Liu Feng's last sentence broke Kaido's defense.

  He will end up where he is now because he has no sincerity, so now he must show his sincerity, and what he spent on Uchiha Liufeng can be earned back elsewhere.

  "[-] billion baileys every year, plus precious items worth not less than [-] billion baileys."

  Kaido gritted his teeth and decided to bleed a lot, but if he wants to afford it, I am afraid that he needs to lay down a few more kingdoms and control the economy of several kingdoms.

  "That's right, this time it's sincere, so I reluctantly agreed." Liu Feng nodded with satisfaction, this time Kaido's sincerity was okay.

  "Remember, you are making weapons factories in Wano. I have no opinion, but you'd better not try to control Wano."

  Liu Feng reminded Kaido that what should be beat must be beat.

  "I won't leave you here, leave, don't do anything in the Holy Land Mary Joa, or you may not be able to leave the Holy Land Mary Joa, wouldn't it be impossible to accomplish what you promised me."

  He waved his hand to Kaido, signaling Kaido to get out quickly.

  Kaido gave Liu Feng a deep look, and finally turned and left.

  After Kaido left, Hancock and Taotu looked at Liu Feng with doubts in their eyes.

  "Lord Liufeng, will Kaido really be obedient? I think other means should be needed to restrain Kaido."

  Hancock reminded Liu Feng.

  "I agree with what Hancock said."

  Taotu agreed with Hancock's words, and Taotu didn't want Kaido to be released. If Kaido was released, who knows what he would do next.

  "Since I dare to let him go, I'm not afraid of him being disobedient. I think as long as he has some brains, he won't dare to be disobedient."

  Liu Feng smiled lightly and said to Hancock and Taotu.

  The deterrence of strength is the most reliable. Although Liu Feng did not show his strength in front of Kaido, Kaido must know that he is not easy to mess with.

  Otherwise, Kaido wouldn't be free and didn't do anything.

  In fact, it was Liu Feng's test of Kaido just now. If Kaido had done something to Liu Feng at that time, then what was waiting for Kaido would be his death.

  Liu Feng doesn't care about the future four emperors and five emperors. If he dares to do something to him, he will die...  

  If he is very respectful in front of him, Liu Feng doesn't mind letting him go.

  Although Kaido didn't show great respect to Liu Feng, he didn't dare to provoke Liu Feng, and because he could still use it, he let him go.

  However, whether Kaido can get out of the Holy Land Mary Joa also depends on Kaido's own ability.

  Liu Feng doesn't believe that the Five Old Stars don't know about Kaido. When Kaido left, the Five Old Stars must know, and whether the Five Old Stars will let Kaido go, then I don't know.

  If the five old stars shoot Kaido, Kaido really can't stop it, and it's not a problem to fight one, but in the face of five, Kaido will definitely be beaten.

  "Does Kaido have a daughter?" Taotu asked Liu Feng this question.

  She really doesn't know this, and even the Navy may not know it. There are probably not many people who know that Kaido has a daughter.

  "He does have a daughter, but it is not clear whether it is his own."

  Yamato claims to be Kaido's son, but in fact it is Kaido's daughter, who is very beautiful, not like Kaido's child.

  At the same time, the Five Old Stars are also discussing.

  "What does Uchiha Liufeng mean? He brought back Kaido, and now he has let Kaido go."

  The Taoist Five Old Stars asked the other Five Old Stars.

  "Should we take action to keep Kaido behind, Kaido used to be a member of the Rocks Pirates, and the threat at sea is not small." The blond five old stars suggested.

  "It's okay to shoot at Kaido, but have you thought about the connection between Kaido and Uchiha Liufeng? The two of them don't know what agreement they reached."

  After hearing Liu Feng's name, the blond five old star's expression became even more ugly, because he could have been severely injured by Liu Feng before.

  This revenge has not been avenged yet, and I don't know if there will be any chance to seek revenge for Uchiha Liufeng in the future.

  "If you don't shoot Kaido, will you just watch a pirate leave arrogantly in the Holy Land Mary Joa?" The bearded five old star was very upset.

  "Then why don't you take action and test Uchiha Liufeng's attitude by the way?" The flat hat Wu Laoxing glanced at the bearded Wu Laoxing and asked him.

  The bearded Wu Laoxing, who was originally unhappy, fell silent for a moment after hearing the words of the flat hat Wu Laoxing.


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Chapter 326

  In the end, after some discussions, the five old stars decided to let Kaido leave and ignore Kaido.

  If Kaido dares to cause a big incident in the Holy Land Mary Joa, they will definitely not let Kaido go. If Kaido is very honest, then let Kaido leave, as a way to give Liu Feng a face.

  What Wu Laoxing didn't know was that Liu Feng didn't need them to give him this face at all, and Liu Feng even expected Kaido to fight Wu Laoxing.

  As a result, none of the five old stars dared to take action, which made Liu Feng a little disappointed.

  Kaido left the Holy Land Mary Joa safe and sound, and after leaving, he quickly went to find Jhin and Quinn, and re-formed the Beast Pirates.

  "Kaido ran away from the Holy Land Mary Joa, what the hell is going on?"

  After Sengoku got this information, his brows furrowed tightly, actually letting the big threat Kaido run away.

  "It might be an agreement."

  Garp glanced at Sengoku, and then spoke to Sengoku in a calm manner.

  From the time Kaido was taken away, Garp probably guessed what was going to happen. If he knew it earlier, he would have toughened up, preventing Uchiha Liufeng from taking Kaido away, and imprisoned Kaido in the big underwater prison and pushed into the city.

  Hearing Karp's words, Sengoku fell into a deep silence, not to mention, the possibility of what Karp said is really great.

  "Kaido is a big threat from the beginning. If he has another card of the Dragon Man on his body, how are you going to deal with Kaido?"

  Garp asked Sengoku.

  This is indeed a problem. If Kaido uses the name of Tianlongren, I am afraid that even the navy will not be able to take action against him, unless it is at the risk of offending Uchiha Rufeng, the Tianlongren.

  "This is something you should have a headache for, and it has nothing to do with me."

  Garp doesn't have to worry anymore, anyway, this is something that should be considered in the Warring States period. He is only a lieutenant general of the headquarters, not even a general.

  The position of the marshal is the Warring States period, and the person who should have a headache is also the Warring States period.

  "I'm going to the East China Sea to fight pirates, and I'm afraid I won't be able to come back in the near future."

  Garp stood up and said to Sengoku.

  "Really to fight pirates?"

  Warring States looked at Garp angrily, and went to the East China Sea to fight against the pirates. Who knew that the East China Sea was the weakest sea, and perhaps there were many strong men who came out of the East China Sea.

  But now the pirates in the East China Sea are weak and pitiful, maybe it has something to do with Garp going to the East China Sea every now and then.

  The East China Sea is Garp's hometown, and Garp will not allow too powerful pirates to wreak havoc in the East China Sea. This is also equivalent to special care.

  As for Garp's slacking off in the East China Sea, the Warring States Period did not stop him, and nothing happened now, so Garp would be fine if he wanted to be lazy.

  If there was a big incident at sea, Garp wouldn't even think about being lazy.


  Sengoku sighed, and he didn't think about Kaido for the time being, but when the navy encounters Kaido, what should be done is to do it.

  On the other hand, Quinn and Jhin, who received the information that Kaido was released, were also very happy, and hurriedly came to greet Kaido.

  "Send Yamato to Holy Land Mary Joa."

  After Kaido came back, the first order was to ask Jin to send someone to send Yamato to the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  Jin and Quinn were stunned after hearing Kaido's instructions, and then they understood that this must be a deal. It seems that Kaido's boss can come back safely and paid some price.

  Yamato, the eldest lady, was the victim.

  In fact, at the beginning, Kaido also thought about rejecting it. Anyway, he came out. Even if he rejected the conditions of Uchiha Ryufeng, can we still count on them pirates to talk about their credibility?

  However, considering that Liu Feng might send the three generals to deal with him again, Kaido put that thought aside.

  "The next step is to talk to Stucci, Quinn, try to capture some pirates for your own use."

  The previous subordinates were either killed by the navy or captured by the navy.

  Those caught, Kaido doesn't plan to save them, because it's not worth it.

  If they are caught, they will definitely be imprisoned in the Undersea Prison Push City. Kaido is not able to capture Push City now.

  And those little guys are not important to Kaido. There will never be a shortage of pirates in the new world. The Hundred Beasts Pirates have experienced this failure, and they are also one of the strongest pirates. They will definitely attract a lot of sea pirates. Thieves join.

  Kaido travels to Wano to find Stucci.

  Liu Feng, who was behind Stucy, had already been persuaded by him, and to convince Stucy it was just a cutscene, but the cutscene that should be taken is really indispensable.

  The one who will deal with him the most in the future is Stuthy, so Kaido does not want to have a conflict with Stuthy.

  When the power accumulated by the Beast Pirates exceeds that of Uchiha Ryufeng, that is when Kaido will turn his face without fear. For now, let's be a man with his tail tucked.

  Kaido is usually impulsive and irritable, but he is quite rational at critical moments.

  This time, Kaido came out so quickly, which really shocked many big pirates in the new world. They originally thought of taking advantage of Kaido's arrest and dividing up what belonged to Kaido.

  But Kaido came back too fast, so there was no way. Although the Beast Pirates were gone, Kaido himself was enough to deter some big pirates.

  Of course, some big pirates were not reconciled, so they shot at Kaido, but the consequence of their shot on Kaido was that they were all destroyed by Kaido.

  As long as Kaido is still around, the Beast Pirates will not perish.

  Kaido and Stuthy also talked very harmoniously, mainly because Liu Feng had already agreed to cooperate with Kaido. Of course, Stuthy did not dare to have an opinion.

  "Why did you send me here?" Yamato asked Jhin.

  At this time, the bomb bracelet that originally restricted her has been removed. This bomb bracelet is mainly the shackles Kaido put on her to prevent Yamato from going to sea.

  "This is your father's order."

  Jin said to Yamato indifferently, and then Jin left. As for Yamato, someone else took it away.

  Although as Kaido's daughter, he inherited Kaido's perverted physique, Yamato's strength is quite strong, but the person responsible for taking her away is the CP organization.

  The current Yamato really has no ability to resist, and was taken away directly.

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