Chapter 294

  [Ding, you kill the projection of Anilu, you will get: 10 points, the ability of thundering fruit, and you will be domineering! 】

  "Good luck."

  Liu Feng smiled, and the valuable things on Enilu's body were the thunder fruit and the domineering look, and all of them were exposed at once.

  Feeling the surrounding aura, Liu Feng felt that everything around him was within his perception, which was the domineering look of seeing and hearing.

  This is Liu Feng's slight feeling. In fact, the domineering and domineering can play the biggest role in the battle.

  Then he used the thunder fruit ability again. In fact, the devil fruit ability needs to be developed slowly, but the original strength is strong, and the ability of the devil fruit can be mastered to a very high degree from the beginning.

  This is the case with Liu Feng. With his strength, the ability of the Thunder Fruit is definitely stronger than Enilu at his peak.

  "System, I didn't eat the Thunder Fruit, will there be any side effects?"

  Liu Feng asked the system.

  He directly exploded the ability of the thunder fruit, not the ability to explode the thunder fruit, and then eat the thunder fruit to obtain the ability.

  So if you don't eat the fruit of the thunderbolt, will there be any side effects?

  【Won't! 】

  The system's answer made Liu Feng's eyes light up. There are no side effects, which is great. This saves 100 million points, and there is no need to remove the side effects.

  In addition, there is a side effect of devil fruit, that is, everyone can only eat one, and taking two will explode and die.

  Blackbeard can eat two Devil Fruits because of his special body structure. He is a special person like Blackbeard. There should be no one else except him.

  As long as it's the devil fruit ability that burst out, Liu Feng can get as much as he wants.

  In fact, with Liu Feng's immortality, he is not afraid of dying from an explosion, and he doesn't think that a mere Devil Fruit can make him explode.

  Then Liu Feng entered the training space and tried to cultivate the domineering look of the armed color. In the end, Liu Feng failed. I don't know if the domineering look of the armed color was too difficult, or he really couldn't cultivate the domineering look of the armed color.

  It is possible to cultivate the domineering look of knowledge, which may be the reason why he has exposed the domineering look of knowledge.

  Without desperate training, in fact, there is no one who can threaten Liu Feng in the entire pirate world. He only needs to enjoy more in this world.

  "I also enjoy the privileges of the Tianlong people."

  Liu Feng walked out of the palace, preparing to leave the Holy Land Mary Joa and go to the Chambord Islands to see.

  "The environment in this Holy Mary Joa is really good."

  As expected of the place where the nobles of the world live, there is luxury everywhere.

  The buildings in Pirate World are much better than those in Naruto World.

  "Isn't this Uchiha Liufengsheng? It's rare to see you walk out of the palace. How did you get out of the palace today?"

  A fat Tianlong man sitting on a slave greeted Liu Feng.

  Uchiha Liu Fengsheng?Liu Feng himself sounded a little awkward, to be honest, he didn't want to add a holy word at the end.

  And his name is incompatible with these Tianlong people.

  "you are?"

  Liu Feng looked at this guy who looked a little sloppy and had a runny nose. He was too embarrassed to call himself a noble. This is a clown.

  "I'm Saint Charles, you don't know me?"

  After hearing the other party's name, Liu Feng remembered who the other party was. It turned out to be this guy, but he looked a little young.

  In the original book, this guy was beaten by Luffy and his entourage, and as a result Luffy and his entourage got into a big disaster. If it wasn't for Bartholomew's attack, Luffy would have been imprisoned in the underwater prison if he didn't die.

  I ignored this guy with a little IQ problem. This guy is mentally retarded, so stay away from him, so as not to be infected by this mental retardation.

  Liu Feng's ignorance made Charles Rose a little unhappy.

  "Stop for me."

  Seeing that Liu Feng is also a Tianlong person, he only greeted Liu Feng, but Liu Feng ignored him, which made him feel ashamed.

  "You told me to stop?"

  Liu Feng turned his head to look at Charles Rose, and the murderous aura revealed made him fall from the slave in horror, and looked at Liu Feng in horror.


  Without the general knowledge of this waste, he left directly. Behind Liu Feng, several bodyguards followed him.

  Although these bodyguards are useless, Liu Feng did not dismiss them. He is now a Tianlong person, so how can he travel without some people.

  What if I have trouble with my eyesight?Do you still want to trouble him?

  There are many pirates in the Chambord Islands, and pirates are restless guys, and it is not impossible to deliberately find fault.

  If Liu Feng has the characteristics of Tianlong people, such as the clothes that Tianlong people are used to wearing, and the bubble head cover.

  It is estimated that no one would dare to trouble Liu Feng, but Liu Feng would not wear such ugly clothes, let alone a bubble head cover.

  Chambord Archipelago, the island is made up of many big trees. This is the only way to go to the new world from the first half of the great waterway, so there are many pirates here.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  In addition to pirates, there are many merchants and bounty hunters. Where there are pirates, there are bounty hunters, and most of the merchants are to make money from Tianlong people.

  The rulers of the Chambord Islands are the Tianlong people, and many Tianlong people often appear in the Chambord Islands, and this is where they play.

  "Where are you going, sir?"

  One of the bodyguards asked Liu Feng respectfully.

  "Where is the funniest?"

  Liu Feng had just arrived in this world for a day. At most, he knew a little about the Chambord Archipelago when he first watched One Piece, but he has long since forgotten it.

  So Liu Feng really doesn't know much about the Chambord Islands.

..... 0

  "Island No. [-] has an auction, and there may be things that adults are interested in." The bodyguard said to Liu Feng.

  "Then go to Island One."

  I haven't seen a Devil Fruit yet. Liu Feng wanted to see if there was any Devil Fruit at the auction. This thing is absolutely valuable.

  "Lord Tianlong is here, and you still don't bow down."

  The bodyguards walked in front to clear the way for Liu Feng, looking arrogant.

  Although they are servants in front of the Tianlong people, when facing ordinary people, let alone how arrogant they are.

  "Dragon people?"

  Many residents of the Chambord Archipelago knelt down on the ground by conditioned reflex, and it has become a habit. As long as there are Tianlong people coming, they must kneel to avoid angering the Tianlong people.

  "Is it really a Tianlong person? How is it different from other Tianlong people?"

  "Shut up, Lord Tianlong is something you can question. Whoever dares to pretend to be a Tianlong person, don't cause us trouble, they will be finished if they hear it."

  Although Liu Feng and other Tianlong people don't dress the same, even compared to them, Liu Feng is still wearing popular clothes in the Naruto world, which is not the same as what they wear.

  However, no one dared to question Liu Feng's identity. No one dared to pretend to be a noble Tianlong person. Whoever dared to pretend to be a Tianlong person would definitely be sentenced to death after being caught, and even his family and friends would be implicated.

  For those people's kneeling, Liu Feng did not stop it, and walked over with a flat face.

  Some pirates hurriedly avoided, they may not be afraid of the sky, but the Tianlong people really dare not offend.


  PS: Ask for subscriptions, flowers, and evaluation tickets!Inch.

Chapter 295

  "Sir, this is the largest auction venue."

  The bodyguard led the way and took Liu Feng to the largest auction venue. The person in charge of the auction did not dare to neglect when he heard that he was from Tianlong.

  These noble gentlemen are not easy to serve. If they are not served well, the whole auction will risk disappearing. Fortunately, the Tianlong people are very generous.

  Even in order to show financial strength, every time there are Tianlong people in the auction, they can fetch high prices.

  "Sir, this is the item we auctioned here. If you have something you like, you can tell me, and I will give it to you for free."

  The person in charge took out an auction list and handed it to Liu Feng, and waited on it carefully. It was okay that other Tianlong people came, but Liu Feng was too unfamiliar.

  And he is completely different from other Tianlong people, both in temperament and others, so the person in charge of the auction wants to have a good relationship with Liu Feng and please Liu Feng.

  If you can make a good relationship with a Tianlong person, the benefits of paying and fighting are also worth it, because a little bit of leakage from the Tianlong people can make them full.

  Liu Feng took a look at the auction items. If there is something he is interested in, Liu Feng is really not polite.

  What is he polite now that he is a Tianlong person?


  A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Liu Feng's face.

  "Sweet fruit?"

  "Are you interested in sweet fruits? I'll send them to you right away."

  The person in charge immediately signaled to the attendant next to him. Although the value of this sweet fruit is not low, it is worth it to befriend a Tianlong person.

  Liu Feng did not refuse, but when he saw the sweet fruit, Liu Feng thought of many things.

  The person with the sweet fruit ability is the female emperor Boya Hancock. Now Boya Hancock has not eaten the sweet fruit, and I don't know what time it is now.

  After crossing, Liu Feng didn't know the time now, but it must be far from the beginning of the plot, because the empress has not eaten sweet fruit yet.

  "These three people sent it to me, and I bought it."

  After Liu Feng flipped through it, he pointed to the three little girls whose auction items came from Nine Snake Island, with their portraits on them. One of them was the future Empress Boya Hancock.

  Unexpectedly, not only saw the sweet fruit, but also found Boya Hancock.

  Boya Hancock was kidnapped by human traffickers at the age of twelve and sold to the nobles of the world. He didn't expect it to become an auction item, and he even saw it.

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