After Konoha Village chose to surrender, Onogi and the Fourth Raikage couldn't help but scolded secretly. They were not willing to surrender to Wu Nin Village, and originally wanted to take Konoha Village to fight.

  Now that Konoha Village has surrendered, what should they do, will they continue to fight?

  "Iwa Ninja Village chose to surrender."

  In the end, Ohnogi sighed and made the most correct choice. Even if Uchiha Liufeng didn't make a move, they would not be able to defeat Kirin Village.

  If Uchiha Liufeng makes a move, thinking of the previous battle between him and the Six Path Immortals, the kind of ninjutsu that destroys the world and destroys their village is not a matter of action.

  Therefore, they have no other choice but to choose to surrender, otherwise it is a dead end that awaits them.

  It is better to die than to live, so in the end Iwanin chose to live.

  Because Yannin surrendered, Wunin let go of Yannin, and specifically dealt with Yunnin Village, which was still stubbornly resisting.

  "Yunren Village will never surrender." The fourth Raikage roared loudly, and glanced at Ohnogi and Jiraiya with contempt.

  "Well, your courage is commendable, and I will reward you with a jade for seeking the Tao."

  The Qiu Daoyu in Liu Feng's hand instantly smashed on the fourth generation of Raikage, and the fourth generation of Raikage was erased by the Qiu Daoyu, leaving not even a trace of it.

  "Now that you Yun Ren Village surrendered or not, I only give you one minute to think about it. It is useless to surrender after a minute."

  Liu Feng looked at the rest of Yun Ren indifferently.

  Some Yunren were angry at Liu Feng for killing them, while some Yunren surrendered decisively. In the end, most Yunren chose to surrender.

  And the few who chose to resist, all were killed by the mist ninja.

  "So easy to settle three villages?"

  Loquat Shizang still feels a little unbelievable, it was settled so easily, and it didn't take much effort.

  "This is the deterrence of Lord Shuiying. If there is no deterrence of Lord Shuiying, how could they surrender, and they must resist to the end."

  The grass and wild bait person said to the loquat Shizang.

  Indeed, without Liu Feng's deterrence, they would at least have to work harder, but in the end they would definitely be able to defeat Yannin, Yunnin, and Konoha.

  "I hope Shuiying can treat Konoha villagers well in the future." Jiraiya said with a complicated expression.

  "There will be no Konoha Village in the future, they are all my villagers."

  After a light glance at Jiraiya, Liu Feng said flatly.

  Since it is his person, Liu Feng naturally cannot be too bad for them. Of course, it is definitely impossible for them to have the treatment of the original Wu Nin Village villagers from the beginning.

   Only after they sincerely surrendered, Liu Feng could treat them equally.

  "The original Konoha Village should be leveled, and a larger village will be built in the original location of Konoha Village."

  Liu Feng said to Terumi Mei.

  Now that he has ruled the entire Ninja world, he must not stay in the original Wu Ninja Village. The Wu Ninja Village is far overseas and is too remote, so it must be moved to the inland.

  And the original location of Konoha Village was the best location. Liu Feng took a fancy to this position, and neither Jiraiya nor the original Konoha Village ninja dared to object.

  And they have no way to object. Now the entire Konoha Village has surrendered to Liu Feng, and they are all Liu Feng's subordinates.

  On the other hand, Ohnogi was in a good mood. Seeing Konoha Village being levelled with his own eyes, he instantly felt relieved.

  "Onogi, you seem to be very proud."

  Jiraiya gritted his teeth and looked at this old thing, and he did not like to see this cunning old thing, Oh Yegi.

  "I'm happy, happy for Shuiying to build a new village."

  Onogi glanced at Jiraiya, and then said indifferently, I have to say that Onogi replaced his identity quite quickly.

  Because this battle is not far from Konoha Village, half of Konoha Village has been turned into ruins, and it is very easy to flatten it.

  Mikoto shot and used Super Shen Luo Tianzheng, and directly flattened Konoha Village, which can be rebuilt again on this flat ground.

  "Sister Tsunade, I'll leave it to you, let's build a village with Mudun."

  Terumi Mei looked at Tsunade.

  If using Xianfa Mudun, although it is only wood, it is actually stronger than steel, so Terumi Mei decided to let Tsunade use Mudun to build a village.

  "Okay, leave this to me."

  Tsunade said it was very simple, but because the village to be built was ten times the size of the original Konoha Village, it would take some time for Tsunade.

  In particular, the house cannot be built casually. It must be built according to the design drawings prepared by Xiaonan. The design drawings prepared by Xiaonan are very good, and Liu Feng thinks it is very good.

  The other ninjas wouldn't be idle either, and they were all caught by Terumi Mei to work.

  "Lord Shuiying, will we also move here in the future?" Onomu came to Liu Feng and asked cautiously towards Liu Feng.

  "Naturally, do you think I will let you stay in the original village?"

  Liu Feng glanced at Da Yemu. If they were allowed to return to their original village, they would never be familiar with them.

  "You can ask me if you don't want to."

  Liu Feng bent over and patted Ohnogi on the shoulder.

  How dare Ohnogi to mention that, although Liufeng said to him with a smile just now, Ohnogi doesn't think Uchiha Liufeng is kind.

  It is estimated that if he really dared to bring it up, his own life would be lost in the next second.

  "I hope Mizuying-sama can take good care of the villagers." Onomu sighed in his heart and said.

  "As long as you are obedient, I will naturally not deal with you on purpose. If you have other thoughts, don't blame me for being cruel."

  Liu Feng warned Ohnogi that there must be some people in Yan Ren who are unwilling to surrender, but if these people dare to do something, Liu Feng will definitely kill them.

  "In addition, the fourth generation of Raikage died, and Yun Ren's affairs will be handed over to you in the future."

  Onomu was a little surprised when he heard Liu Feng's words, and felt that the power in his hand seemed to be greater.

  "I let you manage, I hope you can manage it well, otherwise I will talk to you in person." Liu Feng said to Oh Yemu.

  At this time, Ohnogi felt that it might not be a good job. If he didn't do well, I'm afraid Uchiha Liufeng would not let him go easily.

  "I don't want to see any riots in the rock ninja. If there is any trouble, I will cut the mess with a quick knife. If it hurts innocent people, I don't care."

  "I understand." Onogi nodded, with Uchiha Liufeng's character, if there is turmoil, I am afraid that other innocent people will also be affected.

  "After the unification of the ninja world, things seem to be more."

  Liu Feng felt that during this period of time, he wanted to be lazy, and he couldn't be the shopkeeper. He had to pass this period of time and stabilize before he could be the shopkeeper.

  Konoha Ninja Liu Feng was handed over to Tsunade to deal with. As for Jiraiya, forget it, it is more suitable for Tsunade to be responsible for incorporating Konoha Village Ninja.

  Although Tsunade has been away from Konoha Village for a long time, and he was still the identity of Konoha Village's rebellion before.

  But now Tsunade has Mudun, plus Konoha has surrendered to the village of Ninja, and has become part of the village of Ninja, the original Konoha Ninja has nothing against Tsunade.


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Chapter 274

  In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed. In addition to the big ninja village, those small ninja villages have also been subdued, and Liu Feng directly abolished the daimyo.

  He is now the shadow of the village, and it is impossible for the daimyo to be above the village. Now the so-called daimyo no longer exists.

  "It's finally done."

  Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and left the next thing Liu Feng to do to Terumi Mei, and acted as a hands-off shopkeeper.

  In the system space, Liu Feng didn't have time to come in for half a month.

  "It's been a long time since Liu Feng came." Xiaomeng looked at Liu Feng resentfully, because Liu Feng didn't come, so Xiaomeng felt very bored.

  "I haven't had time recently. I knew I would not listen to Terumi Mei and unify the world of ninjas." Liu Feng stretched his body and said to Xiaomeng.

  "You didn't come to the system space to see me, right?"

  Xiaomeng looked at Liu Feng resentfully, she was absolutely sure that Liu Feng was not here to see her.

  "Cough, no, I just came to see you, and by the way, I'm familiar with Zanpakutō."

  The Zanpakutō is like a fire, and after getting this reward, Liu Feng didn't have time to use it, and now I have to feel the power of the fire.

  "By the way, I don't have a spiritual pressure, can I use the flow blade like fire?"

  Liu Feng suddenly thought of a question. Zanpakutō is forged by the soul of the god of death, and it also needs spiritual pressure when it is used, but Liu Feng does not have the spiritual pressure of the god of death at all.

  "You can rest assured that the system rewards are all modified, no matter what power you use, you can use it." Xiaomeng said to Liu Feng.

  "That's good, I'm really afraid I can't use it."

  Such an artifact, if it cannot be solved, can only be used as a sharp knife.

  Even if it is used as a katana, it is very powerful, but in that case, what is the point of getting this Zanpakutō.

  "There are all kinds of things, they are all ashes! The blades are like fire!"

  Liu Feng uttered the words of Shijie belonging to Liuren Ruohuo, and the terrifying temperature radiated from Liuren Ruohuo, and the temperature of Liuren Ruohuo after Shijie was equivalent to the temperature of the surface of the sun.

  The simple first solution is a big killer, and after the first solution, Liu Feng's strength has also improved in all aspects.

  "Swallow solution, residual fire sword."

  After feeling the power of Shijie, Liu Feng used Shijie.

  After the solution, the residual fire sword is equivalent to the temperature of the core of the sun, and any matter will be destroyed at this terrifying temperature.

  If you keep opening the solution, it can even reach the level of destroying the world.

  "It consumes a lot."

  Liu Feng felt the chakra that was consumed like flowing water, but what Liu Feng lacked most was chakra, and his chakra was much more terrifying than the Ten Tails.

  "Can you stop quickly?"

  Xiaomeng hid in the distance and looked at Liu Feng. At this time, Liu Feng was like a little sun, and Xiaomeng felt that her body was about to melt away.

  "Sorry, I forgot about you."

  Liu Feng removed the swastika, and a little experiment was enough, but Liu Feng also looked forward to encountering an opponent to try the true power of Zanpakutō.

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