"No problem, I'll send it to you right away, you don't need to buy it, I'll give it to you directly."

  The person in charge immediately nodded and said, even sweet fruits are willing to give away, let alone three little girls. Even if these three little girls are from Nine Snake Island, their value is not as high as a superhuman devil fruit.

  "If your lord likes it, I can help you find some women."

  The person in charge moved carefully and wanted to make a good relationship with a Tianlong person, only by prescribing the right medicine.


  Liu Feng nodded, he needed some maids in such a big palace, although there were two maids in the palace, but there were too few.

  Compared with other Tianlong people, his pomp is too small, and there are not enough two maids, so he can't even clean it.

  "We still have a good knife here, I don't know if the adults are interested."

  When Liu Feng heard the good and fast knife, he lacked interest. At least it must be the supreme and fast knife to make Liu Feng interested.

  Even if you are interested in Liu Feng, you will not use it yourself, at most you can use it as a collection.

  "I'm very interested in Devil Fruits. In the future, you can help me collect some Devil Fruits, and the benefits will come from you."

  Liu Feng said to the person in charge.

  "Yes, thank you sir for giving me this opportunity."

  The person in charge is very happy, this is considered to be on the line of this Tianlong person, and it will benefit the forces behind him in the future.

  You can do things under the banner of Tianlong people. With the name of Tianlong people, some big pirates will be deterred.

  "You go down first."

  Liu Feng waved his hand to the other party, signaling the other party to leave, and the person in charge also left very wisely.

  Soon Sweet Fruit and the three Boya Hancock sisters were delivered.

  Just looking at the avatar before, Liu Feng could not be completely sure that she was Boya Hancock, but now after seeing the real person, Liu Feng was sure that this was Boya Hancock.

  "You will be mine from now on, understand?"

  Liu Feng said to the trembling three people.

  Boya Hancock, who is still just a little girl now, does not have the demeanor of a future empress, and is very afraid when facing Liu Feng.

  "I ask if you understand?" Liu Feng stared at the three of them.


  Boya Hancock stood in front of the two younger sisters and nodded in fear.

  When they were brought over, someone warned them that their master would be His Royal Highness Tianlong in the future. If they accidentally bumped into His Highness, they would be chopped up and fed to dogs.

  How could Boya Hancock endure this kind of shock when he was still young, so he was so careful...  

  "Let's dress them up first." Liu Feng said to the maid next to him.

  These maids were from the auction venue and were specially sent to serve Liu Feng.


  The maid nodded cautiously, then hurriedly completed Liu Feng's task, and went to dress up with the three dirty Boya Hancock sisters.

  "As a Tianlong person, no matter where you go, you are greeted with fearful eyes."

  Liu Feng said lightly.

  It is also normal. If you are killed by the Tianlong people, there is no reason to reason. The key is that the Tianlong people can do something to you, but you cannot do it.

  After that, the auction was held as usual, and Liu Feng did not bid for the auction. He had already picked out the items he liked, and now the most precious thing in the auction is the good knife.

  The three Hancock sisters, who were dressed up, also appeared in front of Liu Feng. Although Hancock is still young, it can be seen that he is a beautiful embryo.

  Her two younger sisters look very beautiful now, but I don't know if they will be disabled in the future.

  I don't know if the two of them are crippled. It's because they ate the animal-type devil fruit.

  "Let's go."

  The auction is almost over, and there is nothing that Liu Feng likes, so there is no need to stay here.

  The three Hancock sisters followed Liu Feng cautiously, with bodyguards watching, they couldn't escape if they wanted to.

  In fact, they discussed a way to escape before, but can those with small arms and legs escape?Now they also regret not practicing seriously on Nine Snake Island.

  Even more regretted leaving Nine Snake Island. Who would have thought that on the boat of the Nine Snake Pirates, they could be captured by human traffickers, and their vigilance was too low.

  Regret is useless, now they are slaves.

  Moreover, they are also slaves of the Tianlong people. They don’t know what is waiting for them. They are very afraid of the future.

  After walking out of this auction house, Liu Feng went to other auction houses and harvested several Devil Fruits again. Unfortunately, these Devil Fruits are all animal-type Devil Fruits.

  In fact, most of the Devil Fruits that are put up for auction are of the animal type, and very few of the superhuman Devil Fruits are willing to auction them.


  PS: Ask for subscriptions, flowers, and evaluation tickets! .

Chapter 296

  After strolling around the Chambord Islands, I have to say that the identity of Tianlong people is easy to use, and no matter where you go, you will be treated respectfully.

  Even those vicious pirates hide away when they know the arrival of the Tianlong people.

  "It's time to go back."

  Liu Feng took people back to the Holy Land Mary Joa. This time, he harvested nine devil fruits. Except for the sweet fruits, the other eight devil fruits were all animal-type devil fruits.

  After returning to his palace, the bodyguards retreated and waited outside the door, the three Hancock sisters, and several other maids bought by Liu Fengxiang.

  "In the future, you will be responsible for cleaning the entire palace and the manor outside."


  Hearing that Liu Feng just ordered them to be responsible for cleaning the palace and manor, they breathed a sigh of relief, much better than expected.

  According to the rumors they heard, the Tianlong people don't treat their slaves as human beings. Now it seems that their masters are not bad, at least they didn't beat and scold them at every turn, which is the best result for them.

  "It's the year 1502 of the Haiyuan calendar, Luffy has not been born yet, Roger has just died four years ago, and the Four Emperors of the Sea have not yet been born."

  Liu Feng began to calculate the information he had obtained. At this point in time, Anilu had definitely not eaten the Thunder Fruit 28. Liu Feng felt that it was necessary to look for the Thunder Fruit.

  Although Liu Feng has obtained the power of the Thunder Fruit, a natural devil fruit is still one of the strongest among the natural devil fruits, so it is necessary to look for it.

  If you find it, you earn it, if you can't find it, it doesn't matter.

  Moreover, Liu Feng didn't plan to find it by himself. He could trigger the people from the CP organization to find it. As a Tianlong person, Liu Feng ordered them to find a devil fruit, but they dared not refuse.

  "Go and send someone to call the CP organization."

  Liu Feng said to Boya Hancock who was wiping the table.

  "Let me go?"

  Hancock pointed to himself.

  "Do you think there is anyone else here?"

  There was only Hancock in the entire palace hall, and everyone else was cleaning the bedrooms or weeding the yard.

  Liu Feng found that the manpower was a bit short, and he needed to find someone who could help him, but for the time being, he had not thought of anyone who could be like his eyes.

  Hancock can be cultivated a little, but the premise is that after she is loyal, Liu Feng will not cultivate her now.

  Buying Hancock back is not only because she will be the number one beauty in the world in the future, but also because of her strength.

  If you don't have strength, you won't become the king's Qiwuhai. In the original book, her strength is definitely stronger than that of the lieutenant general of the headquarters. Well, it refers to the regular lieutenant general, and the lieutenant general like Karp is not counted.

  If Liu Feng trains her, she will definitely make her stronger than in the original book, even if her combat power is not comparable to that of a general, at least she can be comparable to a general candidate like Taotu.

  After thinking of Taotu, Liu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. Maybe Taotu can be listed as one of the choices, but today's Taotu is not very strong. Now she is not too old, and her strength is not that strong. .

  The others, Akainu, Kizaru and Aokiji, will soon become generals, and they will definitely not come to serve Liu Feng.

  What's more, as a man, of course, his subordinates prefer beautiful women, which is also eye-catching, let a few rough men do what.

  Of course, although the first choice is a beautiful woman, it also depends on the ability, if the ability is not good, Liu Feng also doesn't want a vase.

  Hancock listened to Liu Feng's words and notified the people outside to find the people from the CP organization, and the other party came here soon.

  "Respected Highness Tianlongren, I don't know what's wrong with you?"

  Spandain, the current chief of CP9 looked at Liu Feng eagerly, knowing that the Tianlong people were looking for them, and Spandain hurried over.

  If you can do things well for the Tianlong people, then you will gain the favor of the Tianlong people, and your position will be able to rise in the future.

  "Are you Spandain?" Liu Feng asked him.

  Spanda was a little flattered, "His Royal Highness Tianlong actually knows me."

  "Call me Lord Liu Feng in the future."

  Liu Feng said to him indifferently, he was quite uncomfortable being called by His Royal Highness the Heavenly Dragon.

  "Yes, I obey your orders, Lord Liu Feng." Spandain has a very despicable personality and is very afraid of death. He is very arrogant in the face of people whose status is lower than him, but in the face of Liu Feng, a Tianlong person, he does not dare to have it. Not arrogant at all.

  Spandain is not stupid. He knows that if Liu Feng wants to kill him, he can die silently with a single order, so how dare he be arrogant if he is afraid of death, for fear of angering Liu Feng.

  "There is something for the CP organization to do, it's better to go to the CP0 people to do it, do you understand?" Liu Feng said lightly to Spandain.

  Although this guy has come, this guy is not qualified at all. Even if he knows where the sky island is, does Spandain have the ability to go to the sky island?

  What's more, this guy's ability is not strong, he is a very rubbish guy, Liu Feng doesn't look down on it at all.

  "Send me a message and ask the people from CP0 to go to the sky island and look for the fruit of thunder. This is the address and the way to go to the sky island."

  Liu Feng threw a piece of paper to Spandain, which recorded the specific location of the sky island.

  "Sound thunder fruit?"

  Spandain's heart moved. He had also heard of the Thunder Fruit, the most domineering Devil Fruit in the Nature Department, and it also had the highest attack power among all Devil Fruits.

  "Why, are you also tempted by the Thunder Fruit?" Liu Feng asked indifferently to Spandain.

  That's right, Spandain was indeed a little moved, but Spandain came back to his senses right away. No matter how good the Thunder Fruit was, he couldn't move it, because Spandain didn't want to die.

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