"Not for now."

  Although I wanted to experience traveling through the world, Liu Feng wanted to accompany Mikoto and the others for a while.

  "Xiaomeng, can you choose the world you travel through?"

  Liu Feng asked Xiaomeng this question, whether this time-travel world can be specified or random.

  "Consuming [-] million points is a random crossing. If you want to specify the crossing world, you must start with at least [-] million points. Depending on the world you are crossing, you may have to charge some handling fees."

  "excuse me."

  After hearing that at least [-] million points had started, Liu Feng's expression changed, making him accumulate so many points until the Year of the Monkey.

  However, random crossing is a bit dangerous. Don't think that he is invincible in the Naruto world, but looking at the heavens and the world, Liu Feng's strength is definitely a member of the bottom.

  If he travels to a world with too high force value, such as those fantasy worlds that destroy the universe at every turn, he will definitely be a cannon fodder when he enters.

  "Don't worry, Liu Feng, you won't randomly be in a world with too strong force."

  Xiaomeng saw what Liu Feng was thinking and said to Liu Feng.

  "That's good."

  A world with too high a level may gain many benefits, but the danger is too great, and he does not need to take risks at all.

  "¨" Let's go to Naruto World with me. "

  Now that Xiaomeng can enter the Naruto world that is already attached to the system, Liu Feng will not let Xiaomeng continue to stay in the lonely place of the main space of the system.

  "Hmm." Xiaomeng nodded sharply.

  "By the way, how will you introduce me then?" Xiaomeng blinked and asked Liu Feng.

  "Just say you are my psychic beast."

  Liu Feng glanced at Xiaomeng. Now Xiaomeng looks like a Dilu beast. Although it is a little strange compared to other psychic beasts in the Naruto world, there are not many people who doubt it.


  Xiaomeng pouted slightly, a little dissatisfied with her status as a psychic beast, but she couldn't object.

  Sure enough, Liu Feng introduced Xiaomeng as the psychic beast he obtained, and it was easy for Mikoto, Kushina, Tsunade and the others to accept Qin.

  In particular, Hinata, Xianglin and Hanahua like Xiaomeng very much, and Huohua must hug Xiaomeng to sleep together.

 (Li Qian's) Xiaomeng does not reject their enthusiasm. In fact, she likes this enthusiasm very much. She has been alone for too long, so she is very eager to have friends and partners.

  A month has passed in the blink of an eye. This month, Liu Feng accompanied Mikoto, Kushina, Tsunade, and Xiaonan to the fullest, but his heart still could not settle down.

  "The time of Naruto World, pause for now."

  Liu Feng glanced at Naruto World and paused the time of Naruto World, so to Mikoto and the others, Liu Feng was equivalent to never leaving.

  Xiaomeng is also in Naruto World, and was suspended by Liu Feng. Anyway, he understands the function of the system, and he can operate the system freely without Xiaomeng. There is no need for Xiaomeng to return to the main space of the system and continue to be alone.

  After consuming [-] million points, the somewhat distressed Liu Feng turned on the function of crossing the world. A door appeared in front of Liu Feng, and Liu Feng opened the door and walked directly into it.


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Chapter 293

  In a magnificent and incomparably luxurious palace, a space door opened, and Liu Feng walked out from the space door.

  [Ding, congratulations to the host for crossing the world and independently matching a new identity - Tianlongren! 】

  Liu Feng, who had just come to this new world, heard the system prompt, and Liu Feng knew which world this was.

  Tianlong people must be the world of pirates.

  "Traveling through the world will still match the identity?"

  Liu Feng was a little surprised, and he really didn't know how to travel across the world for the first time.

  "I actually got the infamous Tianlong status."

  Liu Feng patted his forehead, but this identity cannot be said badly, although when I first saw One Piece, I was very upset with those trash-like Tianlong people.

  But now that he became a Tianlong person, those unhappy things disappeared in an instant.

  The celestial beings are the descendants of the 20 kings who established the world government [-] years ago. They consider themselves the descendants of the creator. They consider themselves noble and disdain to breathe the same air as ordinary people. Therefore, many celestial dragons have funny-looking bubble heads on their heads. cover.

  The Tianlong people are the largest world nobles in the pirate world. They treat people of other races as slaves and enjoy all privileges. Once they are offended, the generals of the Navy headquarters or members of the CP0 organization must be dispatched to protect them.

  Therefore, although many Tianlong people are not powerful, even the four emperors of the sea would not dare to kill a Tianlong person, otherwise they will face the full pursuit of the naval admiral, and the members of CP0 will also take action.

  "It's really luxurious."

  Liu Feng looked at everything in the palace. This palace belongs to Liu Feng, and it should be said that it was given to him by the system.

  Then Liu Feng began to check some information about this identity that the system had prepared for him.

  Uchiha Liufeng has mysterious and unpredictable connections with the country of Wano. He is withdrawn and has no communication with other Tianlong people. He is very mysterious among all Tianlong people.

  Tianlong men will add a saint after their names, and women will add a palace character after their names to show their dignity, but Liu Feng is of course more special.

  He was not originally from this world, and the identity of Tianlong was only inserted into him by the system. The system modified the cognition of everyone in Holy Land Mary Joa, so that they thought Liu Feng's identity was reasonable.

  "Since my current identity is a Tianlong person, there should be a lot of treasures."

  Liu Feng came to the treasure house of this palace.

  When he came here, Liu Feng frowned. There were countless gold, jewelry, and Bailey, but there was no treasure that Liu Feng could see.

  There are no Devil Fruits, and there is no famous sword.

  The money here may make the big pirates greedy, but Liu Feng has no interest at all.

  "These things should be given by the system, and the system that is stingy with valuable things probably won't give it to me."

  I didn't have much hope in the first place, so I'm not disappointed now.

  "In the world of pirates, what interests me is the devil fruit and domineering."

  Liu Feng is very interested in Devil Fruits of various abilities, but he will not eat Devil Fruits casually. Although Devil Fruits can give people special abilities, they also have side effects.

  Fear of sea water and sea tower stones is a relatively fatal weakness in this world where the sea area occupies nearly [-]%.

  "There should be props in the system that can eliminate side effects."

  Liu Feng felt that another day he could look at the system's exchange mall.

  "I don't know if I can cultivate domineering."

  Domineering is the potential power possessed by everyone in the world of pirates. In addition to the domineering arrogance of the king, other armed arrogance and domineering can be obtained through practice.

  But the problem is that Liu Feng is not from this world.

  The pirate world has this kind of potential power, but is it not the flow maple of this world, has this kind of power?

  Just like it is absolutely impossible for people in the Pirate World to cultivate chakra, Liu Feng may not be able to cultivate domineering.

  Liu Feng is not particularly worried about this issue. If he really can't practice domineering, Liu Feng can also gain domineering through exchange.

  And coming to the world of pirates, it is easy for Liu Feng to extract the character projection of the pirate world, and defeating the character projection will have the opportunity to burst into domineering.

  "Come and try to practice first."

  Liu Feng summoned a good-looking maid servant. Of course, there are some maids in this palace. Well, they are called maids, but they are actually slaves.

  In the maid's shuddering expression, Liu Feng told him to go to Wu Lao Xing to ask for a training method for the domineering of the armed force and the domineering training method for the knowledge.

  Liu Feng's current identity is a Tianlong person, as long as it is not particularly excessive, the five old stars can't refuse.

  Soon, it didn't take long for the maid to bring back the training methods of armed arrogance and knowledgeable arrogance.

  After taking a look, Liu Feng did not practice first, and he was not in a hurry for the time being, just as his character projection extraction opportunity this month had not been used.

  After letting the maid retreat, Liu Feng entered the system space.

  "The system extracts character projections."

  [Ding, congratulations to the host for extracting the projection of Anilu characters! 】

  "El Nilu, my luck is so good."

  Liu Feng was a little surprised. Although Anilu might not be as powerful as those general-level monsters, he was also quite powerful by relying on the Thunder Fruit.

  His defeat by Luffy is equivalent to a plot kill. In fact, at that time, Luffy, defeating Anilu was a bit unscientific.

  "Sure enough, there are items that remove the side effects of Devil Fruits." Liu Feng glanced at the exchange mall and found an item that removed the side effects of Devil Fruits.

  The redemption price is a bit expensive and it takes 100 million points to redeem.

  "Challenge the projection of Anilu."

  Liu Feng said to the system, and then Liu Feng was transported to the trial space, where he saw the projection of Anilu wrapped in a white turban, with a bare upper body and long earlobes.

  "Natural fruit abilities, one of the most difficult abilities to deal with."

  Now that Liu Feng has not mastered the domineering aura of armament, I am afraid that he will not be able to deal with Anilu by using taijutsu.

  The natural devil fruit can be elementalized except the dark fruit. After elementalization, the physical attack can be invalidated. In addition, the destructive power of the natural devil fruit is basically very strong, which symbolizes the destruction of nature, so it is a devil. The most precious of the fruits.

  And the thunder fruit is definitely one of the top of all the natural devil fruits.

  "I don't know if the elementalization can be immune to the Taoist jade that destroys everything?"

  In Liu Feng's hand, there was a jade for the Dao, which turned into a shield and stood in front of Liu Feng. The lightning attack released by Anilu fell on the shield of the jade and disappeared instantly.

  Then the jade in Liu Feng's hand turned into an arrow, which instantly came to Anilu's body, piercing through him before he could react.

  The strength gap is too big, and the enhanced version of Enilu's arrogance may be able to detect Liu Feng's attack, but it does not mean that he can avoid it.

  The moment he hit Anilu, Anilu's body began to disappear, and was finally completely wiped out by Gudaoyu.

  It seems that even those with natural devil fruit abilities can't compete with the Taoist jade, and those who do not have the power of the six paths will disappear into nothingness.


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