"I believe that you have no ability to deceive people in front of me."

  Liu Feng's knowledge is domineering, and he can even see what Kalifa is thinking, so Liu Feng does not believe in Kalifa, but believes in his own ability.

  "Thank you Lord Liufeng for your trust." Kalifa breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone that had always existed in her heart was finally put down.

  In fact, Kalifa wanted to confess her identity a long time ago, but she was afraid that she would not be able to gain trust, and she would die by then.

  This time, Kalifa gambled through gritted teeth, and finally succeeded.

  "I'll keep an eye on you." Taotu said lightly to Kalifa.

  Originally, she had no ill will towards Kalifa, but after knowing that Kalifa was an undercover agent, Momotu felt a bit more hostile towards Kalifa in her heart.

  Facing the pressure of Taotu's eyes, Kalifa was not afraid. If she was really careful, she might panic a bit, but she is sincere now, so naturally she doesn't need to panic.

  "When the Five Old Stars asked you to go undercover, what task did they give you?" Liu Feng asked Kalifa.

  "They just arranged for me to go undercover, and they didn't give me the task."

  Kalifa shook his head. At that time, the Five Old Stars did not explain the Kalifa task, because even if they did, they didn't think Kalifa could complete it.

  Unless Kalifa has gained Liu Feng's trust, that's worth it.

  Kalifa is just a chess piece buried by the Five Old Stars. In fact, it is not very important. It can work best, and it will not lose anything if it does not work. A Kalifa is optional.

  Indeed, even a genius like Lu Qi, in the eyes of the Five Old Stars, is nothing but a pawn, not to mention that the talent can only be regarded as a good Kalifa.

  If it weren't for the beautiful maids who were placed beside Liu Feng, Kalifa would not be able to be selected by the Five Old Stars.

  "Lord Liufeng, please believe me."

  Kalifa was slightly uneasy, afraid that Liu Feng would not believe her words.

  "I believe your Five Old Stars didn't explain your mission at the time, but when the Five Old Stars contact you in the future, you should understand what to do." Liu Feng said to Kalifa.

  "I see."

  Kalifa instantly understood what Liu Feng meant, and then she would inquire about the purpose of the Five Old Stars in reverse.

  Taotu saw that Liu Feng had already trusted Kalifa, and did not continue talking, and Taotu did not see any trace of Kalifa lying.

  But in the future, Taotu will definitely keep an eye on Kalifa, and she will definitely not let down her guard.

  "Wu Lao Xing arranged an undercover beside you, Mr. Liu Feng, don't you want to deal with Wu Lao Xing?" Yamato got close to Liu Feng at this time.

  "Are you trying to help me deal with the Five Old Stars?" Liu Feng glanced at Yamato.

  "Have the idea."

  Yamato's eyes lit up slightly, not joking, Yamato really had this idea in his heart.

  "If you have this idea, it's best to dismiss it. You are not the opponent of the Five Old Stars at all. The strength gap between you is too great."

  In the future, Yamato may have beaten one of the five old stars, but the current Yamato, to deal with the five old stars is completely courting death.

  "Is the Five Old Stars strong?" Yamato asked Liu Feng after hearing Liu Feng's words against her.

  "Of course, you don't think they don't have any strength, do you?"

  The Five Old Stars are definitely the powerhouses standing at the pinnacle of this world. When any of the five of them are taken out, they have a combat power that exceeds the general level.

  "For you, the Five Old Stars are quite strong, but for me, the Five Old Stars are just a bunch of trash." Liu Feng finally told them.

  "The five old stars are very strong to us, but to you they are a group of trash, so aren't we even worse than trash?"

  Yamato suddenly felt a little sad.

  "I didn't say that you are not even inferior to trash fish. If you substitute for yourself, that's it." Liu Feng spread his hands.

  "This is just what Yamato thinks. I don't think I'm worse than a trash fish."

  Peach Rabbit glanced at Yamato, and belittled himself, there is no one else.

  But Taotu does know that Wu Lao Xing is very strong. She has seen Wu Lao Xing before, and she has felt the heavy aura emanating from Wu Lao Xing.

  Even now, Taotu is not sure that he can defeat the Five Old Stars. I don't know if there is a chance to gain strength beyond the Five Old Stars in the future, but it feels very difficult.

  It's really difficult. The five old stars should be strong at the level of Garp and Whitebeard. Even if Taotu has Liu Feng's help, it is unknown whether they can achieve this strength in the future.

  "I will practice seriously."

  Yamato was inspired to fight.

  "This fighting spirit to not admit defeat is very good." Liu Feng gave Yamato an admiring look.

  Kalifa looked at Yamato with admiration. In fact, she also worked very hard, but sometimes talent is important.

  No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't compare to Yamato, not to mention Yamato's efforts were not weaker than hers.

  Now Kalifa has also seen it, there is no need to compare with these monsters, as long as you are yourself, why compare.

  Well, the main problem is that they can't compare, the talent is not good, the only chance to surpass is probably to be able to eat a devil fruit with the ability to defy the sky, but this is very unrealistic.


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Chapter 349

  Windmill Village, this is a small village in the Goya Kingdom. This village is very peaceful and has not been attacked by pirates.

  The villagers here are not particularly repulsive to pirates.

  "There is a pirate ship here, the ship of the red-haired pirates who are very famous in the new world."

  Taotu looked at the flag flying on a pirate ship, and her expression became slightly serious. If it was just an ordinary pirate, it would be nothing.

  However, the Red Hair Pirates are not ordinary pirates. Although I have never heard of them doing heinous things, the Red Hair Pirates are very strong.

  In the new world, I have played against the Beast Pirates. Although I don't know the outcome, the Red Hair Pirates did not suffer.

  It's already very powerful without taking a loss. Taotu still understands how strong Kaido is.

  "Oh, it seems that the red hair has already come here." Liu Feng was not surprised when he saw the ship of the red hair pirates.

  Taotu glanced at Liu Feng in surprise, as if Liu Feng knew that the Red Hair Pirates would be here. Could it be that he has the ability to predict the future?

  There are so many different kinds of Devil Fruits in this world, and it is not very strange to have the ability of prophets.

  "What are the red-haired pirates doing in this humble little village? Could it be that they had a holiday with Lieutenant General Garp."

  Taotu's face suddenly changed slightly. This is Lieutenant General Garp's hometown. If the other party and Garp have a holiday, maybe it is revenge.

  It is not impossible to take revenge on his hometown if he is not Lieutenant General Garp's opponent.

  "You worry too much, no, let's get off the boat."

  Liu Feng disembarked directly, while Carly's rule was to actively choose to stay on the boat. Taotu thought about it and followed Liu Feng.

  Although Kalifa is weaker, Taotu has already instructed Kalifa to send a signal immediately after she encounters an enemy.

  In fact, there are really no enemies in this place. Pirates basically do not appear in Windmill Village. In the original book, a group of bandits came to Windmill Village.

  There are also bandits in the world of pirates. The most famous is the bandit Sig who dared to challenge Shanks. The red-haired Shanks is his best record.

  And he was able to hold Luffy hostage in front of the red-haired pirates. I don't know if it was really awesome, or if the members of the red-haired and red-haired pirates put some water in the sea.

  There is also the bandit Dadan. She is the adoptive mother of Ace and Luffy. Although she is a bandit, she cares about Luffy and them very much.

  "I don't know if the Bandit King Sieg got a lunch."

  Just when I was thinking about Bandit King Sig jokingly in my heart, I happened to see a group of people walking towards this side, headed by the red-haired Shanks and the young Luffy.

  At this time, Shanks was still relatively young, but he had lost his left arm now. After seeing Shanks lose his left arm, Liu Feng knew it was too late.

  I can't see the most brilliant bandit, that guy has died in the mouth of the king of the sea.

  The king of the near sea is a sea beast, and it can be regarded as a small sea king. For ordinary people, he is a very powerful guy.

  And the strongest record of the King of the Sea is to bite off Shanks' left arm and be able to bite off Shanks' left arm. There is no other explanation except Shanks' intention.

  Otherwise, even if the sea kings come, they will be cut in half by Shanks.

  At this time, Shanks has not yet become the Four Emperors, but his strength is not much worse than Kaido and the others. It's a joke if he really can't beat the King of the Sea.

  "It looks like someone else came to Windmill Village."

  Shanks narrowed his eyes slightly after seeing Liu Feng.

  He couldn't see through, and couldn't sense Liu Feng's strength, but the peach rabbit beside him gave Shanks a very strong feeling.

  Looking at Liu Feng and the others, they didn't look like pirates at all, but more like nobles.

  When Shanks looked at Liu Feng, Liu Feng was also staring at Shanks. This momentum was very strong. From the outside, Shanks seemed to be bullying, but his momentum was very restrained.

  "What's the purpose of the red-haired pirates here?"

  Taotu took a step forward and asked the red-haired Shanks and the others.

  At the same time, she was vigilant about their actions. Taotu knew that Liu Feng was very strong, and she could even deal with the red-haired pirates, but she could not expect Liu Feng to take action.

  She is Liu Feng's bodyguard, and it is her responsibility to protect Liu Feng's safety, which has nothing to do with knowing how strong Liu Feng is.

  "Don't get me wrong, we have no ill will."

  Shanks stood up and said.

  Taotu looked at Liu Feng who was behind him, not knowing what Liu Feng meant. If Liu Feng ordered to do something, Taotu would definitely do it.

  "Let them leave, my target is not the Red Hair Pirates." Liu Feng said to Taotu.

  "You go."

  Taotu nodded, then moved out of the way, letting the red-haired Shanks and the others leave.

  Luffy gave Liu Feng and the others a strange look. At first, he was nervous about whether they were Shanks' enemies, but now it seems they are not.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  However, although Shanks had a smile on his face, his heart was very solemn. People like Ben Beckman did not move on the surface, but were very vigilant in their hearts.

  In the end, the Red Hair Pirates left, and Liu Feng did not fight against the Red Hair Pirates, nor did he communicate with Shanks.

  "One day, I can gather stronger partners than you, and then find the biggest treasure in the world, and I will become One Piece."

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