Not everyone knows that Liu Feng is the behind-the-scenes controller of Wano Kingdom. They only know that the Hundred Beast Pirates are now sheltering Wano Kingdom, so they regard Wano Kingdom as the site of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

  In fact, many people who know the inside story know that the real controller of Wano country is Tianlong, and has nothing to do with Kaido.

  At most, some cooperations have been reached, but these cooperations cannot be said on the surface.

  But even so, some pirates are still hostile to Kaido, they think Kaido is a lackey to become a dragon, - very disdain for Kaido.

  There are many pirates in the sea, and they are not very cold to the Tianlong people.

  Facing the Tianlong people face to face, maybe they dare not be disrespectful, but they have no scruples behind their backs.

  Kaido's reputation among pirates is not very good, but his strength is so shocking that those pirates only dare to talk behind their backs, not face to face.

  After Liu Feng stayed in Wano country for about half a month, an uninvited guest came to Wano country.

  Don Quixote Doflamingo was originally from a family of Tianlong people. He was a world noble. He was the eldest son of the Don Quixote family. He originally enjoyed the privileges of Tianlong people with his family.

  However, his father, Don Quixote Huo Ming, advocated that Tianlong and ordinary people are human beings, and announced that he would give up the privilege of being a Tianlong person and live like ordinary people, so he took his family away from the Holy Land Mary Joa .

  After giving up the privileges of the Tianlong people, they were hated by those who were once persecuted by the Tianlong people, living a poor life, and even the Tianlong people regarded them as shameful, betrayers, and ignored their requests for help.

  Afterwards, Doflamingo thought it was all because of his father's stupidity and shot his father to become a father-killer.

  Doflamingo took his father's head back to the Holy Land of Mary Joa, but was not accepted by the Dragons. An angry Doflamingo hated the Dragons and vowed to dominate the Dragons. The world was turned upside down.

  Now Doflamingo is not small in the sea, although it is not as famous as Whitebeard and Kaido, but in some areas, his Doflamingo's deterrent is also quite strong.

  "Didn't he hate Tianlong people, he actually came to see me."

  Liu Feng smiled, obviously Doflamingo must have a purpose, otherwise Doflamingo would never go to Wano to see him.

  "Peach Rabbit, let him in."

  Liu Feng instructed Taotu to let Brother Doflaming in, and he really didn't mind seeing this hooligan.

  Then Taotu brought Doflamingo into the hall. Doflamingo was wearing cropped trousers and a pink feather coat. It seemed no surprise that Luffy called him Birdman.

  "刈刈刈, is this the man behind the Wano country?"

  Doflamingo made a unique laugh. The laughter of many people in the pirate world sounded very strange. Compared with Doflamingo, it was normal.

  "Don't talk about unnecessary nonsense. What is the purpose of coming to Wano Country?"

  Liu Feng decisively entered the topic, except for wanting to know Doflamingo's purpose, Liu Feng did not have much interest in Doflamingo.

  "This time I came here to ask His Highness Liu Feng for help."

  When facing Liu Feng, Brother Doflamingo didn't show much fear, probably because he was once a Tianlong person, so he was somewhat fearless.

  "Please help me, do you know what it costs me to help you?"

  Liu Feng asked Doflamingo with a sneer, it was impossible to ask him for help without enough price.

  Otherwise, if Liu Feng is regarded as a great benevolent person, will anyone who comes will help anyone?

  "I know, I'm ready to pay."

  Brother Doflaming nodded towards Liu Feng, then took out a small box and walked towards Liu Feng.

  "Stop for me, you are not qualified to approach Master Liu Feng."

  When Doflamingo stepped forward, Taotu scolded him directly.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  After being reprimanded, Doflamingo's expression was stiff and his face was a bit ugly, but he wisely chose not to attack.

  "Is it possible that I'm still worried that I will hurt His Highness Liu Feng, I don't dare to hurt Tianlong people, 咈刈刈."

  Although he was laughing, Doflamingo was very upset.

  If he is still a Tianlong person, then facing Uchiha Liufeng, he can also have an equal dialogue.

  But these are all Doflamingo's delusions. Even if Doflamingo is still the identity of Tianlong, can Doflamingo be on an equal footing with Liu Feng in front of Liu Feng?

  It is impossible at all, even the five old stars need to be cautious when facing Liu Feng.

  Taotu glanced at Doflamingo, but she had heard some of Doflamingo's reputation, and she was not cold to Doflamingo, even a little disgusted.


  "Bring your things here."

  Taotu walked over and took Doflamingo's box, then opened it and saw that it was a devil fruit. He took the devil fruit directly to Liu Feng and handed it to Liu Feng.

  "Is this the golden fruit?"

  After Liu Feng saw this Devil Fruit, he glanced at Brother Doflaming in surprise.

  This devil fruit is not weak. It belongs to the superhuman devil fruit. The ability of the golden fruit is to control gold. It can assimilate objects into gold through the gold powder infiltrating the enemy's body or the gold that it touches.

  Originally, this devil fruit should have been obtained by Gilde Tezzolo, taken from the Don Quixote family auction, and relied on this devil fruit to become the Golden Emperor.

  But now obviously, it was taken over by Doflamingo and traded with Liu Feng.

  "This is my sincerity in asking for help, it's not bad."

  When Doflamingo spoke, he felt a little heartache. In fact, Doflamingo didn't plan to take out this golden fruit. He wanted to use the golden fruit to cultivate his own people.

  However, in order to ask Liu Feng for help, he had to take it out.

  "Sincerity is barely enough."

  Liu Feng nodded lightly towards Doflamingo and said.

  Brother Doflamingo's expression looked even stiffer. He took out a powerful superhuman devil fruit. He actually said that sincerity was barely enough. Brother Doflamingo heard that he wanted to hit someone.


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Chapter 335

  "Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

  After Liu Feng put down the golden fruit, he asked Doflamingo indifferently.

  At this time, Liu Feng looked at Doflamingo's eyes as if he was looking at a big fish. He remembered that Doflamingo had many powerful Devil Fruits in his hands.

  For example, the childlike fruit, this childlike fruit is a bug-level devil fruit. Fortunately, this devil fruit ability is sugar.

  If it is someone who is not weak, it is not difficult to rely on this Devil Fruit ability to rule the whole world.

  The ability of childlike fruit is to turn the touched creature into a toy that obeys commands, and the person who is turned into a toy will be erased from the memory of others.

  As long as the capable person is conscious, he can permanently turn the enemy into a toy.

  However, after the user eats this fruit, it will stop growing instantly, and both the mind and the appearance will remain at the moment when the devil fruit is eaten.

  The childlike fruit that Xiantang ate at the age of ten has remained at the age of ten, both appearance and mind are ten years old.

  This childlike fruit, I don't know if the sugar was eaten before it was added to the Don Quixote family, or after it was added.

  If it was eaten after joining the Don Quixote family, the fruit of childlikeness is likely to be in the hands of Doflamingo.

  Putting aside these thoughts for a while, Liu Feng looked at Brother Doflamingo, intending to listen to Brother Doflamingo's request, so that he could raise the price.

  "His Royal Highness Liufeng, according to the information I have received, the Navy and the World Government will set up an organization of the Seven Under Kings. I want to be a member of the Seven Under Kings."

  Doflamingo made his request.

  After hearing about the Qiwuhai under the king, Liu Feng was surprised. He really didn't know this. Did he start to organize the Qiwuhai under the king?

  The four emperors on the sea have not yet decided, is the king under the Qiwuhai about to appear?

  In fact, it is not so fast. This is just a proposal of the Warring States period. It is still under discussion, but it is very likely to pass.

  So Doflamingo, who got this information, made the idea of ​​​​the position of King Shichibukai.

  However, the possibility of wanting the Warring States to agree is extremely low, so Brother Doflaming came to Liu Feng, the Tianlong person. If the Tianlong person talks, it is a sure thing.

  "If you want to become the king's Qiwuhai, this is no problem. I can help you, but there is simply not enough gold and gold fruit."

  Liu Feng began to speak loudly, promising that Doflamingo would be fine. In the original book, Doflamingo was also one of the Seven Wuhais under the King.

  However, Doflamingo in the original book was the king of Qiwuhai who became a king by threats. Now Liu Feng can help him, provided that Doflamingo gives him enough benefits.

  "Your Highness Liu Feng, don't go too far."

  Doflamingo's face was ugly.

  "Do you want to die?" Taotu slowly drew out the knife, and the terrifying lightning gathered on the tip of the knife, making Doflamingo feel a deadly threat.

  "I didn't hear what you said just now, can you say it again?"

  Liu Feng smiled and asked Doflamingo.

  "I mean you have to mention the conditions."

  Brother Doflaming immediately changed his tune. The desire to survive is very strong. It seems that he is very afraid of Peach Rabbit being slashed with one knife.

  I didn't care about Taotu at all before, but now that Taotu's aura locked him, Doflamingo felt this deadly threat.

  Today, it is not difficult for Taotu to defeat or even kill Brother Doflamingo. Now Taotu may be slightly weaker in physical strength than the general, but in other aspects, it is no weaker than the general.

  "Yes, Brother Doflamingo, you are very acquainted." Liu Feng praised Brother Doflamingo.

  However, Brother Doflamingo didn't think Liu Feng was praising him. On the contrary, Brother Doflamingo felt that Liu Feng was humiliating himself.

  "Send this devil fruit here."

  Liu Feng picked up the pen and drew the appearance of the childlike fruit, or many flamenco didn't know it was the childlike fruit, but when he saw the appearance of this devil fruit, he should be able to recognize it.

  "no problem."

  Doflamingo glanced at it and agreed directly. He did know this Devil Fruit because it was in his hands.

  However, Doflamingo only knew that this was a superhuman devil fruit, and he didn't know what the devil fruit was called, nor what its specific abilities were.

  "Hurry up, stay here until the devil fruit is delivered."

  Liu Feng's words are equivalent to imprisoning Doflamingo here. No matter whether Doflamingo is satisfied or not, he will not want to leave.

  Anyway, if the fruit of childlike fun is not available, Doflamingo can only stay in Wano country forever.

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