"What can you do? Go directly to Uchiha Liufeng and ask for it? I'm afraid he won't give it if you ask for it directly."

  The long-haired five old stars don't think it's easy to get things from Uchiha Liufeng's hands. On the contrary, it's difficult, or even almost impossible, to get things from him.

  "Pluto was created to fight pirates at sea. This is conducive to maintaining his status. Why didn't he hand it over?"

  The blond five old stars are very upset.

  "You should talk to Uchiha Liufeng about this, not in front of me." The long-haired five old star said lightly.

  It is true that the sea is stable, and the interests of the Tianlong people are safeguarded, but will Uchiha Liufeng care about this?

  "I think if you pay some benefits, maybe Uchiha Liufeng will be able to give us the design of Hades. If that doesn't work, we'll think of another way."

  The five old stars of the flat hat interrupted the words of the two and said.

  As long as the benefits paid are acceptable, they don't mind exchanging some benefits for Pluto's design drawings.

  "That's the only way, who should go to Uchiha Liufeng for this matter?" The bearded Wu Laoxing asked the flat hat Wu Laoxing.

  In an instant, the Five Old Stars with the Flat Hat and the other Five Old Stars all looked at the Five Old Stars in the Taopao.

  The five old stars in Taopao who were stared at were a little confused, what were they staring at me for?Could it be that you want me to go to Uchiha Rufeng to discuss it?

  To be honest, the Taoist Five Old Stars must be reluctant. Thinking of the last time he went to see Uchiha Liufeng, he even threw his own supreme sword there.

  If I go again this time, I don't know what it will be like.

  "Let's go together."

  The Taoist Five Old Stars didn't want to go by himself, so he pulled everyone to go together, but even if they went together, they had to be careful.

  In the end, the five old stars went to find Liu Feng and came to Liu Feng's palace, but Liu Feng let them in directly.

  "Did you come for the design of Hades? To be honest, your movements were a little slower than I expected."

  Liu Feng looked at Wu Lao Xing lightly and said.

  "What does the Pluto design mean? You should understand. If Pluto is created, the navy can rely on Pluto's power to eliminate pirates in the sea, so we are indeed here for the Pluto battleship."

  When the Five Old Stars of Flat Hat saw Liu Feng's attitude, they also pointed it out directly. Anyway, they originally came for the design of Pluto.

  "Don't fight the mind of Hades."

  The reason why Liu Feng wanted to see them was mainly to warn them not to continue to attack Hades.

  It is impossible to give them the design of Hades. Liu Feng does not want to see the direct flooding of Hades battleships. One of these Hades battleships is enough.

  Once it is flooded, the value of Pluto will not be so high.

  And they want to get Pluto, not just to clean up the pirates, but also to rely on Pluto to consolidate their own status.

  "Is it really impossible to talk about it?" The long-haired five old stars asked Liu Feng.

  Although I was ready when I came, I was still in a bad mood when Liu Feng refused.


  Good things are in your own hands. There is no need to let others get them. The unique Pluto battleship is interesting.

  If it is too flooded, does it mean that the Pluto battleship is worthless.

  In the end, Wu Laoxing ran into a wall at Liu Feng and left, but looking at the leaving Wu Laoxing, Liu Feng sneered slightly.

  It is absolutely impossible for the five old stars to give up so easily, and then they will use other methods to get the design of Pluto.

  Maybe he didn't dare to blatantly grab it, but those inferior means are definitely impossible.

  For example, arranging spies and using pirates as pawns to rob them, the Five Old Stars can definitely do these things.

  "You better hope that you don't succeed. If you do, I will destroy it."

  Liu Feng said lightly.

  Even if the Five Old Stars got the design of Pluto and created Pluto, Liu Feng would definitely destroy the Pluto they created.

  The Five Old Stars who are back at this moment are contacting Stuthy.

  In the end, the news of course all fell into disrepair, and Stuthy ignored them at all.

  "It seems that Stuthy is completely on Uchiha Liufeng's side, eating what's inside and out." The bearded five old star was furious, and wished he would punch Stuxi to death now.

  "Using normal means, there is no way to obtain the design of Pluto, and you can only use other methods." The Five Old Stars with a flat hat sighed.

  "Tom can't let it go. Maybe he has another Pluto design on him. Even if he doesn't have it, he should remember some of the Pluto design."

  They wanted to get the design of Hades, but they knew who it was in their hands, but they couldn't use tough methods. As those in power, it was the first time they were so aggrieved.

  "If only the person who got the blueprint of Hades wasn't Uchiha Liufeng."

  If it were other Tianlong people, the Five Old Stars would definitely be able to easily take it from them, but facing Uchiha Liufeng, tough methods would not work.

  The hard ones can only be soft ones, but the key is that even if you want to use soft ones, you don't know how to use them. They have too little intersection with Uchiha Liufeng.

  It was just an investigation before, and I didn't get in touch with Uchiha Liufeng. I didn't know what Uchiha Liufeng liked, and I couldn't do it.

  "If you really can't get it, just give it up. As long as the Pluto design doesn't fall into the hands of the Pirates and the Revolutionary Army, everything is easy to say." Finally, the Five Old Stars with a flat hat said to the other Five Old Stars.

  Uchiha Liufeng is not an enemy. Speaking of which, they are still standing together. Their enemies are only the pirates and the revolutionary army.


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Chapter 332

  Time has passed, and in the blink of an eye, it has been a year since the design of Hades was obtained, and Hancock was also sent back to Jiuyu Island by Liufeng for more than a year.

  At this time, Hancock has become the king of Nine Snake Island, the queen of Amazon Lily, and the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates.

  Hancock's achievements did not surprise Liu Feng. After all, with Hancock's current strength, it is much easier to become the queen of Nine Snake Island than her in the original book.

  Although they are all daughters on Nine Snake Island, they all worship the strong. Hancock's strength is strong enough to make them worship.

  And Hancock also ate sweet fruit, and the charm attached to sweet fruit made her easily become the queen of Nine Snake Island.

  Pluto has already been built in half, and it is estimated that it will take less than a year to complete the construction of Pluto.

  However, the built Pluto may be weaker than the first Pluto ever built.

  The main reason is that some materials can't be found at all, and only substitutes can be used, but even if it is not as good as the original Hades, it is definitely many times more terrifying than today's battleships.

  "Hancock, you can't stay in the Holy Land Mary Joa for a long time, and you have to go back to Nine Snake Island."

  Liu Feng said to Hancock.

  After becoming the empress of Nine Snake Island, Hancock came back to Liu Feng to take credit.

  "My concubine knows." Hancock knew that he would definitely let her manage Nine Snake Island, although he wanted to stay in the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  But this is Liu Feng's order, and Hancock will not refuse.

  "Lord Liufeng, if you have time, you can go to Nine Snake Island. My concubine built a huge palace on Nine Snake Island, and it is almost finished now."

  That was a gift that Hancock built to Liu Feng. In order to build that luxurious palace, Hancock took the Nine Snake Pirates out to sea.

  Today, the reputation of the Nine Snake Pirates has expanded several times compared to before. In the first half of the Great Channel, it belongs to one of the overlord-level pirates.

  As for the second half of the Great Channel, it is still dominated by Whitebeard, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling. Oh, the Red Hair Pirates have recently entered the new world and made some reputation.

  Shanks and Kaido met, and a battle broke out. In the end, the two sides retreated. No one knew who won, but the red-haired Shanks and Kaido did not die in the battle, and they were proud enough.

  Those big pirates in the new world, no one dared to underestimate Shanks, the red-haired pirates became famous in battle.

  The New World has vaguely decided that the Four Emperors will come, but there is no title of the Four Emperors yet, but the Whitebeard Pirates, the Beast Pirates, and the BIGMOM Pirates already occupy most of the forces in the New World.

  The other so-called big pirates have been oppressed and have no living space.

  The emergence of Shanks also changed the situation in the new world. If the Red-haired Pirates continue to grow, they will also become a hegemon.

  This is a situation that everyone can see, and the navy can also see the situation. It is no surprise that the new world will be divided up by Whitebeard, Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and Shanks in the future.

  At that time, the power in their hands will swell to the extreme, and the deterrence of the navy will decline.

  The appearance of the four emperors at sea is indeed a shame for the navy, and even the mere pirates dare to be emperors on the sea.

  puff puff! ! !

  Liu Feng glanced at the phone bug and took it over.

  "What's wrong with Momotu?"

  At this time, Taotu was in the country of Wano. At first, Taotu handed over the construction of Hades to Stuthy. Later, Taotu still felt uneasy and went to the country of Wano in person.

  "There is indeed something to report. Recently, Kaido's people are approaching the dock consciously or unintentionally. I don't know if Kaido has any news."

  Peach Rabbit is very cautious.

  "Perhaps you know, it's been a year, and Kaido himself has power in Wano Country. If he doesn't realize it, it would be too stupid."

  "Looks like I need to talk to Kaido."

  Although Liu Feng is not afraid of Kaido, if he is influenced by Kaido and delays the completion of his own Hades, even Kaido's life cannot make up for it.

  Tell Taotu that she doesn't need to do anything for the time being.

  Although the current Taotu is very powerful, it is obviously not enough to threaten Kaido, so Liu Feng must be let out.

  "I'm going to see your father this time, do you want to go with me?"

  Liu Feng glanced at Yamato, and then asked Yamato lightly.

  Yamato's expression changed slightly, since she was sent to the Holy Land Mary Joa by Jhin, she has never seen her father Kaido again.

  Now that Kaido is practicing so seriously, he mainly wants to wait for the opportunity to find Kaido and ask Kaido for an explanation.

  To trade her out without her consent, Yamato couldn't forgive Kaido in his heart.

  "I'll go with you."

  Yamato made a decision in an instant.

  "Then come with me."

  Liu Feng used Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space passage, and then walked directly into the dark space passage.

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