Looking at the red-haired pirates slowly leaving, Luffy shouted loudly.

  At this time, Luffy was just a naughty boy, but he was very firm when he shouted these words.

  "Can you tell me why you have to be a pirate?"

  Liu Feng asked Luffy.

  At this time, Luffy looked at Liu Feng. Luffy's personality was already carefree when he was a child, and he was not vigilant when facing Liu Feng.

...... 0 0

  "Because this is my dream, I want to find the legendary OnePiece and become the pirate king. I am the man who wants to become the pirate king."

  Luffy said this to Liu Feng, more like he said it to himself.

  "Dream, it's interesting." A smile appeared on Liu Feng's face.

  Indeed, Luffy went out to the sea to become a pirate, not for treasure, but for adventure, for his own dream, so he wanted to become the pirate king.

  "Big brother, are you a pirate?" Luffy asked Liu Feng.

  "No, I belong to the pirates' enemy to some extent."

  Liu Feng's identity is a Tianlong person, and of course he is the opposite of pirates, but this world has never been black and white, and there is no real opposition.

  "The enemy of the pirates, are you a navy?" Luffy finally became vigilant.

  Although he has not yet gone out to sea to become a pirate, he also understands who is the biggest enemy of becoming a pirate, but Luffy is not afraid.

  "You will know who I am in the future, but Luffy, you said that if I told your grandfather that you were going to become a pirate, do you think your grandfather would teach you a lesson?"

  Liu Feng had a nasty smile on his face, but he didn't mind causing some trouble for Luffy. I wonder if it would change Luffy's original trajectory.

  Luffy's face changed completely. If his grandfather knew about it, he would definitely teach himself a lesson. Thinking of Garp's iron fist of love, Luffy's head hurts.


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Chapter 350

  Liu Feng didn't joke with Luffy, he really told Garp the news, took out the phone bug to contact Warring States, and asked Warring States to tell Garp.

  And suggested to Garp, let him take Luffy to the naval headquarters, completely change Luffy's dangerous thinking.

  "Damn, even if you tell my grandfather, I will never change my dream."

  Luffy glanced at Liu Feng angrily, and then quickly fled, Liu Feng did not stop Luffy from escaping.

  However, what Liu Feng did this time was indeed bad enough, and it was likely to change the fate of Luffy's life. Perhaps he might not be able to become a pirate in the future.

  Because Liu Feng suggested that Garp take Luffy to the Navy headquarters. If Luffy went to the Navy headquarters, it would be much more difficult for him to become a pirate.

  And the original trajectory will also change, for example, he will not get to know Ace and Sabo.

  Luffy will meet Sabo and Ace because Garp sent Luffy to Kali Dadan to take care of him after knowing Luffy's ambition.

  If Luffy was taken to the Navy Headquarters, he wouldn't even have the chance to know Ace and Sabo, let alone become brothers with Ace and Sabo.

  "He is actually the grandson of Lieutenant General Garp, and his dream is to become a pirate."

  Taotu looked at Luffy who was leaving with a little surprise.

  "Well, the straw hat he is wearing now is Roger's straw hat. Shanks handed this straw hat to him, indicating that he values ​​him very much." Liu Feng nodded towards Taotu and said.

  Even the missing arm was because of Luffy.

  Shanks has a great influence on Luffy, and Shanks also regards Luffy as the inheritor of Roger.

  "Lord Liu Feng, what you did before was too bad, and directly strangled the family's dream." Yamato looked at Liu Feng with contempt.

  "Becoming a pirate, what's wrong with me stopping this dream?" Liu Feng raised his eyebrows and asked Yamato.

  Yamato was completely speechless, because pirates are indeed not a good thing, although she is also considered a pirate, because her father Kaido is a pirate.

  In the sea, pirates are synonymous with evil. In the eyes of ordinary civilians, pirates are as terrifying as the Dragons.

  "Let me see his determination. If he is really determined to become a pirate, even if he is brought into the naval headquarters, he will definitely try his best to become a pirate, and even his starting point will be higher."

  Liu Feng said lightly.

  When Luffy first went to sea, his strength was not very strong. If he was brought to the Navy headquarters for training, his strength would definitely be stronger.

  The orthodox training in the navy is definitely much stronger than the wild way Luffy trained himself.

  In the original book, Luffy's grandfather Garp actually didn't instruct Luffy about any moves, such as the six naval moves, and he didn't teach Luffy at all.

  I don't know if it's because Luffy didn't join the Navy or something else.

  The only banquet bar in Windmill Village, Liu Feng brought Momotu and Yamato here, and Makino, the owner of the bar, was slightly surprised when she saw Liu Feng and the others.

  In fact, there are very few outsiders in Windmill Village, and there are quite a few outsiders who have appeared recently, such as the Red Hair Pirates, and that group of bandits.

  Now here are Liu Feng and the others. I don't know who Liu Feng and the others are, but they look extraordinary from the clothes they wear. They look like nobles. Could they be nobles of Goya Kingdom?

  "Have a glass of the best wine here." Liu Feng said to Makino.

  "Give me a drink too." Yamato shouted.

  "Don't drink the child, give her a glass of juice."

  Liu Feng glanced at Yamato and said.

  "Damn, Lord Liu Feng, I'm not too young anymore."

  Yamato held her head high and said to Liu Feng, no matter in all aspects, she is no small.

  "How about tasting the fruit wine brewed in our bar?" Makino said softly.

  "Okay, I want fruit wine, that's all right."

  Yamato nodded directly, and then asked Liu Feng for instructions.

  If Liu Feng really does not agree, then there is no way, Yamato can only reluctantly refuse to drink.

  "Okay, bring her a fruit bar, but the proprietress, in fact, your personality is not suitable for opening a bar. Fortunately, you are in a peaceful and peaceful windmill village." Liu Feng glanced at Makino and said.

  Makino has a softer personality, and if he opened a bar elsewhere, he would definitely be eaten without any dregs.

  "That's right, the bar owners I've met are all very fierce."

  Yamato nodded, only such a person can deter those pirates, otherwise, those pirates would not give money for drinking.

  After having a glass of wine at Makino, Liu Feng left with Momotu and Yamato, and returned to the Hades.

  "Are we leaving now? Did you come all the way to Windmill Village just to have a drink?" Yamato asked Liu Feng...  

  "Who said we have to leave, wait here for Garp, how can we leave here before the play starts." Liu Feng was still waiting to see a good show.

  It is estimated that Garp was on his way to kill at this time.

  Indeed, Sengoku conveyed Liu Feng's words to Garp, and Garp who received this information took it seriously.

  Uchiha Liufeng, a Tianlong man, appeared in the Windmill Village. The news really shocked him, and then he was attracted by other news.

  Shanks also went to Windmill Village, and his grandson Luffy wanted to become a pirate, which made Garp angry enough.

  From the beginning, Garp wanted Luffy to be a navy, including his son Dragon.

  As a result, his son Long became the leader of the revolutionary army, the most vicious criminal, and now his grandson Luffy is going to become a pirate. Do you want him to arrest their grandfather?

  "Hurry up." Garp ordered.

  "Lieutenant General Karp, this is already the fastest speed of a warship, you should know."

  "never mind."

  Garp stepped directly on the moon step, without the need for a warship to travel by himself, he wanted to run all the way to the windmill village.

  The reason why he is so eager is not mainly because Luffy wants to become a pirate, but the most important thing is that Uchiha Liufeng is in Windmill Village.

  If someone in Windmill Village accidentally offends Uchiha Liufeng, or makes Uchiha Liufeng dissatisfied, it is very likely that the entire Windmill Village will cease to exist.

  Although Uchiha Liufeng is not the same as other Tianlong people, Karp dare not gamble, so he should go back and have a look, and hope that nothing will happen.

   Garp's speed is very fast, faster than the speed of battleship sailing, but it is a bit of a stamina, but the stamina spent is nothing to Garp.

  Kapu, who rushed back to the Windmill Village at full speed, saw that the Windmill Village was still intact, and then he relaxed his heart.

  He also found Liufeng's Hades, which is still parked by the sea, and Uchiha Liufeng is standing on the deck.

  Without going to Luffy first, nor to the Windmill Village first, Garp came to the Hades first.

  "Lieutenant General Garp is really fast." Liu Feng looked at Garp with a light smile.

  To be honest, the speed at which Garp returned, even Liu Feng was surprised.

  "It's about my grandson, so I can't be in a hurry."

  Although Garp was so anxious mainly because he was worried about the safety of Windmill Village, Garp wouldn't say it as long as he wasn't stupid.


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Chapter 351

  After chatting with Liu Feng for a while, Karp asked Liu Feng.

  "His Royal Highness Liufeng, the villagers of Windmill Village didn't offend you, did they?"

  If the villagers of Windmill Village offend Liu Feng, then things will be a little troublesome. I hope they don't offend Liu Feng, and Liu Feng has no dissatisfaction with Windmill Village.

  "Lieutenant General Garp, the villagers of Windmill Village are quite good. In this sea, there are not many quiet and peaceful villages like Windmill Village."

  Liu Feng smiled and said to Karp.

  Karp breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. It seemed that the villagers of Windmill Village did not offend Liu Feng, and Liu Feng had no dissatisfaction with Windmill Village. That's fine.

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