The people from the CP organization took Yamato to Liu Feng's palace, and then put Yamato here.

  "From now on, you will be a maid here. You must obey Mr. Liu Feng and me."

  Hancock stood in front of Yamato and said lightly to Yamato.

  Hancock is older than Dahe, who is now only eight years old.

  "Why should I listen to you?" Yamato looked at Hancock dissatisfied, feeling that he had entered another cage from one cage.

  When she was with her father, Yamato felt like a bird imprisoned by her father, and after coming to the Holy Land Mary Joa, she felt that way again.

  "Hmph, go see Lord Liu Feng with me first." Hancock snorted coldly to Yamato who was not convinced, and ordered Yamato.

  If it wasn't for taking her to see Lord Liu Feng, Hancock would definitely teach Yamato a lesson first and let her understand the rules here.

  Yamato was a little rebellious, she didn't want to see the so-called Lord Liu Feng, but she had no room for resistance here.


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Chapter 327

  Hancock grabbed Yamato and took her to Liu Feng.

  When she caught Yamato before, she also resisted, but now Yamato is not Hancock's opponent. He was directly defeated and stunned by Hancock, and came to Liu Feng with the stunned Yamato.

  "Lord Liu Feng, she has been caught by me."

  After Hancock put Yamato down, he said to Liu Feng.

  Yamato slowly woke up. He was knocked unconscious by Hancock before, but Yamato inherited Kaido's physique and recovered so fast that he has recovered now.

  "Who are you?" Yamato became a lot more honest after she got up. She knew that she couldn't resist, so she could only accept her fate temporarily.

  Well, it's just a temporary resignation. If there is an opportunity, Yamato might escape from here.

  "Kaido has already traded you to me, did you know that?" Liu Feng asked Yamato.

  "How can..."

  Yamato just wanted to say it was impossible, but thinking that Jin sent her to this place, he stopped talking for a moment, and Yamato was not a fool.

  Although she is not old, she is smarter. Maybe the words of the person in front of her are true. Her father really traded her out.

  Although he has a lot of dissatisfaction with Kaido, after knowing that he actually used himself as a trade item, Yamato was completely disappointed in Kaido.

  "You will be a maid here in the future. Hancock will tell you what to do."

  Liu Feng handed Yamato to Hancock for management, and by the way, let Hancock supervise Yamato for special training. Yamato is Kaido's daughter, and his strength will definitely not be weak when he grows up.

  But the premise is to grow up. Yamato, who has not yet grown up, is still weak.

  Yamato may be dissatisfied with Liu Feng's orders. She used to be more noble than the princesses of some kingdoms. Now that she is a maid, the sense of contrast in her heart is naturally unacceptable.

  "Hancock, take her away first."

  Ignoring Yamato's stomach of questions, Liu Feng is not interested in answering Yamato's questions. If she has doubts, let her find the answer by herself.

  Then Hancock, who obeyed Liu Feng's order, pulled Yamato out of the hall and arranged tasks for Yamato.

  "Let Hancock manage, aren't you afraid of accidents々.?"

  Taotu smelled it towards Liufeng at this time.

  What kind of character Hancock is, and she knows Taotu, who has known him for a long time, very well, and his character is quite bad.

  In front of Liu Feng, he will restrain the other side, but when facing other people, he always maintains a proud look on his face, so proud that Taotu wants to draw his sword and slash her.

  Yamato is Kaido's daughter, and she is definitely not a good girl. The two of them will inevitably clash.

  "What can happen in my palace?" Liu Feng asked Peach Rabbit.

  Taotu understood what Liu Feng was expressing. Even if something happened, Liu Feng would definitely stop it. Her previous worries were all unnecessary worries.

  "This devil fruit is handed over to you. It's up to you to eat it or not."

  Liu Feng took out a devil fruit and threw it at Taotu.

  After catching the Devil Fruit, Taotu shook his head slightly towards Liu Feng: "Lord Liu Feng, I didn't want to be a Devil Fruit person."

  In the sea, it is not that you can't become a strong person without a devil fruit. Even if you don't eat a devil fruit, you can become the number one strong person in the sea.

  For example, Lieutenant General Garp, whom Taotu admires, has many navies who admire Garp. After all, Garp has the title of naval hero and has been recognized by countless navies.

  "Oh, you really don't want to eat this devil fruit? You must know that this is the top thunder fruit among the natural devil fruits."

  Liu Feng asked Peach Rabbit playfully.

  After hearing that this was the Thunder Fruit, Taotu's expression froze slightly.

  Before, Taotu didn't plan to eat Devil Fruits, but Taotu also paid attention to the abilities of some Devil Fruits. Maybe in the sea, he might encounter some Devil Fruit abilities.

  So as long as you are a navy, you will know some devil fruit abilities, especially those powerful ones.

  The Thunder Fruit Peach Rabbit also knows about it, but the Thunder Fruit ability has not appeared for a long time, but there is absolutely no doubt about its power.

  The ability of the thunder fruit in all aspects is definitely stronger than the natural devil fruit of the three generals. Taotu, who didn't plan to eat the devil fruit in time, was also attracted.

  "Nature's strongest devil fruit, are you really willing?" Taotu couldn't help looking at Liu Feng.

  To be honest, Taotu was very moved that this precious devil fruit could be given to her. It doesn't matter whether Uchiha Rufeng is a good person or a bad person, but he is really kind to himself.

  At least since she came to Holy Land Mary Joa, she didn't feel sorry for her.

  "I have nothing to give up, I can only keep this Devil Fruit in my hands." Liu Feng said indifferently.

  Because Liu Feng already has the ability of the Thunder Fruit, he is naturally not interested in the Thunder Fruit.

  What's more, eating the thundering fruit also needs to consume points to remove the side effects of the devil fruit, which is not worthwhile for Liu Feng.

  "Then I ate."

  Taotu gritted her teeth and decided to change her previous thoughts.

  Compared with the power of the Thunder Fruit, the side effects of the Devil Fruit are not unacceptable.

  After eating the Thunder Fruit, coupled with her talent, Taotu has confidence in her future achievements, and will definitely not be weaker than the three generals of the Navy Headquarters today.

  After taking a bite, Peach Rabbit's expression twisted. He knew that Devil Fruit was hard to eat, but when he really ate it, he realized that it was well-deserved.

  More than unpalatable, the taste is indescribable, but Taotu feels that she will never forget the taste of Devil Fruits in her life.

  It's really fresh in my memory.

  After taking a bite, Taotu threw away the rest. She knew that the Devil Fruit would work when she took the first bite, and there was no need to suffer.

  "How does it feel? "Liu Feng asked Peach Rabbit.

  "It's unpalatable. If you give me another chance, I will definitely not eat it."

  After hearing Liu Feng's question, Taotu said to Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng has a black line on his face. I am not asking you how it tastes, but how you feel when you eat it.

  "I'm asking you how powerful the Thunder Fruit is?"

  Taotu was a little embarrassed, she had misunderstood before, and then Taotu immediately revealed (Wang Li's) the ability to move the thunder fruit, and her arm slowly turned into thunderbolt.

  In the end, Taotu's entire body turned into electric light, which could move quickly, and the speed could be comparable to the speed of light of the glittering fruit.

  After experimenting with elementalization, Taotu didn't test his attack ability here. This is Liu Feng's palace.

  If you use the devil fruit ability to destroy this place, no matter how good-tempered Liu Feng is, she will definitely be punished.

  "It feels very strong, the current me can easily beat the previous me."

  After feeling the strength, Taotu replied seriously to Liu Feng, because Taotu was not weak at first, and just after eating the fruit of thunder, it was able to exert a good strength, and the talent is very good.

  The better Taotu's talent is, the happier Liu Feng is in his heart. As the combat power he chooses, of course, the stronger the better, as long as Taotu doesn't die prematurely now, the lowest level in the future will be general-level combat power.


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Chapter 328

  After sending Taotu to adapt to the power of the Thunder Fruit, Liu Feng entered the system space to practice.

  Of course, the training is about the domineering of armed, the domineering of seeing and hearing, and the swordsmanship.

  In the system cultivation space, the flow of time is different from outside, and three days have passed in one day outside.

  In addition to domineering and swordsmanship, Liu Feng will also develop the ability of the Thunder Fruit.

  Time passed, and Liu Feng came to this world in a blink of an eye. Four years have passed, and Liu Feng spent most of the time in the Holy Land Mary Joa enjoying.

  Even if they go out, they basically just go to one of the Chambord Islands, but they rarely go out to sea.

  At the same time, there are many projections defeated by Liu Feng. Most of the character projections are small characters, but there are also moments of the European emperor, such as the frozen fruit ability that burst from the green pheasant projection.

  There are also the great swordsman-level swordsmanship that exploded from the eagle eye projection and the black sword night of the eagle eye.

  If Hawkeye saw the black knife in Liu Feng's hand, what would he think?

  The knife that burst out from the projection is exactly the same as the black knife night in reality, and there is no difference at all.

  "How about it, have you got the design of Hades?"

  Liu Feng asked Taotu, who was standing beside him.

  "It has been confirmed that the blueprint of Hades is in Tom's hands, but I don't know where Tom put the blueprint of Hades."

  "Now that it's confirmed, let's do it, don't care about any means, and quickly bring the design of Hades."

  Liu Feng is still waiting for Pluto to build it. A few days ago, Liu Feng asked Taotu to go to the Seven Waters to get the design of Pluto.

  Now the world's first shipbuilder Tom is still alive, he is the master of Franky and Iceberg, and Roger is a good friend, and Roger's ship was built by him.

  "If you can, let Tom come over and help me build the boat."

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