Although there have been some changes in the plot, Bellmer's death is still the same as the original, in order to protect Nami and Noqigao from being killed by Aaron.

  Taotu stepped forward and knocked on the door, and soon the door was opened, and Nuo Qigao, who was still young, looked up at Taotu with some trepidation.

  After seeing that it was not a murloc, Nuoqigao breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Aren't you from Kokosia Village? What's the matter?"

  Nuo Qigao knew all the people in Kekexia Village, and no one in Kekexia Village could afford to wear such good clothes. The clothes on Taotu's body were very valuable.

  "We're here to find a little girl named Nami. She should be here, right?" Taotu had a gentle smile on her face when she faced Nokigao.

  "Are you looking for my sister?"

  Nuoqigao was slightly vigilant: "What are you doing with Nami?"

  "Nami is your sister?"

  Taotu was stunned. Although Liu Feng said that Nami was a little girl, Taotu thought she was at least fifteen or sixteen years old.

  It turned out to be the younger sister of the little girl who was only about ten years old in front of her. Doesn't it mean that she is not yet ten years old, is this navigator really reliable?

  For the first time, Taotu doubted Qi Liufeng's judgment.

  "What are you doing to me?"

  At this time, Nami was already showing her head. After seeing Nami showing her head, Nuoqigao immediately became anxious.

  "Nami, what are you doing out, hurry in."

  I don't know whether Liu Feng and the others are good people or bad people, so Nuo Qigao didn't want Nami to come out, and was eager to push Nami back.

  "¨" It's not a bad thing for me to come to you, on the contrary, it's a good thing for you and your village. "Liu Feng looked at the little thief cat Nami.

  No, now Nami is not a thief cat, and she has not even joined the Dragon Pirates.

  "What good thing?"

  Nami ignored Nuoqi's high-pitched eyes that signaled her to enter, and asked Liu Feng, although Nami is still young now, she is already very assertive.

  "How about being a navigator on my ship? As a reward, I will help you solve the trouble of the Evil Dragon Pirates."

  "Can you solve the Evil Dragon Pirates?" Nami looked at Liu Feng with suspicion, not believing Liu Feng's words at all.

  She really hates the Dragon Pirates, and she is also afraid of the Dragon Pirates. Murlocs are inherently stronger than humans, and Aaron has shown his strength before.

  They are not enemies at all, so Nami does not believe that Liu Feng can solve Aaron.

  "Do you think the Dragon Pirates are strong?" Liu Feng smiled, but he wasn't mocking Nami.

  It's not surprising that Nami would have such an idea, because Nami (Zhao's) has never left here since she was born. Although the East China Sea is very big, the real powerhouse is not in the East China Sea.

  The real powerhouses are all in the great channel, especially in the new world in the second half of the great channel.

  The pirates in the East China Sea are the weakest among the four seas. If the Evil Dragon Pirates are placed in other waters, it is estimated that Aaron may not dare to be so arrogant.

  "Don't you think those damn murlocs aren't powerful?" Nami's eyes were full of hatred.

  "Let's not talk about this for the time being. Promise me that there will be no loss to you."

  Liu Feng didn't explain anything to Nami. Seeing is believing. No matter what she said, it would be better for Nami to see it with her own eyes.

  "You're right, well, I promise you, if you can solve the Evil Dragon Pirates, I will follow you on board and become a navigator on your ship, as long as you don't dislike me."

  Nami calculated and felt that she was not at a loss at all, this was a lucrative business.


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Chapter 353

  "You have to think carefully. If you challenge Aaron, you will probably die. Just don't regret it."

  Nami reminded Liu Feng that she was kind-hearted and didn't want to see Liu Feng go to death.

  "You will see how big the sea is in the future, but the Dragon Pirates are not worth mentioning at all." Liu Feng crouched down and patted Nami's head.

  "That, this gentleman, are you really going to deal with the Evil Dragon Pirates? They are really strong, and they will never show mercy."

  Nuoqigao is similar to Nami, and neither believes that Liu Feng can deal with the Dragon Pirates.

  "Actually, if you want Nami to follow you, you don't need to use this method, you can leave here with Nami."

  Nuo Qigao gritted his teeth and said to Liu Feng.

  Although it didn't take long for her to meet, Nuo Qigao didn't think Liu Feng was a bad person, maybe it was because of Liu Feng's good looks that made her think so.

  Therefore, Nuoqigao had the idea of ​​letting Nami follow Liu Feng to leave the Cocosia Village. If he stayed here, he might die at some point.

  The fish people of the Evil Dragon Pirates don't treat the people in the village as human beings at all. It is also a good thing that Nami can leave this village.

  "Aaron is already here, Taotu, let's go and solve it." 700

  Liu Feng said to Taotu.

  He didn't have the heart to personally take action to solve the small role of Aaron.

  Taotu nodded and left instantly using the Navy Six-Style Shave. Neither Nami nor Nuoqigao could see when Taotu left, but found that Taotu suddenly disappeared.

  In less than a minute, Taotu came back, and Aaron, who was seriously injured and dying, was thrown to the ground by Taotu. At this time, Aaron looked on the verge of death, and his body was charred.

  If Taotu hadn't deliberately left him alone, Aaron would have been blasted into coke by thunder.

  " this a dragon?"

  Nuoqigao and Nami stared at Aaron with wide eyes, pinched their cheeks suspiciously, and only after feeling the pain did they realize that they were not dreaming.

  Of course they knew Aaron, even if Aaron turned into ashes, they knew it, but they didn't expect Aaron to be solved so easily, and they didn't believe it was true.

  "Then he will be handed over to you to deal with. Whether to kill or let go is up to you." Liu Feng said to Nami and Nuoqigao.

  "Of course I killed it, and I want to avenge Belmer."

  Nami gritted her teeth and said, she will never forget how Belmer died, and this revenge must be avenged.

  "Let you do it yourself, do you have the courage?" Liu Feng gestured to Taotu, Taotu nodded and put the knife in front of Nami.

  Ordinary knives may be difficult to kill Aaron, but Taotu's knives are one of the most powerful knives, second only to the supreme knives.

  Nami didn't answer Liu Feng's words, she struggled to pull out the knife, which was quite laborious for her, but Nami still raised the knife.

  "No...don't kill me."

  Aaron looked at Nami with some horror, and he had already felt the edge of Taotu's Jinpira.

  Before Taotu's knife, he cut off his big saw blade, and together with his serrated nose.

  This knife definitely has the ability to kill him, even if a little girl uses it, he will definitely be killed.

  Aaron wanted to escape, but Aaron, who was seriously injured, had a hard time even moving, let alone escaping.

  "Pay Belle's life."

  Nami gritted her teeth and slashed it down, cutting off Aaron's head in an instant. His steel-like body couldn't stop Jinpiro's edge at all.

  After beheading Aaron, Nami sat directly on the ground. This was her first time killing someone. Although she killed a murloc, the murloc is also a kind of humanoid.

  As long as it is an intelligent creature, killing it is completely different from killing those chickens and ducks without intelligence.

  After killing Aaron, Nami burst into tears while hugging Nuoqi Gao, and Nuo Qi Gao too, the mountain that was pressing on their heads finally disappeared.

  They also finally avenged Bermel, which was something they had never imagined before, and they couldn't imagine being able to avenge Bermel.

  "thank you all."

  Nami thanked Liufeng and Taotu.

  It was they who helped themselves and the villagers of Cocosia Village to remove the mountain, and Cocosia Village would regain its former calm in the future.

  In fact, Kokosia Village used to be a relatively wealthy village, but now most of its wealth has been plundered by the Dragon Pirates.

  "I will get on your ship and become a navigator, but I don't know much about sailing." Nami said embarrassedly to Liu Feng.

  She is interested in the sea, and her dream is to draw a map of the world, but Nami lacks confidence in whether she can become a navigator.

  "It's okay, I'm sure you won't let me down."

  "I didn't expect you to trust me so much." Nami looked at Liu Feng with some moved.

  "No, I don't trust you, I trust my eyes."

  Liu Feng said to Nami with a light smile.

  "Aaron has been resolved, what about the members of the Evil Dragon Pirates?" Liu Feng turned to Taotu and asked.

  "It's all solved, and by the way, their nest is also destroyed."

  Peach Rabbit was killed except for the dragon, and even the Evil Dragon Park was destroyed by Peach Rabbit.

  "Oh, that Taotu you probably got into trouble." Liu Feng said to Taotu.

  "I got into trouble? What trouble? Can I still get into trouble after killing a few pirates?"

  Taotu didn't understand Liu Feng's meaning, but he killed some murlocs. How could he cause trouble? Could it be trouble from murlocs?

  But Fishman Island doesn't seem to have any strong ones.

  "The Evil Dragon Pirates have a cadre named Xiao Ba, who is an octopus man. He is not very powerful, but he rescued Pluto Rayleigh when he was a child, and he is friends with Pluto Rayleigh."

  "If you let Pluto Rayleigh know that Xiaoba died in your hands, he will definitely come to trouble you, so I will say that you are in trouble."

  Taotu was a little speechless. She didn't expect a small pirate group to have a relationship with Pluto Rayleigh. If facing Pluto Rayleigh, Peach Rabbit was indeed no match.

  But Taotu is not worried about Rayleigh's threat. Even if Rayleigh knows about it, can he attack him without any worries?

  "With Mr. Liu Feng here, I don't think Rayleigh dares to take action against me. Even if he does take action, it will be a dead end."

  Taotu has nothing to be afraid of, not to mention that there is Liu Feng by her side, but to say that her own background does not need to be afraid of Pluto Rayleigh.

  Even if she can't beat Hades Rayleigh, she can call someone. Her sister Crane has such a good relationship with Sengoku and Garp. If Crane can help, it's really not difficult to deal with Rayleigh.

  With a single order from the Warring States Period, the three generals will be able to take action against Pluto Rayleigh.

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