Chapter 337

  [Ding, you have drawn the projection of the Polsalino character. 】

  "Kizuna, I am lucky."

  When Liu Feng saw the projection of the character who had drawn Kizaru, a smile appeared on his face, which made Liu Feng happy compared to the drawing of Karp.

  Perhaps Garp's combat power is stronger than Kiabou, but Garp doesn't have what Liu Feng wants to get, and Garp is not a devil fruit person.

  There are also no other special abilities, such as armed arrogance and knowledge-like arrogance, which Liu Feng already possesses, and his armed arrogance and knowledge-like arrogance definitely surpass Karp.

  "Blinking fruit ability, if you can get it, it will be very good."

  Liu Feng thought of the speed of the glittering fruit, even if it was a person with the ability of the thundering fruit, the speed was not as fast as the glittering fruit.

  However, the ability of the glittering fruit also has a disadvantage, that is, light can only go in a straight line, not turning.

  Although it is a shortcoming, the eight-handed mirror developed by Kiabou, which creates a channel of refracted light, can perfectly make up for this shortcoming.

  "System, I choose to challenge." Liu Feng said to the system.

  He entered the trial space in an instant, and then Liu Feng saw Kizaru standing in front of him with a wretched look on his face.

  "Even the projection is so obscene."

  The corners of Liu Feng's mouth twitched. The appearance of Huang Yuan is a wretched uncle. People are born to look like this, and there is no way to change it unless he takes Huang Yuan for plastic surgery.

  "I wanted to hit Huang Yuan for a long time, but I couldn't find a reason. In that case, let's hit his projection."

  Liu Feng looked at the projection of the yellow monkey who was also begging for a beating, raised his hand and used the Vientiane Tianyin.

  The ability to restrain light is not much, but if the gravitational force is strong enough, it can pull all the light over, so even if the yellow monkey turns into a flash, it cannot escape the Vientiane Tianyin.

  After being caught by Liu Feng, the fist of the armed color and domineering hardened, smashed down at the yellow monkey, and the fist hit the yellow monkey directly in the face.


  The blood splashed out, and a punch directly broke the appearance of the yellow monkey.

  "I feel more comfortable now."

  Liu Feng couldn't help but say, in fact, he has no hostility towards Kizaru, but it's just that Kizaru is born with a face that makes people want to punch.

  With one punch, Liu Feng didn't use all his strength, and with his monster-like physique, he wouldn't be able to kill him easily.

  Although Zefa said that the yellow ape relies too much on the power of the devil fruit, this does not mean that the physical skills of the yellow monkey are weak. I really think that the three generals only rely on the power of the devil fruit, that is a joke.

  Akainu and Aokiji fought for ten days and ten nights when they competed for the position of marshal, and they can support the battle for ten days and ten nights. Will this physical strength be weak?

  Kizaru is almost the same as Akainu and Aokiji. Will his body be weak?

  "Heaven Cong Yunjian 々..."

  The long knife formed by the photon was held in the hand by Kiabou, and slashed towards Liu Feng. The swordsmanship of Kiabou was not weak, and it was comparable to the old Pluto Rayleigh.

  Maybe not as good as those great swordsmen who specialize in swordsmanship, but definitely not much worse.

  The knife formed by the photons of the glittering fruit is actually sharper than a big sharp knife, and it also carries a scorching temperature.

  In the face of Kizaru's slash, Liu Feng all flashed in anticipation, seeing the domineering look, Liu Feng has reached the level where he can predict part of the future.

  "No matter how strong the attack is, it's useless if you can't hit the enemy, not to mention you're not strong at all."

  Liu Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the Tian Cong Yun sword of Kizaru. The slash of Tian Cong Yun sword could not even break the epidermis of Liu Feng's palm.

  "The battle should be over now."

  Instantly appeared behind the yellow monkey, then put his hand on the yellow monkey, and used the childlike fruit ability to directly turn the yellow monkey into a monkey toy.

  [Ding, you defeated the Polsalino projection, and obtained: 30 points, the ability to glitter fruit, and the ability to get armed color domineering ability cards. 】

  "The Devil Fruit ability that I want most from Kizaru got it."

  Liu Feng raised his hand, and his hand turned into the form of a photon.

  "Laser light."

  The laser with a strong penetrating power cut a hole in all the obstacles in front of it.

  "Except for the fact that there are more means of fighting, there is not much improvement in my strength." Liu Feng said with a slight disappointment.

  Although the glittering fruit is not weak, it is definitely not as effective as the childlike fruit for Liu Feng.

  Although the Pirate World Natural System is recognized as the strongest of the three types of Devil Fruits, in fact, the various superhuman Devil Fruits that defy the sky are the most powerful.

  Leaving the system space, Liu Feng went to see Wu Lao Xing. This was the first time Liu Feng took the initiative to find Wu Lao Xing.

  The purpose of going to the Five Old Stars was of course because of the conditions that Doflamingo had promised before.

  From Doflamingo's hands, I got the golden fruit and the childlike fruit, and naturally I have to pay Doflamingo.

  Even if Liu Feng didn't give it, Brother Doflaming would have to suffer this dumb loss, but Liu Feng didn't want to do it. Since this is a transaction, he must have credibility.

  If you don't have credibility, you will lose your own people in the end.

  Knowing that Liu Feng is coming, the five old stars are very strange, and it is really strange that Uchiha Liu Feng actually came to them in person.

  The five old stars looked at each other and immediately invited Liu Feng in.

  "¨"I don't know what happened to His Highness Liu Feng? "

  Obviously, something is coming. If there is nothing, Uchiha Liufeng may not appear in front of them.

  "I heard that Warring States and you guys proposed the matter of the King's Qiwuhai?" Liu Feng asked Wu Laoxing.

  Wu Lao Xing and the others looked at each other. Uchiha Liufeng's information was really powerful. It didn't take long for the Warring States to know about the Qiwuhai under the king.

  "That's right, but it's still under discussion, and we haven't decided whether to implement this system. What advice does Your Highness Liu Feng have?"

  The five old stars of the flat hat asked Liu Feng.

  If Liu Feng wanted to intervene in this matter, it would disgust them, but even if he really wanted to intervene, he would give Uchiha Liu Feng this face.

  "I don't have any advice, I just want to tell you that if the system of the Seven Martial Seas under the King is really implemented, let Doflamingo become one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King." Liu Feng commanded lightly.

  "Don Quixote Doflamingo?"

  When they heard the name of Doflamingo, they knew who the other party was. After all, they used to be Tianlong people. Of course, they would pay more attention (of Wang Qian's).

  But what is the relationship between Uchiha Liufeng and Doflamingo?This time, he actually came to speak for Doflamingo.

  "Okay, we agreed to this."

  There is no need to refuse, refusal may offend Uchiha Liufeng, and it is not impossible for Doflamingo to become one of the seven Wuhai under the king, they just need to order it.

  However, the system of Wangxia Qiwuhai has not been implemented yet. It has not been discussed yet. The Warring States Period proposed to them, but the Five Old Stars obviously have not agreed. They need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of Wangxia Qiwuhai.

  There is definitely a side to them in the Qiwuhai under the king. For example, to divide the pirates who were not united before, they can use the Qiwuhai under the king to attack the new Pirate Valley.

  By the way, with the help of the power of the great pirates of the Qiwuhai under the king, to check and balance the great pirates in the new world who are extremely powerful and powerful.


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Chapter 338

  The beneficial aspects are not small, but the harmful aspects of Wang Xia Qiwuhai are also huge, such as reducing the prestige of the navy and the world government in the eyes of civilians.

  Moreover, the King's Qiwuhai is just a nice name. They are still pirates in essence. The protected pirates may have stronger means of doing evil than other pirates.

  If they develop, they will definitely form a tail-end trend.

  "Just promise, I won't disturb you."

  Liu Feng turned around and left Wu Lao Xing. After Liu Feng left, Wu Lao Xing got together and started to discuss.

  "Brother Doflaming asked Uchiha Liufeng to help him speak, and he must have paid some price, otherwise Uchiha Liufeng would never help him."

  "According to the information obtained, Doflamingo has been to Wano Country before, which may be the transaction made at that time."

  "It's too happy that we promised Uchiha Liufeng."

  "Don't you dare to refuse him?" The bearded Five Old Star glanced at the blond Five Old Star and asked him.

  Who is willing to agree to Uchiha Liufeng so happily, but there is no way to refuse.

  "If the Wangxia Qiwuhai system is really implemented, it is not a bad thing to let Doflamingo become the Wangxia Qiwuhai, so that he is under our supervision."

  The long-haired five old stars suggested that Doflamingo knows a lot of secrets, so it is better to keep an eye on Doflamingo.

  Even if you don't want Doflamingo to continue to serve as the king of Shichibukai in the future, you can find an excuse to remove Doflamingo.

  Therefore, promising Liu Feng to make Brother Doflamingo become the King's Qiwuhai will not lose anything to them, not to mention whether the King's Qiwuhai will continue to be implemented.

  "In this day and age, the sea is too lively."

  Liu Feng took the news, and the news bird came to the Holy Land Mary Joa, but Liu Feng basically bought a copy of the news every day.

  Although the news may be a bit exaggerated, it can also let Liu Feng know some of the situation at sea.

  The current situation can only be said to be chaotic, and even the three admirals of the navy cannot suppress this chaos.

  The strength of the three generals is strong, but it is not that no one can deal with them. Before, the three generals fought with the Whitebeard Pirates, and in the end, the two sides retreated, and there was no result at all.

  Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu combined, they couldn't beat Whitebeard, and the lieutenant general they brought over was also blocked by Whitebeard's captain.

  The situation of pirates in the new world, the navy is obviously unable to control.

  The first half of the Great Channel is not as chaotic as the New World, but the navy has no one to send, and most of the forces go to the New World, but the first half of the Great Channel is not available.

  This era is the most comfortable era for pirates, and a steady stream of people go out to sea to become pirates.

  Whether it is for profit or for their dreams, they have all become one of the pirates.

  In fact, most of those who went out to sea to become pirates were for profit. If it wasn't for Roger's death, the number of pirates would definitely not be that many.

  "This is the message from Hancock."

  Yamato walked in with a letter and handed the letter to Liu Feng.

  "Strange, why doesn't Hancock use the phone bug to contact me?"

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