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Chapter 304

  This time Liu Feng didn't punish Hancock or even blame her, but Hancock blamed himself in his heart.

  This incident also made her realize that her strength is not enough. If she can have the strength of Lord Liu Feng, she doesn't need Lord Liu Feng to come forward.

  So Hancock worked harder in practice, and even her two younger sisters were shocked by Hancock's efforts.

  There was a faint smile on Liu Feng's face. Although he didn't punish Hancock, the effect was much better than punishing Hancock.

  On the other side of the Five Old Stars, they finally found out who Gion was through investigation. There was nothing to say. They directly gave the order to the Marshal Kong to dispatch Gion to the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  At this time, the Admiral of the Navy is still Gang Kuo Kong, and Warring States has not yet become the Admiral of the Navy, but it will be soon. Soon Gang Kuo will become the Commander-in-Chief of the entire army, and the General Warring States will be the next Admiral of the Navy.

  After the promotion of the Warring States period, Akainu, Kizaru and Aokiji will also become admirals of the navy.

  Sora did not refuse the orders of the Five Old Stars, and in fact there was no way to refuse, and Sora felt that it was not a bad thing to let Gion go to the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  I don't know how the five old stars noticed Gion, Gion is the younger sister of Tsuruichi, and her ability is indeed extraordinary, and she can be trained as a good seedling.

  But now that there are five dignitaries, Sora can't keep Gion-in the navy.

  Soon after the order was issued, Gion reluctantly returned, and after being told by his sister Tsuru, he went to the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  In fact, Gion doesn't like the Holy Land Mary Joa, because it is home to the largest moth in the world, and I don't know why the navy wants to protect the disgusting Tianlong people.

  Among the navy, there are many people who hate Tianlong people, but they dare not show it on the surface, and even protect the interests of Tianlong people.

  When Gion came to the Holy Land Mary Joa, saw the Five Old Stars, and received orders from the Five Old Stars, Gion's mentality exploded.

  "Why do you want me to be the guardian of the Tianlong people?"

  Gion looked at the five old stars with some dissatisfaction.

  "Are you questioning the decision of our Five Old Stars?"

  The Five Old Stars, who were full of fire in their hearts, were not friendly at all to Gion's face.

  If it wasn't for Gion, who was wanted by Uchiha Rufeng, just by her questioning, Gion would definitely be imprisoned in the underwater prison even if she didn't die.

  A mere second lieutenant dared to question them, even the current Admiral Kong would not dare to question them.

  "I see."

  Gion finally reluctantly accepted her fate, otherwise what could she do? If she continued to fight with Wu Laoxing, if she continued to fight, I'm afraid her life would be in danger.

  According to the address given by the Five Old Stars, Gion came to a luxurious palace manor, looking at the luxurious palace, Gion did not like it at all.

  She knew exactly where Bailey of the Draconians came from.

  The world is so chaotic, and there are so many people who become pirates, and it has a lot to do with the Tianlong people who are the biggest worms.

  Tianlong people eat, drink and have fun, but their wealth of eating, drinking and playing is looting the whole world.

  "Are you Gion?"

  Hancock asked Gion in a navy uniform with a knife hanging from his waist.

  When she saw Gion, she felt a little unhappy, maybe it was because of the same-sex repulsion.

  "Let's go, Mr. Liu Feng wants to see you, remember to be respectful when you see Mr. Liu Feng, otherwise, I will not be polite to you."

  When Hancock spoke to Gion, he was not polite at all, which made Gion, who had a little affection for her because of Hancock's charm, instantly lose his affection.

  "I see."

  Gion followed Hancock in without expression.

  If possible, she didn't want to see this Tianlong person at all. In her opinion, Tianlong people don't have a good thing. Well, Liu Feng is actually not a good person.

  After being brought in by Hancock, Gion saw Liu Feng, and there was a flash of surprise on her face, because the Uchiha Liu Feng she saw today was indeed different from the other Tianlong people she knew.

  The first is the appearance, whether it is the dress or other aspects, so that she does not feel that the other party is a Tianlong person.

  However, even if Liu Feng's appearance is good-looking, Gion still does not have a good impression of Liu Feng.

  Anyway, Tianlong people do not have a good thing, and this special Tianlong person in front of them is definitely not excluded.

  "You will be my guard in the future, responsible for helping me clean up some garbage."

  Liu Feng did not say to let Gion protect his safety. If he was in danger, then Gion would definitely not be able to protect her.

  The most important role of Gion is to ask him to do something inconvenient.

  For example, there is a provocation by the younger generation, and Liu Feng, as a big boss, is definitely not convenient to deal with these ants, and Gion will be needed at that time.

  These are the only things that need to be done for the time being. After Gion gains more trust from Liu Feng, perhaps Liu Feng will give more important tasks to Gion.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "Did you not hear what Mr. Liu Feng said? Could it be that your ears are deaf?"

  Seeing that Gion did not answer, Hancock questioned Gion in dissatisfaction.


  Gion glanced at Hancock, then nodded lightly.

  No matter how much dissatisfaction you have in your heart, you can't express it directly, otherwise it will be more troublesome to offend the Tianlong people.

  She is not worried that she will be in trouble, mainly because she is worried that her sister, He, will be implicated.

  "Hmph, Lord Liu Feng, I don't think this guard is qualified at all."

  Hancock is very dissatisfied with Gion. This Gion is not respectful at all. If it wasn't for the kindness of Lord Liufeng, she would have died long ago.


  "Hancock, if you think she is unqualified, defeat her and you will take her place." Liu Feng said lightly to Hancock.

  "Also, from now on your code name will be Peach Rabbit."

  After talking to Hancock, Liu Feng said to Gion.

  The code name Taotu was acquired by Gion later, but now Liu Feng plans to give it to her first.

  "Lord Liu Feng, I will defeat her."

  There was a flash of coldness in Hancock's eyes when he looked at Taotu. Although he was not as tall as Taotu at all, Hancock's aura was no worse than that of Taotu.

  Of course, the momentum returns to the momentum, in fact, the current Hancock's strength is quite different than that of the peach rabbit.

  After fighting with Momo Rabbit, even though he used the ability of Sweet Fruit, he was finally put on his neck by Momo Rabbit's knife.

  In fact, in the battle with Hancock, Taotu was shocked. Hancock was young, even very young, but her strength was not weak at all.

  Taotu is older than Hancock. If you give Hancock a few more years, maybe she will really surpass her.

  Such a genius, it would be great if he followed the Navy, but now he is completely buried with the Tianlong people.

  "The performance is not bad. When my guard is barely able to use it, I will improve my strength. If it is too weak, I will replace you." Liu Feng said lightly to Taotu.

  Afterwards, regardless of whether Taotu was dissatisfied or not, he waved his hand slightly and asked to leave with Hancock, who would arrange a place for Taotu to live.


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Chapter 305

  "Lord Liufeng, fortunately fulfilled the mission, the Thunder Fruit has been found."

  Spanda rushed back in a hurry, holding an exquisite box in his hand, and inside the box was the Natural Thunder Fruit.

  It has been half a month since Taotu became Liu Feng's bodyguard. Spandain spent less than a month and a half to find the Thunder Fruit, half the time Liu Feng gave him.

  "well done."

  Liu Feng looked at the ringing thunder fruit and nodded with satisfaction.

  "You can go down."

  Glancing at Spandain, who was still kneeling on the ground, Liu Feng told him to get out of the way, so as not to be an eyesore at his place.

  Spandain's expression was stunned, what about the reward?He completed the task and found the fruit of thunder, isn't there a little reward?

  "Lord Liu Feng, have you forgotten something?" Spandain said to Liu Feng with a smile.

  "You mean reward?" Liu Feng smiled playfully and asked Spandain.

  Spandain nodded hurriedly. These days, he was trying his best to find the Thunder Fruit. To be able to find the Thunder Fruit, he went to the empty island to search in a carpet-like manner.

  If there is no reward, Spandain feels that it is too much.

  "Spandain, you can't ask for anything I don't give, do you understand?"

  Liu Feng asked Spandain indifferently.

  In an instant, Spanda was sweating coldly, and the body that was about to stand up, his knees softened again, and he continued to kneel.

  "Do you think it's a credit for you to help me find the Thunder Fruit?"

  If you find the Thunder Fruit, that is the address of Liu Feng, and you can determine the specific range of the Thunder Fruit. If Liu Feng has time to look for it, you can find it as well, and it is even faster than Spandaine.

  Even if it is not Spandain, sending other people will still be able to find the Thunder Fruit.

  As long as it is not eaten by Anilu, the Thunder Fruit is something that can definitely be obtained. Spandain is too naive to rely on this to get the reward.

  What's more, Liu Feng doesn't like Spandain, and Liu Feng can only make use of this kind of slag.

  "If you are not convinced, you can tell me, don't hold it in your heart." Liu Feng said to Spandain.

  Spandain was indeed a little unconvinced, but did he dare to say it?Spandain knew exactly what the consequences were, and it must be death.

  So in the end Spandain held back and finally left Liu Feng's palace.

  Spandain was also afraid. If he didn't leave now, he might not be able to leave in the future. Lord Liu Feng is now famous in the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  He went to look for Devil Fruit before, so he didn't know, but after returning, he still heard Liu Feng's fierce name.

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