This is what the Tianlong people want. Even if he finds the Thunder Fruit, he will not dare to swallow it alone, otherwise the whole world will have no place for him.

  "Don't dare, Lord Liu Feng, I absolutely don't dare to have such thoughts."

  Spandain knelt down directly.

  "However, Master Liu Feng, this matter can be handed over to us CP9, and we don't need to trouble the people of CP0."

  He wants to take over this task. In his opinion, he has the exact address. Can't he find the Thunder Fruit?After this task was completed, he completely entered the eyes of Lord Liu Feng.

  "Are you really willing to take on this mission?"

  Liu Feng looked at Spandain playfully.

  "Of course, I am willing to serve Master Liu Feng."

  "Okay, then I'll leave it to you CP9. I'll give you three months. If you can't bring back the Thunder Fruit in three months, neither you nor your son need to live."

  Liu Feng's light words made Spandain's face turn pale. At this time, he really wanted to slap himself a few times.

  Especially when there is a time limit, can you find the Thunder Fruit in three days?

  If you can't find the Thunder Fruit, is it going to die?Thinking of this, Spandain wanted to refuse.

  "That, Lord Liufeng, I think it's better to leave it to the seniors of CP0, so as not to waste the time of Lord Liufeng."

  "Oh, can I understand that you took this mission just to amuse me? Don't you want to live anymore?"

  Liu Feng looked at Spandain coldly. Spandain's face was sweating coldly. Now he didn't dare to refuse. He quickly assured Liu Feng that he would definitely bring back the Thunder Fruit within three months.


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Chapter 297

  The task of going to find the fruit of thunder was finally handed over to Spandain by Liu Feng. This guy's biggest weakness is the fear of death.

  Threatening him with death, I believe that he will explode with the greatest motivation, no matter what method he uses, and finally bring back the Thunder Fruit to Liu Feng.

  If after three months, he really can't bring back the Thunder Fruit, Liu Feng will definitely kill Spandain.

  "My lord, someone sent you an invitation."

  Hancock took an invitation and handed it to Liu Feng. At this time, she was no longer so afraid of Liu Feng, and she had been here for several days.

  In addition to being able to work these days, the rest of the time is not bad, but there is no freedom.

  Compared to other Celestial Dragon slaves, they are already good, and they are not imprinted with Celestial Dragon's hoofs.

  The hoof mark of Tianxianglong is the coat of arms of the Tianlong people, and the slaves raised by the world's nobles will be branded with this mark.

  Without this mark, it means that they are not the most inferior slaves, and this is already the greatest kindness to them.

  "Saint Roswald invited me to the banquet."

  A playful smile appeared on Liu Feng's face. He had nothing to do with Roswald Saint, but had seen his son once.

  It was the mentally retarded Saint Charles I met last time, who was ignored by Liu Feng.

  "Tonight, go have a look."

  I looked at the time it was tonight, so I went to see this banquet at night, the banquet held by the Tianlong people, Liu Feng was very curious.

  In the evening, Liu Feng went to the banquet venue alone, that is, the house of Saint Roswald.

  In fact, if there is a suitable bodyguard, Liu Feng will definitely go with the bodyguard, which is more ostentatious, but unfortunately Liu Feng does not have a good bodyguard now.

  There are only ten maids in the entire palace, including the three Hancock sisters, and eight bodyguards, but these eight bodyguards are poor, and Liu Feng plans to disband them after a while and replace them with another batch. Somewhat more powerful.

  At least if he can do things, not a bodyguard who can only run errands.

  "Didn't you mean a banquet? Saint Roswald invited me alone 々.?"

  Liu Feng glanced at it, and besides Saint Roswald, there were only his son Saint Charles Rose and his daughter Xaluria Palace.

  "This time is a banquet specially invited to you." Saint Roswald said.

  Later, when Liu Feng saw Saint Charles who was staring at him resentfully, he probably understood that the last time this idiot was frightened by his own look.

  This time, he should be looking for his father.

  "What's the purpose, let me tell you, I'm still very busy, and I don't have time to spend with you."

  Liu Feng sat down, picked up a small snack and tasted it. It tasted good. It seemed that it was made by a chef. It was much better than the chef in charge of cooking in his palace.

  It seems that he will also find some chefs with good cooking skills in the future. Food is a small hobby of Liu Feng.

  "I heard that you had a conflict with my son before?" Roswald looked at Liu Feng with an unkind expression, with an expression of inquiring.

  "Conflict? That is also called conflict. If there is a conflict, your son should be dead."

  Liu Feng cut a piece of steak and put it in his mouth. The sauce and the gravy were absolutely perfect. At this time, Liu Feng seemed to be simply enjoying the food, ignoring the angry eyes of Saint Roswald and Saint Charles.

  "You eat it, it's a waste if you don't eat it."

  Looking up, seeing them staring at him, greeted them.

  "Uchiha Liu Fengsheng, I think you should apologize to my son."

  "Wait a minute, I don't like people adding a holy word to my name." Liu Feng interrupted Saint Roswald.

  "Besides, what kind of thing is your son, he deserves my apology. I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language."

  The aura of a strong man on Liu Feng exuded, and Saint Rosward and Saint Charles, who were still arrogant for a moment, fell to their knees on the ground, even Xia Luliya Palace was no exception.

  Although he doesn't have the domineering look of an overlord, his aura that belongs to a strong man is actually more domineering than that of an overlord.

  If you release it with all your strength, the entire palace can be razed to the ground with just the momentum and the burst of chakra.

  Wiping his mouth unhurriedly, Liu Feng looked at Saint Roswald lightly.

  "You said just now that I would apologize to your son, didn't you?"

  Liu Feng was playing with the knife that was cutting the steak in his hand. It was obviously a dull knife, but Liu Feng scratched lightly, and the hard wooden table made of some kind of wood was cut open.

  "You...what do you want to do?"

  Saint Roswald was a little scared, and he felt that Uchiha Liufeng dared to kill him.

  Ordinary people kill Tianlongren, the consequences will be very serious, but if Uchiha Liufeng, who is also Tianlongren, kills him, maybe Uchiha Liufeng will also be punished, but it is definitely not that serious.

  "I think you should need to apologize to me, what do you think?"

  The knife in Liu Feng's hand had already pierced into Saint Roswald's shoulder at this time.


  Saint Roswald let out a scream like killing a pig, and Saint Charles Rose and Xaluria Palace next to him were almost scared to pee, but they actually did it.

  "Shut up, dare to howl again, the next time you aim at your heart." Liu Feng roared impatiently at Saint Roswald.

  Saint Roswald, who experienced this kind of pain for the first time, didn't dare to speak. He could feel that Liu Feng was not joking with him at all, maybe he really dared to stab him in the heart.

  "¨" I said before that you should apologize to me, what do you think? "

  Liu Feng asked Saint Roswald again.

  "I'm sorry..."

  Saint Roswald turned pale because of the pain, and the Xaluliya Palace on the side was frightened and fainted, which was really vulnerable.

  "Just saying sorry is over? You don't even have a substantive apology gift. It makes it hard for me to believe your sincerity."

  Liu Feng shook his head and said with a dissatisfied expression.

  "You, whatever you want, I can give it to you, let me go."

  Saint Roswald is afraid of death, very afraid of death. Although the Tianlong people are aloof, there are really not many such things as backbone.

  He was used to enjoying it, but he was not willing to be killed by Fang.

  "Give me any good things you have in your hand, and this will also buy your life." Liu Feng said with Erlang's legs crossed.

(Li Qianhao)

  "You bastards, don't hurry up and get all my treasures."

  Saint Roswald shouted at his guards that spending money to save his life is the most important thing at this time, and he can no longer care about those collectibles.

  As for letting those guards resist and kill Uchiha Liufeng, he had thought about it, but he quickly dismissed the idea.

  He was too close to Uchiha Liufeng, but he didn't have the guts to bet against Uchiha Liufeng, but he was killed first.

  If he gambles with his own life, if he loses, he will even lose his life. He doesn't have the courage to take revenge later. It is the best choice to admit counsel now.

  Soon all the treasures of Saint Roswald were moved over. After seeing the piles of golden jewels, Liu Feng was surprised by Saint Roswald's treasure. This old boy is too rich.


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Chapter 298

  The gold jewelry Liu Feng didn't pay much attention to it. Liu Feng didn't really see this thing very much. Liu Feng paid attention to the devil fruit.

  Although the dragon people do not eat devil fruits, they like to collect devil fruits, and when they want to have fun, they may give the devil fruits in their hands to their slaves.

  Hancock is the sweet fruit obtained in this way in the original book.

  With more than a dozen Devil Fruits, Liu Feng was very satisfied with Saint Roswald's family, and even got a big quick knife, but Liu Feng didn't care much about this big quick knife, so let's treat it as a collection.

  "It's best not to provoke me in the future. You can provoke me if you want to. Prepare your treasure so that you can buy your life next time, you know?"

  Liu Feng directly put all these treasures into the Shenwei space and asked Saint Roswald.

  "Know... it's here, can you... let me stop the bleeding first?"

  Saint Roswald asked with a pale face, his shoulders were bleeding all the time, and he had a weak feeling of dying.

  In fact, he was simply frightened, but his arm was pierced, which would cause fatal injuries.

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