When sending Kaguya Otsutsuki to leave, Kaguya Otsutsuki gave Liu Feng a map and an introduction to the Otsutsugi family.

  Although she has no way to confirm the specific number of members of the Otsutsugi clan, there are not many people in the Otsutsuki clan, at most twenty people.

  However, everyone's strength is very strong. The current patriarch of the Otsutsuki family is the strongest, much stronger than the Otsutsuki Peach style and the Otsutsuki style.

  After seeing the huge building complex, Liu Feng knew that he had already arrived, and basically everyone from the Otsutsukimoto family was here.

  "Let's say hello first, Tianzhu Zhenxing."

  Liu Feng summoned a few meteorites and smashed them down, obscuring the shadow of the sky for a moment, alarming all the Otsutsuki clansmen.

  Some sleepers also woke up.

  Then, with a bang, the entire building complex was reduced to ruins, and Liu Feng was stunned when he saw it.

  What is the situation, he just used Tianyi Zhenxing to say hello. He never thought about what effect it would have, but he would have destroyed their clan land.


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Chapter 290

  Liu Feng's Heavenly Obstruction Shocking Star can have an effect, mainly because no one is defending. For many years, they have never encountered an attack, so they did not respond to this sudden attack.

  However, although their buildings were destroyed, they were all right, and such a meteorite could not kill them.

  "Who dares to attack the Otsutsugi clan?"

  An angry voice entered Liu Feng's ears, and soon more than two dozen figures flew in the air, glanced at them, and locked Liu Feng in an instant.

  "You did it?"

  One of the Otsutsuki people asked indifferently.

  "What nonsense with him, just kill him."

  A grumpy Otsutsugi clansman directly smashed Liu Feng with a begging jade.

  "Yeah, you don't need to talk about unnecessary nonsense." Liu Feng was not interested in communicating with them, anyway, the goal was to destroy them.

  "The golden wheel is reborn."

  The golden lightsaber slashed from Liu Feng's hand. Liu Feng slashed not vertically, but horizontally. In an instant, almost all the Otsutsugi people were cut in half, and only one Otsutsugi people escaped.

  The one who escaped was the patriarch of the Otsutsukimoto family.

  "Knowing that such injuries are not fatal to you, so there are."

  Liu Feng didn't think that cutting them in half would kill them, they were all a group of six-level powerhouses, and six-level level did not mention other abilities, just the ability to recover is very perverted.

  After all, the people of the Otsutsugi clan have eaten the fruit of the divine tree, and they have all acquired the ability to recover from a metamorphosis. The ability to recover from terror is a basic ability for them.

  Even if their arms are cut off, they can still be reborn. The injuries from being cut in the waist are indeed not minor, but they are not fatal.

  "The silver wheel is reborn."

  Liu Feng began to compensate for the damage, and the tornado formed by the reincarnation of the silver wheel killed their bodies clean.

  "Monthly reading."

  In the end, Liu Feng used the pupil power of his terrifying Jiugou Jade Reincarnation Eye to release Yue Du, which was originally only aimed at one target, but was used by Liu Feng to form a group of Yue Du.

  Destroyed their spiritual power with Yue Duo, leaving them not even the slightest chance of resurrection.

  After doing this, there is only one surviving Otsutsugi clansman left.

  "You have avoided my ultimate move a few times. It seems that you are the strongest. Are you the patriarch of the Otsutsuki family?" Liu Feng asked the Otsutsuki clan who seemed to be only a middle-aged man.

  "Who the hell are you?"

  Patriarch Otsutsuki asked Liu Feng, there were bloodshot eyes in his white eyes, and there were nine-hooked jade reincarnation writing wheel eyes on his forehead, and his hands also had reincarnation writing wheel eyes.

  At this time, his hatred for Liu Feng had already broken through the sky.

  The Otsutsuki clansmen who were aloof were almost wiped out by Liu Feng in a blink of an eye.

  "My name is Uchiha Liufeng, maybe you haven't heard of it, but I'm here to destroy your Otsutsugi family. By the way, you should know Otsutsuki Kaguya."

  Liu Feng smiled lightly and said to Patriarch Otsutsuki.

  Anyway, the other party is about to die. No matter what, let him be a sane ghost. Liu Feng is very "kind". When he dies, he doesn't know who killed him. Isn't it very sad.

  "Otsutsuki Kaguya, it turns out that you are her helper."

  The anger on Patriarch Otsutsuki's face was even more intense, and the terrifying repulsion attacked Liu Feng, and the repulsive force erupted from the three nine-hooked jade reincarnation writing wheels could instantly shatter the moon.

  "Super Shinra Tianzheng."

  Liu Feng used the same repulsive force. Although the opponent had three Samsara Shakers, his pupil power was simply not as strong as that of Liu Feng.

  Repulsion collision, even if a meteorite with a diameter of [-] kilometers is placed in the middle, it will be instantly smashed into powder. Under the collision of the two forces, Liu Feng finally won.

  The burst of repulsion hit Patriarch Otsutsuki to vomit blood and flew out for dozens of kilometers, smashing several peaks.

  "It's really strong, but it's a pity that you met me, you are worse than me."

  Liu Feng gestured towards Patriarch Otsutsuki. In fact, it was not a little worse, but a long way off.

  Just now, Liu Feng had dealt with more than [-] people from the Otsutsugi clan in a row, and now he is fighting against the chief Otsutsuki, and he still wins easily.

  To be honest, Liu Feng doesn't know how strong he is now, and in the entire Naruto world, he absolutely cannot find any opponents.

  "Uchiha, is it a more powerful race than Otsutsuki?"

  When Patriarch Otsutsuki saw Liu Feng coming, he got up and asked Liu Feng.


  Liu Feng smiled and nodded lightly.

  Although in the entire Uchiha family, only Liu Feng and Mikoto have reached the sixth level, um, Obito and Uchiha Madara are not counted, because they are already dead.

  Although there are only the two of them at the Sixth Path level, Liu Feng alone can overwhelm the Otsutsugi clan, so Uchiha is stronger than Otsutsuki, isn't it?

  But Patriarch Otsutsuki doesn't know the truth. If he knew about the Uchiha clan, he would probably vomit blood directly...  

  "Soon I can kill you."

  Patriarch Otsutsuki left here using an ability similar to Huangquan Hirazaka.

  "Did you run away, or went to find the trump card." Liu Feng didn't know, but he followed directly and wanted to escape from him, which was a bit whimsical.

  When he came to a special space, Liu Feng saw that the chief of Otsutsuki was holding some fruits in his hands. These were the fruits of the divine tree.

  After seeing Liu Feng, he ate all these fruits, and his strength skyrocketed. He had accumulated the fruits of the divine tree for an unknown number of years, and now he has eaten them all.

  "Now my power can definitely kill you, and then destroy your Uchiha clan." Patriarch Otsutsuki roared frantically.

  "Do you think you have the chance?"

  Liu Feng pulled out the flowing blade like a fire, first performed the initial solution, and then directly used the swastika solution.

  At the moment when the swastika became a residual fire sword, the temperature of the core of the sun was evaporating all the substances in this space, and even the Chakra of the Otsutsuki Patriarch felt that it was rapidly evaporating.

  "What kind of knife is your knife?"

  Patriarch Otsutsuki originally felt that the victory was in his hands, but now he is completely unsure.

  "It's called Zanpakutō, and you don't understand it."

  "Remnant Fire Sword, North, Ashes of Heaven and Earth!"

  Among the four major moves in the south, east, and northwest, Ashes of Heaven and Earth is the most domineering.

  In fact, he originally had the opportunity to dodge, but Liu Feng froze for a moment, and this moment cut off the possibility of his dodging.

  After being hit, Chief Otsutsuki turned into dust and disappeared.

  [Ding, you complete the special task to destroy the Otsutsukimoto family, reward: Naruto World, system upgrade! 】

  In an instant, the system's prompt sounded in Liu Feng's mind, and then the system began to upgrade, which took three days to complete.

  "I've waited for so long, and it's not less than three days."

  In three days, Liu Feng was still waiting, but now let's go back to the ninja world.

  As the base camp of the Otsutsugi clan, this place is actually well managed, but Liu Feng doesn't like it, because there is no vitality, and the only creatures that exist here are the Otsutsugi clan.

  Now that the people of the Otsutsugi tribe have been wiped out by Liu Feng, it seems very dead here, but there is still more vitality in the ninja world, which is much stronger than here.


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Chapter 291

  "Have you solved all the people of the Otsutsugi clan?"

  After being released from the Shenwei space by Liu Feng, Kaguya Otsutsuki asked in shock.

  It had only been a long time since she came here, and the Otsutsugi clan, who seemed to her to be invincible, had just disappeared.

  "Don't you think I'm going to lie to you?"

  Liu Feng glanced at Kaguya Otsutsuki and said.

  Kaguya Otsutsuki had a complicated expression, and finally asked Liu Feng, "Then what are you going to do with your concubine?"

  She also belongs to the Otsutsugi clan, and she and Liufeng are just a simple cooperative relationship. Now she has no value to Uchiha Liufeng.

  "Don't worry, I'm not the one who crosses the river and demolishes the bridge."

  Liu Feng didn't plan to deal with Kaguya Otsutsuki, anyway, the mission has been completed, and Kaguya Otsutsuki's existence is not a threat.

  "Of course, you'd better not do anything in the ninja world, otherwise I won't be merciful to you."

  The warning is still to be warned, lest Kaguya Otsutsuki be reckless.

  "The concubine will not deliberately die."

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