"I know what to do."

  The five old stars of Taoism chose to compromise, and the matter of Saint Roswald was put to rest. This time, facing Uchiha Liufeng, he was completely planted.

  And they don't know how the other party uses the ability. This ability to pull people into the illusion space is hard to guard against. Before finding a restraint method, the five old stars in the robe dared not provoke Liu Feng again.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng released the Moon Reading Illusion Space, and the five old stars in the Taoist robe were half-knelt on the ground, their clothes soaked with sweat.

  "You were so unscrupulous in my palace before, and you can't help but pay some price. Just keep the knife in your hand."

  Liu Feng looked at the first generation ghost in the hands of the five old stars in the robe.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Although he wasn't interested in ordinary knives, Liu Feng was very interested in one of the most powerful knives.

  The complexion of the five old stars of the Taoist robe changed, and he wanted the first-generation ghost in his hand.

  For a great swordsman, the sword in his hand is more important than his life, and Liu Feng is killing him.

  "Why, don't you want to? It doesn't matter if you don't want to, at most, the Five Old Stars will become the Four Old Stars in the future. Anyway, after you die, the knife will still be mine."

  Liu Feng said indifferently.

  It seems that he doesn't care whether the five old stars in the robe will hand over the knife in his hand, because even if he doesn't hand it over, Liu Feng has a way to get it.

  "I hope you can resist the curse of the demon sword."

  The Taoist Five Old Stars finally compromised and handed over the first-generation Guiche in his hand to Liu Feng.


  The first generation Guiche, the second generation Guiche, and the third generation Guiche are all demon swords, and according to rumors, this is a sword that can counteract the master.

  "You really can't compare to Hawkeye."

  Liu Feng shook his head slightly and said, in fact, if the Five Old Stars in the Taoist robe did not compromise, Liu Feng might give him a high look.

  Dao-pao Wu Lao Xing's eyes flashed, and if it was him in the past, he might not give up the knife that accompanies him, but now he is no longer the one who once sought the ultimate in kendo.

  He thinks that he has reached the peak and has nowhere to go. He has lost his enterprising spirit, and he is now afraid of death.

  As a swordsman, when you start to be afraid of death, it means that you will never have a chance to climb higher, and your future achievements can only stop there.

  Perhaps the strength of the five old stars of Taoism is stronger than Hawkeye at the beginning of the plot in the original book, but his attitude towards kendo may not be comparable to Hawkeye, not even Sauron.

  "Warn St. Roswald not to provoke me, otherwise his death will be a trouble for you, okay, let's go."

  When Liu Feng faced the Taopao Five Old Stars, he used that kind of aloof tone from beginning to end. To be honest, the Taopao Five Old Stars felt very aggrieved.

  However, he has no intention of seeking revenge for Liu Feng. He has resentment towards Liu Feng, but he will definitely not dare to take revenge until he understands Liu Feng's details.

  Dao-pao Wu Lao Xing left here in a sullen manner. I believe that this time he used Dao-pao Wu Lao Xing to kill chickens and frighten monkeys, and other Wu Lao Xing did not dare to provoke him.


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Chapter 300

  After returning to the Taoist Five Old Stars, he told the other Five Old Stars about the matter.

  As for Saint Roswald, he has been sent away, and the five old stars in Taoism also warned him not to go to trouble with Uchiha Liufeng, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk, and no one will give him a chance even if he dies.

  This time he was frightened, and he left in a daze. It is estimated that he would not dare to trouble Liu Feng for the time being.

  "Uchiha Liufeng is really that strong?"

  The other Five Old Stars asked the Taoist Five Old Stars.

  Even the knife in his hand is gone, which shows how much the Taoist Five Old Stars suffered this time.

  "I don't know how strong he is."

  Taopao Wu Laoxing shook his head lightly, "But his devil fruit ability is very strange, he pulled me into an illusion space, in the illusion space he is like a god, I have no ability to resist at all, in the illusion space I am affected by The damage will be reflected in my spirit.”

   Without concealing it, he told the other five old stars about the monthly reading ability used by Liu Feng, and discussed it to see if he could find a way to crack it.

  If he can crack this ability, he will definitely take revenge, and then take back the first generation Guitou who was grabbed by Liu Feng.

  "Devil Fruits have many abilities, and there are many Devil Fruits that we have not known about. For the time being, don't provoke Uchiha Liufeng."

  The five old stars in the flat hat thought for a while, and finally compromised with Uchiha Liufeng.

  The five of them are not much different in strength from each other, and the five old stars of Taoism suffer, so they will not suffer.

  "I heard that he sent the CP organization to look for a devil fruit." At this time, the five old stars with blond hair remembered a piece of news about Liu Feng.

  "Do you know what devil fruit it is?"

  The bald bearded five old star asked.

  "It's not clear for the time being. He handed this matter over to Spandain. Just ask Spandain to know. He didn't dare not explain it."

  The Blonde Five Old Stars took out the phone bug, contacted Spandain, and soon returned to the phone bug's budgie, and the call was connected.

  Sure enough, facing the Five Old Stars, Spandain did not dare to hide it at all, and told the Five Old Stars completely.

  "Thundering fruit, what do you think?"

  When they heard that it was the Thunder Fruit, they all had to pay attention to it. Even a person with poor talent could gain incomparably powerful strength by obtaining a powerful natural Devil Fruit like the Thunder Fruit.

  If you find a person with good talent, it is not difficult to cultivate a general-level combat power.

  Compared to Akainu's rockberry fruit, Aokiji's frozen fruit, and Kiabou's sparkling fruit, the Hibiki Fruit is slightly better, and is considered by many to be the strongest devil fruit in nature.

  "You said that he already has the ability of a devil fruit, which means that he didn't eat the thunder fruit himself, but wanted to train his subordinates."

  After the bearded Wu Laoxing glanced at the Taoist Wu Laoxing, he began to analyze.

  "You said we want to cut the beard. If we find the fruit of thunder, it means that we can control a powerful combat force." The blond five old star asked the others.

  "Forget it, there's no need to turn against him, don't forget his identity, Tianlongren."

  The five old stars in the flat hat were a little moved, but finally gave up.

  They and Uchiha Liufeng are not enemies. At most, there are some conflicts. If they cut off the opponent's thunder fruit, they will really become enemies.

  For the sake of a powerful devil fruit, is it worth it to have a revenge with someone who doesn't know the details, and who is also a world noble from Tianlong?

  In the eyes of the Five Old Stars, it is not worth it.

  "In the future, pay more attention to Uchiha Liufeng. He can obtain information on the Thunder Fruit, and there must be a hidden intelligence organization under his hands."

  Although not the enemy, but also understand the details of Uchiha Liufeng.

  A Tianlong person who doesn't even know the details is staying in the Holy Land Mary Joa, and they always feel uneasy in their hearts.

  "Yes, you should pay attention to it."

  The other five old stars also agreed, but even if they wanted to investigate, they couldn't do it blatantly. They could only investigate Liu Feng's details secretly.

  Wu Laoxing has attached great importance to Liu Feng, and separated Liu Feng from other Tianlong people in his heart. Uchiha Liu Feng is completely different from those idiots who only know how to act recklessly.

  At this time, Liu Feng didn't know that the Five Old Stars were discussing his affairs, and he was wiping the demon sword of the first generation Guiche.

  "Yes, I like this knife very much."

  The sharpness and tenacity cannot be compared with Rubla Fire, but it is already quite strong, stronger than the Kusanagi sword that Liu Feng obtained from the Shinobi world.

  The knives made in the world of pirates are indeed stronger than those in the world of Naruto.

  The main reason is that the swords of Naruto World are not the mainstream, and ninjutsu is the mainstream. The Kusanagi Sword of Naruto World is at most comparable to the big quick sword among pirates.

  But it is second only to the Supreme Sword.

  The demon sword devoured the master, Liu Feng didn't care much about this, a mere first-generation ghost, could it still hurt Liu Feng...  

  "This knife is more than just a collectible."

  Liu Feng felt that it was necessary to let it shine in this world, and the five old stars in the Taoist robe could be considered buried.

  It's not that the five old stars of the Taoist robe are not strong, but that he basically can't shoot, and the first generation Guiche has no chance to collide with other famous swords.

  If there is a chance in the future, Liu Feng will also use the first generation Onitou.

  "Lord Liufeng, are you looking for me?"

  Hancock came to Liu Feng at this time and lowered his head slightly.

  "I called you here this time to give you a chance." Liu Feng said lightly to Hancock.

  Hancock didn't dare to speak, waiting for Liu Feng to finish speaking.

  "Are you willing to be completely loyal to me?" Liu Feng asked Hancock.

  At this time, Liu Feng planned to completely subdue Hancook and then start to cultivate her. Now Hancook is only twelve years old, and he is very malleable.

  Start training her now and she will definitely be stronger.

  Hancock is tangled at this time. He was born on Daughter Island. In fact, Hancock's character is very strong, and even now she is not willing to compromise easily.

  "It doesn't matter if you don't want to, just lose this opportunity, and you can only be a maid in the future."

  Liu Feng will not force Hancock, just as Liu Feng said, in fact, Liu Feng gave Hancock a chance, and Hancock made a lot of money.

  It should be the luckiest thing in her life to be cultivated by Liu Feng. If she chooses to give up, at most one queen will disappear from the world of pirates in the future, and she will be a maid for the rest of her life.

  It is definitely impossible to be rescued like the original book. She is in Liu Feng's hands. Even if Fisher Tiger came to free the slaves, would he have the ability to run to Liu Feng Palace to make trouble?

  "I am willing to be loyal to Lord Liu Feng."

  Hancock gritted his teeth and made a choice. Compared to being a maid forever, Hancock wanted other opportunities, so let's take a gamble.

  Now Hancock's impression of Liu Feng is not bad, and she is even a little grateful to Liu Feng, because she has seen slaves of other Tianlong people these days, and really doesn't think of those people as human beings.

  They were bought back and were not treated as slaves. It was already the greatest luck, so now she is loyal to Liu Feng, and she is not very repulsive.

  Hancock's choice this time is also the one she is most proud of in the future. When she grows to the peak in the future, she is most proud of the correct choice she made this time.


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