronunciation is similar to the keyword, it will be sucked into the gourd.

  The Golden Rope is used in conjunction with the Seven-Star Sword and the Red Gourd. It seems to be very capable, but it actually has a very limited role.

  It's good for ordinary shadows, but it doesn't work against super shadows. Even if you seal the enemy, you can forcibly break the seal.

  What's more, it requires conditions to activate. As long as you know the function of these ninja tools, you will never be hit.

  "Kushina, you better pray you don't get caught by me."

  Tsunade looked around angrily, trying to find the trace of Kushina.

  Kushina used Tsunade to test the ability of the amber bottle before, and then Tsunade was really sealed, and then the amber bottle was forcibly broken by Tsunade.

  At most, the amber bottle can trap the peak of the shadow level, but it can't trap Tsunade who can use the six-path immortal mode to burst out the power of the six-path level.

  However, Tsunade was very upset by Kushina's teasing.

  "Huh, it's dangerous, it looks like I won't be able to go home for a few days." Kushina fled to the Mizukage office, used Kagura's eyes to sense it, and found that Tsunade hadn't killed him, and then he was relieved.

  "What bad thing have you done?"

  Liu Feng asked Kushina, and at the same time glanced at the six ninja tools in Kushina's hand, and Kushina really snatched it from the fourth Raikage.

  I don't know how the unfortunate ghost of the fourth generation Raikage is now, whether it will be killed by Kushina.

  "I didn't do anything, just that Tsunade experimented with the ability of the six ninja tools. Alas, these ninja tools are actually like this."

  Kushina was no longer interested in the six ninja tools in his hand, so he threw it aside.

  The amber bottle has been destroyed, and if the red gourd is used against Tsunade, it will definitely have no effect.

  As for using the banana fan to release ninjutsu, hehe, it doesn't feel as powerful as the ninjutsu she released herself.

  And using this banana fan can't release magic, if you can use magic, then the value of this banana fan may be greater.

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