When he said this, it meant that he had already confessed, and it is estimated that he will not come in the future. It seems that this matter must be calmed down in another way.

  If you want to solve Gion, hitting Uchiha Liufeng will definitely not work, and the five old stars with flat hats also give up directly.

  Afterwards, they left Liu Feng's palace, and when they came out, they took the seriously injured blond five old stars lying on the ground, and left in despair.

  "This matter will be over in the future, you don't need to worry about it."

  Liu Feng said to Taotu.

  Taotu was still a little confused at this time, she found that she still underestimated Liu Feng, and the five old stars could easily handle it.

  Being able to let Wu Laoxing leave is definitely not because Wu Laoxing found out with his conscience and left, but because Wu Laoxing knew that he could never fight against Liu Feng, so he left.

  Especially when the blond five old stars were blasted out, Taotu was stunned at the time.

  As the head of the world government, is the strength of the Five Old Stars so weak?

  "Thank you."

  Taotu thanked Liu Feng with a complicated expression. If Liu Feng hadn't blocked her, she would definitely die.

  "Thank me? Are you kidding me?"

  Liu Feng smiled when he heard Taotu's thanks.

  "You are my subordinate, I should protect you, but in exchange, you also need to dedicate your loyalty, understand?"


  Taotu can understand what Liu Feng means, and Taotu also agreed, maybe he really needs to show his loyalty.

  And for her, the navy can't go back, and she can only follow Liu Feng in the future.

  Although Liu Feng's methods are very cruel when dealing with enemies and others, Liu Feng has never abused her own people, and is worthy of her loyalty.

  "You haven't mastered the domineering of the armed color, have you?"

  Liu Feng asked Taotu.

  Hearing Liu Feng's question, Taotu nodded to Liu Feng, and now Taotu really hasn't mastered the domineering armament.

  Practicing swordsmanship and physique has taken up most of her time, and Taotu has no time to cultivate domineering.

  Whether it's armed arrogance or knowledgeable arrogance, Taotu still hasn't mastered it yet, but she is not very old, so it is only a matter of time before she masters armed arrogance and knowledgeable arrogance.

  As for domineering and domineering, this is not something that everyone can have. It depends on fate. Only among millions of people can a person with domineering and domineering be born.

  Liu Feng took out an armed color domineering ability acquisition card and used it on Taotu, allowing Taotu to initially master the armed color domineering.

  "This is?"

  Taotu was a little shocked, and at this time Taotu probably guessed how Hancock's armed arrogance and knowledge-like arrogance were learned.

  At first I thought it was Hancock's talent, but now it doesn't seem to be, it should be the help of His Highness Liu Feng.

  This is normal. After all, Hancock is not yet thirteen years old. At this age, it is outrageous for the human race to master the domineering of armed and knowledgeable.

  Before, Taotu doubted her talent because of Hancock, but now it seems that there is no problem with her talent.

  "Thank you, Lord Liufeng, for your gift."

  Originally, Taotu was called His Highness Liu Feng, but now she is called an adult. In fact, it was a step closer, indicating that she really recognized her identity and was willing to be a subordinate by Liu Feng's side.

  She will never regret this choice in the future. Following Liu Feng, the real world's strongest, she will definitely be able to see the scenery at the pinnacle of the Pirate World in the future.

  Hancock was also here, and seeing that Lord Liufeng also gave Taotu the power, Hancock felt more nervous in his heart.

  "It seems that I will compete with Taotu in the future."

  In Hancock's eyes looking at Taotu, the hostility is getting heavier and heavier.

  Taotu also felt Hancock's hostile gaze, Hancock would not hide his hostility, Taotu could clearly feel it.

  Peach Rabbit can even guess what Hancock is thinking. Peach Rabbit will not pay attention to the psychology of children.

  I believe Lord Liu Feng, I don't want to see a fight between them.

  In fact, Taotu was wrong. As long as they did not become enemies of life and death, Liu Feng would not stop their healthy competition.

  If it was a vicious competition, Liu Feng would have to stop it, and even punish them all.

  "Master Liu Feng, will the Five Old Stars come again?" Hancock asked Liu Feng.

  "As long as the five old stars still have Dim Sum Eyes, they will never come to me again, but Yi Mu is very likely to appear." Liu Feng was looking forward to Yi Mu coming.

  This time, if the Five Old Stars went to complain to Yimu, perhaps Yimu might come to find Liu Feng, and Liu Feng did not have any fears about the mysterious Yimu.

  The strength is already invincible in this world, where there is still need to be afraid, it's just a mere Im, can't it surpass him no matter how strong it is.

  "You all try to become stronger, I don't want the Five Old Stars to come back in the future, and I need to get rid of them." Liu Feng said to Hancock and Taotu.

  "Don't worry, Lord Liufeng, if they dare to come again, I will let them get out." Hancock was very confident and full of arrogance in his heart, but now Hancock does not have the strength to support this arrogance.


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Chapter 319

  The death of Saint Kamal has just passed, and the Five Old Stars forcibly suppressed this matter, and now Holy Land Mary Joa seems to have forgotten about it.

  For other Tianlong people, in fact, the death of Kamael is not a bad thing. It originally belonged to the interests of Kamael, and they can divide it up.

  As for the companionship of fellow Heavenly Dragon people?I'm sorry, the Tianlong people didn't have any feelings before, they are the real interests first.

  Moreover, there are also family divisions among the Tianlong people. Unless they are members of the Kamael Holy Family, they will grieve for the death of Kamael Saint~.

  But no one went to avenge Kama el-sheng, because the five old stars specially warned them - them.

  As for the reason why Kamael was killed by Uchiha Liufeng, Wu Laoxing has also investigated, and it was Kamael who sent someone to move-.

  This is the death of Kamael. If Kamael's family wants to avenge him, it is also a death, and Uchiha Liufeng will not be merciful.

  The Holy Family of Kamal, who was specially warned, could only endure it even if they were angry.

  "Kaido really doesn't give up on Wano Country."

  Liu Feng looked at the information in his hand. This was the information that Stuthy sent him back. Stuthy told Liu Feng that Kaido was in contact with her and tried to cooperate with her.

  He is also asking if he should agree to cooperate with Kaido and tell Kaido's conditions.

  Before Liu Feng told Stucci to cooperate with Kaido, the premise is that the benefits are sufficient, but now Liu Feng looked at the benefits Kaido gave and shook his head slightly.

  "Is Kaido begging for food?"

  Wanting to spend a billion baileys to enter Wano country, this plan is really beautiful enough.

  "Kaido looks down on me, it seems that it is necessary to teach Kaido a lesson."

  Liu Feng thought about Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru about to be promoted to generals, and suddenly had an idea.

  In the past few days, Sakaski, Kuzan, and Polsalino will be crowned generals. The original general of the Warring States period has become the Marshal of the Warring States Period, and Cyborg Kong has become the commander-in-chief of the entire army.

  As for the other general, Zefa, he is now semi-retired and is only responsible for teaching the navy. Many outstanding vice admirals were taught by Zefa.

  Sakaski, Kuzan, and Polsalino were all taught by Zefa, and they can be regarded as Zefa's most outstanding apprentices.

  It's a pity that Zefa's end was not very good. He died in the hands of his disciple Polsalino and was killed by Kizaru.

  "Prepare to go to the Navy Headquarters."

  Liu Feng plans to personally go to Marine Fando at the naval headquarters.

  Becoming a general, three fires for the new officer to take office, this first fire, let Kaido burn on Kaido, let Kaido experience the feeling of being besieged by the three generals.

  After Liu Feng made the decision, Hancock and Taotu immediately went to prepare. At the same time, the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando, who had just taken office as the marshal of the Warring States Period, also received news.

  "Tianlongren Uchiha Liufeng is coming."

  Warring States frowned, not knowing what the purpose of the Tianlong people was, hoping not to cause any trouble.

  He is definitely not willing to have Tianlong people come to Marin Fando, but there is no way to stop the Warring States period. How can he stop the Tianlong people's decision? Is it showing an unwelcome attitude?

  Certainly not, even if he becomes a naval marshal, he will definitely give Tianlong people face.

  What's more, this Tianlong person who came here is not ordinary, not the same as ordinary Tianlong people.

  Sengoku also knows some information about the Holy Land Mary Joa. It is a big event that Tianlong people die. According to some gossip, Uchiha Rufeng instructed Gion to kill it.

  Now Uchiha Liufeng has nothing, not even Gion, which shows the energy of Uchiha Liufeng.

  "Looks like a meeting needs to be called."

  Sengoku is preparing to convene a meeting of the high-ranking navy, Uchiha Liufeng will be a major event, and it will be a major event that Sakaski, Kuzan, and Polsalino will be promoted to generals.

  The three generals represent the deterrent power of the navy headquarters, suppressing the momentum of the pirates.

  After the meeting, the Warring States passed the news that Liu Feng was coming.

  "Warring States, the first meeting you held as a marshal was actually a trivial matter related to the Tianlong people."

  Garp glanced at Sengoku with his nose clasped, his expression a little disdainful.

  "Kapp, take it seriously."

  Warring States glared at the old friend angrily, but he also understood that Garp didn't have a good impression of the Tianlong people.

  "This time, I don't want you to cause trouble. This Tianlong man here is not easy to cause."

  The Warring States glanced at Kizaru and Aokiji. The two of them had dealt with Uchiha Liufeng, and through them, the Warring States also learned some of Uchiha Liufeng's strength.

  It's hard to imagine that a Tianlong person actually possesses a strength that surpasses that of a general.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  If Garp provokes Uchiha Rufeng, the consequences will be unpredictable.

  "I won't take the initiative to provoke it," Garp said to Sengoku.

  Warring States nodded, believing Garp, although Garp is acting unreliable now, but in fact Garp is very measured.

  "This time, don't care what the purpose of Uchiha Liufeng's visit is, we have to entertain you. Crane, you are responsible for getting some information about Uchiha Liufeng."

  This task Sengoku was handed over to Crane.

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