This is also the reason why it took half a year, because it took so much time just to decorate the interior of the Pluto battleship.

  After Liu Feng boarded the Pluto battleship, he looked at it and was very satisfied. It was indeed a battleship that took more than two years to build.

  Next, we should test the specific power of the Pluto battleship. If the power is too poor, Liu Feng will be disappointed.

  Even if it's not as good as the first Pluto battleship built, at least it can't be much worse.

  "Let Pluto sail on the sea." Liu Feng said to Taotu, and by the way, he found an uninhabited island to test the power of the main gun of Pluto's battleship.

  "Lord Liufeng, this is the design of Hades."

  Taotu took out all the designs of Hades and gave them to Liu Feng.

  Looking at the design drawing, Liu Feng's palm burned with flames, and directly burned the design of Hades. Now that Hades has been built, this design is naturally useless.

  If you keep it, it is possible for others to get it, and another Pluto battleship will appear at that time. Wouldn't it make his Pluto battleship very unworthy.

  Seeing that Liu Feng had destroyed the design of the Hades battleship, Taotu breathed a sigh of relief.

  The things that Tom had promised at the beginning were also considered completed.

  Pluto's design was destroyed, and Taotu wouldn't feel uneasy anymore.


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Chapter 340

  The Pluto battleship set sail, and the speed was really fast. It looked very heavy, but this power was enough to disdain the heroes.

  Can be called one of the three ancient weapons, how can the Pluto battleship be so simple.

  Even if Liu Feng, the Pluto battleship, is built, it is not as good as the Pluto battleship that was originally built, but it is definitely not far behind.

  "Husband, my concubine gave you cut fruit."

  Hancock fed the cut fruit into Liu Feng's mouth, and Taotu, who was standing in the back, ate a mouthful of dog food directly, feeling very uncomfortable.

  I used to feel a little hungry, but now I am full and have no appetite to eat.

  "Peach Rabbit, do you know where there is an uninhabited island?"

  Liu Feng wanted to test the power of the main gun of the Pluto battleship, so he could only find a target island as a test site, but Liu Feng was not familiar with the surroundings of Wano Kingdom.

  Fortunately, there are navigators on board, and it is not difficult to find an uninhabited island.

  Taotu immediately found a navigator and asked him to drive the Pluto battleship to the uninhabited island.

  In about half an hour, the Pluto battleship arrived at the location of this unnamed island.

  "Let's start the artillery attack, only use the main gun."

  Liu Feng glanced at the small island. In the mark, this small island is uninhabited, and there are at most some animals on the island.

  If at this time, someone happens to run to this small island, they can only ask for more blessings.

  boom! ! !

  The roar of artillery shells came, and the small island not far away was directly torn apart by the shells, and all the objects on the surface of the island were destroyed by the shells.

  "This power is amazing."

  Taotu couldn't help but sighed after seeing it. Although he had guessed the power of the Hades battleship when he was building it, but now seeing it with his own eyes, he still felt very shocked. It was really shocking.

  "so so."

  Liu Feng looked at it and felt reluctant. It was not difficult for him to cause such damage, and even Taotu could do it.

  Taotu has now eaten the thundering fruit. With the destructive power of the strongest devil fruit in the nature department, it is not particularly difficult to destroy an island, but it requires a lot of physical strength.

  "Can this be called normal?"

  Hearing Liu Feng say it was normal, Taotu wanted to refute it, but thinking of Liu Feng's terrifying strength, it seemed that it was indeed normal.

  "Kaido's Beast Pirates are not in Wano Country now, right?" Liu Feng asked Taotu.

  I forgot about the Beasts Pirates before, but now I remember that I didn't see Kaido's Beasts Pirates in Wano Country.

  "Now Kaido rarely returns to Wano with the Beast Pirates. It seems that he only regards Wano as a place to make weapons."

  Momotaru told Liu Feng about the latest information about Kaido.

  Now that Kaido has given up on the idea of ​​fighting Wano Kingdom, he originally wanted to use Wano Kingdom as a base camp, but now Kaido can only choose to give up.

  Unless you have the strength to fight against Uchiha Liufeng, otherwise, Wano Country cannot be in your hands at all, and future plans will naturally not work.

  So Kaido had no choice but to give up Wano and look for another location.

  However, for the time being, Kaido has put the place where weapons are processed and manufactured in Wano Kingdom, and he does not plan to transfer it in the future. This is regarded as cooperation with Liu Feng.

  It is also to stabilize Liu Feng, lest Liu Feng be dissatisfied with his leaving and take action against him.

  Indeed, Liu Feng will not let Kaido leave easily. If Kaido leaves, Liu Feng will lose a lot of benefits.

  "Return to Wano Country?" Taotu asked Liu Feng at this time.

  "If you don't go back, you won't go back so quickly when you go out. Let's take a look at the sea first." Liu Feng did not plan to return to Wano Kingdom for the time being.

  Look at the chaos in the new world. I saw it in the news before. The situation in the new world is very chaotic. Now Liu Feng wants to see it with his own eyes.

  After driving for a while, Liu Feng and the others were attacked, attacked by pirates.

  "It's really crazy, but it's asking for a dead end."

  Liu Feng sneered, but he didn't expect that a pirate would attack him without knowing his life or death.

  In fact, those pirates didn't know either. The target of their attack was Liu Feng, a Tianlong person. If they knew, they probably wouldn't dare to provoke them.

  Those pirates took a fancy to Liu Feng's boat, so they wanted to snatch Liu Feng's boat, so they attacked Liu Feng.

  The cannonball exploded in the air before it flew over, and Taotu directly intercepted all the cannonballs.


  A sword qi flew out, directly cutting off the pirate group that attacked Liu Feng and the others, burying the entire boat to the bottom of the sea.

  "I don't know whether to live or die." Taotu looked indifferent.

  When dealing with pirates, Taotu will not be merciful, because Taotu knows how hateful these pirates are, they do a lot of evil, and keeping them is a scourge.

  Even letting them sink to the bottom of the sea is polluting the sea...  

  "Swordsmanship is very strong."

  Hancock took a deep look at Taotu. In terms of swordsmanship, Hancock, a person who knew nothing about swordsmanship, could not compare with Taotu at all.

  In fact, if you compare the strength now, Taotu's strength must be stronger than Hancock.

  At this time, Hancock wanted to learn swordsmanship in his heart.

  It was only the first time to solve this pirate. After that, Liu Feng encountered a lot of attacks, and almost every time he encountered a pirate, he would be attacked.

  "These pirates are crazy."

  Liu Feng couldn't help but say that he attacked when he saw others.

  "If we hang the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, those pirates will never dare to attack." Taotu said to Liu Feng.

  Of course, this is just talk, it is impossible to hang the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates.

  But now the pirate flag of the Whitebeard Pirates is really useful in the sea, but no big pirate can't think of attacking Whitebeard's subordinates.

  Because the white beard is too short.

  "Whitebeard Pirates, what a coincidence."

  Liu Feng smiled, Taotu just mentioned the Whitebeard Pirates, and then Liu Feng discovered the Whitebeard Pirates.

  This should be a chance encounter. Liu Feng didn't specifically look for the Whitebeard Pirates, but he didn't expect to encounter it.

  In the distance, the Moby Dick is heading here. If he doesn't leave, he will definitely meet the Whitebeard Pirates.

  "Should we avoid it?"

   Taotu's expression is a bit solemn, the shadow of the famous tree of people, the power of the Whitebeard Pirates is recognized by all pirates, even Taotu is very jealous.

  If faced with a white beard alone, Taotu will be very confident.

  But facing a whole pirate group, they are a whole, so they have to be afraid.

  "Avoid, why do you want to avoid it? You don't need to avoid it, let's go directly." Liu Feng didn't plan to avoid the Whitebeard Pirates. Even Whitebeard was not qualified to let Liu Feng escape.

  Liu Feng's choice made Taotu a little helpless, but looking at Liu Feng's expression, it should not change, so Taotu also put down and persuaded Liu Feng to be vigilant.

  But Taotu also believed that if Whitebeard knew Liu Feng's identity, he would definitely not dare to do it lightly, and the strongest pirate group would not dare to offend Tianlongren easily.


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Chapter 341

  When Liu Feng's Pluto battleship was heading towards the Whitebeard Pirates, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, of course, also discovered Liu Feng's Pluto battleship.

  The size of the Pluto battleship is larger than the Moby Dick, the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates. It travels at sea like a huge sea fortress, so it is particularly conspicuous and easy to be discovered.

  "Dad, this ship is coming towards us." Marko said to Whitebeard.

  At this time, Marco was still relatively young, just about thirty years old, but he had already become the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he was also a ship doctor, basically with Whitebeard.

  The white beard, who is more than six meters tall, stood up like a hill, and looked in the direction of the Pluto battleship with sharp eyes.

  "Gu la la la, whether the person who comes is an enemy or a friend, I will treat them well."

  "Dad, you said that the person who came here may be the enemy?" Marco frowned when he heard the words, is it another person who wants to challenge their father and use the fame of their Whitebeard Pirates?

  "The person who can own this ship is definitely not a simple person."

  They are far apart, but Whitebeard can see the outline of the Pluto battleship. Just at a glance, you know that this is definitely not something that can be easily built.

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