Fortunately, I met Mr. Liu Feng, otherwise, she is now just a slave of the lowest status and abused.

  "What is Mr. Liu Feng looking at?" Hancock got up and brought the fruit and wine, and asked Liu Feng curiously.

  The green pheasant was a guardian not far away. After hearing Hancock's question, he glanced at Hancock. This little maid was really bold.

  In the past, Hancock would definitely not dare to talk to Liu Feng like this, but now Hancock has understood Liu Feng's temper. In fact, Lord Liu Feng is still very approachable.

  Well, it means that when you don't make Lord Liu Feng angry, if you make Lord Liu Feng angry, it will definitely be over.

  Taotu has already seen it all, Uchiha Liufeng is indeed the best Tianlong person she knows.

  The other Celestial Dragons are too bad. In the Holy Land Mary Joa, Taotu has seen many Celestial Dragons with their nostrils turned upside-down and who boasted of nobility. When Taotu saw those people, she wanted to beat them up.


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Chapter 307

  Perhaps because Liu Feng and the others are warships, the sea is very calm, and the pirate groups they encounter will leave after seeing them from a distance.

  Although it is the era of the big pirates, the deterrent of the navy is still not small. Even those big pirates at sea will never attack the naval warships at will.

  Among them is Whitebeard. Whitebeard is not afraid of the Navy, but even for the sons he accepts, he will not provoke the Navy easily.

  Although Roger, the pirate king, was executed, he started the era of the great pirates, which made the navy feel a fire in his heart. If anyone provokes the navy, he may be regarded as the chicken that kills chickens and scares monkeys.

  "Boring, no one pirate took the initiative to attack."

  Liu Feng had a dull expression on his face.

  Hearing Liu Feng's words, the green pheasant's skin twitched in his ears, and he was still expecting the pirates to come to attack, knowing that what the green pheasants hoped most was to be safe and sound like this.

  "Our goal is to go to Wano country."

  This time out, Liu Feng's goal is to go to Wano country, because there is turmoil in Wano country now, and even the riot may have ended.

  From the beginning of coming to this world, Liu Feng was systematically arranged to be born in Wano country.

  Liu Feng is a Tianlong person, but the system also gave him another identity from Wano country, because only Wano country matches his name.

  "His Royal Highness Liufeng is going to Wano Country?"

  Aokiji's brows furrowed. Wano is the country he doesn't know the least. Because this country is closed to the country and never welcomes outsiders.

  Without joining the world government, the naval warships cannot enter Wano country.

  "I don't know what His Highness Liu Feng is going to do in Wano Country? Although Wano Country is very strict, but according to some information obtained by the navy, there is no peace in Wano Country now."

  Aokiji pointed out the danger of Wano Country.

  He doesn't know how dangerous Wano country is, and it is said that there is a shadow of Kaido in it.

  "Even if I go, do I need to report to you for what I do?"

  Liu Feng raised his head and looked at the green pheasant. The green pheasant was a little tall, and the height of nearly three meters was almost inhuman, but the general height of the pirate world was relatively high.

  There are even giants, demons, and other races, but although Aokiji is taller, Liufeng's aura is much stronger than Aokiji's.

  In the end, Aokiji was defeated and could only agree to Liu Feng's proposal to go to Wano Country.

  Qingzhi found Taotu and asked Taotu, "Can you persuade him not to go to Wano country?"

  "Wando Country is in danger?" Taotu asked Aokiji.

  "That's right, there are dangers in Wano country. If you insist on going, even I can't guarantee his safety."

  Not to mention how many strong players in Wano Country are, it is said that Kaido who participated in it is not easy to mess with.

  In addition, there is also a Kozuki Oden in Wano, who used to be the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and also followed Roger to the final island of Ralph Drew.

  This person is very strong. Even if the strength of Kozuki Oden is seen in the whole world, he is ranked first. If Kaido and Kozuki Oden fight in an open and fair battle, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of Kozuki Oden.

  Aokiji is also not sure of defeating Kozuki Oden, so it is quite dangerous to go to Wano country.

  "I can't persuade His Highness Liu Feng."

  Taotu finally shook her head, she knew that she could not be persuaded at all. If she could persuade her to move, Taotu would definitely go to Liu Feng.

  Aokiji fell silent, and then took out the phone bug to notify Admiral Sora.

  After sailing for several days, I finally reached the country of Wano, and at this time there was one more person, Vice Admiral Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters, Polsalino.

  "Report to Lieutenant Admiral Aokiji, and the people of Wano country do not allow warships to dock." A navy came to report.

  Aokiji looked at Liu Feng after hearing this. It would be best if Liu Feng could leave. If he insisted on going to Wano Country, then conflict would be inevitable.

  "Huang Yuan, who dares to stop him and kill him directly."

  Liu Feng commanded to Kizuna.

  As for why he didn't order Qingzhi, Qingzhi is a kind-hearted man, and he may not be able to do it, but Kizaru is different.

  This guy has a wretched face, but his hands are very dark, and Liu Feng believes that Kizaru will do what he ordered.

  Qing Zhi listened to Liu Feng's orders and frowned slightly. Originally, he had a little more favorable impression of Liu Feng in the past few days, but now he has no favorable impression of Liu Feng.

  "Well, the order of His Highness Liu Feng must be obeyed."

  Huang Yuan is very honest, he just wants to become a general in peace and stability, and then raise his salary.

  "Polusalino, in front of me in the future, don't speak in such a rude tone."

  Liu Feng warned Huang Yuan, the tone of Huang Yuan's speech was indeed a little slappy, and slowly adding his wretched face, Liu Feng suddenly felt itchy and wanted to beat him.

  For some reason, Kizaru felt a biting chill, and looked at Liu Feng slightly, feeling that this sense of threat emanated from Uchiha Liu Feng.

  Instinctively, I think Uchiha Liufeng is not as simple as it seems, but Kizaru won't explore it. Although he looks like a fool, he actually knows what to do.

  When competing for the position of marshal, Akainu and Aokiji beat to death, but Kizaru didn't participate at all, not only did he have no ambition, but he was smart.

  "¨" I follow the instructions of His Highness Liu Feng. "

  Kizaru's expression turned serious, and his body turned into a flash of light and disappeared.

  With the spatial ability removed, there are not many people who can keep up with the speed of Kizaru. The flash man who eats the flash fruit can turn into flash movement.

  Boom boom boom! ! !

  It didn't take long for Huang Yuan to come back, without wasting time, all the people who were blocked were killed by Huang Yuan in seconds.

  "You've done a good job, and you can find time to receive the bonus when you go back." Liu Feng said to Huang Yuan with satisfaction.

  Kizuna also smiled with satisfaction. If there is a bonus, the motivation to work will be more abundant.

  "Come on, get off the boat."

  Liu Feng walked in front, Hancock and Taotu followed behind Liu Feng, and Aokiji and Kizaru followed behind with naval soldiers.

  The quality of the navy soldiers they brought is also very good. These are the navies originally in the New World. Naturally, being a navy in the New World cannot be weak.

  This is the diving port of Shiraume, and Wano Country is a special area. There is no outer sea coast, and there are only cliffs and waterfalls around (Li Nuo's).

  After going up, there is the Inland Sea, and the Inland Sea has the main island of the country of Hezhi and the island of ghosts. The main island is divided into six areas, namely: Jiuli, Ximei, Rabbit Bowl, Bell Queen, Baiwu, and Flower Capital.

  After arriving in Wano Country, Liu Feng got information that Kozuki Oden was dead, and even Kinemon, Raizo, Kikunocheng, Kanjuro and Momanosuke were all sent to Wano Country 20 years later.

  At the time of Guangyue, the time fruit person also died, and I don't know when the time fruit can be reborn again.

  The ability of the fruit of time is to allow itself and the designated object to travel through time and space, but it is limited to traveling through the future, not the past.

  But even so, it is very strong, even Liu Feng can't do it.

  If the fruit of time can be developed to the extreme, whether it can master the abilities of other time systems, Liu Feng is not sure, but the fruit of time is one of the fruit abilities that Liu Feng must obtain.


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Chapter 308

  In the future, someone must be sent to look for the fruit of time. Maybe others will not know the appearance of the fruit of time, but Liu Feng can.

  From the exchange mall, you can find the fruit of time, but it takes a little more points to exchange, so Liu Feng thinks it is better to look for it first.

  If you really can't find the time fruit, go to the exchange mall to exchange it.

  It would be better if the projection of Tianyueshi could be drawn, and the time fruit ability could be exploded directly from Tianyueshi's body.

  "I didn't expect Koyuki Oden to actually die."

  Aokiji's expression was a bit complicated. Originally, Kozuki Oden was also an enemy that the Navy was quite afraid of, but he didn't expect to die in Wano Kingdom.

  "I originally wanted to see a good show, but now it seems that I can't see a good show."

  It's a pity Liu Feng.

  I still want to see Kozuki Oden, but unfortunately I don't have the chance. If you want to see Kozuki Oden, you can only get the projection knowledge of Kozuki Oden in the system space.

  It is a pity that even if the projection of Kozuki Oden is drawn in the system space, that projection has no soul, just a puppet with the strength and appearance of Kozuki Oden.

  "Good news for the Navy."

  Kizaru said with a smile, not only Kozuki Oden was dead, but even Kaido was injured. If he could take the opportunity to catch Kaido, the position of the general would be absolutely stable.

  "Go to the flower capital."

  The Flower City is the most prosperous place in Wano Country, and it is also the place where the ruler is located.

   The supreme ruler of Wano country is called shogun, and then the supreme leader of each region is the daimyo, and now the general of Wano country is the black charcoal serpent.

  Eight years ago, the black tan family conspired to rebel, and the black charcoal snake and the black tan Muchan secretly killed the general Kozuki Sukiyaki, and the black charcoal serpent became the ruler of the country of Wano.

  Now the black charcoal snake and Kaido have cooperated and have completely controlled the country of Wano.

  What the Black Charcoal Orochi didn't know was that he was actually just a pawn of Kaido.

  When Liu Feng said that he was going to the capital of flowers this time, Aochi did not persuade him. After knowing the internal situation of Wano, the threat of Wano suddenly weakened.

  Although I don't know how strong the Black Charcoal Orochi is, it definitely can't surpass the general. Kaido, who is injured now, is also easy to deal with.

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