Looking at the dark passage like a black hole in front of him, Yamato was a little hesitant.

  In the end, Yamato gritted his teeth and followed him in. Could it still hurt her? If he really wanted to hurt her, he didn't need to use such a method at all.

  Through the space passage of Huangquan Hirazaka, Liu Feng came directly to the country of Wano. Taotu has long been surprised by Liu Feng's fast speed.

  Taotu is not Yamato, she has seen Liu Feng using Huangquan Hirazaka more than once, and even experienced it more than once.

  "¨"Lord Liu Feng, what are you going to do? "Peach Rabbit and Stuxi looked at Liu Feng and asked.

  Now there are two solutions, the first is to directly destroy the Beast Pirates and Kaido, and the second is to warn Kaido not to act rashly.

  "We'll talk about it after seeing Kaido first, and send someone to inform Kaido."

  Liu Feng wants to see Kaido, but he won't go to Kaido in person, so he will lose face and let Kaido come to see him in person. If Kaido doesn't come, Liu Feng will dispatch the three generals to "invite" him over.

  Invited by Liu Feng, Kaido had to come too. If he didn't come, he would face the threat of Liu Feng.

  After Kaido saw Yamato next to Liu Feng, his expression was slightly silent. In fact, Kaido was very accommodating and attached great importance to this daughter (Wang Zhaozhao).

  At that time, it was a last resort to trade Yamato to Uchiha Liufeng, and Uchiha Liufeng would not kill Yamato, and Yamato would be fine.

  "Kaido, do you know why I'm looking for you?" Liu Feng motioned Kaido to sit down, and then asked Kaido.

  "do not know."

  Although I don't know, Kaido has already guessed in his heart, and it seems that the recent small actions have been discovered.

  "I heard that you are planning to do something wrong, Kaido, is it true that you told me?" Liu Feng asked Kaido with a smile.

  When looking at Liu Feng again, Kaido suddenly felt that Liu Feng was very dangerous, and there was a bone-chilling chill.

  "The country of Wano is the territory of His Highness Liu Feng, how dare I make plans here." Kaido had to bow his head to Liu Feng, after all, he was someone who could mobilize the three major futures to deal with him at any time.


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Chapter 333

  Kaido bowed his head in embarrassment when facing Liu Feng, but when Liu Feng came here, he didn't simply make Kaido bow his head.

  Even if Kaido is deterred now, can you count on Kaido to give up the idea of ​​fighting Hades?

  Liu Feng smiled lightly, and then asked Kaido, "Do you know what the battleship built in the dock is?"

  Liu Feng's inquiry made Kaido shudder, knowing that the key thing was coming. He didn't know the battleship built in the dock at first.

  However, he recently got some information that the battleship inside is likely to be the Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons. This is a weapon called "God".

  Can destroy an island with one shot, although Kaido has the ability to destroy an island, but this is not the same.

  If dozens of Hades battleships were built and fired at the same time, who could stop them?Mastering Pluto will definitely set off an unprecedented war.

  "do not know."

  Kaido's eyes flickered, and then said to Liu Feng.

  "Hehe, I don't know, okay, Kaido, you dare to lie in front of me, it seems that your courage is getting bigger and bigger."

  Liu Feng sneered, Kaido said he didn't know, but who believed it?

  "I don't care if you really don't know or if you don't know, I'll tell you now, the one built in the dock is the Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons."

  If you pretend you don't know, I'll just tell you.

  Liu Feng directly pointed it out, which was indeed a bit beyond Kaido's expectations. Originally, Kaido thought that Uchiha Liufeng should try his best to cover it up so that he would not find it.

  I didn't expect to tell him directly.

  After being stunned at first, Kaido became vigilant, why did he tell him?Do you think that after telling him, he can't reveal it?

  Could it be that Uchiha Liufeng wants to get rid of him?The first strike is stronger, this idea appeared in Kaido's mind.

  "You want to shoot at me?" Liu Feng looked at Kaido with a half-smile.

  "Do you know why I told you this?"

  Liu Feng stood up and asked Kaido calmly.

  Compared with Kaido's body, Liu Feng looks a little short. Kaido is much taller than Liu Feng, but it is Kaido who feels the pressure now.

  "I'm telling you this because I want to tell you that you'd better not show your coveted thoughts about my things, otherwise it's easy for me to pinch you to death."

  Liu Feng walked over, Kaido had difficulty even moving, and at this moment he felt what a real powerhouse was.

  Even his former captain, Rocks, might not be any better than him in front of Uchiha Liufeng.

  There are so many people here, but only Kaido can feel the pressure, which shows how powerful Liu Feng's control is.

  The other is the pressure. Under this pressure, Kaido feels that it is difficult to move. This is the strongest overlord that Kaido has ever seen.

  "You're still alive because I think you're worth using, so don't do something to kill you."

  Liu Feng restrained his arrogance and reminded Kaido.

  It was only at this time that Kaido realized that in a short period of time, cold sweat had already left on his body.

  "Okay, you can leave now. Remember to send someone to guard the Hades battleship. If there is something wrong with the Hades battleship, I will take your head. As for whether I can take your head, you can decide for yourself."

  After Liu Feng came back and sat down, he tapped the table lightly and said lightly to Kaido.

  After that, Liu Feng sent Kaido to leave. After Kaido left, Taotu and the others looked at Liu Feng with questioning eyes.

  "may I handle it in this way?"

  Taotu couldn't help but ask, Kaido is a vicious pirate, will he be threatened by these two short sentences?

  "He is my father, I know him well, and he will never be threatened just because of your few words."

  Yamato said to Liu Feng at this time.

  "Whether it can be threatened or not, it doesn't really matter to me. If Kaido can't be threatened and Kaido has to plot against Hades, then Kaido can only be killed."

  There was some murderous intent in Liu Feng's plain tone. This time, when he came to Kaido, he was beating Kaido, and he was also giving Kaido a chance.

  If Kaido is disobedient, Liufeng will of course choose to get rid of Kaido.

  After hearing Liu Feng's words, Yamato's fists clenched involuntarily. She had no doubt that Liu Feng had this ability.

  Having been by Liu Feng's side for so many years, Yamato has already understood the tip of the iceberg of Liu Feng's strength, because Liu Feng did not deliberately hide it at ordinary times.

  It's just that there has been no chance to make a shot, so there is not much power to show.

  But even this small amount of power can definitely suppress her father Kaido. Do you really want to watch Kaido die?

  Although he chose to sell himself for his own life, in the past, Kaido was very kind to her. Except for not letting her go to sea, the rest was basically responsive.

  "Lord Liufeng, can I leave for a while?"

  Yamato tangled for a while, and then asked Liu Feng.

  "Don't worry, Master Liu Feng, I will definitely be back soon."

  "Go ahead."

  Liu Feng can guess what Yamato wants to do, she can't hide her thoughts in front of Liu Feng, but Liu Feng also allows her thoughts.

  Anyway, Liu Feng didn't have to let Kaido die. If Kaido didn't make mistakes, it would be fine, but if Kaido really wanted to do it, Yamato would definitely not be able to dissuade him.

  It depends on what Kaido thinks now. If he is deterred by Liu Feng, even without Yamato's persuasion, Kaido will definitely give up the idea of ​​​​the Pluto battleship.

  After Yamato came out, he finally caught up with Kaido and stopped him.

  Looking at Kaido, Yamato showed hatred.

  "You were for your own life, so did you take me as one of the conditions for your life?" Yamato questioned Kaido for the first time.

  "You already know, yes, I was trying to survive for myself, so I took you as one of the conditions of the transaction."

  Kaido's expression was complicated.

  Of course Kaido cares about his only daughter, but this care also depends on what he is compared to. Compared with himself, Yamato's status in his heart is obviously lower.

  "Hmph, you are not worthy of being my father in the future." Yamato snorted coldly, this time he was about to draw a clear line with Kaido.

  "I'll give you one last piece of advice, don't try to plot Pluto, it's not something you can get, it's best not to do it, otherwise you will die."

  After talking to Kaido, Yamato turned around and left, and she would no longer regard Kaido as her father, because she was completely disappointed.

  For Yamato who turned his head away, Kaido did not reach out to stop him, and also left directly.

  What to do, in fact, Kaido already knows, Uchiha Liufeng's strength is really not that he can fight.

  It is almost impossible to get Pluto, at least it is impossible to get Pluto from Uchiha Liufeng, because there is no life to get it and no life to use it.

  For the first time, Kaido lost confidence in himself. The feeling of facing Uchiha Liufeng before was so desperate. Although he didn't want to admit it, he did have a fear of Uchiha Liufeng in his heart.

  Known as the strongest monster, he actually felt fear in his heart. If he let others know, he would be shocked to the point of numbness.


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Chapter 334

  Liu Feng's beating on Kaido was very successful this time. Kaido did not send anyone to lean here again after that, and he had already let go of the Pluto who was under construction.

  "Kaido has settled, and there are five old stars next. I don't know if they will make moves."

  Liu Feng is just fine. If the Five Old Stars make a move, Liu Feng doesn't mind following it. Anyway, no matter what the Five Old Stars do, Liu Feng can deal with it.

  And if he really angers Liu Feng, Liu Feng will flip the chessboard, stop playing with you, and directly beat you to death. It's just unreasonable.

  Next, Liu Feng does not plan to leave Wano country, and temporarily stays in Wano country.

  Today's Wano country is different from before. First of all, some people in Wano country who yearn for the sea have already gone to sea. As for going to sea to become an explorer or a pirate, this Liufeng will not care.

  At the same time, there are also many pirates entering Wano. These pirates are very honest here. They all know that this is the shelter of the Beast Pirates.

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