Going to the ninja world to do things, isn't that intentional to die? As long as she's not stupid, she won't do it.

  "Then you're really free. It's up to you whether you want to return to the Ninja 28 world with me."

  If Kaguya Otsutsuki is unwilling to return to the ninja world, Liu Feng will also let her go.

  "The concubine should follow you back to the ninja world." After thinking about it, Kaguya Otsutsuki decided to follow Liu Feng back.

  "This is your choice, don't regret it later."

  Following Liu Feng back to the Ninja World, she was bound by more rules and regulations. If she didn't return to the Ninja World, Liu Feng would not care if she did anything on any planet.

  "My concubine is like living a peaceful life." Kaguya Otsutsuki had some expectations on her face.

  In the past, she did not live a peaceful life. She was worried that the Otsutsugi tribe would come and live in fear, for fear that there would be no tomorrow.

  Well now, now that the Otsutsugi clan has been destroyed, she has also loosened a shackle.

  "Thank you for avenging your concubine's body." Kaguya Otsutsuki said to Liu Feng.

  She had a grudge against the Otsutsuki Patriarch who was killed by Liu Feng before. That person should be his uncle, but her parents died at the hands of the other party.

  Otherwise, the patriarch of the Otsutsukimoto family should be her father's.

  Liu Feng glanced at her, but did not ask specifically what revenge was given to her. Liu Feng's curiosity was actually not that strong.

  After consuming chakra and activating this super-long space-crossing technique, Liu Feng took Kaguya Otsutsuki back to the ninja world again.

  "I didn't expect that even half a day would be useless this time."

  After returning to the ninja world, Liu Feng said involuntarily.

  Originally, Liu Feng thought that it might take half a year or even a year, but in the end it only took half a day.

  "I didn't expect you to solve it so quickly."

  Although there is this technique that spans time and space, Kaguya Otsutsuki never thought that Liu Feng could solve the Otsutsugi clansmen so quickly.

  When they returned to the village, Mikoto, Kushina and the others looked at Liu Feng in surprise.

  "You haven't gone yet?" Jiuxinai asked Liu Feng.

  "No, the Otsutsugi clan has been destroyed by me, and I have returned."

  "Come back, didn't you say before that the Otsutsugi family is not on this planet at all?"

  "Ask Kaguya Otsutsuki about this."

  Liu Feng glanced at Kaguya Otsutsuki. If Kaguya Otsutsuki told him at the beginning that he had a technique that directly crossed the space to reach the Otsutsugi family, Liu Feng could accurately guess how much time it would take.

  "Then Liu Feng, are you not injured?"

  Mikoto carefully checked around Liu Feng, wanting to see if Liu Feng was injured.

  "No, none of them touched the corner of my clothes."

  Not to mention hurting Liu Feng, he couldn't even touch Liu Feng, including Patriarch Otsutsuki, he didn't touch Liu Feng from beginning to end until he died.

  "You can't even touch the corners of your clothes. Those Otsutsugi people are too weak. I would have followed you if I knew earlier."

  Kushina looked regretful, it would be fine if she insisted on following Liu Feng.

  But at that time, she was afraid of becoming a burden to Liu Feng, so in the end she did not follow Liu Feng to the Otsutsugi clan.

  "Those Datongmu people are not weak, and everyone's strength is not weaker than you."

  Liu Feng shook his head and said.

  Although he chopped vegetables and cut melons and killed those Datongmu people, even the weakest among them would definitely not be weaker than Kushina.

  "According to this meaning, doesn't it mean that if Kushina fights with you, doesn't it mean that he won't even be able to touch the corner of his clothes."

  Tsunade said involuntarily at this time.

  "Hmph, aren't you the same as me? You're not stronger than me, are you?" Kushina glanced at Tsunade and snorted coldly.

  "No, I feel that my strength is still stronger than yours."


  Kushina wasn't convinced, and when she played against Tsunade before, she never suffered a loss, and of course Kushina didn't take advantage of it.

  The strength of the two of them is equal, and the outcome is between fifty and five.

  "Liu Feng, who do you think is stronger?"

  Tsunade asked Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng had a headache, but Tsunade actually asked him this difficult question. If Liu Feng said that Kushina's strength was strong, Tsunade would probably be very unconvinced.

  If Tsunade was said to be strong, Kushina would probably haunt him.

  "You two are both chickens in my eyes. I can't see who is stronger when the chickens peck each other." In the end, Liu Feng said to the two of them bluntly.

  Others may choose not to offend both, but Liu Feng offends both.

  Tsunade and Kushina's faces were flushed with anger, but Konan and Hinata next to them couldn't help but snicker, while Uzumaki Xianglin smiled openly.

  "What are you laughing at? Do you think that I haven't cleaned you up these days and made you start to be arrogant?" Kushina glared at Uzumaki Xianglin.

  Xianglin looked aggrieved, and knew that she was bullying her. Sigh, let's snicker in the future and try not to be discovered. After all, she knew that Jiuxinnai was stingy.

  It is estimated that this time, Kushina will inevitably teach him a lesson.

  "You don't run."

  After Kushina looked away from Xianglin, she saw Liu Feng who had slipped away and shouted at Liu Feng.

  But how could Liu Feng not run? Tsunade and Kushina were offended. If he didn't run now, wouldn't he have to wait for them to clean up.

  Although Liu Feng is stronger than them, they are all their own women, so they can't rely on their own strength to bully them. Liu Feng can't do such a behavior.

  "Why don't you go after him? Don't you feel angry at what he said?" Kushina looked back at Tsunade and asked Tsunade.

  "Idiot Kushina, even if you go after him, can you guarantee that you can catch up with him? It's better not to do something that is wasted effort." Tsunade knew that he would definitely not be able to catch up with Liu Feng.

  Even if they knew how to master time-space ninjutsu, they didn't know where Liu Feng was going, how could they catch up with Liu Feng?

  Of course, Tsunade wouldn't let it go. Anyway, if the monk can run away from the temple, he won't go home if he doesn't believe in Liu Feng, and he will clean up after he comes back.


  PS: Ask for subscriptions, flowers, and evaluation tickets! .

Chapter 292

  Liu Feng came to the office of Terumi Mei and Ye Cang to help them deal with their work. Terumi Mei also asked about Liu Feng's return so soon.

  "I thought you were going to be away for a long time, but I'm relieved to be back so soon." Terumi Mei had a smile on her face.

  Liu Feng is their backbone. After seeing Liu Feng, he is more motivated to do things.

  In the evening, after finishing work, Liu Feng brought Terumi Mei back home, but in the end he did not escape the revenge of Kushina and Tsunade.

  However, Liu Feng is also ready. Anyway, their little revenge is not painful to Liu Feng, and they have now revenge on themselves. When Liu Feng will come back in another way at night, I hope they will Can parry, hehe! ! !

  In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and the system upgrade was finally completed.

  "Liu Feng, are you surprised or surprised?"

  Xiaomeng appeared directly in front of Liu Feng.

  "Xiaomeng, can you leave the system space?"

  Seeing Xiaomeng appearing outside, Liu Feng asked in surprise that Xiaomeng had no way to leave the system space before, which was why Xiaomeng was bored and could only communicate with Liu Feng.


  Xiaomeng was a little dejected. As a system elf, she couldn't leave the system space at all, and I'm afraid she won't be able to leave the system space after the system is upgraded in the future.

  "Actually, I'm still in the system space. Naruto World has been included in the system space. This place also belongs to the system space, so I can appear in front of you."

  After seeing Liu Feng's surprised expression, Xiaomeng and Liu Feng explained the reason.

  After the system upgrade was completed, he took the initiative to pull the whole world into the system, which was also the reward for Liu Feng's previous task.

  "So it is."

  Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng appeared in the core main space of the system. From here, the entire Naruto World can be observed. The Naruto World has become a subsidiary of the system space, just like other trial spaces and cultivation spaces.

  "Here, you can control everything in the Naruto world at will, but you can't affect it too much, lest the rules of the whole world collapse." Xiaomeng said to Liu Feng.

  Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng tried it. As for how to try, of course, he chose to pause the time and control the entire Naruto World to pause.

  In an instant, everything in the Naruto world becomes static. In fact, in addition to stopping the time in the Naruto world, it can also reverse or speed up time.

  However, Liu Feng did not play time backward or time acceleration. Mikoto, Kushina, Tsunade, Terumi Mei, and Xiao Nan were all in the Naruto world, and Liu Feng did not dare to play around.

  That is to say, the time suspension has little impact, and Liu Feng will definitely not do other things that have a major impact.

  "In addition, after the system was upgraded, the function of traversing the world was enabled, but points are required to cross the world."

  Xiaomeng and Liu Feng introduced the functions enabled after the system upgrade.

  "How many points do I need to spend to travel across the world?"

  Liu Feng asked Xiaomeng, this is what Liu Feng is most looking forward to, and he can go to other worlds to play.

  "It takes [-] million points to consume."

  After hearing Xiaomeng say that [-] million points need to be consumed, the corner of Liu Feng's mouth couldn't help twitching. Although he guessed that the points consumed by crossing the world would not be low, he did not expect it to be so high.

  "Fortunately, I haven't spent my points recklessly over the years. Otherwise, even if the world-travelling function is enabled, I won't be able to traverse."

  Liu Feng looked at his points, more than [-] million points, enough to travel through the world.

  "Isn't the newly opened function free for the first time?" Liu Feng wanted to prostitute for nothing.

  "If I have this permission, it will definitely be free for you, but I don't have permission."

  Xiaomeng said to Liu Feng helplessly.

  She also seemed to give Liu Feng some benefits, but she was just a system elf, with no authority in her hands, she was a mascot.

  "Liu Feng, do you want to travel across the world?" Xiaomeng asked Liu Feng.

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