Chapter 301

  Hancock's choice made Liu Feng quite satisfied. Although Hancock couldn't fully trust him, he was already under his command.

  And Liu Feng is sure that the future Hancock will be absolutely loyal to him.

  Now it's time to train Hancock. The basic training methods in the navy, including the six naval styles, were all handed over to Hancock by Liu Feng for her to learn.

  The basic training method in the navy is actually quite good, especially when it comes to laying the foundation.

  The Sixth Naval Form is not weak either. If you practice the Sixth Naval Form well, it will be easier to learn the Domineering Armament and the Domineering Manifestation in the future.

  Armament-colored domineering and knowledge-colored domineering must not be learned from the beginning. Armed-colored domineering and knowledgeable-colored domineering both require physical fitness to a certain level before they can be comprehended and used.

  "You can teach these cultivation methods to other maids."

  Liu Feng said to Hancock.

  His maids can't be too weak, at least they can't be powerless, don't ask them to be strong, at least have some strength.

  "Thank you, Master Liu Feng."

  Hancock's little face was quite excited.

  "Although you can practice when you are free, but you must finish what you need to do." Liu Feng reminded Hancock.

  He didn't want these maids and maids to go to practice, and as a result, no one was working, should he be asked to clean the palace?

  "Yes, I will order it."

  Hancock nodded quickly, getting such a big benefit, what he should do must be done.

  "This Devil Fruit is a superhuman sweet fruit, so it's a reward for you."

  Liu Feng gave the sweet fruit to Hancock.

  Hancock looked at the sweet fruit in his hand with a hesitant look on his face. Hancock actually knew what the devil fruit was.

  Although devil fruits can give people powerful power and special abilities, they can also bring curses, and they will be rejected by the sea and become a landlubber.

  The people of Nine Snake Island don't actually eat Devil Fruits. Although many people want to get Devil Fruits, there are also many people who don't want to be cursed and don't want to eat Devil Fruits.

  "If you do things well in the future, I will help you get rid of the curse of Devil Fruit." Liu Feng said to Hancock.

  Hancock, who was hesitant at first, widened his eyes and looked at Liu Feng.

  "What, do you think I'm lying to you?"

  Others can't do it, but Liu Feng has a system, as long as he is willing to spend points, of course Liu Feng can do it.

  "I believe in Lord Liu Feng."

  Hancock directly took a bite of the sweet fruit.

  After taking a bite, Hancock's face changed instantly, it was so unpalatable, even more unpalatable than the worst thing she had ever eaten.

  It was so unpalatable that it was indescribable. At this time, Hancock wanted to spit it out, but he finally persevered and swallowed the devil fruit in his mouth.

  Looking at Hancock's expression, Liu Feng was also curious about the taste of devil fruit. It was rumored that it was worse than shit.

  Well, Liu Feng didn't mean to eat a taste, so don't try this kind of taste.

  "Okay, take a bite and throw it away."

  Liu Feng said to Hancock.

  As long as you eat a devil fruit, you can gain the power of this devil fruit. If you continue to eat it, you will only suffer.

  Hearing this, Hancock hurriedly threw away the remaining Devil Fruit. At this time, she felt that her body had indeed undergone some changes, as if she had mastered a special power.

  But the current Hancock has not used it yet, and the ability of the Devil Fruit still needs her to be developed slowly.

  However, Liu Feng looked at Hancock and could clearly see all the changes of Hancock.

  At this time, Hancock looks more beautiful than before. Before, she was a delicate loli, and now she is more attractive.

  The ability of sweet fruit is to increase the charm, and it can fascinate men, women and children, but people with strong will are not affected.

  Now Hancock, who is still a loli, has no attraction to Liu Feng, not to mention Liu Feng's spiritual power, even if Hancock develops to the extreme, it is impossible to fascinate him.

  "Go and develop and improve your strength. After all, in this world, strength is respected. After all, your strength is weak, and you will end up now. If you don't want to continue to be passive, try to improve your strength."

  Liu Feng is inspiring Hancock.

  "Now I value you because of your potential. If your performance fails to meet my expectations, then you will be a maid forever in the future."

  Liu Feng's remarks made Hancock clench his fists, even if it is for himself, he must become stronger.

  "Also, if your performance exceeds my expectations, maybe I will give you a chance to return to Nine Snake Island."

  In the end, Liu Feng drew a big cake for Hancock, but it was actually not a big cake. If Hancock's performance was beyond Liu Feng's expectations, Liu Feng would really let her leave the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  Of course, even if she leaves, she will still be Liu Feng's.

  From the moment he was brought back by Liu Feng, Hancock was doomed to work for himself for the rest of his life.

  However, Hancock was completely excited. At this time, she was still thinking about being able to get out of this cage.

  The Holy Land Mary Joa, although Liu Feng's palace is very good, she never sees freedom here.

  Now that Liu Feng gave her this opportunity, Hancock vowed to seize this opportunity, and she must exceed Liu Feng's expectations.

  It is estimated that Hancock will try his best to cultivate.

  Desperately cultivating will definitely leave some dark wounds, but even if she does, Liu Feng can treat her well, even if Yang Dun Chakra can shape her body, let alone recover a little dark injury.

  Even in the time of the war, the terminally ill Whitebeard, Liu Feng can use Yang Dun Chakra to restore Whitebeard to its peak.

  Well, the current Whitebeard is at his peak and has the title of the strongest man in the world.

  If there is a chance, Liu Feng would like to see this matter, the white beard who is still in his prime.

  Time flies, nearly a month has passed, Liu Feng has not left the Holy Land Mary Joa for nearly a month, and has been staying here.

  However, the personnel in his palace have been improving all the time. This is because some people have dedicated maids and slaves to please him.

  The slaves are two murloc slaves. The dragon people prefer the murloc slaves. The murlocs have the characteristics of half man and half fish. They breathe with lungs on land and gills in water.

  Murlocs are generally stronger than humans and can do more things than ordinary slaves, so Tianlong people like them very much.

  There is a gladiatorial arena in the Holy Land Mariejoa, a gladiatorial arena watched by the dragon people. Many dragon people will send their slaves to the arena to fight in the arena.

  The murloc race has a natural advantage in the arena.

  However, Liu Feng didn't like these two murlocs. The murlocs were different from the mermen, and the murlocs were too ugly. Liu Feng didn't want the two murlocs to be an eyesore here, so he was taken away.

  As for their fate after being taken away, Liu Feng doesn't know, but it should be sold to other Tianlong people.

  Liu Feng doesn't care about murlocs anyway, so he won't pay attention to them.


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Chapter 302

  In the system space, it has been a month since he came to Pirate World, and Liu Feng can draw character projections again.

  "This time, I hope to be able to get armed and domineering."

  Liu Feng has acquired the domineering look of knowledge, and has also learned the six naval styles, but there is no way to obtain the domineering power of the armed color, probably because Liu Feng does not have the innate strength in this world.

  Therefore, Liu Feng wanted to obtain the domineering of the armed color. One was to exchange it, and the other was to defeat the character projection of the Pirate World, and then explode the things.

  As long as he has obtained the domineering of the armed color, Liu Feng can practice the domineering of the armed color.

  Try your luck, if you are not lucky, Liu Feng can only choose to use the points to exchange.

  "System, extract character projection."

  [Ding, you extracted the projection of Doflamingo. 】

  Don Quixote Doflamingo, nicknamed Tianyasha, one of the future kings of the Seven Wuhai, is now just a little famous newcomer in the sea.

  However, the projection Liu Feng drew was Doflamingo in his heyday.

  "Not bad luck."

  As long as you don't draw a small minion, luck is good, not to mention that Doflamingo is not very weak. He should be second only to the general at his peak, and he even has the strength to fight the general. It should be impossible to win. , but not terribly.

  Among the Qiwuhai under the king, Doflamingo's strength is definitely ranked in the top three.

  And Doflamingo also has the identity of a Celestial Dragon. Although his father had given up the privilege of a Celestial Dragon, he still cannot change the fact that he was a Celestial Dragon.


  Liu Feng entered the trial space and challenged Doflamingo's projection, wearing a pink feather coat, cropped trousers, pointed-toed shoes, and sunglasses, making him a spiritual guy.

  "Brother Doflamingo will also be domineering in three colors. If you are lucky, you can indeed burst out the domineering domineering of armed colors from him."

  Three-color domineering, in fact, Liu Feng doesn't pay much attention to the relatively rare domineering domineering of the king. The performance of the domineering in the original book is basically a second miscellaneous soldier.

  For people with strong strength and strong will, the effect of domineering and domineering is not very big.

  Although it can cause substantial damage after reaching an advanced level, is this destructive power as powerful as a punch with an armed arrogance?

  In fact, the ability of second miscellaneous soldiers is also quite good, Liu Feng is not uncommon, mainly because Liu Feng has too many second miscellaneous soldiers, so it is not uncommon.

  The battle began, and transparent silk threads flew out of Doflamingo's hands, trying to control Liu Feng.

  "Big screw wheel Yu 々.."

  boom! ! !

  In an instant, the terrifying energy annihilated everything, and Doflamingo disappeared directly into Liu Feng's big spiral wheel.

  [Ding, you kill Doflamingo's projection, reward: 10 points, domineering and domineering to get a card! 】

  It's not surprising that Liu Feng can kill Doflamingo in seconds. If he can't kill Doflamingo in seconds, it can only be said that Liu Feng is too wasteful.

  But for the reward, Liu Feng didn't know what to say.

  It is estimated that this time it should be the domineering arrogance of the king and the domineering arrogance of the knowledge. The reason why he obtained the domineering card is that Liu Feng already has the domineering arrogance of the knowledge.

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