"I'll order it right away."

  Doflamingo couldn't laugh now, so he took out the phone bug and informed the Don Quixote family to come here with the fruit of childlike fun...  

  "Peach Rabbit, treat Doflamingo well, don't treat others badly."

  Liu Feng gave a command to Taotu.

  Doflamingo is a rich boy, and he may be able to make money through Doflamingo in the future. This guy is quite capable.

  Among the seven seas under the king, Doflamingo may not be the most powerful, but he is definitely the most powerful one.

  Two days later, people from the Don Quixote family came and brought the fruit of childishness.

  It is a real childlike fruit, and the people of the Don Quixote family dare not fake it, and Liu Feng accepts the childlike fruit with satisfaction.

  Then let Taotu let Doflamingo go, and the deal was completed.

  "I hope His Highness Liu Feng will not forget."

  When he finally left, Doflamingo reminded Liu Feng.

  Losing two superhuman devil fruits, if he can't do it, his loss is too great, and Doflamingo can't afford it.

  Two superhuman devil fruits, and their abilities are so strong, if they are auctioned, they can auction at least one billion Baileys.

  The devil fruit that Liu Feng asked for by name is definitely not simple, otherwise he would not have specified it, and the superhuman devil fruit is definitely not bad.

  Indeed, if the world is made aware of the ability of Childlike Fruit, even if it is tens of billions of Baileys, some people will frantically want to buy it, because the ability is too strong.

  Of course, if everyone really knew, it would not be through purchase, but through strength to determine the ownership of this Devil Fruit.

  "There is something about the Seven Martial Seas under the king, pay attention a little bit." Liu Feng said to Taotu.

  Although Taotu is in charge of guarding the dock, she does not usually have much to do and has a lot of free time, so Liu Feng arranged some things for Taotu.

  "I see."

  Taotu was a little disappointed in her heart. In the past two days, she also learned about the so-called Qiwuhai plan under the king, and asked the inside information about the crane.

  It sounds like a good idea to use pirates to contain pirates and use evil to defeat evil, but the potential threat is too great.

  The king's next Qiwuhai became a legal pirate, this plan is too bad.

  But Taotu is no longer part of the navy, and she can't stop it, not to mention that even if she is still in the navy, she can't stop it.


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Chapter 336

  "Stussy, I will give you this golden golden fruit."

  Liu Feng took out the golden fruit and handed it over to Stuxi. After all, Stuxi was in charge of the management of Wano. If her strength was too weak, she would not be able to hold back.

  Perhaps Stuthy's strength is good, but at most it is the level of a lieutenant-admiral in the Navy Headquarters, which is worse than that of Flamenco.

  "Thank you, Master Liu Feng."

  Stuthy took the golden fruit and took a bite.

  Looking at Stucy's distorted expression, Liu Feng fell into silence. Is it really that bad?He was thinking about eating the fruit of childlike fun just now.

  After seeing the expression of Stucci now, Liu Feng hesitated. Even if he coveted the power of the fruit of childishness, is it really good to taste this unpalatable taste?

  And he wants to get the childlike fruit ability, there is another way, that is to draw the projection of the character of sugar, and then defeat the sugar to explode the childlike fruit ability.

  But this depends on luck, Liu Feng doesn't think that he is so lucky, and he can just draw the sugar character projection.

  What's more, even if the sugar projection is drawn, it may not necessarily be able to explode the childlike fruit ability.

  "This is the worst 28 thing I've ever eaten in my life," Stucci said.

  It was so unpalatable that I wanted to die, and Stuthy felt like he almost passed out after eating it.

  "The country of Wano will be handed over to you, manage it well."

  Liu Feng plans to leave Wano Country and return to the Holy Land Mariejoa.

  Taotu must stay here, because Taotu will continue to monitor the progress of the Hades battleship.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng left, returned to the Holy Land Mary Joa, and took Yamato back with him. After returning, he took out the childlike fruit.

  "System, spending points can clear all the side effects of devil fruit, I wonder if it can clear the unpalatable side effects of devil fruit?"

  Liu Feng asked the system.

  Holding the childlike fruit in his hand, it would be a pity if he didn't eat it.

  "Yes, consuming [-] points can remove the side effects of Devil Fruit's fear of sea water, sea tower stones, only one, and unpleasant taste."

  The system informed Liu Feng.

  It only takes [-] points for Liu Feng to eliminate the side effects of the Devil Fruit, but if he eliminates the side effects of the Devil Fruit for others, he needs [-] million points, which is twice as expensive as Liu Feng eliminates it himself.

  "Then eliminate the side effects."

  These [-] points, Liu Feng felt that it was worth it, the value of the fruit of childishness is definitely not comparable to these [-] points.

  In the exchange mall, to exchange a childlike fruit without side effects, the points that need to be consumed are 300 million points.

  After taking a bite of the fun fruit, Liu Feng found that there was no taste at all, the unpleasant taste was wiped away, but the whole fruit had no taste at all.

  But as long as it's not unpalatable, Liu Feng is not so hypocritical.

  After eating the childlike fruit, Liu Feng called Yamato over and stared at Yamato.

  Being stared at by Liu Feng, Yamato felt a bad feeling in his heart, and took a few steps back vigilantly.

  "What are you staring at me for?"

  "It's nothing, I just want to use you to try the ability I just acquired."

  After speaking, without waiting for Yamato to object, Liu Feng's hand was already on top of Yamato's head, and Yamato was turned into a cute bear toy by Liu Feng in an instant.

  After Liu Feng turned Yamato into a bear toy, besides Liu Feng and Yamato himself, no one remembered Yamato in memory.

  Even Kaido doesn't remember Yamato now.

  Yamato, who has become a toy, also has his own will and emotions, and Liu Feng can feel Yamato's fear.

  "Don't worry, I'll change you back right away." Liu Feng said to Yamato.

  Liu Feng took the initiative to remove the Devil Fruit ability, and changed Yamato, who had become a bear toy, back again. After changing back into a human, Yamato looked at Liu Feng in horror.

  "Is this a devil fruit ability?"

  Yamato asked Liu Feng.

  "That's right, this is the fruit of childishness. How did you feel when you turned into a toy?" Liu Feng asked Yamato.

  "If you want to know it, experience it yourself. Anyway, I don't want to experience the feeling of being a toy in my life."

  Yamato feels that this time, he has had enough of himself, he is completely unable to move freely, and the feeling that his body is not obeying commands is enough to experience it once.

  "I've decided. If you don't practice well in the future, this will be your punishment. What do you think?" Liu Feng gave Yamato a devilish smile.

  "I originally liked you a little more, but I didn't expect you to hate it more than Kaido."

  Yamato couldn't help but said.

  "By the way, you didn't just eat a devil fruit, right?" Yamato asked Liu Feng.

  Now it is showing the childlike fruit ability. I have seen Liu Feng take her directly to this space ability, and the ability to master thunder and lightning, which is similar to the thunder fruit.

  Yamato can be sure that Liu Feng definitely ate more than one Devil Fruit.

  "You guessed it right, I now have the power of three Devil Fruits."

  The thunder fruit, the frozen fruit, and the childlike fruit just eaten, the power of the three kinds of devil fruit, and each of them is not weak.

  "I heard that you can only eat one devil fruit. If you eat another one, you will explode and die. How did you manage to have the power of three devil fruits?"

  Yamato really can't hide his curiosity. Everyone has curiosity, but Yamato's curiosity is just heavier.

  "I'm just asking, it's fine if you don't tell me."

  Although Yamato is still young, she also knows that some secrets cannot be explored, so Yamato will not break the casserole and ask to the end.

  If Liu Feng didn't say anything, she wouldn't continue to ask.

  "Since you said it's okay not to tell you, then I won't tell you."

  Liu Feng said with a smile.

  Yamato pouted, but suppressed his curiosity.

  "It's time for you to practice." Liu Feng sent Yamato to practice. Don't waste such a good talent, it would be a pity to waste it.

  "If it wasn't for you to find me, I'm still cultivating, and I'm actually regarded as an experiment of experimental ability." Yamato was very depressed.

  After sending Yamato and leaving, Liu Feng entered the system training space and practiced armed arrogance, knowledge arrogance and swordsmanship.

  Today, Liu Feng's swordsmanship is definitely the best in the entire pirate world. Coupled with Liu Feng's own strength, using swordsmanship, he can defeat the invincible player in the pirate world.

  After practicing for a few hours, Liu Feng planned to leave, but when Liu Feng was about to leave the system space, the system reminded him.

  "You still have a chance to draw a character projection, whether to extract it or not."

  "I almost forgot, thank the system for reminding me." Liu Feng patted his head, and would indeed forget these things. If the character projection extraction opportunity is not extracted, it will be refreshed next month.

  So if Liu Feng didn't draw this month, it would be a waste.

  "Extract the system."

  At the same time, Liu Feng is looking forward to being a little bit luckier and drawing a powerful character projection.

  For example, people like Whitebeard, Akainu, and Kizaru can do it.


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