He still didn't get the domineering armament he wanted most.

  However, in terms of rarity, the domineering arrogance of the overlord is much rarer than the domineering of the armed color. Only among millions of people can there be a tyrannical domineering person who possesses it.

  Domineering and domineering can't be cultivated, but a natural king's spirit, which is equivalent to a kind of qualification.

  "Looks like I'm going to take back my previous thoughts."

  After feeling the domineering power of the overlord, Liu Feng said involuntarily.

  Originally, he thought that the domineering power of the overlord was just tasteless, and it was a pity that it was tasteless and abandoned, but now he felt the power of the overlord's domineering, and he suddenly felt that it was quite strong.

  The domineering power of the overlord is that with the growth of the user, the power continues to become stronger.

  At the peak of Liu Feng's opening, he has become the master of the Naruto world, and he reached the strongest level at the moment of gaining the domineering look of overlord.

  It is estimated that the red-haired at the peak is also the younger brother in front of Liu Feng's domineering domineering.

  "The armed color is domineering and exchange it."

  Only 15 points can be exchanged for armed domineering, but it is only the initial state of armed domineering, which requires Liu Feng to slowly cultivate and become stronger.

  It doesn't matter, Liu Feng has time, and with his current physique, it is not an easy thing to cultivate armament and domineering.

  There are many people who can armed with domineering, and even some soldiers in the new world have mastered the armed domineering. It is the most commonly used, the easiest to learn, but the most difficult to master.

  Armament-colored domineering is also called Ryuu Sakura in Wano Country. It can catch the fluid after the elementalization of the natural devil fruit and attack those who use the elementalization ability.

  It is one of the nemesis of the natural devil fruit ability.

  Armament color domineering has different use skills, armed color · hardening, can cover the whole body, enhance its own defense and attack power, and can also be used on weapons such as swords.

  Armed color · entanglement, wrapping the gas-like armed color outside the body, can improve its own defense and attack power, can be wrapped around weapons, and can also be wrapped around flying objects (arrows and bullets) for a certain period of time, can be combined with armed Color and hardening are used together.

  Armed and released, gather the domineering of the armed in the hand and release it to form a long-range attack, and can also form a defensive wall to resist the attack.

  Finally, it can let the armed color domineering pass through the surface of the object and directly destroy the interior of the object.

  It is easy to learn but difficult to master, and it has a wide range of uses. This is the domineering of armed color.

  Although there are as many people who have mastered the domineering of armed color as the bad streets, the ability to destroy the world and destroy the earth is one of the abilities that the strong must master.

  Armored domineering and seeing domineering are the abilities that must be mastered by all the powerhouses in the sea.

  As for the domineering and domineering of the king, it depends on whether you have this innate talent. This is the aptitude of the king, and not everyone can have it.

  Liu Feng practiced a little bit. He couldn't practice before because he didn't have this potential power. Now that he has it after the exchange, he can naturally practice normally.

  Cultivating a domineering armament, Liu Feng's speed is unbelievable, probably because his body is strong enough and his comprehension is strong.

 (Li Qianzhao) The strength of Liu Feng's body is not simply relying on the system, but also Liu Feng's own talent and his hard work.

  A very ordinary kunai, after being hardened and entangled by Liu Feng's armed color domineering, can easily cut off the hard Hailou stone.

  "¨" Not bad, 15 points are not cheap, but this ability is really strong, and now I have mastered the three-color domineering in the pirate world. "

  The three-color domineering is all mastered, and the Navy Sixth Form Liu Feng can cultivate by himself, so there is no need to wait for the explosion or exchange.

  In fact, the Navy's sixth-style convection maple is not very useful. It is not necessary to shave him. Isn't space moving more fragrant than shaving such a high-speed movement.

  Other iron blocks, paper paintings, lantern feet, finger guns, and moon steps are not very useful to Liu Feng, especially the moon steps. Does Liu Feng need to use the moon steps to make them fly?

  But when he was bored, Liu Feng still finished his training.


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Chapter 303

  After leaving the system space, Liu Feng called Hancock over and gave the obtained card to Hancock to use.

  This arrogant acquisition card is the ability acquisition card, which can be used by others, allowing others to directly obtain the ability to get arrogant.

  Of course, this is just the most domineering and domineering. If you want to become stronger, you still need to slowly cultivate yourself.

  But even so, it saves a lot of time, and according to Hancock's current ability, it is impossible to cultivate a sense of domineering.

  "This is your reward."

  Liu Feng said to Hancock.

  All the maids in the entire palace are managed by her in an orderly manner. Whether it is Hancock's own talent or the charm of relying on sweet fruits, Hancock is worthy of praise.

  Moreover, Hancock's strength is improving rapidly now, she has really worked hard to cultivate, and Liu Feng can see it.

  "Thank you, Lord Liufeng."

  Hancock was very excited after receiving Liu Feng's reward, and at the same time felt more and more mysterious and unpredictable about Liu Feng's methods.

  It is the first time that Hancock has heard of this kind of power that can let her directly grasp the domineering and domineering.

  Today's Hancock's loyalty to Liu Feng is already very high, not to mention die loyal, at least he will not betray Liu Feng easily.

  "Hancock, I'll give you a task now. You go to the Five Old Stars and say that I lack a escort here, and ask the Five Old Stars to transfer Gion to me."

  Liu Feng said to Hancock.

  Gion is also Taotu, but now she does not have the code name of Taotu. Now Gion is only a second lieutenant, and her strength is not weak, but her credit is not enough for her to continue to advance.

  In fact, based on the relationship between Gion and Tsuru staff, if she goes through the back door, her position can be promoted quickly, but Gion will definitely not go through the back door.

  Hancock nodded, and then went to find the five old stars. The place where the five old stars lived, Hancock is no stranger now, at least he knows the location.

  Soon Hancock came to the Five Old Stars. In front of Liu Feng, Hancock behaved quite honestly, but when he came to the Five Old Stars, Hancock was a little arrogant.

  "Listen, Lord Liufeng ordered you to transfer Gion over to serve as a guard for Lord Liufeng."

  Hancock raised his small head and said to the five old stars.

  In an instant, Wu Laoxing's face darkened. They knew who Hancock was, but it was Uchiha Liufeng's maid.

  Even the maid is a nice saying, such a small character dares to be arrogant in front of them.

  "Is Uchiha Liufeng trying to order us?"

  Fury flashed in the eyes of the blond five old stars, although they were indeed a little bit afraid of Uchiha Liufeng, but it did not mean that Uchiha Liufeng was able to gain an inch.

  Even his maids dared not to take them seriously, wouldn't Uchiha Liufeng want to go to heaven in the future?

  "How dare you, you dare to call Mr. Liu Feng's name."

  Hancock glared at the blond five old stars.

  The reason why Hancock is so arrogant now is because he already worships the upper class maple, and thinks that Lord Liu Feng is invincible, and everyone else must obey the order of Lord Liu Feng.

  If Liu Feng knew about Hancock's arrogant behavior, he would definitely say... Well done, Liu Feng is really not afraid of being arrogant.

  "It seems that this little girl doesn't want to live anymore."

  The bald bearded five old star stood up and looked at Hancock with pressure.

  The momentum of the five old stars, today's Hancock really can't resist, although Hancock is also a little scared, but she gritted her teeth stubbornly and did not give in.

  What he represents is the face of Liu Feng, how can he yield under the pressure of mere aura.

  "Do you dare to move my people?"

  Just when the bearded Wu Laoxing was about to kill Hancock, Liu Feng appeared behind the bearded Wu Laoxing, raised his hand slightly, and then Susanohu's arm appeared and patted the bearded underground. go down.

  Glancing at Hancock, who was worried, fortunately, he paid a little attention with a domineering look, otherwise Hancock would definitely die here.

  Hancock's performance was very arrogant before, but Liu Feng didn't think there was anything, shouldn't his people be so arrogant?

  However, there are some things to teach Hancock well. When he is arrogant, he must have strength. If he is not strong and arrogant, he will be shot to death after being arrogant.

  After Liu Feng appeared here, Hancock bowed his head, as if he had screwed up the task, and even asked Lord Liu Feng to run in person.

  "I'll give you three days to send Gion to my place. Besides, I'm relatively short-sighted, do you understand?"

  The domineering arrogance of the king was released, and the entire hall was destroyed in an instant. Lightning flashed in the sky, and the five old stars felt like they were carrying a mountain, and it was difficult to bend their bodies and even stand.

  "This is just a small warning, I hope there won't be a time for me to actually take action."

  The terrifying overlord's domineering arrogance was fleeting. In fact, Liu Feng didn't use it with all his strength, and it was only aimed at the five old stars. Hancock, who was standing next to Liu Feng, was not affected.

  Liu Feng left with Hancock, while the Five Old Stars did not speak for a long time.

  "Is that the domineering tyrannical look just now?"

  The white long-haired five old star took the lead in breaking the silence and questioned the others.

  Such a level of domineering domineering has never been seen before, even Locks D. Gibek, the former maritime tyrant, did not have such a terrifying domineering domineering.

  And that dark armored arm, I don't know what it is, Uchiha Liufeng's Devil Fruit ability?

  The most unlucky bearded Wu Lao Xing got up, with a gloomy expression on his face, he was slapped by Susanoo's palm, and he suffered some injuries.

  "Uchiha Liufeng's strength seems to need to be re-evaluated." The Five Old Stars with a flat hat said with a sigh.

  And what is shown in front of them may not be the full strength of Uchiha Liufeng, so Uchiha Liufeng is still extremely mysterious.

  "Who is Gion?"

  Thinking of the person Uchiha Liufeng named by name, the Taoist Five Old Stars had no impression at all.

  I don't have an impression. The five old stars are so powerful, how could they pay attention to Heshi's younger sister, especially now that Gion is not outstanding.

  "Investigate first, and then send it to Uchiha Liufeng." The blond five old stars said lightly.

  This is regarded as a confession with Uchiha Liufeng. Uchiha Liufeng went here to insult them, and they still have to do things for Uchiha Liufeng, which is extremely shameful.

  However, considering that Uchiha Liufeng's strength is unknown, let's meet his request.

  This time Liu Feng further offended the Five Old Stars, but the Five Old Stars did not dare to take revenge.

  On the other side, after Liu Feng took Hancock back to his home, Hancock looked at Liu Feng carefully.

  "I'm sorry, Master Liu Feng, it's my fault."

  Lord Liu Feng values ​​himself so much, and as a result, he can't even handle this trivial matter, and he has no face to face Lord Liu Feng.

  "No, you did a good job, but when you are arrogant in the future, you should recognize the difference in strength between the two sides, but you don't need to deliberately give face to anyone." Liu Feng did not punish Hancock.


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