"It's good to know, I won't disturb you."

  Liu Feng left. After he left, Roswald immediately sought a doctor to treat his injuries.

  "Damn, I must take revenge."

  When Liu Feng was still here, Saint Roswald was submissive. After Liu Feng left, Saint Roswald began to howl.

  At this time, Liu Feng did not know that Saint Roswald was clamoring for revenge, and even if he knew, he would not care, because Saint Roswald did not have any means to seek revenge from him.

  Find someone to deal with him?Who dares to deal with a Tianlong person, even if there is a Tianlong person behind him, no one will kill and assassinate a Tianlong person.

  "Father, how should we take revenge?" Saint Charles Roswald asked Saint Roswald, sucking his nose.


  The angry Saint Roswald kicked his son, Saint Charles Rose, and flew out.

  "It's all you bastard, if it weren't for you, how could Uchiha Liufeng hurt me." Saint Roswald roared at Saint Charles Ross angrily.

  Saint Charles Rose was very arrogant in the face of others, but when facing his own father, he was still very scared, lying on the ground and daring not to move.

  "I'm going to find the Five Old Stars."

  After bandaging the wound, Saint Rozwald went to the Five Old Stars and prepared to use the power of the Five Old Stars to deal with Uchiha Liufeng. After all, he injured himself and took away his own treasure. .

  After finding the Five Old Stars, Saint Rozwald told the Five Old Stars everything that happened to him, and added fuel to it.

  "We will find out about the situation with Uchiha Liufeng."

  The bald-headed five-star star who wore glasses and a white robe said to Saint Roswald.

  He is not very cold about Saint Roswald, and the same is true of the other five old stars. In their identities, they are higher than ordinary Tianlong people.

  The identities of the five old stars are mysterious, and no one knows whether they are Tianlong people, but their status is higher than that of ordinary Tianlong people.

  At least other Heavenly Dragon people should give some face when facing them.

  "First ask someone to invite Uchiha Liufeng over." The curly-haired Wu Laoxing wearing a black flat hat said, and at the same time ordered the people outside.

  Soon, someone informed Liu Feng and asked Liu Feng to go to Wu Lao Xing.

  "Hehe, it seems that Saint Rozwald is going to the Five Old Stars to complain."

  Liu Feng could guess in an instant that he must be looking for him because of this matter, otherwise the Five Old Stars would have no reason to look for Liu Feng.

  "Go back and tell the Five Old Stars that if they want to see me, let them come to me in person." Liu Feng said lightly to the messenger.

  Let him go to see the five old stars in person, they think too much, will Liu Feng pay attention to them?It is estimated that the five old stars together are not enough for him to fight with one hand.

  After touching the nose, the person in charge of the message had to go back, and let Liu Feng not come, and let them personally find him and convey the news to the Five Old Stars.

  "This Uchiha Liufeng is a little arrogant."

  The golden-haired Wu Laoxing had a touch of anger on his face, and the faces of the other Wu Laoxing were not very good-looking.

  When Saint Roswald saw this, he was very happy. The five old stars are not easy to offend, but they are people that Lord Yimu values ​​very much.

  And they have lived for a long time. Maybe they are also Tianlong people. Anyway, even if they are not Tianlong people, their current status is slightly higher than that of ordinary Tianlong people.

  "What do you think?" The blond five old stars asked the other five old stars.

  "I'm going to meet him in person."

  Taopao Wu Laoxing came out with a knife in his hand. The knife in his hand was somewhat similar to the third generation of ghosts. It was suspected that the first generation of ghosts was one of the twelve masters of the supreme sword.

  The Supreme Sword is the most precious sword in the pirate world. Hawkeye's Black Sword Night and Whitebeard's Naginata Cong Yunqi are all among the Twelve Supreme Swords.


  Flat hat five old star nodded.

  This Uchiha Liufeng is quite mysterious, and even they don't know much about the other party. Since it involves Uchiha Liufeng, they should be a little more cautious.

  Just let the five old stars in the robe try out Uchiha Liufeng's details.

  Saint Roswald said to the Taoist Five Old Stars with a vicious look on his face: "Uchiha Liufeng must be severely punished, and my things will be recovered."

  The Taoist Five Old Stars ignored Saint Roswald at all, and the other Five Old Stars were also very perfunctory towards him.

  They were indeed annoyed by Uchiha Ryukae, but the reason for the annoyance was more because he didn't give them face than because of St. Roswald.

  When they came to Liu Feng's palace, the five old stars in the Taoist robe were stopped by the bodyguards who also served as guards.

  "Go and tell Uchiha Liufeng, I'm here in person." Daopao Wu Lao Xing said lightly to the bodyguard who stopped him.

  In fact, this bodyguard also knew the Five Old Stars. In the Holy Land Mary Joa, the headquarters of the World Government, if he didn't even know the Five Old Stars, wouldn't it be a joke?

  It is also because of duty to stop the Taopao Wu Laoxing now. If the Daopao Wuxingxing is allowed to enter without authorization, I am afraid that the head will not be guaranteed. Even if the Daopao Wuxingxing is offended, he must be stopped.

  "I'll notify the adults immediately."

  "Interesting, it really came."

  Just when the Taoist Five Old Stars arrived at the door, Liu Feng knew it.

  Unexpectedly, one of the five old stars really came. From the inside of the palace, Liu Feng could feel the momentum of the five old stars in Taoist robes. Is this a disgrace to him?

  "Dry him for a while."

  Liu Feng wanted to see if Wu Laoxing would be really angry. Anyway, he was not afraid to anger Wu Laoxing. Maybe other Tianlong people were afraid of Wu Laoxing, but Liu Feng would not be afraid at all.

  Even if Im came, Liu Feng said it would be left to dry.

  If you are not convinced, you can speak with strength, but Liu Feng's strength in the world of pirates has exceeded the ceiling.

  After a while, the bodyguard bravely told Taopao Wu Laoxing that Lord Liu Feng was having a meal and asked him to wait outside for a while.

  Taopao Wu Laoxing was expressionless and did not speak, but feeling the momentum he exuded, he knew that he was already angry.


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Chapter 299

  After standing at the door for an hour, the Taoist Five Old Stars entered Liu Feng's palace.

  "I'm so sorry to keep you waiting outside."

  Liu Feng said that he was embarrassed, but he did not show any embarrassment on his face, and the Taoist Five Old Stars also knew that Liu Feng did it on purpose.

  "You~ caused Saint Roswald's injury?"

  The five old stars in the robe were not polite to Liu Feng, and asked Liu Feng directly.

  "This question, do you think that Saint Roswald's injury was caused by me?" Liu Feng asked the Taoist Five Old Stars with a smile on his face.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, did you do it? Don't you know it yourself, are you still delusional to exonerate yourself?"

  Daopao Wu Laoxing looked at Liu Feng coldly, his eyes were like sharp knives, most people might not even be able to bear the eyes of Daopao Wu Laoxing, they were very oppressive.

  The strength of the five old stars is definitely not weak. Their strength is definitely stronger than that of the generals. I don't know who is stronger than Garp. They have never done it, and they can't guess their strength.

  But this matter is not important, anyway, no matter how strong the five old stars are, they are definitely not as strong as Liu Feng.

  The basic combat power of Pirate World is stronger than that of Naruto World, but the real top-level combat power is definitely not comparable to Naruto World.

  "Put away your aura, this is my palace, do you have any share in my turf?"

  Liu Feng asked indifferently to the Taoist Five Old Stars.

  In an instant, the five old stars in the Taoist robe were pulled into the moon reading illusion space by Liu Feng.

  "I caused Saint Rosward's injury, but I don't think his injury has anything to do with me. You should understand how to do it. If you don't understand, I will teach you to understand."

  In the illusion space, Liu Feng stood high above, looking down at the five old stars in the robe who were imprisoned and lying on the ground unable to move.

  "Stop struggling, this is my world, and all factors here are under my control. You are at most a marionette in my hands."

  Liu Feng looked at the struggling Taoist Five Old Stars with disdain.

  Unless you forcibly break the moon reading illusion space, you won't even have the strength to resist here.

  "What devil fruit did you eat?"

  The Taoist Five Old Stars calmed down and asked Liu Feng.

  After taking the monthly reading, his first reaction was the Devil Fruit ability.

  "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, just tell me whether you want to die or live next, the choice is in your hands."

  Liu Feng fell from the sky and kicked the Taoist Five Old Stars on the ground.

  Dao-pao Wu Lao Xing, who was kicked by Liu Feng, was very aggrieved, but in this illusion space, let alone a counterattack, he didn't even have the ability to struggle to move.

  "You said that this is an illusion space, then this is a fake, you can't hurt me at all." The mind of the five old stars in the robe is very flexible.

  "Really, do you really think so?"

  Liu Feng smiled, the Taoist Five Old Stars were somewhat self-righteous, thinking that they would not be able to hurt him.

  "The injury you get here will not cause you physical damage, but it will cause you mental damage. If you don't want to become an idiot or brain-dead, I can let you experience it."

  At this moment, a knife appeared in Liu Feng's hand, a dull knife, which was directly stabbed by Liu Feng into the body of Wu Lao Xing.

  Originally, after being stabbed, the Dao-pao Wu Lao Xing wouldn't feel this injury, but in the illusion space, Liu Feng increased the Dao-pao Wu Lao Xing's pain by a hundred times.

  What does a hundredfold pain feel like?Liu Feng didn't know, but seeing the distorted expressions of the five old stars in the robe, Liu Feng knew that it must be "cool".

  "Do you want another knife?"

  Liu Feng asked the Taoist Five Old Stars.

  "This time I can adjust the pain for you a thousand times. I don't know if you will be killed alive, but I'm really looking forward to it."

  Saying that, Liu Feng planned to stab it again.

  "Wait a moment."

  The pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe, and the Taoist Five Old Stars, who were about to lose consciousness, hurriedly shouted to Liu Feng that Liu Feng had to be stopped.

  If Uchiha Liufeng is allowed to come again, I am afraid that he will really die in pain.

  He would rather be killed with a knife than be tortured like this.

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