Owning this boat is definitely not easy.

  Especially when the other party saw their Whitebeard Pirates, they drove over without dodging, apparently not afraid of their Whitebeard Pirates.

  I don't know which person in the sea is.

  Liu Feng will not avoid the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Whitebeard Pirates will not avoid Liu Feng, the two ships are slowly approaching.

  Of course, the Whitebeard Pirates are not just this one ship. Behind the main ship Moby Dick, there are more than a dozen ships, large and small, and this is not all the forces of the Whitebeard Pirates.

  When the two ships were about to collide, they finally stopped. Liu Feng stood in front of the deck and looked at Whitebeard lightly.

  Today's white beard is indeed domineering, and at first glance, it gives people a strong feeling.

  Taotu looked at Whitebeard vigilantly, seeing that the domineering look and the power of the Thunder Fruit had already enveloped the audience. As long as the Whitebeard Pirates had the intention to do something, Taotu would immediately take action.

  "Don't be so vigilant about Taotu, I'm not here to make trouble."

  Liu Feng glanced at Taotu and said with a light smile.

  "Gu la la la, you can still be so calm in the face of this old man, why haven't I heard of your name?"

  Whitebeard asked with a smile.

  After seeing Liu Feng, he searched his memory, but he had never seen the other party, let alone heard the other party's name. Could it be a new powerhouse.

  There are many talented people in the sea, not everyone likes to be famous, and there are still many hidden powerhouses, so Whitebeard will not look down on them.

  From Liu Feng, Whitebeard didn't feel any threat, but he had an intuition in his heart that if he did it, he would probably lose or even die.

  This kind of intuition has saved Whitebeard's life countless times, so Whitebeard did not despise Liu Feng.

  "You probably don't want to know who I am."

  Liu Feng said with a light smile.

  It's normal for Whitebeard not to know him, because Liu Feng is not well-known in the sea now, although he ruled the country of Wano, and let the country of Wano be founded.

  But there are not many people who really know what Liu Feng looks like, and not many people who have seen Liu Feng.

  Whitebeard was interested because of Liu Feng's words, and his origin must be unusual. There is no pirate flag, indicating that the other party is not a pirate, nor does he have a navy flag, not a navy.

  "Gu la la la, are you still a Tianlong person?"

  When he said this, Whitebeard didn't take it seriously. He really didn't think Liu Feng was a Tianlong person. After all, Whitebeard had seen the virtues of Tianlong people, but he really made Whitebeard right.

  Although Tianlongren is only an identity given to him by the system, in the eyes of others, Liu Feng is Tianlongren.

  "That's right, I'm a Heavenly Dragon."

  Liu Feng glanced at White Beard in surprise, and wondered if White Beard knew him.

  The smile on Whitebeard's face disappeared. After restraining his laughter, he looked at Liu Feng, who was actually a Tianlong person.

  Whitebeard wanted to find the joking expression on Liu Feng's face, but unfortunately, he didn't see it.

  "Are you really a Tianlong person?"

  It's a little hard to tell, but there should be no one from Tianlong pretending to be.

  "Since you are a Celestial Dragon, you dare to approach our Whitebeard Pirates, do you think I am afraid to attack the Celestial Dragon?" Whitebeard asked Liu Feng.

  For Tianlong people, even Whitebeard doesn't have any goodwill. Except for the nobles, basically no one in this world has a good opinion of Tianlong people.

  Even some nobles don't like Tianlong people, who like people who stand high above the top, and also despise others.

  "Oh, do you dare to shoot at me?"

  Liu Feng asked Whitebeard with a half-smile but not a smile.

  "Dad, if you simply teach the other party a lesson, you should be fine." Marko said to Whitebeard.

  As long as they don't kill the Tianlong people, their Whitebeard Pirates will have absolutely nothing to do, and even the navy is not willing to kill them and fight against the Whitebeard Pirates.

  "Who do you say you want to teach a lesson?"

  Hancock looked at Marko, the pineapple head, unhappily.

  "The Whitebeard Pirates will not fear anyone, but there is no need to provoke the enemy."

  Whitebeard waved his hand to Marko and said that the Heavenly Dragon man in front of him was different from the Heavenly Dragon man he had seen before.

  Moreover, the other party is very dangerous. They dare to lean towards their Whitebeard Pirates. They are either fools or really capable. Obviously, the other party belongs to the second category.

  In fact, it wasn't that he was afraid, but Whitebeard felt that there was no need to be an enemy of a Tianlong person, not to mention that the other party did not show hostility.

  It is obviously irrational to make enemies all over the sea.

  "What's your purpose?"

  Whitebeard's eyes shone with light, as long as he wasn't looking for trouble, Whitebeard wasn't ready to do it.

  "If I said there was no purpose, but I just happened to come across it, would you believe it?" Liu Feng asked Whitebeard.


  Whitebeard believed it directly.

  Indeed, Liu Feng did happen to meet the Whitebeard Pirates by chance, and then wanted to see the Whitebeard at this time, and there was no other purpose.

  Although the current White Beard is nearly sixty years old, his strength is still at its peak, but Liu Feng is not interested in fighting with White Beard.

  Even if he had a fight with Whitebeard, the final result was obvious. Liu Feng was definitely stronger than Whitebeard, and he was still much stronger than Whitebeard.

  "Let's go."

  Whitebeard also saw it, and Liu Feng was also ready to leave. He directly used the repulsion force to make the Pluto battleship fly, and flew over the Moby Dick of Whitebeard.

  "Piao Piao fruit ability?" After Whitebeard saw the flying Pluto battleship, the first thing that came to his mind was the flutter fruit ability.

  "It shouldn't be, the golden lion is not dead, is it a Devil Fruit ability similar to the golden lion Shiji?" Whitebeard guessed that it might be similar to Shiji's fluttering fruit ability, which made the Pluto battleship fly.


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Chapter 342

  "Flying directly over our heads is too arrogant."

  Marko looked at the Pluto battleship that flew over, and felt very uncomfortable. The other pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates had the same idea as Marko.

  It's too arrogant, and they don't even take their Whitebeard Pirates seriously.

  It flew over their heads as if stepping on their heads.

  Whitebeard remained silent. If he was not unhappy at all, it would be impossible, but there was no need to be hostile to the opponent.

  "Go on."

  After sitting down, Whitebeard ordered to go down.

  Whitebeard didn't intend to pursue it anymore, and they naturally had nothing to say, but they were still a little unconvinced in their hearts, thinking that Dad was acting too softly.

  In fact, it was because of them that Whitebeard didn't do anything, otherwise there would be a conflict, and the children on his boat would be injured.

  On Liu Feng's boat, Taotu couldn't help but said to Liu Feng, "It's too arrogant to fly over the Whitebeard Pirates like this. Fortunately, they didn't fight us."

  "Otherwise, what should I do, do you want me to go around?"

  Facing the Whitebeard Pirates, Liu Feng wouldn't walk around, and Whitebeard couldn't give way to save face, so he could only fly over.

  If Whitebeard feels unhappy and insists on fighting with him, Liu Feng doesn't mind to accompany him. Whether Whitebeard is beaten to death or maimed at that time, it will be Whitebeard's own choice.

  "Return to Wano Country."

  Liu Feng controlled the Hades battleship to fly towards Wano Country.

  "Husband, to let Hades fly, does it rely on the fruit ability similar to the fluttering fruit?" Hancock asked Liu Feng curiously.

  "No, the repulsive force is used to offset the gravitational force and let Hades fly into the air. This is not the ability of the devil fruit, it belongs to the power of my eyes."

  Liu Feng shook his head towards Hancock.


  Hancock nodded in understanding, while Taotu next to him glanced at Liu Feng with a vague look. In fact, she was also very curious just now.

  It's just that the relationship between Taotu and Liu Feng is different from the relationship between Hancock and Liu Feng, so she didn't ask.

  "Does it have other special powers besides the Devil Fruit ability?" Momotu was a little puzzled.

  Maybe there are people in this world who can get all kinds of peculiar abilities without relying on Devil Fruits.

  The world is so big, it is not surprising how many strange things happen.

  After returning to Wano Country, Stucci gave Liu Feng a message about the ultimate Devil Fruit.

  The world government wants to buy the fruit of surgery with 50 billion baileys.

  Because it can achieve the dream of mankind since ancient times, many people call the surgical fruit the ultimate devil fruit.

  If the fruit of the operation is used by a person with sufficient talent, it can give "eternal life" to human beings. Once the operation is performed, the person with the ability will die.

  And immortality is the dream of mankind since ancient times. Whether it is a king or an ordinary person, they should have thought of longevity.

  In the original book, the person with the ability to perform the fruit of surgery is Trafalgar Law, one of the future supernovas.

  "Husband, this devil fruit must be obtained."

  After Hancock learned about the ability of the surgical fruit, he said to Liu Feng with some excitement.

  "Actually, the fruits of surgery are not particularly attractive to me."

  The most important surgery for others, Liu Feng has already obtained immortality, but the fruit of the surgery also has other value.

  The Operation Fruit itself is a very powerful Devil Fruit.

  The person with the ability to operate the fruit can create a global or hemispherical space, and in the space, they can cut, exchange, and splicing anything at will, and even exchange the hearts of two people. will bleed.

  And the attack of the surgical fruit is a super power attack, not a physical attack, it can cause damage to the natural devil fruit ability.

  "If Mr. Liu Feng wants to get the fruit of the operation, I can take action and snatch it over." Stuthy said to Liu Feng.

  Although Liu Feng is now arranged to manage Wano's affairs in Wano, but once Stuthy was one of the leaders of the dark world.

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