However, Liu Feng didn't have the heart to bargain with Kaido. Kaido's sincerity made Liu Feng feel that he was begging and looked down on him.

  So Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji, who had just been promoted to three generals, were already on their way to crusade them.

  "A Tianlong person, we don't need to be afraid."

  Quinn felt a little unhappy in his heart, and he was even afraid of a Tianlong person. Although the status of the Tianlong person was high, in fact, there were many pirates who looked down on the Tianlong person.

  "Dragonians aren't terrible, but they can command the navy."

  Jhin glanced at Quinn and said lightly.

  The navy is what they fear the most. Although all the pirates combined are definitely stronger than the navy, it is impossible for these pirates to unite.

  Simply relying on them as a pirate group is really unable to compete with the naval forces.

  What's more, not only the navy, but the Tianlong people can also let the people of the world government take action, who knows how much power the world government hides.

  The navy is only a part of the power of the world government. It has been able to control the world for so many years. How can the hidden power be so simple.

  "Boss Kaido, according to the information received, Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru, who have just become generals of the Navy headquarters, have come to the new world, and they also brought ten warships with them."

  A member of the Beast Pirates came to report to Kaidohui.

  Kaido also knows about the three generals. The news bird has already spread the news to all parts of the world, and the Beast Pirates naturally saw the news.

  "I just became a general, and this time I want to stand up."

  Quinn saw through the purpose of the three generals in an instant, and was a little worried in his heart, wondering whether their Hundred Beast Pirates would become the target of Liwei.

  "It should be to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates."

  Kaido is not particularly worried. The three major generals of the Navy Headquarters will definitely target the biggest early bird, and the Beast Pirates are not even in their early stage.

  Now the strongest in the ocean is the Whitebeard Pirates. Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world. That old guy is indeed powerful.

  Kaido has also played against Whitebeard, and Kaido today can't really beat Whitebeard at his peak.

  The Whitebeard Pirates are not only powerful, but his crew is also not weak. There are countless small and large pirates attached to the Whitebeard Pirates.

  If the navy really goes to war with the Whitebeard Pirates, it will be a big event at sea.

  "I have an uneasy feeling in my heart that the target might be us."

  Blazing Ash said to Kaido.

  "I think it's better to pay attention to the movements of the Navy as much as possible. If the target is us, we may have to leave."

  They are all proud, but pride is not stupid. If they really fight against the three generals, the Beast Pirates will definitely be defeated.

  At the same time, Jhin was also reminding Kaido that it would be better for Kaido not to be so stubborn, but not to be killed by the navy. Kaido himself thought that the navy rushed over.

  Kaido can really do such a tough thing as one-on-one with the Navy.

  Kaido didn't pay much attention to Jhin's reminder. He didn't provoke the navy recently, because he was very honest about Wano's plan.

  So the Navy should be unlikely to take the initiative to deal with him.

  And even against him, Kaido is not afraid, he is very confident in his own strength.

  Just when Kaido felt that the navy was unlikely to target him, two days later, the navy warship killed him.

  On the way to kill, I solved some pirate groups along the way, and basically they were solved by Akainu.

  Among the three generals, Akainu is the most desperate to deal with pirates, Kizaru is lazy when he can be lazy, and Aokiji has a lazy personality.

  When the naval battleship arrived at the door of the house, Kaido was stunned and did not deal with Whitebeard. Why did he come to deal with him so loudly?

  To dispatch three generals, it is too much to look down on him.

  Today's Kaido's strength is not much worse than it was in [-] years, but it is not bad to be able to deal with the siege of two generals. In the face of three generals, Kaido is really unsure.

  And Akainu, Kizaru and Aokiji are not without the navy, Vice Admiral Stokeberry, Huoshaoshan, Flying Squirrel, Dauberman, and Ghost Spider followed to crusade the Beast Pirates.

  "Didn't I tell you to pay attention to the navy? What's going on?" Jhin asked the crew of the Beast Pirates in a bad manner.

  No one dared to talk to the people below, Jhin indeed ordered them, but they didn't take it seriously.

  Mainly because Kaido didn't take it seriously, so they didn't take it seriously either.

  In addition, the speed of the navy was too fast, they didn't have time to react, and the navy's warships came over.

  The navy who came this time was more ruthless and faster than the Demon Slaughtering Order, and they had no chance to respond.

  "You take them with you."

  Kaido solemnly ordered Quinn and Jhin.

  This is not Kaido's performance, but Kaido knows that the ordinary crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirates can't help at all, so it's better to run away and retain their strength.

  Quinn and Jhin looked at each other, but they were very obedient and didn't say anything to stay and face the navy with Kaido.

  Instead of being helpful, they will become a burden when they stay.

  In fact, it doesn't matter if the ordinary pirates die. Those ordinary pirates can catch a lot of them and can replenish them at any time, but Kaido doesn't want the elites of the Beast Pirates to die here or be caught.

  In order to establish the Beast Pirates, he spent a lot of effort, but he didn't want to compromise his crew here.

  "If you want to run, shoot."

  Akainu ordered indifferently.

  Akainu pursues complete justice, and absolutely does not allow a trace of "evil" to exist. In order to complete the task, he can ignore his colleagues and civilians as targets to annihilate.

  The so-called "evil" of Akainu mainly refers to pirates. In the eyes of Akainu, pirates are the biggest evil in the world. They must be eliminated. Thieves are more cruel.


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Chapter 322

  The cannonballs bombarded the Beast Pirates, and the cannonballs fired by the ten warships were like dense nets, which could not be completely blocked.

  The navy's warships are definitely much stronger than the pirates' ships, and soon it can be seen that some of the boats of the Hundred Beasts Pirates have been bombed and sunk.

  "Meteor Volcano."

  Akainu made a big move directly, and the lava fists hit the sky, and soon those lava fists fell from the air one by one.

  The mourning continued to come, and the ordinary pirates could not stop the attack of the rock berries.

  Even the Devil Fruit Powers in the Beast Pirates can't stop it.

  Nowadays, there are not many devil fruit capable people in the Beast Pirates, the artificial devil fruit has not yet appeared, and Kaido has no ability to form an army of animal demon fruit capable people.

  "Aokiji froze the pirate ship."

  Akainu said to Aokiji while attacking.

  In the face of ordinary people, Qing pheasant will definitely not be able to do it, but in the face of pirates who do all kinds of evil, Qing pheasant has no scruples when he takes action.

  Kuzan is the youngest of the three generals, but his strength is not weak to Akainu and Kiabou.

  Frozen fruits are very good at sea combat, using Ice Age ice to seal the sea, so that all the Beast Pirates who were about to escape were blocked and unable to leave.

  The sea was frozen, and the boats could not move.

  "All disembarked, some resisted the navy, and some broke the ice for me."

  Jhin pulled out the long knife around his waist. Jhin's knife was very long because of his terrifying height, about six to seven meters tall.

  Pulling out a knife and slashing it on the ice, the ice made by Aokiji using frozen fruit is not so easy to break.

  Jhin, who was bombarding with his knife, found that the damage he caused was too small. The green pheasant froze the sea surface for dozens of kilometers. How could he destroy it.

  "Try it with fire."

  Jhin used the flames on his body to try to melt the ice.

  "Ice Cubes - Storm Pheasant Mouth."

  While Jin was focusing on attacking the ice, an ice bird was released by Aokiji and attacked Jin.

  Just as he was about to hit Jhin, Quinn, who was as fat as a round ball, stood in front of Jhin, and used his armed arrogance to block Aokiji's attack.

  "Be careful..."

  Quinn reminded Jhin.

  "We'll use the Devil Fruit ability to see if we can break the ice created by Aokiji."

  Boom boom boom! ! !

  The magma fist fell from the sky, and the ice surface was instantly broken by the magma fist.

  "Akainu helped us." Quinn's face showed joy, but looking at Quinn's extremely round face, he couldn't tell that he was happy.

  Aokiji's brows wrinkled. He also knew that Akainu didn't do it on purpose. Looking at the crew of the Hundred Beast Pirates rushing in front of him, he let out a sigh of cold air and froze directly into an ice sculpture.

  Akainu and Kizaru are in charge of dealing with Kaido, while Aokiji and other lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters surround and kill the crew of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

  Unable to resist, the Beast Pirates are still too weak, and they can't beat the navy at all. The main reason is that the navy dispatched is too strong, and they dispatched most of their strength to deal with Kaido, which is too much for the Beast Pirates.

  Kaido attacked Akainu and Kiabou furiously, his eyes were red, and the huge mace in his hand was easily used by Kaido.

  The cumbersome weapon is very flexible, and Akaido doesn't get any benefit from Kaido's hands.


  Kizaru raised his hand, and the golden light hit Kaido, only causing a little injury to Kaido. Even Kizaru had to admit that Kaido's defense was too strong.

  "So scary, so scary, what a monster."

  Kizaru sighed beside him, he didn't see Akainu fighting with Kaido, his face turned black, I was almost killed, you are still sighing here.

  A mace wrapped in a domineering armed color can attack elementalization, so Akainu doesn't want to use elementalization to be immune to physical attacks.


  Akainu, who was smashed and flew out by the mace, crashed the battleship, but Akainu was very resistant to fighting, and he was indeed the one who was not dead after being punched by Whitebeard.

  "Light speed kick."

  Kizaru, who had been playing soy sauce on the outside, finally seized the opportunity and kicked Kaido on the head while Kaido attacked Akainu.

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