Chapter 324

  The Warring States arranged the three generals to serve as bodyguards for Liu Feng, and Liu Feng did not refuse the Warring States. There were Aokiji, Akainu and Kiabou to serve as bodyguards for him, which was quite a card.

  It is absolutely impossible to enjoy this kind of treatment if it is an ordinary Tianlong person, and Liu Feng is not an ordinary Tianlong person.

  In fact, he was arranged as a bodyguard, and Akainu felt very unhappy. He wanted to go to the sea to hunt down pirates and implement the justice of the navy, rather than serve as bodyguards for these world nobles.

  But Akainu is not a marshal, so Akainu must obey the orders of the Warring States.

  After returning to the Holy Land Mary Joa, Kizaru kindly reminded: "I hope His Highness Liu Feng will take good care of Kaido, he has a history of escaping."

  Liu Feng nodded lightly.

  But if Kaido wants to escape from him, Liu Feng must give Kaido a chance.

  If Liu Feng doesn't give Kaido a chance, Kaido will never try to escape from him in this life.

  After that, the three generals left, and Kaido was pulled by several people to Liufeng's palace, where Kaido was imprisoned in the dungeon that existed in the palace.

  Fortunately, the dungeons here are relatively large, otherwise Kaido will not be able to fit the big man.

  "You're the one who controls Wano - that Dragon?"

  At this time, Kaido asked Liu Feng.

  "Did you let Akainu and the others deal with me?" At this time, Kaido had already guessed almost. After all, Kaido was not a fool.

  "Yes, very clever, you have already guessed it." Liu Feng nodded towards Kaido.

  "What exactly do you mean?"

  Kaido's temper was very irritable, and the entire Beast Pirates was almost destroyed. How could Kaido not be irritable, it would be strange if he could calm down and talk to Liu Feng.

  "Don't be so violent, be quiet."

  Liu Feng said to Kaido indifferently.

  "Your voice is too loud. If you disturb me, I may make you speechless forever."

  "You dare to be arrogant, I really want to kill you." Hancock stared fiercely at Kaido and said.

  Taotu looked at Kaido, who was now a prisoner, and showed no mercy. Kaido was not a good thing, or in other words, few pirates were good people.

  Including the Whitebeard Pirates, there are really few good people. Even Luffy, who is the protagonist, has caused a lot of damage.

  "Why did you dispatch the three major futures to arrest me?"

  Kaido felt that even if he died, he had to die, and now he didn't even know why Uchiha Ryufeng did something to him.

  "You asked Stuxi to send me a message before, and you want to pay one billion Bailey to enter the country of Wano to develop the Beast Pirates, right?" Liu Feng asked Kaido indifferently.

  After hearing Liu Feng's question, Kaido suddenly understood what was going on. It seemed that Uchiha Liu Feng was not satisfied with his condition.

  However, Kaido originally expected that Liu Feng would not be satisfied. Originally, he wanted to discuss the conditions with Liu Feng. Who knew that Uchiha Liu Feng would not play cards according to the routine.

  Directly let the three generals go out and catch him.

  "What do you want now?"

  Kaido put away his irritability and calmed down for a while, the initiative was not in his own hands, and he still didn't know how the other party would deal with him.

  However, Kaido is confident that he will never die, and he is very confident in himself.

  "I heard that you have a hobby of suicide, right?" Liu Feng asked Kaido with a weird smile on his face.

  When he saw the smile on Liu Feng's face, Kaido felt unsafe, as if he was being targeted by something terrifying.

  "You can't eat two devil fruits, you have eaten one devil fruit, right?"

  Liu Feng looked at Kaido and said, Kaido has eaten a fish and fish fruit of the mythical beast species, if Kaido eats another devil fruit, will he die?

  Blackbeard seems to be the only one who can eat two Devil Fruits without dying. I wonder if Kaido's body is so special?

  Kaido's expression changed slightly. Although he likes to die and commit suicide, does he really want to die?

  He was able to guarantee that he would not die, so he committed suicide and ate two Devil Fruits. He had never tried such a thing, and he did not dare to try it.

  Because everyone who tried is already dead, Kaido doesn't want to be the next one to die.

  "It's not good for you if I die."

  At this time, Kaido began to try to save himself.

  "You're right, it's really not good for me if you die, but it's not bad for me if you die."

  Liu Feng has an extra Devil Fruit in his hand.

  "You like the animal-type devil fruit very much, and the animal-type devil fruit I prepared for you will definitely satisfy you and won't disappoint you."

  "Wait a minute, if you let me go, I can bring you benefits."

  Kaido still has a dream. He wants to launch an unprecedented war. Before this dream is completed, Kaido does not want to die.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  So it's not that Kaido is afraid of death, it's that Kaido still has things to do.

  "Oh, then hurry up and say, if the benefits are not enough, I'm afraid this devil fruit will be stuffed into your mouth."

  Liu Feng said to Kaido after putting down the Devil Fruit in his hand.

  In fact, Liu Feng has no intention of killing Kaido now. Rather than killing Kaido, it is better to get some benefits from Kaido.

  The Beast Pirates under Kaido are not useless, although the Beast Pirates have now been destroyed.

  However, if Kaido wants to pull up the Beast Pirates again, this is only an easy task, and it is not very difficult for Kaido.

  "You just say what you want."

  Kaido didn't say it himself, what if Liu Feng was dissatisfied and directly stuffed the devil fruit into his mouth?


  So let Uchiha Liufeng come up with it, and think about agreeing or not, and it's over.

  "Okay, then I'm welcome." Liu Feng asked Hancock to move the chair over, and then Liu Feng sat down.

  "The first condition is to let your daughter Yamato come to the Holy Land Mary Joa." Liu Feng raised a finger and pointed at Kaido.

  "Do you agree to this condition or not?"

  "If you don't want to agree, then there is no need to negotiate other conditions."

  "I promise."

  Kaido agreed directly, does he have feelings for his daughter?Of course there is, but it is not as important as himself, Kaido is not a daughter slave.

  And some things, Yamato also made Kaido very angry, such as the object of Yamato's worship is Kozuki Oden.

  He usually regarded himself as his son and didn't look like a daughter's home at all. Now he wants to go out to sea and explore the world at the age of eight. Kaido is very dissatisfied with this.

  However, when he handed over his daughter, Kaido was still very distressed, and swore in his heart that he would definitely make Uchiha Liufeng pay in the future.

  Liu Feng doesn't care about Kaido's hatred against Liu Feng, anyway, Liu Feng can guess that Kaido definitely hates himself in his heart, but Liu Feng doesn't care about Kaido's hatred at all, he has revenge in addition to hatred opportunity?

  Liu Feng glanced at Kai Duo a few more times, this is a wolf annihilation, I thought Kai Duo would think about it, but I didn't expect to agree so decisively, and really sold his daughter.


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Chapter 325

  "Since the first condition is finished, let's talk about the following conditions."

  Liu Feng looked at Kaido's dark face and said.

  "The second condition is to help me collect devil fruits. I don't want animal-type devil fruits. I only want natural and superhuman devil fruits."

  Liu Feng has already obtained a lot of animal-type devil fruits, and he doesn't want them at all. Most of the animal-type devil fruits are too weak.

  The biggest advantage of the animal-type Devil Fruit should be that it is easy to awaken, but even after awakening, it is still not very strong.

  Of course, if it was an Eudemons type, it would be powerful. The rarity was even rarer than that of the natural type, and it was also very powerful, and its value was no less than that of the natural type devil fruit.

  However, Eudemons Devil Fruits are too rare, and the possibility of Kaido being able to find them is almost zero, so Liu Feng did not mention it.

  "I can also agree to this condition."

  Kaido agreed decisively, this condition is not particularly excessive.

  "Since you agreed, don't act perfunctory, otherwise, you will regret it."

  Liu Feng didn't say many harsh words to threaten Kaido, but just told Kaido that if he perfunctory, he would definitely regret it. As for how to make Kaido regret, Kaido will naturally know after he annoys Liu Feng.

  Facing Liu Feng's threatening words, Kaido fell silent, and then he had to bow his head under the eaves.

  "The last condition is the safety of Wano. I don't want to see other pirates attack Wano. If other pirates dare to attack Wano, I will destroy you."

  This is to find a bodyguard for the country of Wano. It is impossible for Liu Feng to stare at the country of Wano all the time. If the country of Wano changes its owner, Liu Feng will also be unhappy.

  So if Kaido was to be a bodyguard, it would be perfect.

  "I can also agree to this condition."

  Kaido agreed decisively, because the second and third conditions were actually not as excessive as the first, so he had no reason not to agree.

  "Very good, Kaido, you are free again."

  Liu Feng smiled and asked Hancock to open the door of the dungeon, and then waved his hand, Kaido's handcuffs shattered and fell to the ground.

  Kaido has regained his freedom, and now, although not in his prime, he is at least half as powerful as he was in his prime.

  But at this time, Kaido did not dare to attack Liu Feng. He had this idea before, but Kaido's intuition told him that if he did it, he would be miserable.

  "I wonder if we can still cooperate?"

  Kaido asked Liu Feng.

  He still wanted to carry out his original plan. Manufacturing weapons factories in Wano Country was the most difficult to attract attention, so he also wanted to cooperate with Liu Feng.

  "Of course it's okay to cooperate, but you have to be sincere, don't let me think you look down on me."

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