Kizaru doesn't talk about martial arts at all, and he sneaks up when he comes up. With the speed of glittering fruits, even if he uses the domineering sense of knowledge, it is difficult to avoid it.

  At this time, Kaido's whole body was hardened by the armed color. Although he was attacked by Kizaru who didn't talk about martial arts, he used the speed of light to kick and flew out, but Kaido was not a big problem, at most his head was a little dizzy.

  When it comes to fighting, Kaido is definitely much stronger than Akainu.

  Kaido, the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, and Kiabou's lasers failed to penetrate Kaido's body.

  "Big fire."

  Akainu got up and bombarded Kaido with a punch. It was a huge fist of magma. Then he simulated a volcanic eruption and punched it out. This punch was not enough for several battleships.

  In the face of Akainu's move, Kaido didn't dare to underestimate him, using his Devil Fruit ability to transform into a dragon form.

  Although this dragon is a bit ugly, it is more resistant to fighting, not to mention the domineering protection of the armed color.

  Using the dragon's breath and the big fire to collide together, the collision between them caused the frozen sea of ​​Aokiji to disintegrate.

  "You can't let you go away so easily."

  Kizaru's body turned into a flash of light and moved at the speed of light, and instantly came to the members of the Beast Pirates who were about to continue sailing away as the ice surface disintegrated.

  "¨" Eight-foot Qionggou Yu! "

  Countless golden light bombs fell, and the number of pirates who died in the hands of Kizaru couldn't be counted. The abuse of vegetables was the favorite of Kizaru.

  What Kisaragi is best at is also mischievous vegetables. It doesn't mean that the strong can't deal with it. It's just that due to his character, he doesn't like to fight with the strong at all.

  For example, when he teamed up with Akainu to deal with Kaido, Kizaru was making soy sauce on the side.

  "let's go."

  Jhin turned into a toothless pterosaur at this time, with flames burning on his body, as if he was a pterosaur emerging from hell.

  I can't take care of the ordinary members of the Beast Pirates. Those people will die if they die, and they must escape.

  As long as they don't die and Kaido's boss is fine, the Beast Pirates will be able to rebuild sooner or later.

  Therefore, Jhin, who became a toothless pterosaur, did not aggressively attack Kizaru and the others, but grabbed Quinn and flew away. As for Kaido, Jhin believed that he could escape.

  And Jin didn't plan to drive far away from (Wang Haohao), he was going to find a place to put Quinn down, and he would kill him again to find a way to rescue Kaido.

  In fact, if Kizaru wanted to hunt down, he could catch up with them, and the only Devil Fruit ability that could compare with Kizaru's speed was the Thunder Fruit.

  But Kizaru was too lazy to chase, and they weren't the ones that had to be dealt with anyway, but Kaido couldn't let it go.

  This time, it was Liu Feng who asked them to deal with Kaido. If Kaido ran away intact, how to explain to Liu Feng.

  After Jhin and Quinn escaped, the other lieutenant generals and naval soldiers were responsible for dealing with the pirates of the Beast Pirates.

  Those pirates were either caught or killed, and some chose to surrender.

  As for the pirates who surrendered, most of the admirals gave up the killing and imprisoned them, and Kizaru and Aokiji are now teaming up with Akainu to deal with Kaido.


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Chapter 323

  Kaido is really strong. Although he can only be beaten in the face of the three generals, the battle has lasted for nearly an hour, and he is still struggling and has not been caught.

  But now Kaido can't run away. After turning into a dragon form, he can grab the cloud and fly in the air, but with Kiabou around, Kaido can't escape in the air at all.

  Every time he wanted to escape, he would be called back by Kizaru.

  "The dog bites the red lotus."

  Akainu, who flew into the air with a moon step, punched Kaido's head in dragon form, and turned into a dog-headed magma arm, directly burning Kaido's head.

  "The green pheasant has frozen him."

  Akainu said to Aokiji.

  In fact, there is no need for Akainu to remind, Aokiji also knows what to do.

  "Freezing time."

  Aokiji sealed the huge dragon form Kaido with ice, but even if it was frozen by ice, Kaido continued to struggle, and the ice block that froze Kaido soon cracked.

  Cracks appeared quickly, but Aokiji repaired quickly.

  "We must first find a way to make Kaido incapacitated, so that we can't bring him back." Aokiji said to Akainu and Kizaru.

  Kaido is indeed difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the Beasts Pirates are relatively weak. If the Beasts Pirates become stronger, Kaido and the Beasts Pirates will become very troublesome opponents for the Navy in the future.

  Aokiji glanced at Kizaru, who shouldn't have let Jhin and Quinn go. Those two guys are not weak at all, especially since their future achievements may be even greater.

  The two of them still have a lot of room for growth. Even if they get rid of Kaido, Jin and Quinn will still be big pirates in the sea in the future.

  But it's useless to say this now, and it will only conflict with Kizaru, so Aokiji didn't say it.

  "First use the method of freezing and bring Kaido back to the Navy Headquarters."

  Akainu looked at Kaido, who was frozen in ice, and finally thought about it.

  If Kaido wants to break free, let Aokiji continue to freeze, at most, Aokiji will be affected on the way.

  In the end, Aokiji could only accept it, and let part of the navy stay to clean up the remaining battlefield, and then the three generals of the three generals personally escorted Kaido.

  On the other side, Jhin, who came back to save Kaido, looked a little ugly after seeing Kaido being taken away, but he couldn't see it when he was covered by a mask.

  "Looks like we need to find a way to get the Governor back."

  Jin couldn't help himself, so he was going to go to Quinn to discuss it.

  He didn't expect that it didn't take long for Kaido to be caught by the navy. It was too fast. If he went to save Kaido now, it would be to send people's heads.

  "Fortunately, the eldest lady is not here, otherwise things will be troublesome."

  Jhin was slightly fortunate.

  The eldest lady is of course Kaido's daughter Yamato, but fortunately she is not here, otherwise she would definitely fall into the hands of the navy.

  A few days later, Kaido was captured by Marin Vando, and the news about Kaido's capture was also spread in the new world.

  The Hundred Beasts Pirates were almost wiped out, only the two big Kanban Jhin and Quinn escaped, and the rest of the crew were either dead or captured.

  Even the governor of the Beast Pirates, Kaido, was caught by the navy, and the impact was not small. This time, the navy suddenly did a big thing.

  "Has Kaido been caught again?"

  Whitebeard paid a little attention to some news. In fact, it was not the first time that Kaido was caught by the navy. Even if Kaido was caught before, Kaido escaped in the end.

  But this time Kaido's arrest seems to be a bit unusual.

  "Gu la la la, it seems that the navy is going to stand up."

  Whitebeard's laughter is very heroic, and the Navy is not afraid of Liwei. If Liwei gets on his head, Whitebeard will also let the Navy know that he is not easy to mess with.

  In fact, Whitebeard didn't want the navy to come and provoke him. Whitebeard just wanted to guard his family at sea.

  Aunt Charlotte Lingling also paid a little attention. Kaido still owes her favor. If Kaido dies this time, it will not be good news for Charlotte Lingling.

  But Charlotte Lingling will definitely not save Kaido. Although she and Kaido used to have some connection, but now this connection is almost broken.

  Kaido, who was taken to Marin Vando, finally broke free from the ice, and what awaited Kaido was a beating.

  The three generals plus Garp gave Kaido a beating. The picture is a bit cruel, and people can't stand it anymore.

  Kaido, who was taken in Shanghai Loushi handcuffs, naturally fell into Liu Feng's hands.

  "Your efficiency is good."

  Liu Feng praised Akainu and the others.

  Originally, Liu Feng thought it would take half a month to capture Kaido, but it took less than a week to capture Kaido.

  "I'll take Kaido with me."

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng wants to take Kaido away?"

  Hearing that Liu Feng said that he was going to take Kaido away, Sengoku's expression was slightly startled. Although Kaido was caught, Kaido had a history of escaping before.

  "Why, can't it work? If you think it can't work, ask the five old stars for their opinions." Liu Feng said lightly to the Warring States.

  "His Royal Highness Liufeng, you have to think clearly, Kaido is a dangerous person." Warring States said cautiously.

  Kaido has been singled out with Whitebeard many times. As for the result, they are not very clear, but seeing that Kaido is still alive, they know what the result will be.

  Even if Kaido can't beat Whitebeard, he can still escape from Whitebeard's hands. The relationship between Whitebeard and Kaido is not very good, and he will never show mercy to Kaido.

  "Is Kaido dangerous? How could I not know."

  Liu Feng's question made Sengoku speechless. Didn't you see the scene where the three generals and Garp teamed up to defeat Kaido before?

  Although I know that Liu Feng is different from other Tianlong people, and his strength is not average, is it too arrogant to talk like this.

  "Okay, you don't have to say anything, just throw him on my boat."

  Liu Feng said to the Warring States.

  Warring States had no choice but to order someone to escort Kaido to Liu Feng's ship. This is Liu Feng's ship, and the warship was built by the Navy with the help of the best materials.

  In the future, Liu Feng will use this battleship when going to sea, but this battleship is actually just a substitute for Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng's real goal is Pluto. Liu Feng doesn't know where the real Pluto is, but Liu Feng knows exactly where Pluto's design is.

  If you can't find the real Pluto, it is not impossible to recreate it. Find a time to send someone to bring the design of Pluto.

  After throwing Kaido on his battleship, Liu Feng didn't plan to stay in Marin Vatican. To be honest, it was really pointless to stay in Marin Vatican.

  In the past few days, Liu Feng basically used fishing to pass the time, and there were too few interesting things about Malin Fando.

  "Follow Your Highness Liu Feng first." Warring States glanced at Aokiji, Akainu and Kizaru, and instructed the three of them.

  They are very clear about the meaning of the Warring States period. They are to let them serve as bodyguards for Liu Feng, and at the same time watch Kaido, so as not to let Kaido find a chance to escape.

  The most important thing is not to let Kaido hurt Uchiha Rufeng.


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