The main reason why she didn't want to stay on Nine Snake Island was because it was Hancock's territory, so she didn't want to stay here.

  "Can something happen to Holy Land Mary Joa? Can you find a better reason, but don't make your concubine laugh."

  Hancock's eyes looking at Taotu were also quite unkind. If Liu Feng was not standing here and couldn't show his violent side, Hancock would have done it.

  Taotu was a little speechless by Hancock's words, because Hancock was right, it is indeed impossible for anything to happen to Holy Land Mary Joa.

  Who dares to go to the Holy Land Maryjoa to make trouble, for so many years, there is only one Fisher Tiger, and having experienced Fisher Tiger rescue the slaves, the Holy Land Mary Joya's defense is much stronger than before.

  "The new world has been very restless recently, should we go to Wano country?"

  Taotu asked Liu Feng.

  If you don't go back to the Holy Land Mary Joa, change your goal and go to the new world. Anyway, just leave the Nine Snake Island.

  In fact, in the past, Taotu did not reject Hancock so much, but now Taotu is really getting more and more unhappy with Hancock in his heart.

  The inexplicable Liu Feng has become her husband, and when facing her, she seems to be a little shorter.

  Fortunately, Hancock didn't use his identity to suppress Taotu, otherwise Taotu would have exploded long ago.

  "I have no plans to leave Jiuyu Island recently."

  Liu Feng finally spoke up, but Taotu was disappointed by Liu Feng's words. If he wanted to change Liu Feng's mind, he probably didn't need to think about it.

  Hancock made a victory gesture and gave Taotu a provocative look.


  Seeing Hancock's proud smile, Taotu snorted coldly at Hancock, clenched his fists, and forcibly restrained the thought of hitting someone.

  "Hancock, I need your help with something."

  "Do you still need to help me?" Hancock looked at Liu Feng affectionately.

  "Okay, then I'll say it directly. First, temporarily arrange Nami with the Nine Snake Pirates and let her follow the Nine Snake Pirates for a while, but you must protect her."

  Liu Feng plans to let Nami experience the first half of the great waterway. If she wants to become an excellent navigator, it will not work just on paper.

  "Okay, no problem, I'll order it right away."

  This is just a small matter, of course Hancock agrees happily, even if it is a major event, Hancock will agree without hesitation.

  "Come on, let's go to the beach to play."

  Liu Feng suddenly wanted to go swimming at the beach and see the sea kings on the bottom of the sea.

  This is the windless zone, the lair of the sea kings, and the number of sea kings living here is unknown.

  "Okay." Hancock agreed happily when he heard that Liu Feng was going to play at the beach.

  "Do you want to go with Taotu?" Liu Feng asked Taotu.

  Hearing Liu Feng asking Taotu if he wanted to go, Hancock was slightly unhappy, but she did not express her objection.

  "I'm a little sick and don't want to go."

  Taotu refused. If Liufeng only invited her, then Taotu would definitely be willing to go, but there is also Hancock, why don't you go to the beach to eat dog food?

  The woman Hancock has been clinging to Liu Feng, she followed, only to eat dog food, so Taotu refused to go to eat dog food.

  After hearing Taotu's rejection, Hancock was very happy in his heart. Originally, Hancock didn't want to have Taotu's light bulb to follow, and it would be best if he didn't go.

  Liu Feng took Hancock to the beach, and after they left, Taotu suddenly regretted it.

  "I knew I should have followed. If I followed, Hancock would probably be very unhappy. If she is not happy, I will be happy."

  Taotu muttered silently in his heart.

  "It's not too late now, isn't it just a change of mind, it's nothing."

  Thinking of this, Taotu followed.

  "Didn't you tell me before, why did you follow me now?"

  When Hancock saw Peach Rabbit suddenly following him, his mood instantly became bad. After knowing that Peach Rabbit would not come, his mood suddenly improved.

  As a result, now that Taotu is here again, and there is an extra light bulb, Hancock is of course uncomfortable.

  "Sure enough." Taotu's face showed a smile, knowing that Hancock definitely didn't like to be the light bulb, but this time she really decided to be the light bulb.

  "I changed my mind, and I also want to go to the beach to play. Master Liu Feng should have no opinion, right?" Taotu looked at Liu Feng.

  "Of course I don't have any objection. There are many people and it is lively. If you bring Yamato and the others, it will be even better." Liu Feng said with a chuckle.

  "Yawa and the others?" Taotu pondered slightly, if they were asked to come over, it is estimated that Yamato and the others would definitely come.

  "Forget it, Yamato still has to practice, I'm afraid I won't have time to come here."

  Taotu still doesn't want to ask them to come over, let them practice well, and don't disturb them.

  Then Taotu looked at Hancock, wanting to see the interesting change in expression on Hancock's face.

  "Hmph, what are you staring at the body of the concubine? You can also see the body of the concubine. Only the husband can stare at the body of the concubine." Hancock sneered at Taotu.

  In the past, Taotu must have been angry when he was scolded by Hancock.

  But this time Taotu really wasn't angry at all.

  Because Hancock hates her now, he must be unhappy in his heart. When Hancock is unhappy, he feels comfortable in his heart.


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Chapter 359

  Hancock and Peach Rabbit were fighting openly and secretly, Liu Feng didn't stop it, it was boring anyway, and it was interesting to see Hancock and Peach Rabbit bickering.

  As long as they don't fight, it's fine. Seeing the two of them, Liu Feng seems to have seen Kushina and Tsunade, and the two of them are also fighting each other, and no one likes the other.

  Even without Liu Feng's knowledge, the two of them would go out to a duel.

  Coming to the best beach on Nine Snake Island, there are few people here. If it is evening, there may be many female warriors from Nine Snake Island~ come here to swim.

  "Unfortunately, I am a devil fruit person and can't swim in the sea." Hancock looked pity-.

  After the devil fruit ability comes into contact with the sea water, he will become weak, so after eating the devil fruit ability, he will become a landlubber.

  Then Hancock suddenly reacted, Liu Feng was swimming in the sea at this time, and his eyes suddenly widened.

  Even Taotu didn't bother to fight with Hancock at this time.

  They suddenly thought that Liu Feng was also a devil fruit person, but now they were a little shocked when they saw Liu Feng swimming in the sea.

  Can the side effects of devil fruit be ignored?

  Liu Feng also noticed the gazes of Hancock and Taotu, and understood what they were wondering, probably wondering why he didn't have the side effects of Devil Fruit.

  "I have more than one devil fruit ability, so the side effects of the mere devil fruit can help me?"

  Liu Feng said to Hancock and Taotu.

  When Hancock and Taotu heard Liu Feng say this, they could accept it in an instant. Yes, they broke the law that only one Devil Fruit can be eaten. The side effects should be easily solved.

  "Do you want to eliminate the side effects of Devil Fruits?"

  Liu Feng walked ashore and asked the two of them.

  "Can you?" Hancock looked at Liu Feng with surprise on his face.

  If the side effects of Devil Fruit can be eliminated, Hancock certainly wants to eliminate it, and no one wants to have the weakness of being afraid of sea water and sea towers.

  If the side effects of the Devil Fruit are eliminated, they will be able to swim in the sea with Liu Feng.

  Not only Hancock, but even Taotu's face has a look of anticipation, eliminating the side effects of Devil Fruit, who wouldn't want to.

  "of course can."

  Liu Feng nodded towards them and felt that it was time to eliminate the side effects of their Devil Fruits. Eliminating the side effects of their Devil Fruits would cost 100 million points.

  Now Liu Feng's points are quite rich, one million points per person, and a total of two million points can still be consumed.

  Then Liu Feng spent points to help Hancock and Taotu eliminate the side effects of Devil Fruit.

  "There is a feeling of breaking the shackles, I don't know if it is an illusion."

  Taotu felt as if some of the shackles that restrained him had been broken, and then Taotu couldn't wait to try it, is it really not afraid of sea water.

  First, he put his hand in the sea water, and there was no such weak feeling, and then Taotu entered the sea as a whole, without the feeling of losing his strength.

  "It really takes away the side effect of being afraid of sea water."

  Taotu was very excited. In the past, Taotu liked to swim in the sea, but since eating the thunder fruit, although it has the power of the thunder fruit, it can't swim in the sea.

  Hancock couldn't wait, and pulled Liu Feng into the sea.

  "Husband is so powerful, no one in the whole world is as powerful as you."

  Anyway, Hancock doesn't know who can make people immune to the side effects of devil fruit.

  "Actually, it's okay for you to eat another Devil Fruit now, but if you eat another Devil Fruit, you will still be blocked by the Devil Fruit, and you are afraid of sea water and Hailou stone."

  Liu Feng said to Taotu and Hancock.

  "It's enough to have the thunder fruit. Even if I can eat the devil fruit, I won't eat it."

  Thinking of the taste of devil fruit, Taotu's expression changed slightly.

  Moreover, Taotu doesn't want to gain the weakness of being afraid of sea water and sea towers anymore. He has just eliminated the weakness of the Devil Fruit, and he will definitely not want to get the weakness again.

  Even if she was given another Devil Fruit ability, Momotu wouldn't want it.

  What's more, the power of the thunder fruit is strong enough, and no other devil fruit is needed.

  "I won't eat Devil Fruits again."

  Hancock feels that having the power of the sweet fruit is enough, and the sweet fruit has not been fully developed, of course, he will not think about other devil fruits.

  "Husband, there should be some price to pay for eliminating the weakness of the Devil Fruit, right?" Hancock asked Liu Feng with a slight change in his face.

  Although the weakness of the Devil Fruit has been eliminated, Hancock is very happy, but Hancock is more worried about whether Liu Feng will be in trouble.

  "Don't worry, it's not harmful to me, although I do have to pay something."

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