"This thundering fruit, put it away first."

  Liu Feng directly put away the Thunder Fruit. Liu Feng already had the ability of the Thunder Fruit, and the Thunder Fruit was not very useful to Liu Feng at all.

  Looking for the Thunder Fruit is also to train his subordinates, but he has not found a suitable candidate for the time being.

  If Taotu is loyal to him, Liufeng would not mind giving it to Taotu, but Taotu's loyalty to Liufeng is very limited now.

  Liu Feng just put away the thunder fruit, and Hancock sent a few devil fruits again, which others helped Liu Feng collect.

  Before Liu Feng went to the Chambord Islands, the people behind the auction who wanted to please Liu Feng, a Celestial Dragon, collected devil fruits and sent them to Liu Feng in order to please Liu Feng.

  However, none of these Devil Fruits can be seen by Liu Feng.

  Now Liu Feng also knows these strange-shaped Devil Fruits. Before Liu Feng read a Devil Fruit illustrated book, basically, as long as it is a recorded Devil Fruit, Liu Feng knows it.

  The most precious of these devil fruits is probably the ancient animal type devil fruits.

  Dragon dragon fruit, ancient species, stegosaurus form, this is the most valuable devil fruit, other devil fruits have a superhuman, but it is also a waste ability.

  Although it is said that there are no trash Devil Fruits, there are only trash Devil Fruit capable users, but this kind of words is actually good to hear. If you really believe it, then you are a fool.

  The Devil Fruit of the animal-type phantom species is the strongest, followed by the ancient species. This dragon dragon fruit, ancient species, and stegosaurus form is actually not worse than some superhuman devil fruits.

  The three disasters under Kaido are all animals with the ability of ancient devil fruit.

  This Devil Fruit is quite useful. If you can find the right person, Liu Feng can also have an extra powerful subordinate.

  However, it is difficult to find the right person. Hancock's sister is among those who are considering, and their talent is actually quite good.

  This dragon dragon fruit, ancient species, and stegosaurus form, is much stronger than the snake and snake fruit they eat in the original book.

  If they perform well in the future, consider choosing one of them.

  "It's been nearly two months since I came to Pirate World, and it's time to go to the sea to see..."

  Liu Feng now has the idea of ​​going to sea, and is bored in the Holy Land Mary Qiao Asia. Liu Feng is not one of those Tianlong people who are ignorant and ignorant.

  The first half of the great waterway seems to be of little interest. If you want to go, go to the new world.

  Today, the Four Emperors of the Sea in the New World have not yet been born, and Whitebeard is now the biggest overlord in the New World.

  The next most powerful pirates are Charlotte Lingling, as well as Kaido. As for the red-haired Shanks, I'm sorry he's still just a little guy, and he's even looking for partners in the world.

  "It seems that only Hancock and Taotu can be brought out. Is this lineup a bit shabby?"

  Liu Feng doesn't have any subordinates in his hands now, neither Hancock nor Taotu have grown up, let alone others.

  In fact, Liu Feng can apply for CP0 people to follow, but Liu Feng doesn't like being followed by CP0 people.

  "I don't know if the reincarnation can be used in this world."

  Suddenly Liu Feng thought of the reincarnation of the dirty soil. If he used the reincarnation of the dirty soil, he might be able to find some temporary subordinates.

  If Roger's body is found, he can even reincarnate Gol D. Roger from the filth.

  However, it is still unknown whether it can be used to reincarnate in the dirt, because the reincarnation of the dirt is based on the existence of a soul.

  After the people in this world die, will the soul still exist?The Naruto world has the pure land of the underworld, does the pirate world have it?

  Liu Feng decided to give it a try first, the reincarnation of the dirty earth can be used best, and it doesn't matter if it can't be used.

  Directly send someone to find a corpse, and by the way, find a sacrifice. This matter is handed over to Hancook. Although Hancook is not as strong as Taotu now, his ability to handle affairs is much stronger than that of Taotu.

  Taotu didn't take things seriously for Liu Feng at all. If it continued like this, Liu Feng felt that it was necessary to clean up Taotu.

  Although he needed talents, Liu Feng felt that there was no need to stay for those who were disobedient.

  Soon Hancock was ready, and there was no shortage of dead people and sacrifices in the Holy Land Mary Joya, because there were many slaves in the Holy Land Mary Joya.

  Liu Feng didn't care how Hancock got it. In the pirate world, he used the reincarnation of the dirty earth, and the result was a failure. After the death of the people in the pirate world, the soul should be completely dissipated, so the reincarnation of the dirty earth is useless.


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Chapter 306

  The reincarnation of the dirty soil is useless, and Liu Feng is not particularly disappointed. Anyway, it has been expected that the reincarnation of the dirty soil may not be useful in the pirate world.

  "Hancock, you and Taotu follow me out."

  Liu Feng said to Hancock and Taotu.

  There was not much expression on Taotu's face, but Hancock was very excited. He had been in the Holy Land Mary Joa for nearly two months, and he had not yet had a chance to leave here to see.

  This time, I finally got a chance to go out with Lord Liu Feng.

  "This time we are going to sea, you go and mobilize a warship."

  There is definitely no ship Liufeng, but the Navy's warships can be dispatched at will, and this kind of small thing does not even need Liufeng to order, as long as Taotu can do it.


  Although Taotu is not loyal to Liu Feng, she is much more honest and obedient than when she first came.

  Now I understand Liu Feng's unfathomable depth. Even if she resents Tianlong people, no matter who they are, they will respect the strong.

  "I don't know if His Royal Highness Liufeng is going to the first half of the great waterway, or the new world?"

  Taotu, who was about to go out, paused and turned back to ask Liu Feng.


  "The new world is very chaotic now. I suggest that it is still in the first half of the great waterway. If something happens in the first half of the great waterway, the navy can come to the rescue."

  Taotu gave his advice, and the Tianlong people ran to the new world and were easily killed by some vicious pirates.

  Because the Tianlong people are really hateful, there are too many people who offend, and there are not a few desperadoes who want Tianlong's life.

  Although he knew that Uchiha Liufeng's strength was extraordinary, Taotu didn't think that he could be comparable to the general, and he would definitely not have the ability to protect himself when he went to the new world.

  If Uchiha Liufeng died in the new world, she would not even want to live, and it might even affect her sister Crane.

  So even for her own sake, Taotu has to persuade Liu Feng not to go to the new world.

  "Go to the new world."

  After Liu Feng glanced at Taotu, he said lightly.

  Taotu frowned, but in the end she didn't stop her. She had already persuaded her. If something really happened, she wouldn't be able to bear much responsibility.

  But if something happens, I'm afraid she will die too. Thinking of Taotu makes me feel melancholy. I hope there will be no big pirates in the new world.

  I also hope that Uchiha Liufeng will not rely on a little strength to go to the pirates to die.

  Today, the navy has very low constraints on the New World. The Marine Headquarters, Marine Fando, is located in the first half of the Great Channel, and the New World Navy in the second half is weak, and there is a world of pirates.

  The affairs in the palace were handed over to Hancock's two younger sisters to manage, and then Liu Feng went to sea.

  The warships prepared by the Navy for Liu Feng are not small, and there are a lot of personnel on them. Even Aokiji, who is about to be promoted to Admiral of the Navy, is here.

  After Marshal Sora knew that Liu Feng was going to the new world, he dispatched Aokiji to protect him. Although Aokiji was still a lieutenant general, his combat power was already at the level of a general, and he was called a monster by many naval soldiers.

  To come to protect the Tianlong people, Qingzhi is not happy, but Qingzhi is more obedient, so let him protect him.

  As long as this Heavenly Dragon man does not commit suicide, he believes that he can absolutely protect the safety of the other party.

  "Lieutenant General Crane, please ask me about your situation. If you want to leave, Lieutenant General He said that he will help you find a way." After seeing Taotu, Qingzhi said to Taotu.

  Knowing that Sister Gan was caring about her, Taotu was a little moved, but in the end she shook her head.

  It's not to meet Lieutenant General Crane, but she doesn't want Crane to get into trouble. She doesn't think Uchiha Liufeng is so relenting.

  During this period of understanding, she can be considered to have a clear understanding of some of Uchiha Liufeng's characters.

  Compared with other Celestial Dragons, he is not very annoying. Other Celestial Dragons have a large group of slaves, and Uchiha Liufeng does not have a single slave.

  Hancock and the others are all maids, not slaves, nor have they been abused.

  Of course, he is not a good person, he is very indifferent to outsiders, and he doesn't care about the life and death of ordinary people at all.

  "You can tell my sister, I'm doing pretty well now."

  Taotu said to Aokiji.

  This is not to comfort the crane, in fact, her life is not bad now, much better than she imagined.

  Qingzhi nodded lightly, and then went to see Liu Feng, the Tianlong person.

  Although Qingzhi is one of the Navy's most valued lieutenant generals and is about to be promoted to general, he still needs to be cautious when facing the Tianlong people.

  Otherwise, his road to promotion to general may be hindered.

  "I have seen His Highness Liu Feng."

  No matter how bad the impression of Tianlong people is, it can't be shown on the surface. Even if Akainu is called over, Akainu doesn't dare to run up to Tianlong people to be arrogant.

  "Lieutenant General Qingzhi, I don't like to be disturbed, I hope you can understand."

  Liu Feng is also not polite to Qingzhi, and Qingzhi also understands the meaning of Liufeng's words, that is, he does not want to be disturbed by pirates.

  "I'll try my best to make sure."

  Even Qingzhi can't fully guarantee that this is a new world, and there are countless strong people in the new world, even if they are stronger than him.

  For example, Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, Charlotte Lingling, who rose to fame, and Kaido of the Beast Pirates, these people have no confidence to fight against them.

  "As much as possible?"

  Liu Feng smiled, this word is used well.

  Aokiji couldn't figure out what Liu Feng was laughing at, so he kept silent.

  Don't have too much communication with the Tianlong people, because it is possible to offend the Tianlong people if you can't say a word well.

  During the critical period of being promoted to general, don't offend the Tianlong people. If it wasn't for Marshal Sora's orders, Qingzhi would not be willing to take on this task.

  Anyway, as long as it involves the tasks of the Tianlong people, it is not a good thing.

  Liu Feng is standing on the deck at this time. This is Liu Feng's first time to go out to sea, and the first time to go out to sea after coming to Pirate World.

  Hancock was lying on the guardrail, thinking that she just wanted to see the scenery on the sea, so she went out to sea with the Nine Snake Pirates, but the first time she went out to sea, it was not good, and she was abducted and sold by human traffickers.

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