I exchanged my own life for the life of a Tianlong person. It was worth it. I hope that this matter will not affect Sister Gan, please ask His Highness Liu Feng when I go back.

  She is willing to bear all the guilt, just hope not to implicate the people she knows.

  With Kama el-san's head on, Taotu quickly left here, because Taotu knew such a big movement, it would not be long before someone came, and if they didn't leave, they would be caught on the spot.


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Chapter 317

  With the head of Kama el-san, Taotu returned to Liu Feng's palace.

  "It's not bad, I thought you wouldn't start."

  Liu Feng glanced at Kamal's deathly head, and then shifted his gaze to Taotu.

  "His Royal Highness Liufeng, I can bear all the guilt for killing the Tianlong people this time, but I hope that it will not affect my relatives."

  Taotu said to Liu Feng seriously.

  "Oh, do you mean that you think I can't keep you?" Liu Feng looked at Taotu and asked.

  Indeed, Taotu thinks so. The matter of her killing Kama el-san can be made clear by a casual investigation, and the culpability of killing Tianlong people is too great.

  Even if Liu Feng is a Tianlong person, he may not be able to keep her.

  Taotu was ready to die, but Taotu didn't want to involve others around him.

  "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Since I asked you to do this task, I didn't want you to die." Liu Feng said to Taotu.

  "Okay, let's go down, and deal with the head of Kama El-Saint, and you can pretend that nothing happened."

  Liu Feng is not worried about the trouble of killing a Tianlong person, even if he kills a Tianlong person, who can come to him for trouble.

  What's more, what happened this time was that Kamal Saint killed himself and sent someone to assassinate Liu Feng, who was also a world noble, which in itself was a taboo.

  Taotu left uneasy in her heart. Although Liu Feng told her to pretend that nothing happened, how could Taotu think that everything did not happen.

  After less than half a day, people from the CP organization came to Liu Feng and came to ask about the death of Kamal Saint.

  Taotu is not a qualified assassin, and he has left a lot of evidence. The most important thing is that many of Kamael's subordinates saw Taotu, and Taotu didn't have time to kill everyone at that time.

  However, the people from the CP organization didn't even see Liu Feng's face, and were directly blocked from the outside.

  Even if they knew that the murderer was in Liu Feng's palace, they did not dare to break in and offend Liu Feng.

  It is obviously not worthwhile to offend a still-living Celestial for the sake of a dead Celestial.

  So they told the news to Wu Laoxing and let Wu Laoxing decide.

  "Uchiha Liufeng is really bold..."

  The faces of the five old stars are not good-looking. Although the murderer this time is Taotu, they all know that Taotu has no courage to shoot at Tianlong people.

  If there is no order from Uchiha Liufeng, Taotu is obviously impossible to start with Tianlong people, all of which are the reasons for Uchiha Liufeng.

  "We've given him way too much, and he seems to be getting bigger and bigger."

  The long-haired Wu Laoxing had a cold face, killing intent in his eyes.

  The last time Uchiha Liufeng came to them, took away Boya Hancock who contradicted them, and also used the domineering domineering to make them lose face.

  They have not forgotten about this matter. Now Uchiha Liufeng has killed another Tianlong person. If Uchiha Liufeng is not given a warning, I am afraid he will continue to make progress.

  "He must be given a warning this time."

  It's not good to deal with Uchiha Liufeng, not to mention that Uchiha Liufeng itself is not easy to provoke, just because he insists that it has nothing to do with him, then they have no evidence.

  But he can't deal with Uchiha Liufeng, but he can deal with Taotu. Originally, Taotu did this, and solving Taotu was also a warning to Uchiha Liufeng.

  So Taotu must be dealt with, so as to prevent Uchiha Liufeng from continuing to make further progress.

  After the discussion among the five old stars, it was unanimously decided that Taotu must die, and Uchiha Liufeng would not move for the time being.

  "Uchiha Liufeng will never hand over Gion easily."

  The five old stars in the robe thought of the strength of Uchiha Liufeng and said to the others.

  The other five old stars nodded, and it seemed that they were going to visit Uchiha Liufeng together.

  When Wu Laoxing went to Liu Feng, a person was almost scared to pee, and this person was Saint Roswald.

  "Uchiha Liufeng doesn't know that it has something to do with me, right?"

  Saint Roswald had a look of horror on his face. If Uchiha Liufeng found out, would he die?

  Even Kamael was killed, he dared not doubt that Uchiha Liufeng would not dare to kill him. At this time, the first thought in the Sacred Heart of Roswald was to escape.

  "No, I have to go, Holy Land Mary Joa can't stay for the time being."

  Frightened, St. Roswald took the children and left the Holy Land Mary Joa immediately.

  In fact, Liu Feng didn't pay attention to Saint Roswald, who was about to be scared to pee, and Liu Feng didn't know that what happened this time had something to do with him.

  At this moment, Liu Feng was dealing with the Five Old Stars.

  "What are you five doing here?" Liu Feng asked indifferently.

  This is a well-intentioned question, how could Liu Feng not know the purpose of the Five Old Stars.

  Taotu was a little uneasy about the arrival of the Five Old Stars. Although she was ready, if she could survive, Taotu wouldn't mind living.

  Who can live who wants to die?

  "Is it something to do with the death of Saint Kamal?" The bearded five old star stared at Liu Feng very badly.

  "There are things we can live with, but there are things that go too far."

  Flat hat five old star said lightly.

  Some things can be endured due to the mysterious and unpredictable strength of Uchiha Liufeng, but some things cannot.

  Today, a Tianlong person died in the hands of Uchiha Liufeng, and there may be a second Tianlong person who died in the hands of Uchiha Liufeng in the future.

  "¨"Oh, I don't know what I did to make you so angry, please enlighten me. "Liu Feng said lightly.

  "If I say it, I apologize to you, but I will dare to do it next time."

  At this moment, Liu Feng looked at the Five Old Stars playfully, as if he was making fun of the Five Old Stars, and even deliberately mocking the Five Old Stars.

  Taotu was a little stunned beside him, never expected that he would dare to speak like this in the face of the Five Old Stars, just because of his identity?

  "We're not kidding you, this time it was Gion who killed Kamal Saint, so Gion must give Kamal Saint."

  Taopao Wu Laoxing said very strongly to Liu Feng.

  "Are you serious?" Liu Feng asked them with a chuckle.

  When Liu Feng smiled this time, they felt a biting chill enveloped them (Wang Zhao Zhao), as if they were rabbits being targeted by hunters.

  "of course."

  The blond five old stars are still tough.


  As soon as the words were finished, the body of the blond five old star was blasted out of the hall, and you could see the blood floating in the air, which was the blood of the blond five old star.

  "It seems that I'm not safe here. Someone was attacking in broad daylight. I advise you to leave quickly." Liu Feng said to the other five old stars.

  Liu Feng didn't do anything from the beginning to the wake. They all looked at Liu Feng, but they didn't see Liu Feng doing anything.

  But the blond five old stars were blasted away.

  Could it be that there are other hidden powerhouses around Uchiha Liufeng?But even if there is, it is impossible to make it impossible for them to find out.

  In fact, what they didn't know was that Liu Feng was using the Wheel Tomb and Border Prison just now, and the shadow of the Wheel Tomb can only be seen by those with Samsara Eyes.


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Chapter 318

  "This time, this is the end of the matter. I don't care what method you use, calm down."

  Liu Feng glanced at the ugly five old stars and said lightly.

  "You should understand that I will not target a piece of trash for no reason, unless this trash provokes me, the death of Kama El-san is his own fault."

  After saying this, Liu Feng waved his hand and sent the other five old stars to leave.

  But they didn't leave like this, staring at Liu Feng with an ugly face.

  "Why, are you still not convinced? Do you all want to be forced out by me like the blond guy?"

  Liu Feng simply admitted directly that it was his hand on the Golden Blonde Five Old Stars. Anyway, they could guess that the Golden Golden Five Old Stars were blasted out because they had something to do with Liu Feng.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, aren't you afraid of Lord Yimu's punishment?" The Five Old Stars with the Flat Hat asked Liufeng.

  "Then you ask Im to come and find me."

  Liu Feng said impatiently, his face also cold.

  "If you don't leave, you don't need to leave. Just stay here. It happens that the garden is short of fertilizer. It's good to use you as fertilizer. The flowers should bloom more vividly."

  At this moment, Liu Feng's tone was icy and biting, and they could all feel that Uchiha Liu Feng was not playing with him.

  Maybe Uchiha Liufeng really has the intention to kill them.

  Taopao Wu Laoxing looked at the flat hat Wu Laoxing, indicating what the flat hat Wu Laoxing should do.

  Whether to do it with Uchiha Liufeng, or leave just like that, but leaving like this means that they have given in again when facing Uchiha Liufeng.

  After that, Uchiha Liufeng may act more and more recklessly, which is not the result they want to see.

  "We'll come back after we investigate the specifics of this matter."

  The five old stars of the flat hat finally said.

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