Among the knife gangs chopped by Liu Feng, the peach tree of the big tube was turned into ashes, and the place where the knife gang flew, whether it was the rock or the earth, was completely vaporized.

  After cutting out this knife, Liu Feng immediately lifted the swastika.

  Standing not far away, Kaguya Otsutsuki had a frightened expression on her face, and the corners of her mouth were dry and cracked. The moment Liu Feng used the swastika solution, she had a feeling that her body was about to be dissolved.

  The water in the body evaporated in an instant, and even part of the blood was evaporated.

  At this time, the ground seemed to have been dry for a hundred years. The surrounding flowers and trees had disappeared, and the animals had died.

  Even the Shinobi Village, which is not far from here, felt the heat.

  Fortunately, Liu Feng's sworn solution was only a moment. If Liu Feng continued, maybe this ninja world would be evaporated by the power of the residual fire sword.

  "The power of this knife."

  Kaguya Otsutsuki stared at the knife in Liu Feng's hand. When Liu Feng used Shijie before, she already felt that the knife was very strong, but she still underestimated the power of this knife.

  "What do you think of a knife that can destroy the world?"

  Liu Feng asked Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  The Otsutsuki Momo-style killed by the swastika was quite decent for the Otsutsuki Momo-style, and Liu Feng gave him too much face.

  And at the moment when this knife was cut down, Otsutsuki's peach-style death was painless at all, because he died before he felt the pain.

  "Maybe you can really destroy the Otsutsukimoto family."

  At this moment, Kaguya Otsutsuki believed that Liu Feng had the power to destroy the main family of Otsutsuki.

  Although the power of this knife was only felt for a moment, Kaguya Otsutsuki also felt a fatal crisis.

  Liu Feng smiled faintly, Liu Ren Ruohuo is indeed a super-spec artifact, the temperature of the core of the sun, even if Ultraman comes, can't stop it.

  So what do the mere aliens, the Otsutsugi clan, use to compete?

  It is estimated that Liu Feng just opens the swastika and can't solve it, and it can make all the Otsutsugi clan perish.

  "Now that the Otsutsugi trio has also been destroyed by my group, it's time to consider going to Otsutsuki's house, and then prepare to go to Otsutsuki's house with me."

  Liu Feng said to Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  To go to the Otsutsukimoto family, Otsutsuki Kaguya is also needed to lead the way. Without Kaguya to lead the way, Liu Feng may not be able to deal with the Otsutsukimoto family, because they cannot be found.

  "I was already prepared."

  In the past, Kaguya Otsutsuki might find a way to delay it, because he didn't think Liu Feng could deal with the entire Otsutsuki clan.

  But it seems that there is no need to delay now, Liu Feng's strength has been recognized by her, and Kaguya Otsutsuki is now very confident in Liu Feng.

  "Just be ready."

  Now that Kaguya Otsutsuki is ready, he can leave at any time, but Liu Feng still needs to wait, because he doesn't know how much time it will take to go this time.

  Therefore, some things must be dealt with before Liu Feng can leave the ninja world with confidence.

  Going to destroy the Otsutsukimoto family this time, Liu Feng did not intend to let Mikoto, Kushina and the others go with them, but let them stay in the ninja world, Liu Feng will come back as soon as possible anyway.

  In fact, the most time-consuming thing is the time spent on the road. It shouldn't be too difficult to really kill those people from the Otsutsuki family. In fact, among the Otsutsuki family, there are very few people who are stronger than Otsutsuki Kaguya.


  PS: Ask for subscriptions, flowers, and evaluation tickets! .

Chapter 289

  "How long are you going?"

  After learning that Liu Feng was going to destroy the Otsutsukimoto family, Kushina asked Liu Feng.

  "It's not clear yet, but trust me, it won't be long."

  Liu Feng had no way to tell Kushina the exact time, and could only promise to come back sooner with Mikoto, Kushina, Tsunade, and Terumi Mei.

  "We will take care of Shinobu Village's affairs," Mi-Kin said to Liu Feng.

  "Well, I believe you can do it well."

  However, Liu Feng believed in their abilities very much, and in the case of military force, it was not difficult to manage the entire ninja world, and whoever dared to be convinced would be fine.

  "You didn't say follow me this time?"

  Liu Feng glanced at Kushina and asked.

  "I want to follow you, but I'm afraid of delaying you."

  Of course, Kushina didn't want to be separated from Liu Feng for too long, but she knew that Liu Feng was doing business, and it might be a waste of time if she followed.

  And Otsutsuki's family is definitely not weak, if she follows, Liu Feng may be distracted to take care of her.

  In order not to be dragged back, Kushina decided not to follow, not to cause trouble to Liu Feng.

  "When did you become so enlightened?" Tsunade looked at Kushina in disbelief.

  "Tsunade, if you want to fight me, I'll stay with you to the end."

  Kushina glanced at Tsunade unhappily. It sounded like she was deliberately mocking her, but in fact Tsunade did not deliberately mock Kushina.

  She really thought it was incredible, but to Kushina's ears, it was indeed very sarcastic.

  "You have to be careful." Terumi Mei and Liu Feng said.

  No matter how strong they are, they will go to the enemy's base camp. If they are not worried at all, it is impossible.

  In fact, they also want to help, but they are afraid that they will become a burden when they get there, so they are very entangled.

  "Don't worry, you still don't believe my strength."

  If it weren't for the fact that the time of leaving this time might be a bit long, Liu Feng would not have told Kushina and the others at all, lest they worry.

  "I have prepared some detonating charms. Do you want to bring them? Maybe they can be used." Xiao Nan said to Liu Feng.

  "How much are you ready?"

  Xiao Nan smiled shyly, then said, "Six hundred billion."

  "Is this some detonating talisman? It's [-] million." The corner of Liu Feng's mouth twitched, and it is estimated that Xiao Nantun came down over the years.

  In the original book, Xiao Nan used the technique of the paper of the gods, and used [-] billion detonating talismans, which directly bombed Obito. If Obito hadn't used Izanagi, I'm afraid Obito would have died, and there would be no later.

  In the original novel, Xiao Nan was also the one who almost made Hokage end ahead of schedule.

  "The detonator is not needed."

  Although the large number of detonating talismans are also very powerful, they are not very effective when used to deal with the sixth level.

  "Brother Liu Feng, be careful." Hinata and Hua Huo said to Liu Feng.

  "Well, I'll be back as soon as possible." Liu Feng touched the little heads of Hinata and Hana, nodded and said.

  "I also want."

  At this time, Vortex Fragrance suddenly appeared, and she saw Liu Feng stroking Hinata and Hana's heads with envy on her face.

  "Wait for me to come back."

  Liu Feng glanced at Xiang Lin, then immediately walked away, leaving behind a resentful Xiang Lin.

  After that, Liu Feng came to Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  "Let's go." Liu Feng said to Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  Kaguya Otsutsuki used Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space channel, Liu Feng and Kaguya Otsutsuki walked in together, and then they came to a special space.

  "Actually, it's not particularly difficult to get to Otsutsuki's house. There are techniques for direct transmission." Otsutsuki Kaguya said to Liu Feng.

  "Why didn't you tell me before?"

  Liu Feng asked Kaguya Otsutsuki a little unhappy, he thought he needed to slowly find the Otsutsuki family in the starry sky.

  "Didn't this concubine bring you here?"

  "Forget it, this is also good news."

  Liu Feng doesn't blame Kaguya Otsutsuki anymore, which is good news. With this teleportation technique, it doesn't take so much time, maybe he can come back soon.

  "Activating this spell requires a huge amount of Chakra."

  After Kaguya Otsutsuki and Liu Feng finished talking, they consumed chakra to activate the spell.

  "It is estimated that my chakra is exhausted before I can activate this spell, so I may not be able to help in the battle." Kaguya Otsutsuki told Liu Feng in advance.

  "You don't need your help then."

  When Liu Feng asked Kaguya Otsutsuki, he was simply leading the way. He never thought of asking Kaguya Otsutsuki to help.

  Five minutes, it took a full five minutes, this spell was finally activated.

  Then a force of space, with Liu Feng and Kaguya Otsutsuki, instantly disappeared here, and when they reappeared, they had already arrived in another space.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "Don't destroy the technique under your feet, we have to rely on this to go back, otherwise we can only go back slowly."

  Kaguya Otsutsuki reminded Liu Feng.

  With Liu Feng's destructive power, if she didn't remind her, maybe this place would really be destroyed by Liu Feng.

  "I see, you enter my divine power space first."

  Liu Feng looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was consuming seven to eighty-eight chakras. Now that Kaguya Otsutsuki was consuming so many chakras, he really couldn't help in battle.

  "Okay, be careful yourself."

  Kaguya Otsutsuki understands that she is just a burden now, but she doesn't want Liu Feng to have an accident. Now she and Liu Feng are on the same boat.

  Otsutsuki's family is also her enemy, and this also involves some grudges, so whether it's because of grudges or for her own safety, the one Otsutsuki Kaguya hopes to win is Liu Feng.

..... 0

  After that, Kaguya Otsutsuki was sent to the Shenwei space by Liu Feng. Anyway, no one else could enter his Shenwei space, and Kaguya Otsutsuki was safe inside.

  "Otsutsuki clan, here I come."

  Liu Feng dodged and left here. When he left, Liu Feng left behind two wooden clones. Let's take care of this place a little, so as not to be destroyed.

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