Obito convection Liufeng was not puzzled to extract the ten tails from his body. He shot Uchiha Liufeng, and it was not surprising that the other party wanted to kill him.

  But Obito felt that Uchiha Liufeng was going to help Uchiha Madara, and he didn't understand why.

  Liu Feng did not answer Obito's question, destroyed Obito's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and then threw Obito in the direction of Uchiha Madara.

  Seeing Obito who was weak beside him, Madara Uchiha didn't understand what Liu Feng meant, but it didn't prevent him from moving.

  Heijue suddenly appeared and used spiritual fusion to control Obito's body.

  "Outer Dao Reincarnation Innate Technique."

  Controlling Uchiha Obito, Kurojue resurrected Uchiha Madara.

  Originally, Hei Jue was looking forward to Obito while watching, but after Obito was easily defeated by Liu Feng, Hei Jue no longer had any expectations in his heart.

  Sure enough, we still have to rely on Madara Uchiha according to the original plan, and I hope Madara Uchiha can do his best not to let him down.


  After the resurrection Uchiha Madara laughed wildly, but at this time his eyes were dark, and the reincarnation eyes that belonged to him were not there, so the resurrected Uchiha Madara was in a state of broken eyes.

  However, Hei Jue immediately presented the Samsara Eye. Hei Jue had grabbed one in his hand, and with the Samsara Eye that Obito had now transplanted on his body, Madara Uchiha's Samsara Eye was instantly complete.

  In the original book, Madara Uchiha took a lot of work to get his eyes back, and it is too easy to get back his eyes now.

  After the resurrection, Madara Uchiha's strength is about half a step at the sixth level, and it is infinitely close to the sixth level, but it is not yet.

  "Uchiha Madara, I'm going to kill you."

  Obito's hatred can't be extinguished even if he drains the water of the sea. His whole life has been played by Uchiha Madara, and his most beloved Lin was actually killed by Uchiha Madara, which Obito can't accept.

  "You want to kill me now, are you kidding me?" Madara Uchiha looked down at Obito with disdain.

  After being extracted by Liu Feng, Obito was already very weak, and he reluctantly relied on the remaining ten chakras in his body to hang his life.

  Then he was controlled by Hei Jue and used the Outer Dao Reincarnation Innate Technique to resurrect Uchiha Madara. The price of using Outer Dao Reincarnation Innate Technique was death.

  Obito is not dead yet, and he is already blessed by the ten-tailed chakra that remains in his body.

  "Hei Jue, find him a pair of eyes to transplant." Uchiha Madara said to Hei Jue.

  The reincarnation eye transplanted by Obito was taken back by Madara Uchiha, and the original kaleidoscope writing wheel eye was destroyed by Liu Feng, so now Obito is blind.

  Kuro never knew why Uchiha Madara told him to do this, but Kuro would never refuse. It was easy to find a pair of eyes on the battlefield.

  However, Hei Jue's eyes belonged to Bai Jue's clone, and they were transplanted directly to Obito.

  After regaining the light again, Obito's eyes did not move away from Uchiha Madara, his eyes full of endless hatred were like sharp blades.

  "Obito, if I hadn't rescued you back then, you wouldn't be alive now." Madara Uchiha said lightly to Obito.

  "I'd rather not need you to save me."

  Obito gritted his teeth and said bitterly, how has he lived all these years, who knows how painful his life is, a world without Lin is a world full of despair for him.

  If he knew the price of his survival, Madara Uchiha planned to kill Lin, Obito would rather be crushed to death by a stone.

  "Do you know why I asked Hei Jue to find you a pair of eyes?" Madara Uchiha asked Obito.

  Without waiting for Obito to speak, Madara Uchiha said to himself: "I want you to see the moment when I complete my plan, and I hope you can persist until that moment."

  Madara Uchiha knew that Obito would not die so soon. Although he was sure to die, at least he could survive and struggle for a while.

  Obito can survive until the ten-tailed chakra in his body is completely gone.

  "Your Eye of the Moon plan will not be completed."

  Obito looked at Uchiha Madara with a sneer. Although Uchiha Liufeng helped Uchiha Madara, Obito didn't think the two of them were a gang.

  "Just watch it."

  Madara Uchiha glanced at Juwei, and then shot, but Madara Uchiha's target was not Juwei, but Senju Hashima not far away.

  Just after suppressing the reincarnated army of Yakushi Doufutu, Senju Hasuma was attacked by Madara Uchiha.

  Qianshou Zhujian is a reincarnated body of dirty soil. The advantage is that he is not afraid of death. As long as he is not hit by the Taoist jade, he can be resurrected.

  And also has infinite chakra, but Senju Hakuma can't fully exert the strength of the heyday.

  Therefore, the Senju Hashirama, who is now reincarnated in the dirt, can't beat Madara Uchiha after being resurrected and taking back the Samsara Eye.

  Qianshou Hasashima, who was taken away from the Immortal Technique Chakra, gave a wry smile. At this time, he was pierced by a black stick, disturbing Chakra and temporarily unable to move.


  This time he lost.

  "¨"Hydrama, I will create a world of true peace. "

  Madara Uchiha can now completely eliminate Hashima, and the Senju Hashima, who has reincarnated from the dirt, cannot be recovered, but Madara Uchiha does not intend to do so.

  He wants to show Senju Hashirama the truly peaceful world he has created.

  He has always competed with Senju Hasramama, so Madara Uchiha wants to be recognized by Senju Hasramama even more.

  Maybe now he is still against his own ideas, but Madara Uchiha is confident that he can definitely convince Chishou Hasuma.

  Uchiha Madara is also full of self-confidence after obtaining the immortal chakra he once expected, but everything still needs to wait until the ten tails are sealed before the plan can officially start.

  He turned his head and walked towards Juwei, but soon Madara Uchiha saw Uchiha Liufeng standing on top of Juwei.

  The expression is a little stiff, the question is, how to snatch the ten tails from the hands of Uchiha Liufeng?

  "Uchiha Madara, you can be resurrected thanks to me, don't you thank me now?" Liu Feng asked Uchiha Madara from the top of the ten tails.

(Li Li Zhao) Thank you?It's strange to be able to say the word Xie from Uchiha Madara's mouth, and Uchiha Madara doesn't think Liu Feng is specially saving him, there must be other purposes.

  "Liu Feng, I want to know what you think of the Moon Eye plan now?" Uchiha Madara looked at Liu Feng deeply and asked.

  This inquiry is a test, to test Uchiha Liufeng's thoughts, whether he supports the Moon Eyes plan or blocks it, Uchiha Madara wants to know how to act.

  Liu Feng also understands Uchiha Madara's temptation, and at the same time, many people's eyes are also on Liu Feng.

  Now Juwei is controlled by Liu Feng, but Jiraiya and the others cannot be happy.

  Because until now they couldn't be sure which side Uchiha Rufeng was on, so they were a little uneasy.

  For fear that Uchiha Liufeng and Uchiha Madara will cooperate with each other, if the two of them cooperate, who else can stop them in the entire ninja world?


  PS: Ask for subscriptions, flowers, and evaluation tickets! .

Chapter 263

  Liu Feng looked at Madara Uchiha who was very responsible on the surface, and he knew Madara Uchiha would never be as calm as he is now.

  The initiative is in Liu Feng's hands. If Liu Feng does not give Uchiha Madara's ten tails, then Uchiha Madara's Moon Eye plan can be declared broken.

  Of course, Liu Feng will definitely give the ten tails to Uchiha Madara. After all, Liu Feng still needs to use Uchiha Madara to revive Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  It's just that Madara Uchiha didn't know, so he couldn't calm down.

  However, if Madara Uchiha knew everything, I'm afraid he wouldn't want Juwei, and he wouldn't want to be a Jutai.

  "I found you, hiding deep enough."

  Liu Feng's eyes narrowed.

  "Yellow Spring Hirazaka."

  Stepping into the space passage, when Liu Feng came out again, a figure was also kicked out by Liu Feng.

  He is just an old man, and the identity of this old man is naturally the Six Path Immortal Datong Mu Yuyi. Under Liu Feng's full perception, as long as he dares to show a breath, Liu Feng can perceive it.

  "I'm getting caught now."

  Liu Feng looked at Otsutsuki Yui with a sneer.

  Otsutsuki Yui's face is not good-looking, and it would not be happy if it was someone who was kicked out.

  "Sneaky, tell me, what's your purpose?"

  Liu Feng asked Otsutsuki Yuyi. In the past, Liu Feng guessed that Otsutsuki Yuyi was definitely not the only remnant of chakra left. Now Liu Feng can be sure that the other party is definitely not the only remnant of chakra left.

  "Young man, do you know my identity?"

  "It's useless for me to lean on the old and sell the old here." Liu Feng looked at Otsutsuki Yuyi with disdain, and wanted to lean on the old and sell the old in front of him.

  "Who is he?"

  Madara Uchiha looked at Yui Otsutsuki and didn't know that this was the Six Path Immortal, but Madara Uchiha didn't know him, but Hei Jue knew Yui Otsutsuki.

  "How is it possible that he is not dead yet?"

  Hei Jue was shocked, because according to what he knew, Yui Otsutsuki, the rebel son who betrayed his mother, had already died, so why is he still alive now.

  Could it be the only chakra left?

  Hei Jue deliberately hid it. He didn't know if Otsutsuki Yuyi knew him. Anyway, he had to be careful. What if Otsutsuki Yuyi knew him and shot at him?

  Now that he can't provoke Yui Otsutsuki, Hei Jue is also unwilling to provoke Yui Otsutsuki. He really hates Yui Otsutsuki, but to solve him he still needs the help of his mother.

  Now Black Jue is integrated into Uchiha Madara's body, staying on Uchiha Madara's body with the help of Uchiha Madara to hide himself.

  In fact, for Otsutsuki Yui, the existence of Hei Jue is not a secret. In the past thousand years, Hei Jue has been involved in many things, of course, Otsutsuki Yui has discovered something.

  But Otsutsuki Yui just ignored Heijue.

  "I'm Yui Otsutsuki, and I'm also the Six Path Immortal you know."

  Otsutsuki Yui didn't care about Liu Feng's unkind tone, and stated her identity plainly.

  "Six Path Immortals really exist?"

  Onomu looked at Otsutsuki Yui in shock. It was rumored that Six Path Immortals were the first to unlock the true meaning of chakra and created the Ninja Sect, which can be regarded as the ancestor of the entire Ninja world.

  However, many people just regard it as a legend, and not everyone believes that the immortals of the Six Paths really exist.

  Even the Yun Ninja Village with the Six Paths Ninja Tool does not really believe that the Six Path Immortals really existed.

  "It doesn't matter who you are, but I don't want you to interfere with my plans."

  Liu Feng looked at Otsutsuki Yui coldly. If Otsutsuki Yui told the truth about the Moon Eye plan now, would Madara Uchiha still be fooled?

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