"You should be glad you didn't experiment with me, otherwise I'll make you cry." Liu Feng glanced at Jiuxinai and said.

  It is estimated that Tsunade should want to kill Kushina by now. Kushina is quite dangerous. If he dares to appear in front of Tsunade these days, he must meet Tsunade's rage.

  In fact, if you really do it, Kushina doesn't need to be afraid of Tsunade, but Kushina thinks it's a bit unfair. After all, she deliberately tricked Tsunade, and if it is true and Tsunade, she is too embarrassed to start, so she can only hide.

  Afterwards, Kushina asked Liu Feng not to expose her here. She was going to stay here for a few days to avoid the limelight, and wait until Tsunade was exhausted.


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Chapter 239

  In the past few months, Akatsuki's organization made a lot of noise again, and Obito captured Wuwei who had escaped before and handed it over to Nagato.

  Then Nagato led Akatsuki to attack the village of Iwanin, targeting the fourth and seventh tails of the village.

  Nanao was originally a tailed beast belonging to Taki Ninja Village, but during the Third Ninja World War, Onogi robbed Nanao of Taki Ninja Village, and Nanao became the tailed beast of Iwa Ninja Village.

  As for Taki Shinobi Village's later protests, it was of no use. At most, they came to protest, and they didn't dare to turn against Iwa ~ Shinobi Village.

  And this time Yannin Village was attacked, Nanao was robbed by Xiao organization, and Zhuli Laozi, a four-tailed man, was not in Yannin Village, but was found by Bai Jue outside, and then easily - won.

  "Hahaha, that old man Onogi is absolutely going to be mad-."

  Deidara laughed.

  He is the rebel of Iwanin Village, and he is also a disciple of Onogi, but Deidara often creates terrorist incidents in Iwanin Village and is forced to leave Iwanin Village.

  After all, no matter what village, they don't want to have an explosion madman.

  In fact, Deidara didn't have any hatred for Oh Yemu, and he was quite grateful to this teacher, but Oh Yemu didn't allow him to study detonating clay, which made him very uncomfortable.

  At the same time, he was also very afraid of the old man Oh Yemu, and he was very happy that Oh Yemu could suffer a big loss.

  Attacking Iwanin Village robbed Nanao, but Akatsuki's organization was not without losses.

  Feiduan, the second product, was decomposed by Chen Dun and should have died. Deidara's injury was not light, and Uchiha Itachi's pupil strength was not small.

  Even Nagato looked weaker than before.

  Because Samsara Eye is not Nagato's own, Nagato pays a great price every time he uses Samsara Eye.

  If it goes on like this, Nagato may die because he can't afford the reincarnation eye.

  "Hurry up to seal the tailed beast, there is not much time left for us."

  Tiandao Payne said lightly, there is no time to rest, Yun Ren, Yan Ren and Sand Ren are frantically looking for their whereabouts.

  Although Konoha Village and Mist Ninja Village didn't do anything, they had to be on guard.

  Now they are still one nine-tailed away, and now the nine-tailed person Zhuli has not been caught, in fact, they can find the whereabouts of the nine-tailed person Zhuli.

  The whereabouts of Naruto Uzumaki are not a secret in the ninja world.

  At the same time, the fourth generation of Raikage, the third generation of Tsuchikage Onogi, and Chiyo's mother-in-law who temporarily managed the sand ninja village gathered together.

  The fourth generation of Raikage has bloodshot eyes. After losing his wife from Wu Nin Village a few months ago and losing his troops, he plans to rely on Yun Nin Village's own strength to deal with the Xiao organization.

  Xiao organization is really good at hiding, and it is as difficult to deal with as mice, and it is difficult to find their traces.

  I used to know that Xiao Organization's nest is in the country of rain, but now that Xiao organization has already left the country of rain, mainly if they are not fools, they will not continue to stay in the country of rain.

  "Onogi, tell me about your plan."

  Fourth Raikage said to Ohnogi.

  "The younger generation must know how to respect the old and love the young." Onogi glanced at the fourth Raikage dissatisfied, and was very dissatisfied with the fourth Raikage calling him by his name.

  "I don't have time to talk about this now, and I don't want to have a conflict with you."

  The fourth Raikage's expression was a little grim. It has been a few months since his righteous brother Kirabi was arrested. It is very likely that Kirabi has been killed.

  Well, in fact, Kirabi is indeed dead, and the tailed beast was extracted by Xiao's organization. Although the eight tails wanted to save Kirabi's life and left a part of the eight-tailed chakra in Kirabi's body, he was still organized by Xiao. People were killed.

  However, the fourth Raikage still doesn't know, as long as the news of Kirabi's death has not been heard, the fourth Raikage will not believe that Kirabi is dead.

  Because the Akatsuki organization could not be found and Kirabi could not be rescued, the fourth Raikage's temper became more and more irritable, and it exploded like a dynamite barrel.

  "Okay, we gathered together to discuss things about Akatsuki's organization," Chiyo's mother-in-law said.

  I don't want them to fight, and now it's the most important thing for mother-in-law Chiyo to find Ichiyo.

  Now the Sand Ninja Village has not yet selected the next Kazekage, and has not found a suitable one, so it is necessary to find one tail as soon as possible, and one tail is at least a deterrent.

  "Hmph, the old man doesn't care about you."

  Onomu snorted coldly, finding a step to come down.

  "Xiao's organization is very deep, and they are hard to find when they are hiding."

  "It's up to you to say that." The fourth generation of Raikage said gunpowder, without giving Oh Yemu face at all. Oh Yemu's face was as ugly as it was ugly.

  "If you don't want to listen to Raikage, you can go." Onogi said angrily.

  The fourth Raikage glanced at Onogi, and finally suppressed the anger in his heart. Forget it, let's see what Onogi has ingenious.

  "Who let Xiao Organization hide deeply, but we know their target is the tailed beast. Now we only have to go to Jiuwei Ren Zhuli, and after we catch Jiuwei Ren Zhuli, we can wait for Xiao Organization to take the bait."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Onogi didn't care about the fourth generation of Raikage anymore, and told his plan that he needed Yun Ren's help to deal with Xiao's organization. Because he needed Yun Ren's help, Onogi endured.

  "I also contacted Danzo about this matter, and Danzo will also take action."

  "Tanzo shot? What about the fifth Hokage Jiraiya?" Granny Chiyo asked Ohnogi.

  Jirai is also the key, Danzo does not represent Konoha Village at all, and now the Hokage of Konoha Village is Jirai and not Danzo.

  "Five Hokage can't be involved, don't forget the identity of the five Hokage, he is too close to the nine-tailed man Zhuli, and may not agree with us to use the nine-tailed man Zhuli as bait."

  Onogi's words were approved by Chiyo's mother-in-law, and it would be good to have an additional Danzo to join.


  It's just that mother-in-law Chiyo doesn't like Danzo, because Danzo's character is too insidious, and she has to be careful when working with him.

  "You should know the whereabouts of the nine-tailed man Zhuli. Without further ado, we will set off today to capture the nine-tailed man Zhuli Uzumaki Naruto."

  Onogi's proposal, the four generations of Raikage and Chiyo's mother-in-law both nodded and agreed.

  When they went to catch Naruto Uzumaki, they didn't bring many people with them. Anyway, it doesn't make sense to bring ordinary ninjas there. They can take some elite shots.

  Uzumaki Naruto can use the power of the nine tails to exert a strength comparable to the shadow level, but he can't beat Ohnogi and the others.

  Onogi, the fourth Raikage, Danzo, and Chiyo's mother-in-law, a total of four shadow-level shots against Uzumaki Naruto, how can Uzumaki Naruto, who is not yet thirteen years old, be able to stop him.

  It was useless for the nine tails to help him, they naturally prepared everything, and finally Naruto Uzumaki was caught.

  "Let the old man take care of the Jiuweiren Zhuli." Danzo said.

  After taking Uzumaki Naruto, Danzo wanted to take Uzumaki Naruto into his own hands. Who let the nine-tailed man Zhuli be used as a bait, but Danzo also wanted to get the nine-tailed afterward.

  "Hmph, can such an important bait be given to you?" Fourth Raikage snorted coldly.

  He knew very well what Danzo was. If it was handed over to Danzo, the fourth Raikage would not be at ease, and Ohnogi and Chiyo's mother-in-law were also not at ease.

  After the final discussion, it was announced that the four families would send people to watch Naruto Uzumaki at the same time, and no one would want to make small moves.


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Chapter 240

  "The eight-tailed beasts have been successfully sealed, and now there is only one nine-tailed beast left."

  Obito looked at Nagato and said lightly, with excitement mixed in his tone. The Moon Eye plan will be completed soon, and he wants to create a beautiful world with Lin's existence.

  A cold light flashed in Obito's eyes immediately, Nagato was useless now, and Nagato was no longer needed for the final plan.

  The meaning of Nagato's existence is to resurrect Madara Uchiha, but Obito doesn't want to resurrect Madara Uchiha now, and Obito already has his own selfishness.

  He felt that even if Madara Uchiha was not resurrected, he would be able to complete the follow-up plan, and if Madara Uchiha was resurrected, he would not have the initiative.

  "The confinement spell in the body must also be cracked."

  Although I don't plan to revive Uchiha Madara, it is difficult to guarantee that Uchiha Madara has other backers, so it is necessary to break the confinement spell.

  If this confinement spell has always existed, Madara Uchiha can easily control him.

  It's good that Uchiha Madara is not resurrected. If he is resurrected, then he will not have any resistance against Uchiha Madara.

  "According to the information obtained by Bai Jue's investigation, Naruto Naruto, the nine-tailed man, is in the hands of Ohnogi and the others. It seems that they are waiting for us to take the initiative to attack."

  Obito let go of the many thoughts in his heart and calmly spoke to Nagato.

  It's time for Nagato to show the last remaining heat, and after he catches the nine tails, it will be Nagato's death.

  "My plan is for you to take everyone from Akatsuki's organization and snatch the Nine-Tails Ren Zhuli, and then we resurrect the Ten-Tails to achieve peace."

  "I'll do it."

  Nagato glanced at Obito lightly, but he had already noticed that Obito was wrong.

  From the very beginning, he knew that this man who claimed to be Uchiha Madara was plotting bad things, and now at the last moment, the other party may have to show his minions.

  Next, not only to arrest the nine tails, but also to be careful of the masked man in front of him.

  "Could it be that what Xiaonan said to me back then was true?"

  Nagato put the handle in his eyes, feeling a little complicated.

  Over the years, Nagato has discovered that perhaps these eyes are really not his own, and the price paid for using the eyes of reincarnation is too great.

  "I'll go first, and wait for you to return with the nine tails."

  Obito used Shenwei to leave, and Obito left to find a way to remove the curse mark in his body, because the curse mark was on his heart, and he couldn't remove the curse mark by himself, so it was very troublesome.

  After Obito left, Nagato controlled Tiandao Payne to take him to meet members of Akatsuki's organization for the first time in their real identities.

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