Want to stop the Eye of the Moon Project?In the original novel, Yui Otsutsuki did not take the initiative to deal with Liudaoban, nor did he take action against the resurrected Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  Although Yui Otsutsuki did not take the initiative to deal with Kaguya Otsutsuki, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, who were empowered by him, joined forces to seal Kaguya Otsutsuki again.

  So it can't be said that Otsutsuki Yui did nothing, he just used other means to achieve the goal.

  There are no Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha now. I don't know if Yui Otsutsuki will take action in person. Liu Feng doesn't think that Yui Otsutsuki will let Kaguya Otsutsuki come back to life.

  In the original work, Yui Otsutsuki appeared as a residual chakra, but Liu Feng doesn't think that Yui Otsutsuki will only have residual chakra left...  

  "Can't Shuiying take action?"

  Four generations of Raikage came to Liu Feng and asked Liu Feng.

  Now the last half of the nine tails have been taken away by Obito, and the other party's plan has come to an end. If Uchiha Liufeng does not take action at this time, who can stop Obito.

  Liu Feng glanced at the Fourth Raikage, but ignored the Fourth Raikage.

  Now Liu Feng can't do it, let's see if Obito can revive Kaguya Otsutsuki. If Obito can't do it, then let Uchiha Madara come.

  At this time, if you stop Obito, isn't that making trouble for yourself?

  "Shuiying, what exactly do you mean?" The fourth Raikage saw that Liu Feng was unmoved, and his expression was not very good-looking.

  "Do I need you to teach me what to do?"

  Liu Feng asked the fourth Raikage in a cold voice.

  The fourth Raikage couldn't help clenching his fists. If it wasn't for Uchiha Liufeng, he would definitely punch Uchiha Liufeng.

  Not far away, the third Tukage Onogi sighed, not knowing what Uchiha Liufeng was thinking, he always had an uneasy feeling in his heart.

  I haven't seen the figure of Ninja Mist yet, so I think Mist Ninja won't come. If Ninja Mist can't come, they won't have any losses in this war. Will they be able to compare with Ninja Mist in the future?

  "If you have time to ask me if I can't take action, why don't you solve your father's third-generation Raikage." Liu Feng said lightly to the fourth-generation Raikage.

  The third-generation Raikage who was reincarnated from the dirty soil was killing the Quartet at this time. Even if the third-generation Raikage reincarnated from the dirty soil was not as strong as the original third-generation Raikage, the power displayed was quite terrifying.

  The ninjas in the three villages of Konoha Village, Yannin Village and Yunnin Village were beaten very miserably.

  There are other beings who have been reincarnated by dirty soil, and they pose a great threat. Fortunately, Qianshou Zhujian has blocked many people now.

  Otherwise, if the ninjas of the three villages add up, I am afraid they will not be enough to kill by the army of Bai Jue and the army of reincarnated soil.

  Especially the reincarnated army of dirty soil, perhaps the number is far less than the army of Bai Jue, there are only a few dozen people, but these people are all elites, and the weakest have the strength of elite johnin.

  Basically, they all have the bloodline limit, and those who don't have the bloodline limit also master some secret techniques. In addition, the people who are reincarnated from the dirt are immortal, which is very difficult to deal with.


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Chapter 261

  Liu Feng didn't plan to take action against Obito, but it backfired, maybe Obito himself was swollen, and he actually took the initiative to take action against Liu Feng.

  After slightly suppressing the rioting Juwei, Obito rushed towards Liu Feng.

  The arm formed by the ten-tailed chakra grabbed towards Liu Feng, and the sharp claws could cut even the hardest metal.

  "Who gave you the courage to shoot at me?"

  Liu Feng has a question mark on his face, why are there always people running over to kill him.

  Qiu Daoyu blocked the arm of Ten Tai Chakra, and then turned into a long knife and appeared in Liu Feng's hand.

  "You are the last obstacle. As long as you are removed, no one can stop my plan." Obito said coldly.

  He shot against Liu Feng, just because he felt that Liu Feng would definitely take action to affect his plan, so he shot against Liu Feng.

  Only after Liu Feng was eliminated, Obito could carry out the Moon Eye plan with confidence.

  "Haha, in fact, I won't stop your plan at all. Forget it, even if I say it, you won't believe it."

  Liu Feng knew that Obito was very hostile to him and would not believe his words.

  Obito and Liu Feng actually have no hatred. The reason why he is very hostile to Liu Feng is mainly because Obito 28 Tu regards Liu Feng as a threat.

  Uchiha Liufeng's strength is too strong, and he is not at ease if this threat is not eliminated.

  There is also Madara Uchiha, who is also a threat in Obito's heart. Even if Madara Uchiha is reincarnated in dirty soil, Obito wants to get rid of it.

  However, because in Obito's heart, Uchiha Ryufeng is the biggest threat, so Obito decided to deal with Uchiha Ryufeng first, and then deal with Uchiha Madara.

  "Shooting me was your biggest mistake."

  At this time, Liu Feng had already opened the reincarnation eye of Jiugouyu, and the terrifying pupil power directly crushed Obito, and there was an extra immortal robe on his body, and the collar position was a pitch-black gouyu.

  The Immortal Robe looks similar to Obito's, only slightly different.

  The knife that Qiu Daoyu turned into slashed towards Obito, and with a bang, the six tin sticks in Obito's hand were cut off by Liu Feng.

  "Eighty Gods Air Strike."

  Countless fists are hitting Obito, fists can distort space, and now Obito's divine power is temporarily unavailable.

  Facing this blow, Obito could only resist hard, and the Qiu Daoyu floating behind him appeared in front of him, blocking Liu Feng's huge vacuum fist.

  Boom boom boom! ! !

  Even the Gudao jade was destroyed by Liu Feng, and the most important thing is the Gudao jade destroyed by Liu Feng, and Obito can no longer manufacture it.

  Obito would not make the Taoist jade at all. His Taoist jade was only obtained by the ten-tailed person Zhuli. If it is really counted, Obito does not belong to the sixth-level at all.

  Although he has six-level power, this power was obtained by chance, relying on the power obtained by the ten tails.

  Liu Feng can rely on Xue Jisuo to make Qiu Dao Jade, and even if Qiu Dao Jade is destroyed, he can still make it.

  And if Obito's Daoyu jade is destroyed, it will be gone, as is the Uzumaki Naruto in the original work.

  The Qiu Daoyu is not omnipotent, and ordinary ninjutsu cannot break the Qiu Daoyu defense, but the Eighty Gods Air Strike is the ultimate taijutsu.

  The steel-like body was broken by Liu Feng, and I don't know how many bones, and fell to the ground covered in blood.

  "You can't hold it at the beginning? Now you know the difference in strength, do you regret it?"

  Liu Feng lowered his head and asked Obito.

  Obito's strength is still too tender in Liu Feng's opinion, and in the system, Liu Feng has also drawn six projections of Obito many times.

  The projection of defeating Liudao Obito is not once or twice, and I don't think there is anything to be proud of by easily defeating Obito Liufeng.

  "Super Shinra Tianzheng."

  The reincarnation eye with soil transplanted trembled like a ripple, using the repulsive force of the reincarnation eye with all its strength, the invisible repulsive force charged towards Liu Feng.

  "You want to compete with me with just one reincarnation eye?"

  It was not Liu Feng but Obito that was hit by the repulsion force. The repulsive force that destroyed Kuku Laxiu directly blasted Obito out, and a deep pit of several hundred meters appeared around.

  "This is Uchiha Liufeng's strength, what kind of eyes are his eyes?"

  Uchiha Madara has been observing Liu Feng, and Uchiha Madara was very happy after taking the soil to find Liu Feng's trouble, but after watching the fight between the two sides, Uchiha Madara found that he was not happy at all.

  Rolling, Obito was completely crushed, and I wanted to rely on Obito to test the strength of Uchiha Liufeng. In the end, the strength of Uchiha Liufeng is still unknown.

  Is Obito too weak, or Uchiha Liufeng is too strong.

  "Vientiane Tianyin."

  Liu Feng stretched out his hand, and Obito was directly pulled over by Liu Feng's Vientiane Heaven. He wanted to use Shenwei, but at this moment, Obito found that his Shenwei could not be used at all.

  Under the suppression of the pupil power, under the suppression of Liu Feng's pupil power, the kaleidoscope writing wheel with soil automatically closes, and there is no power to even open the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

  Being pinched by Liu Feng's neck, Obito knew that he was finished, and whether he could survive now depended on whether Uchiha Liu Feng would let him go.

  "Obito, in fact, you have always been a pawn, you are just a pawn of Uchiha Madara, understand?" Liu Feng said to Obito.

  After listening to Liu Feng's words, Obito's expression did not fluctuate much. He himself knew that Uchiha Madara regarded him as a chess piece, otherwise Obito would not have thought of betraying Uchiha Madara.

  "Looks like you understand, and you're not stupid."

  Seeing that Obito didn't fluctuate much, Liu Feng nodded with a smile, but what Liu Feng was going to say next, he didn't believe that Obito could remain calm.

  "Obito, let me tell you a secret. In fact, Rin Nohara's death was designed by Madara Uchiha. Madara Uchiha arranged for Rin Nohara's death to stimulate you in order to use you and turn you into a suitable pawn."

  This time Liu Feng did not believe that Obito could remain calm.

  Sure enough, the reincarnation eyes transplanted by Obito almost popped out, and his expression gradually became hideous. It turned out that his tragic life was caused by Uchiha Madara.

  The tragedy of Obito losing his beloved was caused by Uchiha Madara, but Uchiha Madara also saved Obito. If it wasn't for Uchiha Madara, Obito would have died in the battle of Kamabashi Bridge.

  However, Obito, who knew the truth, could never be grateful to Madara Uchiha. He could not wait to kill Madara Uchiha immediately.

  "Do you really want to kill Madara Uchiha? It's a pity you don't have the chance."

  Liu Feng shook his head regretfully. If Uchiha Obito could become a suitable container for Kaguya Otsutsuki's resurrection, then Liu Feng would not mind letting him go and ask him to seek revenge for Uchiha Madara.

  It's a pity that Obito was unqualified, and Uchiha Madara could only be activated, so it was impossible for Liu Feng to let Obito fight against Uchiha Madara.

  Let him kill Madara Uchiha, who will be the container for Kaguya Otsutsuki's resurrection.

  Reaching out his hand, he pulled the ten-tails out of Obito's body. What surprised Liu Feng was that the ten-tails were still not in the form of a full-body god tree.

  Then he looked at Uchiha Obito, who was extremely weak. Human Zhuli was extracted and the tailed beast would die. Ten-tailed Human Zhuli was also Human Zhuli. In fact, death could be avoided, but Obito might not be able to.

  However, Obito will not die for a while, because there are still some ten-tailed chakras left in Obito's body, and these ten-tailed chakras can make Obito linger for a while.


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Chapter 262


  Obito asked Liu Feng with a painful expression.

  "Are you asking me why I extracted the ten tails from your body?" Liu Feng said, listening to Obito's inquiry.

  "You want to help Madara Uchiha, why?"

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