As for the projections drawn from the system, I have been unlucky recently, and the projections I have drawn are all from Genin or Chunin, and it is not worthy of Liu Feng to take out the Zanpakutō to experiment.

  "By the way, there is a system task to tell you."

  "System task? Don't the task need to spend points to refresh? I remember that I didn't refresh it after completing the task."

  When Liu Feng heard Xiaomeng say there was a system task, he frowned slightly.

  "This task is different from the previous tasks. It is related to the upgrade of the system. You can do it or not, but if you don't do it, the system will never be upgraded."

  "So that's the case, what is the system task?"

  Hearing that it is related to the system upgrade, Liu Feng is a little more cautious. The system upgrade must be treated with caution.

  [Special task: Destroy the Otsutsukimoto family, task reward: Naruto World, system upgrade! 】

  "The Hokage World is also a reward?" Liu Feng looked at Xiaomeng with some doubts, waiting for Xiaomeng to help him answer these doubts.

  "Yes, Naruto World is also one of the rewards. After you complete this task, the entire Naruto World can be included in the system space, and the entire world is yours." Xiaomeng told Liu Feng.

  "Then this reward is really high enough."

  Liu Feng smiled, not to mention the system upgrade, just look at the Hokage World of rewards, Liu Feng must also complete this task.

  If he completes this task, wouldn't he become the true master of the world.

  However, this task is not easy to complete. Destroying the Otsutsuki family, Otsutsuki Ichiji, Otsutsuki Kaguya, Otsutsuki Momo are all high-level staff of the Otsutsuki family.

  "Where am I going to find the Otsutsukimoto family?"

  The Otsutsugi clan are aliens, how can he find them?As for the question of whether or not to fight after finding it, Liu Feng didn't think about it.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  It is definitely possible to fight. Before Liu Feng Ruo Huo, Liu Feng was sure to be unbeatable. After having Liu Ren Ruo Huo, Liu Feng felt more confident in his heart.

  "You need to find this yourself, I can't help." Xiaomeng gave Liu Feng a helpless expression.

  She is a system elf, except to explain some things to Liu Feng, she can't do anything else.

  "It's troublesome now." Liu Feng had a headache.

  "You can go to Kaguya Otsutsuki. She is a member of the Otsutsukimoto family, so she should be able to find the Otsutsukimoto family."

  Xiaomeng gave Liu Feng an idea. Only by relying on Kaguya Otsutsuki can it be possible to find the main family of Otsutsuki, or to find other members of the Otsutsuki family.

  For example, Otsutsuki Ichishi, or Otsutsuki Momo, forced to ask where Otsutsuki's home is from their mouths.


  However, compared to Otsutsuki Ichiji and Otsutsuki Momo, which are hard to find, Kaguya Otsutsuki is right in front of her eyes, and her current identity should belong to a traitor, so it should be easy for her to explain the whereabouts of Otsutsuki's family.

  "Your idea is very good, but there is a problem. I just sealed her before. Do you think she will help me?"

  In order to complete the mission, Liu Feng had sealed Kaguya Otsutsuki and killed Hei Jue. The two of them now have a grudge.

  Not to mention helping him find Otsutsuki's family, I am afraid that Otsutsuki Kaguya will fight with her when she releases it.

  "Actually, you don't need to seal her for that mission at all. If you can make her surrender, it can be considered as completing the mission." Xiaomeng said to Liu Feng at this time.

  "With the character of Kaguya Otsutsuki, how could it be possible to surrender to me."

  That woman's character should not choose to give in, anyway, Liu Feng doesn't think that woman will give in.

  "But you can try it, and if it doesn't work, think of another way."

  Liu Feng said with a slight headache.

  "Okay, let me tell you another news. After the system is upgraded, the function of crossing the world can be turned on. If you can't upgrade, you will probably stay in Naruto World forever."

  Hearing Xiaomeng say that after the system upgrade, the function of traversing the world can be turned on, Liu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and Liu Feng really wants to go to other worlds to see. In order to cross the world, he must complete the task of this system upgrade anyway.


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Chapter 275

  After being entangled in the system space by Xiaomeng for a long time, Liu Feng finally left the system space.

  "You are too good to be a hands-off shopkeeper. I didn't find you today."

  Terumi Mei said to Liu Feng angrily after seeing Liu Feng appear.

  Looking for Liu Feng for some important things, but she searched for Liu Feng for a long time and couldn't find it, but it would be strange if she could find Liu Feng, Liu Feng was in the system space, how could she find him.

  "Isn't it agreed before, now the Ninja world is left to you to handle, won't you let me continue to work, I don't have time."

  Liu Feng was a little annoyed with the things in charge of the ninja world, and he had already said before that Terumi Mei came to deal with the ninja world, and he didn't need to worry about anything.

  "Now I have something more important to tell you, Danzo was killed by Roshu before, and now some ninjas from the original root organization, as well as Mito Menyan and Koharu are making trouble. What do you think should be done?"

  Terumi Mei asked Liu Feng.

  "Is this important?"

  Liu Feng rolled his eyes and thought it was a big deal, but he didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter.

  "I forgot about this guy in Danzo before. He's alive now. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal to be killed by Rope Tree. Anyone who makes trouble will be killed."

  "Many of the ninjas who were subdued were not honest. This time, it happened to kill chickens and monkeys. Let's kill all the ninjas from the original root organization. They are all die-hard fans of Danzo, and it is a disaster to keep them."

  "As for the two old things Mito Menyan and Chuan Koharu, they just happened to be the chicken that was killed, scaring the other monkeys."

  Liu Feng is not merciful in his actions. Danzang died, and the root organization he left behind was indeed a scourge. Before, Liu Feng forgot about the old guy Danzang.

  Fortunately, it was solved by the rope tree, otherwise, who knows if this old Danzo will come up with any moths.

  Even if Danzo did something wrong, it wouldn't be a big deal for Liu Feng, but Liu Feng didn't want to be disgusted. Even if he died, Rope Tree was considered revenge.

  "You can handle this kind of thing yourself in the future. Anyone who dares to make trouble will be killed directly. Be tough."

  Liu Feng said to Terumi Mei.

  "I may have something to do these days, so if you have anything, discuss it with Mikoto."

  "What's the matter with you?" Terumi Mei couldn't help but ask.

  "Something very important."

  Liu Feng didn't talk to Terumi Mei in detail, and Liu Feng didn't want to talk about system tasks.

  "Okay, then I'll handle it with full authority, and I won't disturb you. Don't blame me then." Terumi Mei said to Liu Feng.

  "I won't blame you, even if you destroy this ninja world, I won't blame you."

  Liu Feng smiled and said to Terumi Mei.

  "By the way, where are Kushina and Tsunade? Why didn't I see the two of them today."

  Suddenly thinking that I didn't see Kushina and Tsunade today, Liu Feng asked Terumi Mei.

  "You're right if you didn't see the two of them. After I tell you, don't say I told you."

  Terumi Mei quietly said to Liu Feng.

  "Tell me." Liu Feng looked at Terumi Mei's mysterious appearance and said with a pouted lip.

  "The two of them found a place to learn from each other."

  It was said to be discussing, but in fact it was going to fight. Yesterday, the two of them had a little conflict, and then they left the village early this morning to find a place where no one was there to have a fight.

  It wasn't just the two of them who went there, there were also Konan, Hinata, and Hinata Hana. Konan and Hinata were dragged by Kushina, saying that they wanted them to help.

  The little girl Hinata Hana wanted to watch the fun, so she followed.

  "When the two of them come back, I will make them look good." Liu Feng said angrily.

  Terumi Mei had a smile on her face when she heard Liu Feng's words, that is, she should teach the two of them a lesson. If they don't do anything serious, they will make trouble.

  Mikoto could still help her, but Kushina and Tsunade didn't even say they helped her, they even made trouble for her, and they even called her assistant Xiao Nan away today.

  She is now looking for Liu Feng, but in fact, she told Liu Feng that the matter about Danzo was false, mainly because she wanted Liu Feng to teach them both a lesson.

  "I'm leaving first. Ye Cang and Sister Meiqin can't handle the matter either. I'm not your hands-off shopkeeper, so I have to go over and help."

  As Terumi Mei spoke, Liu Feng gave Liu Feng a blank look.

  "Actually, I have no interest in ruling the entire ninja world."

  This is also the reason why Liu Feng doesn't care about being a shopkeeper, not to mention Terumi Mei and Ye Cang are really capable, so they can be assured of Liu Feng.

  After Terumi Mei left, Liu Feng also left the house, but Liu Feng also told Mikoto when he left, maybe he will be back soon after going out this time, or it may take a few days.

  Tell Mikoto so they don't worry...  

  Although they knew Liu Feng's strength was very strong, they would still be worried if they couldn't see Liu Feng for several days.

  Liu Feng used Huangquan Hirazaka to come to the space of the beginning of the Imperial Palace, and looked at the extra moon in the space of the beginning of the ball.

  Kaguya Otsutsuki was sealed by Liu Feng in the beginning ball space in the Imperial Palace of Heaven. This is Kaguya Otsutsuki's own space, but she was sealed here ironically.

  Because it was sealed by Liufeng, it was possible for Liufeng to release Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  He directly took the initiative to break the seal, and released Kaguya Otsutsuki from the seal. Just after sealing Kaguya Otsutsuki for half a month, he released her.

  "My concubine came out of the seal?" Kaguya Otsutsuki looked surprised and confused.

  Isn't Hei already dead? How did she get rescued?

  But when he saw Liu Feng was also here, Kaguya Otsutsuki's expression changed directly.

  "Don't think about fighting with me. Once we fight, you will definitely be sealed in the Six Paths Earth Blast Stars by me again. I don't think you will experience it again."

  When Liu Feng saw that Kaguya Otsutsuki was going to fight with her, she told her lightly.

  There was a struggle on Kaguya Otsutsuki's face, and then he gave up on Liufeng's shot, knowing that he couldn't beat Uchiha Liufeng, and knew the final outcome.

  "What are you doing by releasing your concubine?" Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at Liu Feng vigilantly and asked.

  "It's very simple, I want to negotiate a deal with you."

  There was a spring breeze on Liu Feng's face, but the more Liu Feng smiled, the more vigilant Kaguya Otsutsuki became.

  "What deal?" Kaguya Otsutsuki asked tentatively.

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