And what separates the Great Waterway from the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the North Sea and the West Sea is the windless belt. From the Great Waterway, you can reach the four seas by crossing the windless belt.

  However, only the Navy's warships can safely pass through the windless zone, because the bottom of the Navy's warships is covered with sea rock and will not disturb the sea kings.

  If the ships of ordinary pirates are going to pass through the windless belt, there is a high probability that they will become the food of the sea kings.

  Against the flow of the sea, the Pluto battleship rushed directly to the top of the Upside Down Mountain, and then sailed into the East China Sea from top to bottom.

  "I didn't expect such a strange terrain."

  After seeing the Upside Down Mountain, Yamato said that he opened his eyes. In fact, there are many unreasonable environments in the Pirate World, especially the New World, which is more peculiar than the Upside Down Mountain.

  "Don't make a fuss, take the helm." Taotu reminded Yamato.

  After hearing Taotu's words, Yamato made a face at Taotu's back. Originally, Taotu hated Hancock.

  But now Yamato thinks that Taotu is even more annoying than Hancock. In comparison, Hancock is much better.


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Chapter 347

  Donghai Rogge Town, known as the town of beginning and end, is located near the entrance of the Great Waterway. The first town you see when you enter the East China Sea is Rogge Town.

  This is the town where One Piece Gol D. Roger was born, and it is also the place where he was executed. He was born here, and finally died here. This is Roger's home.

  Liu Feng's Pluto battleship stayed here. He came here for supplies, and he also wanted to see it in Rogge Town.

  "I didn't expect that such an ordinary town would actually give birth to Roger the Pirate King." Yamato looked at the streets of Roger Town and couldn't help but sigh.

  Perhaps Rogge Town is a very good town among the towns in the East China Sea, but in the Great Waterway, there are countless better towns than this.

  "There are quite a few strong men who have come out of the East China Sea."

  Although it is called the weakest sea, there are many strong people who have come out, such as Roger, Karp, and Karp's son, Monkey D. Long, the leader of the revolutionary army.

  It also includes the future Luffy and Zoro, who are strong men who came out of the East China Sea.

  The navy stationed here is not Smog, but an unknown guy, Liu Feng did not pay attention.

  Take Momoto, Yamato and Kalifa to the square in Rogge Town, where you can see Roger's execution stand.

  "Unfortunately, I couldn't come to see Roger's execution."

  It's a pity that Liu Feng was not able to meet the previous One Piece.

  As for the future One Piece, um, whether Luffy can become One Piece in the future is still unknown.

  "Peach Rabbit, you and Kalifa go to replenish the ship's supplies, I'll take Yamato for a walk." Liu Feng turned his head and said to Peach Rabbit.

  Rogge Town is neither big nor small, and there are also a lot of pirates here. Because it is the closest town to the Great Waterway, many pirates will stop here.

  Today, the admiral stationed in Rogge Town is not Smog, and his ability is limited.

  The biggest problem facing the navy today is the lack of manpower. The main force is placed on the great channel, and there is some negligence for the pirates from all over the world.

  It is not intentional negligence, and there is no force to strike.

  And in the navy of the four seas, many people have also been corrupted, such as the scum like Colonel Mouse in the original book, and now there are not many such scum in the four seas.

  Even some navies have fallen into pirates, such as Diez Barreros, the guy who got the fruit of the operation and wanted to sell it to the World Government at an exorbitant price.

  I walked around for a long time, and also solved some pirates who didn't have long eyes.

  The reason? These pirates wanted to rob Liu Feng. Maybe Liu Feng was dressed like a nobleman, so they robbed Liu Feng.

  Then the fate of these people was all beaten to death by Yamato.

  "Are they too weak, or am I too strong?"

  Yamato looked at the corpses of the pirates, she felt that she was useless, and she didn't want to kill them directly, as if they were seriously injured, just to teach them a lesson.

  Unexpectedly, she was beaten to death all of a sudden, as if she was cruel.

  "Don't think you are strong, it's because they are too weak." Liu Feng said after glancing at Yamato.

  Yamato may not even be able to fight a lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters, and in Liu Feng's opinion, he is not strong at all.

  "Always hit me."

  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Yamato was not in a good mood, because Liu Feng had been attacking her, and she felt that her strength had improved a lot, but Liu Feng kept saying that she was weak.

  The key is that when Yamato faced Liu Feng, there was no way to refute it, because in front of Liu Feng, he couldn't even hold a single move.

  "Okay, we should go back. It is estimated that Taotu is already waiting for us on the Hades." Liu Feng said to Yamato.

  The Pluto battleship was named Pluto by Liu Feng.

  After returning, Liu Feng found some fainted pirates on the coast.

  "What's wrong with these guys?" Liu Feng asked Taotu and Kalifa.

  "Want to steal our boat, and then I caught it and solved it."

  "It seems that someone needs to stay on the ship in the future."

  Liu Feng glanced at those people. Although they weren't dead, it was estimated that they would be disabled.

  "Come on, go to Windmill Village."

  "Windmill Village, isn't this the hometown of Lieutenant General Garp?"

  Taotu heard the name Windmill Village and immediately remembered, because Taotu and Crane are as close as sisters, so they are familiar with Garp and know that Garp's hometown is in Windmill Village.

  "What are you going to do in that small village?" Peach Rabbit was a little puzzled. Although she had never been to Windmill Village, Peach Rabbit knew that it was a very small village.

  Such a village is not well-known on the sea, and the same is true of Windmill Village, even if you are familiar with Garp, you will not know Windmill Village.

  "I can't tell you this question for the time being." Liu Feng smiled at Taotu, but didn't mean to tell Taotu.

  In fact, there is no other idea, just want to see Garp's grandson Luffy, the protagonist of the pirate world, Luffy is not annoying.

  But Liu Feng also wanted to know why Luffy wanted to be a pirate, was it really because of Shanks' guidance?

  At this time, Luffy and Shanks don't know if they have met, maybe they haven't met yet, maybe they have already met.

  Rogge Town is quite far from Windmill Village, and Taotu doesn't know the location of Windmill Village, so he wants to buy a permanent pointer of Windmill Village, but Windmill Village has no permanent pointer at all.

  Only those famous islands have permanent pointers.

  A permanent pointer is a nautical prop, its function is to permanently point to an island, and it will not change at all.

  If someone got the permanent pointer to the final island, it would be able to find the final island.

  If there is no permanent pointer, you can only rely on the nautical chart. If you let Liu Feng come by himself, it will be a bit troublesome to find the windmill village.

  Fortunately, Taotu has studied navigation knowledge, can understand the navigation chart, and can also find the windmill village through the navigation map.

  "¨"Lord Liu Feng, I have something to tell you. Kalifa stood in front of Liu Feng with a tangled face.

  "What's the matter?" Liu Feng asked indifferently.

  "Actually, I was actually dispatched by the Five Old Stars to undercover beside you."

  For some reason, Kalifa suddenly confessed to Liu Feng and confessed her identity.

  Liu Feng was a little surprised, (Wang Nuozhao) did not expect that she would confess in front of him. Originally, Liu Feng planned to find a showdown with her for a while.

  After the showdown, Kalifa had a choice. If she chose to be completely loyal to herself, she would live, otherwise she would die.

  "Why tell me, aren't you afraid of death?" Liu Feng asked Kalifa.

  "I feel that staying by the side of Lord Liu Feng is better than before." Kalifa is very frank, and the treatment with Liu Feng is indeed much better than before.

  And the most important thing is that Kalifa understands that Liu Feng is unfathomable, and if he is a child of two or five, he may not end well.

  So it's better to confess, and then request to stay by Liu Feng's side forever, so the Five Old Stars probably won't be able to do anything about her.

  However, she was able to confess to Liu Feng, but it took a long time to make up her mind, because this time she confessed to Liu Feng, if she can't gain trust, she may not have a way to survive.


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Chapter 348

  "I was placed by the Five Old Stars as an undercover agent beside Mr. Liu Feng, but I have not leaked any information about Mr. Liu Feng."

  Kalifa lowered her head, although her tone was relatively calm, but she was very uneasy. Kalifa was young, so she couldn't be calm everywhere, even if she had been trained since she was a child.

  Taotu looked at Kalifa indifferently, her palm shone with electric light, as long as Liu Feng gave an order, Kalifa would turn into a pile of coke in the next second.

  Yamato on the side was a little confused. She and Kalifa had been together for a long time, and they were about the same age, so they had a good relationship. I didn't expect Kalifa to be a spy.

  At this time, she didn't know what Liu Feng was going to do with Kalifa, hoping not to kill Kalifa.

  If he really wants to kill Kalifa, Yamato will definitely plead for Kalifa.

  "Actually, from the time you came to me, I knew your identity." Liu Feng said lightly.

  Kalifa was a little surprised by Liu Feng's words, and she already knew, why didn't she deal with her?And not bad for her.

  "I'm very happy that you can confess to me yourself. It seems that you have made a decision in your heart." Liu Feng stared at Kalifa, he could probably guess what Kalifa was thinking.

  "Well, I am willing to be loyal to Lord Liu Feng forever, and after confessing my identity, I have no other choice."

  Wu Laoxing knew that she took the initiative to confess her identity as a 700 white spy, and after betrayal, she would definitely send someone to kill her unless she could get the protection of Liu Feng.

  So Kalifa, who made the decision now, has no other choice at all.

  "I don't think she can be easily trusted. If she wants to gain your true trust in this way," Taotu reminded Liu Feng.

  Kalifa's heart tightened, she really wanted to take refuge with Liu Feng.

  Because according to her observation, it was found that Liu Feng's thigh is thicker than Wu Laoxing, so there is no need to consider how to choose.

  "I can't make Lord Liu Feng fully trust me now, but I can definitely make Lord Liu Feng trust me in the future."

  Kalifa knelt down and said.

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