"I think Lieutenant General Garp, you should hurry up and deal with your grandson's affairs now."

  "Okay, I'll go find that bastard now to settle the account."

  To be honest, Garp was a little angry. Whether it was Luffy or Ace, the kid wanted to be a pirate, which made Garp, who was bent on making them into the navy, to die.

  Especially Ace, if he becomes a navy, it is equivalent to owning a protective charm. When the fact that he is Roger's son is exposed, it will be fine.

  As a result, this kid had to become a navy.

  28 After that, Garp left. Although Luffy had hid in advance, he still couldn't escape Garp's capture.

  The whole windmill village is under surveillance, where can Luffy run to?

  "Stinky boy, I caught him."

  "Let me go." Luffy struggled hard, his arm was caught, Luffy had already run desperately, and his arm continued to stretch because of eating the rubber fruit.

  Seeing this scene, Karp's expression changed slightly.

  "You ate a devil fruit?"

  In fact, Garp didn't reject Luffy from eating Devil Fruits, he just didn't want him to eat a Devil Fruit casually. As Luffy's grandfather, Garp certainly hoped that Luffy could do something in the future.

  If you eat a garbage devil fruit, you may be affected for a lifetime.

  "Is this the ability of the rubber fruit?"

  Through Luffy's ability, Garp has already seen the devil fruit that Luffy eats. The rubber fruit is not such a powerful devil fruit, but all abilities depend on the user's development.

  Although not particularly strong, the rubber fruit is not weak either.

  The ability of the rubber fruit is to make the whole body as soft as rubber, and can stretch and stretch freely, and the rebound force brought by stretching is not weak.

  And not afraid of bludgeoning, but there are weaknesses, such as high temperature and sharp objects.

  Rubber fruits are not afraid of guns, but they are afraid of sharp weapons such as swords.

  If you use the domineering weapon color, even a bludgeoning blow can hurt Luffy, such as Garp's fist, after using the weapon color domineering, you can also beat Luffy violently.

  "Where did you get this Devil Fruit from?" Garp asked Luffy.

  "You let me go, and I'll tell you."

  Although Luffy is careless, it does not mean that Luffy is stupid. Now he is caught and cannot escape. At this time, Luffy hopes that Garp will let him go and give him a chance to run away.

  "Stinky boy still wants me to let you go, this time I'll let you follow me to the Navy headquarters." Garp knocked Luffy unconscious with a punch.

  "Lieutenant General Garp is really welcome to his grandson." Liu Feng's voice came from behind Garp.

  When Garp heard Liu Feng's voice, he turned back immediately. To be honest, Garp was shocked. He didn't realize when Uchiha Liu Feng appeared behind him.

  "You can't be polite to this idiot. If Luffy offends His Highness Liu Feng in any way, I'm here to apologize for him."

  Garp said to Liu Feng while holding Luffy in one hand.

  "He didn't offend me, Lieutenant General Garp doesn't have to worry, your grandson is very interesting." Liu Feng smiled and shook his head at Garp.

  However, Liu Feng could feel it, and Garp was a little wary of him.

  This vigilance comes from Liu Feng's identity. Even Garp doesn't want to offend a Tianlong person, and he doesn't want his grandson to be targeted by a Tianlong person.

  If it's just an ordinary Tianlong person, that's fine. The most important thing is that Liu Feng is not an ordinary Tianlong person.

  The strength is unknown, and even Garp can't know how strong Liu Feng is, but it must be very strong, and it can be known just by being able to avoid him.

  "Next, I will obey His Highness Liu Feng and bring him to the Navy Headquarters for strict discipline."

  Garp said to Liu Feng.

  Let Luffy stay with him, I hope Liu Feng is not really interested in his grandson.

  After staying in the Windmill Village for two more days, Liu Feng took Taotu and the others away, and Luffy was also taken away by Garp, and took him to the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando.

  I wonder if Luffy will have the chance to become a pirate in the future.

  In other words, he was changed by Garp and gave up his dream of becoming a pirate.

  However, Garp changed Luffy's mind and let Luffy give up his dream of becoming the pirate king. It is estimated that it is unlikely.

  Luffy is a tough guy. As long as it is determined, he will definitely complete it. It is estimated that even if he is brought to the Navy headquarters, Luffy will definitely find a way to become a pirate.

  But even if Luffy wanted to become a pirate by then, his original life trajectory was broken by Liu Feng.

  "Where are we going next?"

  Taotu stood on the Hades and asked Liu Feng.

  "Cocosia Village, looking for a little girl with the qualifications of a top navigator."

  Liu Feng plans to find Nami, the little thief cat Nami, who is proficient in navigation and meteorology, can sense the weather with his body, perfectly indicate the route, and can accurately draw a nautical chart.

  Even the navigator that Shiki the Golden Lion wants, Liu Feng naturally won't miss it, but this is considered to have dug Luffy's corner.

  Luffy's life trajectory was changed by Liu Feng, even if Liu Feng didn't intercept Hu Nami, it is estimated that Luffy would never have a chance to meet Nami.

  "A little girl with top navigator qualifications? Does Master Liu Feng think that Taotu, a navigator 700, is not qualified?" Yamato asked with a smile on his face.

  Yamato originally thought that these words would make Taotu angry, but Yamato was disappointed, and Taotu was not angry at all because of Yamato's words.

  "I'm not really a great navigator."

  Taotu knew very well that he was only a second sword, but only temporarily learned some knowledge of navigators. Originally, Taotu wanted to propose Liu Feng to find a navigator.

  Seeing that Taotu was not angry, Yamato was disappointed, and was no longer interested in teasing Taotu.

  Take out the nautical chart of the East China Sea, a very simple nautical chart, and this is still the best nautical chart that can be purchased.

  However, it is not difficult to find Cocosia Village. In fact, Cocoxia Village is more famous than Windmill Village. Windmill Village is a real unknown small village, and even pirates are reluctant to patronize it.

  "Yawa, it's time for you to practice." Taotu said to Yamato.

  "But I still need to take the helm, and I'll take a day off today."

  I practice every day, so if Yamato wants to be lazy, he will be lazy for a day, but Taotu won't let Yamato be lazy. With a slight smile at Yamato, Taotu said lightly, "I'll help you steer, it won't delay your practice."

  "Also, if you're going to be lazy, I'll give you an electric shock." Momotu's palms shone with electricity, making Yamato feel a little chill.


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Chapter 352

  At the speed of the Hades, with full speed ahead, it only took half a day to reach the village of Cocosia.

  "Lord Liufeng, will there be powerful navigators in the East China Sea?"

  Kalifa has some doubts. In fact, she despises the East China Sea a little. The East China Sea is just a small place. Will there be powerful navigators?

  "Why not."

  Liu Feng had already disembarked at this time.

  "This village seems to have been occupied by a group of pirates."

  Taotu followed and disembarked and said to Liu Feng.

  "I didn't expect the Evil Dragon Pirates to come to Cocosia Village at this time." Liu Feng muttered silently in his heart.

  Obviously something is wrong. It should be because the plot has changed. Liu Feng originally thought that the Evil Dragon Pirates hadn't come yet.

  In fact, Aaron brought the Evil Dragon Pirates to Cocosia Village eight years before the plot began, and occupied Nami's hometown of Cocosia Village.

  But it is still ten years before the time when Lu flew to the sea in the original book. Aaron should not appear in the East China Sea, and now he should still be in the great channel.

  A small change in the plot made Liu Feng a little surprised, but it wasn't a shock. With more him in this world, it would be strange if there were no plot changes.

  A butterfly can set off a storm, not to mention Liu Feng is not a small butterfly at all.

  Let Yamato and Kalifa stay on the boat, and then Liufeng and Motou enter the Kokosia village.

  As soon as he entered the village, he saw two murlocs walking out of the village with the protection fees collected in their hands.

  "You are also from Kokosia Village?"

  The vicious looking murloc asked Liu Feng viciously.

  "Speaking to me in this tone of voice, you are not timid."

  A thunder light fell on Liu Feng's hand, and the murloc instantly turned into a pile of coke.

  "Devil... Devil Fruit Ability?"

  The other murloc was quite frightened. He also followed Aaron in the Great Channel. Before that, he and Aaron were both members of the Sun Pirates.

  However, after Fisher Tiger's death, Aaron was captured by Kizaru and imprisoned in the Undersea Prison Push City.

  Of course, he didn't have the ability to escape from prison, and was able to get out of the advance city. Thanks to Jinping, the system of the Qiwuhai under the king has begun to be implemented.

  Jinbei became the king of Qiwuhai, and the murlocs who were imprisoned were also released.

  After knowing that Jinping became the king of Qiwuhai, Aaron did not want to dance with Jinping, so he brought some murlocs directly to the East China Sea.

  The reason why he came to the East China Sea was that he was the weakest in the East China Sea. Now, although Aaron is not the pirate with the highest bounty in the East China Sea, he is definitely the strongest pirate.

  In this place, Aaron can reign supreme.

  It's a pity that he was unfortunate, and met Liu Feng again and wanted to find Nami to become a navigator.

  Of course, Nami is still young and needs to be cultivated, but with Nami's talent, it will take a few years at most to cultivate.

  In the original novel, Nami was not cultivated, but only relied on her talent to become an excellent navigator.

  I believe that when she is cultivated, she is definitely stronger than the original.

  "Your leader is Aaron, let him roll over and see me..." Liu Feng did not kill another murloc, but told him to get out and inform Aaron.

  It is estimated that after Aaron gets the news, he will definitely rush over. At that time, Liu Feng will still need Aaron's chip as a pawn to conquer Nami.

  Aaron's appearance in Cocosia Village earlier was a good thing for Liu Feng, otherwise it would be a little troublesome to subdue Nami.

  Now that Liu Feng uses Aaron as a bargaining chip, it is estimated that Nami will willingly follow Liu Feng on the boat.

  After a little inquiries, I found out where Nami's home was. Belmer, the adoptive mother of Nami and Nokigao, had died.

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